lMv.W! it ' I'm PAGE FOUR 'DAILY MJUn ORBGONI AR, PENDLETON, OREGON, STl?RIAY, APRIIi IS, 111. XGBT PAG KB AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Pobllihed Pullv, Weokly and Semi Weekly t lndlPton, Urrgun, by tb EAST OKKUOMAX ITHUSH1NG CO, SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Dally, one ynr, by mall (3.00 Dally, tlx month, by mall 2.50 Dally, tbree months, by mall 1-5 Dally, one month, by mail 50 Dally, one year, by rarrier 7.50 Dally, alx months, by rairier S 75 Dally, three months, by carrier 1.95 Daily, one month, by carrier 5 Semi Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Bern) Weekly, six months, br mall 75 Beml Weekly, four mouths, by mall... .50 Tbo Dally Kast Oregonlan !a kept on sa'i at the Oregon Nens Co., 32V Morrison treet. I'ortiand, I'recon. Northwest News Co. rortland, Oregon. CuUairo lliireau. ! : Security RutUling. Washington. It. i'., lSureau, 501 Four teenth street, N". W. Member I n .ed Press Association. Entered at the iKwtofflce at Pendleton, Oreun, as second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. What Jo th. r.:.-ir.j l'r I. Y'KV- ..T", in m.:r an i iiht in ;h f.ir in star t-t star? the wrl.l so wije !;. C'!i:'i-; ? c'.-.i'M. H. : II O Oiiri.-t! s!:i:ath I. v,' i-.',av i : ,v--t : T!;y n: i.i-Io. in with Ir. t!-.o w hite :uht in the K.id t:k- v.'S - .:' v'.:H. O C;trit : Thy --.xoct .. Th, T. H- iv L.tv,- r .-ii'.: t ; ; c n. i::- ;! !,.. T, . 1 I. .v !,r..v. : IV. III. at i-ry a h (.-art.-- r. .-W'T'is si rain :. vr, a til ; I;;"u t.u- v;'.yt;iivr, "allvn r ; r jt t':iK v, k:t !'!.-(, 1 an..l die l-iuat!i G f I Yal! ',' ' I n- In i ft :m,l I..iV .1 in n-: tli :: r ;i.-' -T'n..u thr i nman. 1 1 as ff A 1. iir from temples Th.e. St"n.-J in uVs; fair I That fhow Thy cross of Gold? F. L. Ptanton. ; ' ! . ' . ' ; SAVING THE BOYS. By the lecture tour of Judge Ben Llndsey the question of what to do with bad boys has been brought for cibly to the public mind. Those who share the sympathies of Judge Lind sey hold that in most instances buys may be set right if only placed under tl e proper environment and dealt with i. a Judicious, sympathetic manner. How to handle the so-called incor rigible boy is ever a grave social prob lem, says an editorial In the lioston Glohe. Parents become bewildered over it. Guardians frequently con fi.ss their Inability to solve It. Vet there are agencies accomplishing much good for this class, and there should bo more, for the majority can te saved to lead useful lives. It is unjust to regard so ninny boys as incorrigible. That implies they are too bad to be corrected and are irre claimable. This is n very harsh and wrong verdict. Change of environ ment would save most of these ns si nnd incorrigibles. The judge, the other day, who thought a career in the navy would make a man of n Kitain hoy was in the right. The dls ii'.ine won! 1 bo what the lad needed, and the naval official was needlessly sensitive when he sail the navy was ir ir. at ri.t i i Iv :"rm school, re f all f animal s: ivo :u; Is nr. .1 !. there N , i U is ess. a.u-I s . f"U:: '.ir.: th.f. tao; ::'.; r el ". . s . f . ;- They -.ere in actly be called bad news. ' Brown eyes, we should say, are, all ' right. Scientifically speaking, they will doubtless serve all the optica require ments of their owner. They neither blaze with Indignation nor flash with fury. Nor, on the other hand, are they vacuous or noncommittal. With out too great Imperiousness, they have a compelling quality that makes you do what they require. It is a very pleasant thing to look into a pair of them and answer to their mild bid ding. The hazel eye commands re spect, the black eye demands homage and obesiance, the orbs of blue woo and entreat. The brown eye Is the. blend of these, possessing something of each quality, yet safe, or at least middling safe, if one does riot gaze too long. Of course, the pronouncement of the Kansas professor is not neces sarily final. Other Investigators and prophets have arrived at different con clusions as to the coming race. One student of ethnology nvers that in time there will be left only the distinct blonde and brunette; that Increasing aridity will burn to a dusky hue the entire human family, except In Eng land and along the Pacific coast of the Cnited States, where humidity and fogs will persevere in lln-ir bleaching effects. As proof that cli matic jn.'liicncos control pigmentary pjeculinrilii's. this authority cites tha Jews as the most widely distributed race of untainted blood. Them he finis blonde in the moister regains i f the gli'I.o, but as dark as the Moor in the h 't de-ert countries. It is this snhjeet. however, ns with many ,.thes. Much depends upon the viewpoint. Temperament, too Uakes Horns Caking Easy 0, iglj 4 WW Absolutely Pure The only baking pnwdor mado from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar 9 HQ ALUM.N9 LIME PHOSPHATE A JI VKMI.i: kitout. .a tii i t'i' 1 '. . ::tal a eha: ir s I taai. r.tr.-I tii-: r 1 --...1 -t asoti f . . 1- w i. as '..1. ' t : : : : v-h. : a. i-a v. , other. a .-it y. a'.t-ar,'' i.. tiaai iive In. t . la-. eiUh tioiis. Even K.m- :ve temperament. tin- t..y to look w hero the i r looked to arrive at Tittth. it has been : bottom of the we'd. :o , v;.'i....o the ubysni-.:-;m:i's eyes will 'k h i-; fotml tite ill be sa:i-!i-d. e !.':.. 'k, lirimi', ': vio..-t, cc any 'ghb ir. a ! a . r i;:i tr.o .1 ;ii'', in c; $4 to SIT a An 1 these a us. a--tri ;! .-, ii f.vo o-iuoiis. 1 k. a. a or yor.r 1:1 To Get Its Beneficial Effects Always Buy tha Cenuina i:ixi i i,. From the ocean wide and blue, Water does evaporate To the sky of azure hue, A id a h. avy fog dots make. Vapor mingled with air To the land does bo. There cor.'l. n-es into rain, H!o and hail and snow. Tin 11 , from rain, ! 'ii.'s dark and blue The tain begin to Tail, rati-, ring n the hunter's: shack. 1 ", r''. g (.ver a;-.. "Goo.;:" Ol.j Xeptune cries in gle As the rain comen down, "The water's coining back to me, I'l 'in the .hi' k ra in cloud. FANVII'iX KLLIOTT. Sovcnth grade pupil, Hawthorne school. (( Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. an Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited these li tracts. HILL & IIIBBERO, OWNERS At the office of MARK M00R.H0USE CO. I Orpheum Theatre t. P. 1CEDFIUVA0H, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS. .UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE ritOUHAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Char.fea on Bwadar!, Tncaday'i mod FrUmfs, i CM P Known For Its Strength Hie First ffotiona! PEMDLETOH, OREGON I Is U CAPITAL, SURPLUS and 15 UNDIVIDED PROFITS . i ank snnnn ri nu U RESCURCE5 OVER ii mi: ri:i K;i:r mvimon. .-Iiou! 1 ti.e O.-W. It. N. Co ii'.l.ii-.-h freiirht iiivii..n h-re n; the C'liiph tion c,f the Ci.y..t.- cut the change wntiij mean much laisi la s.. f.,r tliis city. It woul.l nit an a iu.ivy increase in the local railroad l'..:roll and all tla.-ses of citizens .'oulil share in the benefits. In or ler t- : -.-i-t in iiuiucing the railtoail )ho- - j l'le to 'nake this place the freight UK I 1 1 NOT LOSE. jltiminitl everything jiossibie consist- Trank V.". Benf-'oii made a gallant ent with good business and with good fight and despite the fact he- has pass- j citizenship should be done by local ed away while yet in middle life he ; penile. I'ciull. ton wants the freight did not lose. He goes thmutrh ,-the j .livi.-ion and should get it if it is to ' :'.. ii- as a hii;!i official and as for- he ! a '. 1 mer covt rnor of the commonwealth I of Oregon. He was more, than that I , S J ; .B" mm anc) manufactured hyihe Sold by all loading Drwjqists f ,r a-i'.ie from the political honor3 f d the democratic pat ty Is quite likely j vlflCOlZO UnlVf 0T 8 DOttl 8 t 1 S i 8 I Oil' CURITY The charge that J. P. Morgan aid- STACY A DAM Is and ROYAL BLUP SHOES at A. EKLUfiD'S l:e attained 1 resp"ct of the Their good will ha 1 the friendship and, well founded. Usually such men as people of Oregon, j .'.'organ seek to back both political or- for him was shown- ganizatlons so as to have a grip on affairs regardless of who Is elected, tig financiers do iot care for party names. last fall when he was reelected as secretary of state hy a majority of S6.oo. Hi had a loving, faithful wife and children and to them he leaves the U-gaoy of an honored name. Xo man who dies leaving such behind him Is a loser in the fight. WHAT WILL PEMlLKTOX IK)? At a tpeclal election Just held in Baker City the people voted by over vhelming majorities for an improved water supply, for a municipal light ing plant and to change the method of paying for the improvement of street intersections. The outcome at taker is of loeal interest because of the improvements to be voted upon here May 9. Pendleton is not voting upon the question of acquiring a municipal lighting plant but the people will be asked to vote for a mountain water system, for sewer extensions and for changes in the methods of paying for street work that will look to the pro motion of such Improvements. Will the people of Pendleton be found any less progressive than were the people of Baker when they voted few day ago? .mi:. Kuirri; fou sechetary. In the selection of Mr. Keefe to be th fecret&rjr (or the Commercial club the managing board hag chosen a man they feel will be able to aid treat ly in the task of putting the or ganization upon a good working bas . la. He is aggressive and popular and entering upon his duties ag he will at a time when the tide Is running strong for a bigger and more active ciub he should be able to accomplish much good. It will be surprising if the club does not get value received for the salary that will be paid Mr. Keefe. He hag a Bplendld opportunity before him and leenu well qualified for the place. However no one man or set of men can make a good commercial organl eation. It takes the united and en thusiastic support of all the people. Now that a paid secretary has been -employed everybody should get ready to work with the Commercial asso ciation for the welfare of Pendleton, If you must use a hammer do not he a knocker. Use it to forward the constructive work that is underway for a greater Pendleton. Here's hoping the "Buckaroos" not have to pull leather. will It looks like a beautiful day for the parade. nuowx EVE3. (Washington Post.) According to a Kansas professor, the future American girl is destined to be brown-haired and brown-eyed. Already, he claims, the trend has ad vanced so far in that direction that the pronounced blonde and brunette types are fast disappearing, their per sistence thus far being due to the ceaseless inflow of foreign Immigra tion, which has a tendency to uphold the two extremes of color. Once this has fallen below a controlling point and the amalgamation of races not widely differentiated has taken place, the typical American girl will have arrived, with hair and eyes as already foretold. While somewhat In the nature of a surprise, this information cannot ex- g Now for "B Q Good Soda IOI 1 1 You will find at our fountain the very fc'WP I I best that can be made from pure j ' fruit Juices. Everything first class W7'jK ii and up-to-date. VWV IK'IMoii Candy at 20c Hr poiind. V&Jm v. j. im)x.ij)sox. Jr- -Jfr Itelinhle Dnigirlst. i imM" Peruna Secrets You Should Know V.'rl Seal Golden Seal, the root of the above plant, is a very useful medicine. Many people father It in our rich woodlands during tho summer. Few pooplo know how valuable it is in dyspepxia, catarrh, and as a general tonic. Many thousand pounds of this root are used each year in the famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. This fact explains why everybody uses Peruna for catarrh. Don't Miss the International Aviation Meet, at, Boise, Idaho On April 19 and 20 Held Under the Auspices of the BOISE COMMERCIAL CLUB WALTER BROOKINS and EUGENE ELY Matched Races and Exhibitions from International Aviation Meet at Salt Lake City. Ely rose to an altitude of 9,000 feet at Salt Lake last week. Special reduced rates on all railroads and trolley Unes North Yakima ossoni Festival April 1 Oth to 20th For the above occasion, the Oregon-Washington Railroad (b Navigation Co. will sell round trip tickets from Walla Walla and intermediate points; also from all points on Uio Yakima Division to Xortli Yakima at ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE Tickets on sale April 19th and 20th, pood for return until April 23, 1011. For further particulars, call on It. Burns, D. F. & P. A., Walla Walla, or any O.-W. It. & N. Apent Wm McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. A Ono of the best places on Riverside. Good house, fine orchard, 2 acres berries, 2 of grapes, chicken houses, barns, gasoline engine ami pumping plant, windmill, hot and cold water in house, in fact everything in A-l condition. This is certainly a dandy suburban home place. Very reasonable. Would consider' residence property in Pendleton for part payment. See nbout it today. Must bo sold at once. LEE TEUTSCH The Home Finder II