M3t.!-.liU(M,lf! EIGHT PAGES MIU BAR CMGONIAJf, PJOTDIJETOrt, ORBGOIf, SATURDAY, APRIL IB, 1911. goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog PERSONAL MENTION n : i o FOR Atfcer Snapper 50 Silk Dresses in values up to $22.50 YOUR CHOICE ALL SIZES, ALL COLORS " F. E. Livengood Co. Xlio Woiiich'b and Children's Store. ! LOCALS ! See Lane & Son (or signs. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Ei n. I'hone Plauoedcr for fresh meat tiud ptrd. Main 415. Front olfice for rent In Judd build ing. F. E. Judd. All kinds of fresh fish all the time at the Pendleton Cash Market. T'..e k'K or all 6c cigars, "Devlin's Fives" Joe Sullivan sole agent. For rout Nicely furnished front room; dice In. Phone Red 3231. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to ee the bent Bnd the clearest pictures. For rent Eight room Iioush at 909 Kant Court. Inquire Ralph How Und. Bungalow on north side of river, al furniture for sale. Chart" J. Fer suson. I. C. .Snyder guarantees good spray lnr. Yours for good woik. rhono P.. 3812. Home made bread.", doughnuts a 1 M.lutty. Goods delivered. Phone Ulack .1 T S C . Phone U-iC 3 361 for quick auto caD service. 25 rent 'ares In city. Rates by hour or mile for out of town trfps. Want to rent til once Piano in first class shape. Apply &00 West Court street. For sale nt a bargain, good 12xlS, 6 foot wall tent. Must be Fold nt once. Enquire L. K. Penland Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main It. ?1 HEADQUARTERS FO fjToilet' fJGoods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated F4S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. IIOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading DniRRista of East ern Oregon. Have you seen Tracy You will find Tracy at Donaldson's soda fountain with all the latest soda d rinks. .Sharon & Eddingg have secured the local agency for the Johnson Ideal Halter, the Lest cheap halter In the market. For Sale Cheap Two log houses at Moachaiu, Ore. Modern Improvement. Six rooms each. Enquire of Meach aiii Lumber Co. For good light get a Steelmantlo kerosene burner. Odorless, smoko-1 I most brilliant light by small lamp; satisfaction guaranteed. Carl uli' iy, 211 I.ee .Street. Phone Main !2 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city.. Crab Creek Lua -ber Co., 700 West Alta street. If you wa,nt fresh meat from a now, clean market, pnone Main 445. Farmers Men Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager. 224 E. Court street. Two carloads brood sows on tale at O.-W. H. & N. stockyards Satur day, April 1st. For particulars, see Lee Teutsch. Penland Iiros. Transfer Co., phone Rfnek 3391. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all k'nds. Calls an puered promptly. Office 647 Main St. For bread, cookies, pastry and ';.kes made fresh every day, phone Main 44:i and the wagon will call. Royal Bakery, Webb and Cottonwood streets. For Sile Two acre homo east Pendleton. Alfalfa, fruit, garuen. Hood buildings, water system and bath. Ad dress, J. H. Bryant, Pendle ton, Oregon. For sale Reynolds' Automatic Harvester. Has only cut 1100 acres. Easy terms. Inquire of Pendleton Iron Works, Marlon JacK or S. C. Bittner, Pendleton, Ore. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try it. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. For sale Two hundred acres good timber grazing land, about 60 acres tillable, running water on place. This Is a snap if taken within next thirty days. Address W. B., Box 341. city, New hydrants Do away with your old rod and stop-cocks and use the anti-freezing hydrants. Call and see them at the Sanitary Plumbing shop, 304 E. Court stret, Alex Burt, prop Wanted A small furnished house or three or four furnished housekeep Ing rooms by man and wife and one child. Inquire this office. Address "C." Miss Carrie Sharp Is visiting her parents in Athena today, Mrs. H. F. Johnson Is visiting here from her home In Portland. P. C. Holland of Hermlston is a Pendleton business vlBltor today. C. P. Bowman and wife or Echo, spent last night In the city. H. V. Hoag of Boise is among the out-of-town visitors In tho city. A. T. Howes of Hood River is a guest of the Bowman. H. H. Roble and family of Athena, aro visiting in the city today. J. W. Myrlcfc came in this morning from his ranch at Myrlck station. Mrs. E. Doring of Juniper Is spend ing the day in the city, having come in on the N. P. this morning. Pearle Edwards of Weston, came down from that town yesterday and spent the night in the city. Andy Larsen and wife of Juniper came in this morning on the North ern Pacific. Mrs. A. C. Hemphill of Pilot Hock. came In from that town yesterday afternoon. Mrs. John Timmerman was among the incoming passengers on tho Nor thern Pa.iric this morning. Mrs. Robert Lewis came up from Hermlston la-'t evening on a visit to nlatives in this city. Will Davidson, the Vansycle ran cher, came in this morning on the N. P. train. Judge T. P. Gilllland returned to his ranch near Pilot Rock this morn ing after transacting business in Pen dleton. Edgar AV. Smith, tho young Van-' sycle rancher, came in this morning to spend Easter with his parents, Mr. .and -Mrs. E. L. .Smith. Mrs. Lizzie Jones, the well known Athena , milliner, pased through the city last evening on her way home after a business visit to Echo. J. M. Spence, well known in this city, is making Pendleton a visit in onneetion with his work with the Portland- Journal. George Schlege, formerly cashier t the First Bank of Pilot Rock, re turned to his home in the sheep town this morning. W. G. Fisher, wire and son have eturned from os Angeles where they spent the winter months. They will novo into their homo on West Court treet soon. Ernest Wells,' instructor in the Athena high school, came down on the local this morning and will spend Sunday with friends in this city. Jinks Dudl-y, the well known Athena randier, came down from his line this morning and was accom panied by his wife. Mrs. Charles Hrotherton of Athena, was among the residents of that town who came into Pendleton this morn ing on the local. Fa ye 1-a Grow, cashier of the First National Hank of Athena, has return ed to his home in that town after a three weeks' visit to his farm In Montana. O. D. Teel, the well known Echo rsidcnt, is here today and reports the frost killed the poach and apricot prospects on his place and badly in jured his cherry crop. Homer Reeves, special insurance PTpent, who has been in the city for the past few days, left this morning for Echo, but will return to Pendle ton tomorrow. Harry Dunn and wife came on last evening's local from Echo. Mr. Dunn was formerly connected with the O. R. & N. track department, but Is a prosperous farmer In the vicinity of Echo. Special. Until May 1st we will sell 10 lb. can's pure lard, $1.60; 6 lb. can pure lard. 80c; 3 lb. can pure lard 50c. Cen trai Meat Market. Siing Recital. All are invited to a song recital by Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton at tho res idenco of Mrs. F. E. Judd. An ad mission .if 75 cents will bo charged. Haviland China, Cut Glass Hand Painted China, Etc. Still going at Auction Sale Prices rlf you diden t secure what you wanted during the Auction, come in and we will make you a satisfactory price on any article you select. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o ) o o o o Q Sizes 8 1-2 to 11. Price $2.00 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2. Trice $2.25 Sizes 5 1-2 to 8. Price $1.50 Tonight AFTER SUPPER at Wohlenberg's Department Store ( Size 5 1-2 to 8, Price $1.50 15c White Cambric, 30-in wide 12 $2.25 and $2.50 ITeatherbloom Petticoats 10c Dress Ginghams, yard 8 ; $1.75 $1.50 Bed Spreads, full size, each $1:10 Children's 15c black hose, pair 101 C5c and 75c Silk Lisle hose in colors pr. 45t? $1.00 Kaho Corsets at 79 PENDLETON PREDICTS League, stand lag. W. L, Pet Walla Walla 3 0 1000 Athena 2 1 .666 Weston 1 2 .333 Echo 1 2 .333 Pendleton ...1 2 .333 Milton-Freewater 1 2 .333 Gamea Tomorrow. Athena at Pendleton. Milton at Weston. Echo at Walla Walla. With their hopes revived by the strengthening of the pitching staff, tho Pendleton J"uckarooes" will line up ngains the Athena "Millers" to morrow on Roundup Park and they promise there will be no more bal loon ascensions to leave a bad ta-ste in the mouths of the fans. Athena last year was not in the running for tho pennant, but this year she is off on the right foot and is rated as one of the most formidable aggregations in the league. P'eard, tho dusky twirler, is on the mound for the "Millers" and Is In . rare form this season. He has pitched 14 innings in the two gnmes in which he has play ed and has allowed but eight hits. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9 000000000000QOOOO00000000000000000000 Ladies' 50c Union Suits at MerodevJ& Underwear 35 Ladies' C5c Union Suits at 48 Lad if' $1.25 Union Suits at -. 05 Ladies' $2.00 Union Suits at $1.C3 12 l-2c Sleeveless Vests, 3 for 25c 25c Sleeveless Vests 18 Ladies home comforts $1.29 The Latest, Best Styles in Easter Pumps and Oxfords for Women and Children Xo. 2052, patent colt but ton oxfords and -velts. Price S3.50 Oeperfifieiif Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY lV,;,..'Yrr, ' A . . ' j 3W Xo. 2017 in patent colt and crun metal, 3-straps ..: I $3.50 horse, long horse, parallel bars, tum bling, Indian club swinging, rope climbing, and an all-round champion- hlp. The latter includes competition n the horizontal and parallel bars and side and long horse. KOOSKVEITT IiAI DS SENATOR LA FOIjLKI 1 K Madison, Wis., April 15. Lauda tion of Senator LaFollette as a pro gressive leader, was the burden of Colonel Roosevelt's address today be fore the Wisconsin legislature. He also spoke on progressive politics. NEGROES ARE REFUSED ADMISSION TO CANADA Lost Pocket book containing watch with initial S. C, keys and some papers. 'Return to 513 Clay; re ward offered. For Sale Second hand lumber, brick and wood for half price. Must clear lot at once. Apply at old build ing corner Court and Johnson. Westminister, B. C, April 15. Af ter twenty-four hours of detention 30 negroes from Oklahoma were de nied admission into Canada today. It is believed they will be admitted lat er. Negroes say that many others will follow them. Battle at Bauelie. El Paso, April 15. Couriers who this afternoon arrived reported a bat tle progressing at Bauche, 15 miles south of Juarei, probably Madero's ad vance guard. Jlmlnez commanded the federal scouts there. He is sat isfied there will be a battle soon. The EI Paso chamber of commerce has wired Taft to protect Americans. For Sale White Minorca eggs from select stock. $2.50 setting. U. C. Spencer, Stanfleld, Ore. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplicum. Pendleton's favorite picture theat er. Good program for Sunday's change. Big Vitagraph feature film. 1. "The Aching Void." Vitagraph. A society drama. A fashionable wo man without children hungers for the love which she has been denied and grieves at the coldness of her hus band, who also longs for an offspring. 2. "The Sheriff's Daughter." Am erican Pathe. Alt interesting drama. A picture which arouses the emotions and caruses unusual Interest. 3. "The Kleptomaniac's Repent ance." Kosmlck. A good drama, Telline the mystery of the missing rings. 4. "The Beautiful Gorges of Tarn." Gaumont. A trip along the famous tributhary of the Garonne river in southwestern France. We ride about 40 miles by font, between wonderful cliffs nnd forest covered slopes. The Pastime. The house of quality. A program of Interest for Sunday's change. "Betty Becomes a Maid." Vita graph. 1000 feet. A polite comedy of refined fun, hearty laughs and re freshing smiles. Margaret Is the older and Betty the younger ofjwo sisters. Their brother Jack brings a young unmarried millionaire friend to spend a few days with them. Mar garet gets In line for the young visitor and warns Betty not to be too pre- sumptious, for Betty has the advan tage In winsomeness. In order to give her sister every chance Betty plays waitress. You will enjoy the num erous stunts played and the finish will please you. "The School Marm of Coyote Coun ty." Melies, drama. I do hate learn In', but Oh! you school "Marm," la what the boys at the gulch said when Mary came to town and from "Big Bill" down they all took to study and to courtship. "The Inventor's Rights." American Pathe. The inventor sells out for a mere trifle. In a most dramatic scene the whole story of his labor is told, and final success comes to him In time. "Pepper Industry In the Malay Pe ninsula." This instructive film la beautlfuly colored. "Dr. Cupid." Vitagraph, 1000 ft A love story representing a suitor turned away by the girl's father, be cause he happened to be a poet, he returns in the guise of a doctor and wins out. Four reels every show at this house. Quiet nt Juarez. El Puso, April 15. Though two bands of rebels to the number of 600 are each in the vicinity of Juarez nnd n federal scouting party at midnight was chased to the cits limits, there has been no bnttlo yet. Hundreds Ju arez people spent tho night here. Na varro moved his troops outside of Juarez today nnd extended the picket lines four miles south of Juarez. Gymnastic Championships. New York. April 15. Gymnasts of a score of cities will compete for the national nmateur nthlctlc union cham pionships at tho West Side Y. M. C A. this evening. Tho competition for national titles will Include tho fol lcwlng: Flying rings, horizontal bars, side WALSH'S The store that serves you right. We are prepared to serve your Easter dinner with every thing fresh in the vegetable line. A few suggestions special for Saturday Cucumbers, Asparagus, Green Onions, Spinuach, Lettuce, . - Celery, Radishes, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Tie riant. Large ripe Oranges, regular 45c doz. kind, 35cdoz., 3 doz. for $1.00. WALSH'S . rilONE MAIN 442. Prompt Deliver)'- We guarantee everything wo sell to bo as represented.