EIGHT PAGES ALLY EAST ORBfiOKIAH, PKNDIiETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1911. PAGE THREE 444444444 I From The World A A Of Sport : ? 'JJvJit ' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. Oakland 10 6 Sun FranclHco 10 6 Los Angeles 8 9 Sacramento 8 7 Portland 8 9 Vernon 5 12 .625 .625 s .471 .294 Results Yesterday. Portland 8. Oakland 4. Sacramento 4, Los Angeles 8. 10 Innings. San Francisco S, Vernon 2. 12 In nlngs. - K PORTING CALENDAR. Monday. Trap-shooting tournament of Mary' In ml snortsmen at Mt. Airy. Md. Annual shoot of Atlantic City Gun Club at Atlantic City, N. J. Packcy McFarland and Tommy j Mtirnhv will box ten rounds In Mew Vnru TWwInv Ad Wolgnst and One Round Hogan will box ten rounds In New York. Intorclnss track and field meet of Columbia University, New York. ' ' V OdlKXlay New York Bowling Assoc atlon s Itoston Athletic association's flf- ternth annual Marathon race at Bos ton. Thirteenth annual Atlantic City Easter hoTfc show opens on Young's l'lor. I n ' College baseball: Wesleyan Prown; Munhattan at Dickinson; Dartmouth at Wcat Tolnt; De Paw at Michigan: Georgetown at Holy Cross; Maryland at Annapolis. Tlinrsility. Frrd.lie Welh and Pal Moore will box ten rounds in New York. Ohio State League of Baseball clubs oiirn.x Its 1911 pennant race. Kast'-rn Leacuo opens sennon with Rochester at Jersey City, Montreal at Newark, Buffalo at Providence and Toronto ut Baltimore. Krlilny. Annapolis Naval Academy tennis team opens spring season with Pt. jonns. i Annual spring golf tournament LBKewooa, .. J., toumry ciuu ...e..H. Western Loam.e of Baseball clubs commences Its 1911 pennant Strug- ! Saturdny. I Interstate trap shooting tournament of t:,e North Caldwell, X. J., Gun chili. Whirlwind A. f., Brooklyn, will h"!.i boxing benefit for fire sufferers. Annual K.imrs of the New York ln tcisi hohistic Athlo'lc association. Dual track and field meet between Harvard and Naval, academy at An napolis. Lacrosse teams of Carlisle Indian school and Hlpklns play nt Baltimore. Foley Kidney Pills Tonlo In Action Quick In Rcsulta. ,,ent0rs. The flights will all be start Give prompt relief from BACK- I eJ on tne race track In front of the ACHE. K1DXEY and BLADDER ; grandstand and boxes. The Colum- TROUBLE. RHEUMATISM, COX- GESTIOX of the KIDXEYS. IXFLAM MATIOX of the BLADDER, and all annoying URIXARY IRREGULAR ITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEX. Charles S. Potter. Springfield, 111., ays. "I Injured my kidneys some years ago but lately the trouble has become very serious. I had a dull pain In my back that seemed to drag me down, my kidney action was irregu lar and I lost much sleep at night In consequence. I heard, of Foleys Kid ney Pills and began taking them. Be fore I had taken one bottle I was greatly relieved and now I certainly feel like a different man. Thanks to Foley Kidney Pills am once more well and I recommend them to any one suffering wrom kidney or bladder trouble." A. C. Koeppcn A Bros. WOMAN, LOVELY WOMAN. Bat Alas, Without Beautiful Hair No Woman Can tie Handsome. We ask every woman reader of this paper to give Parisian Sage a thor ough trial, and we gladly make them this liberal offer: Get a large 50 cent bottle from Tallman ft Co. today. Use it as di rected for two weeks. If at the end of that time you are not satisfied with the results, say so to Tallmana and they will give you your money back. Besides being a delightful and In vigorating hair dressing, Parisian Sage will cure dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching of the scalp, or mon ey back. Sip and Brown will play at Providence. New Tork National Guard Military Athletic league championships In TA V 1. A1! CW IVI Ik when a medicine must be given to young children It should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Rem-I .1 ... 1. . .1 ... ..,, ... .1 Un 1 edy Is made from loaf sugar and the . roota used In iu preparation give )t a flavor similar to maple syrup making it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup and whooping cuush. For sale by all dealers. WALLA WALLA GETS MANY NEW SETTLERS Walla Walla, Wash., April 15. Five hundred families or single men have been attracted to the Walla Walla valley this spring have really been here," stated Publicity Manager L. M. Brown of the Commercial club today. "I believe that taking It straight through, married and Bingle, we will have gained In pouulation nearly 1000 In the valley as a result. This is early in the season, and we win nave low oi iime. "There have been more people to move nere man nave ever come iu waiia vvuiiii ueiure in miy year. v uiio they are not all reporting to the Com- morelal club we are finding traces of i them everywhere. They are dealing with real estate men In many cases, and In more Instances are looking about for themselves. Some of them ' are coming back from the coast, I .,Al.n Vifii.n hann lnn1rino Aver' ulHtrct. but most of them .we ' find, purchased tickets to Walla Wal- la." Railroads into Walla Walla report , a heavier business than ever before ' at thif time of the year, and state that the valley Is getting its share of the , colonists. Pendleton and Pasco, where j . i mo main line trains are leu o Baseball nines of Princeton colonists, report heavy pas.i nger , ward every effort to make a huge business, success. The Milton-Frecwater country, hav- Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Goni:r,:;z Z frr ing many small tracts to offer the mlston, were gur-sts of Mr. and Mrs. farmers of the east and middle west j D. C. Biuwnoll today, and orchards for sale at reasonable Henry Wolfen, engineer " th prices, is getting many colonists; but steam shovel, met with a serious ac tho local Commercial club Is not at ' ciilent a! the gravel pits here Thurs all displcnscd with this, for it Is the dav afternoon while in the act of entire valley that Is being boosted by the publicity department. 1-1 of a round a Week at least. Is what a young baby oaOt to gain In weight. Does yours T If not there's something wrong with Its , l iireutlon nva It feee's Ttuhv Elixir and It will begin gaining at once, j .fomnh nn,l ttnwol troubles a)Js dl lIor s.opB fretfulnesS. good for ,eelhlng b(lbie8i Pr.ce 25c and BOc. A. C. Koeppcn & Bros. E BIG AVIATION MEET The arrangements for the big avla- j 1 Hon meet In Boise on April 19 and i . 2 have nearly been completed. A j .large addition to the grand stand and boxes nt the Aerodrome on the j grounds of the Intermountain Fair ! association is being erected under ! rush orders bv a large force of car- bla band will be present each day. In addition to the flights by Brook Ins and Ely, the greatest living sky Jockeys, the association will put on two speedy motor cycle races of 3 and 5 miles each day. Wednesday, April 19, will be gov ernor's day, on which Governor Haw ley and his staff will be present. The Aviation Queen, to be elected by popular ballot, will start the first flight. Thursday, April 20, will be Ladies' Day, on which the most sensational event of the meet will be pulled off. A 6-mile matched race for a side bet of $1000, covered by certified checks, between Walter Brookins in his fa mous Wright biplane, and Frank Irv ing, the fearless auto racer in a spe cial high-powered Bulck racing car. Brookins will circle the course about 200 feet above the ground. Irving drove a mile In 54 seconds on the Boise track at the auto races in Au gust, 1910. Indications point to the largest crowds ever assembled in Idaho. The leading hotels are being rapidly filled up by reservations In advance. Brook Ins and Ely, with their machines and mechanics, are due in Boise on Fri day and will stay at the Owyhee Ho tel. The grand aviation ball, set for Thursday night, April 20, promises to be the greatest social event ever held In the capital city. A wave-power motor thaf a Califor nlan recently patented utilizes the horizontal motion of the water Instead of the vertical, as usually is the case in such machines. 10c ROUND-UP The One Perfect Cleanser Buy a can nso it compnro it with nny other cleanser you have ever used. If Jlound I'p isn't a better product if it doesn't do far better work if it isn't tbo very best cleanser on the market, in your judgment, return tlio container 11ml your dealer will return your money to you. - lionnd-Vp is a natural product. It comes from the earth a natural cleanser. Contains no canst io or alkalis docs not injure the hands not a porticlo. It works quick and well, and is an economical rloanscr to use. A Binglo trial of a lOo can will convince you. Order a can from your dealer today. There is a pleasant surprise in store for you. UMATILLA NEWS I TOLD III PARAGRAPHS (Spec'al Correspondence.) - Umatilla, April 14. II. N. Dryer j Portland vlHltor this week The local Kedmen are to have a cel ebration on or about May 1. Mrs. D. C. Browncll, MIhh Brownell, Mrs. H. Means and Mrs. C. O. Brow nell were visitors t- Hermlston on Thursday. r Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McVey left this week for New York, called there by the serious illness of Mr. McVey's mother. Frank O'Conncll, the well known former O. R. & N. engineer, who spent the winter with his mother, here left this week for his ranch at Mid vale, Ida. Mrs. Frank Rohan was called to Wallace this week on the death of her sister's child In that place. Miss Rltta Thompson of Butter creek, was visiting friends here this week, Mrs. F. M. Ghormley has returned from Spokane, whire she took her daughter, Mrs. Beulah, for medical treatment. Mrs. Ghormley's many friends are pleased to learn she Is Im proving. L. W. Compton, who ha been on the operating staff of the O.-W." R. & X., for the past year. has been transferred to Portland. . K. A. Halfpap, who has been on the day staff at the depot, has gone to Portland. Glinton Harvey has been promoted to his place. Mru IT f Mnuna tt-Hrt Vif.,1 heon visiting In Pendleton during the! week, drove in from there on Wednes day. The ladles of St. Patrick's church are holding a bazaar and fancy sale and dance In Pound's hall on Easter Monday In aid of their church. The affair promises to be the event of the seaou una ine muics are puuing i"r- boarding a moving train he was In some manner carried underneath the t,-i in and hod both legs broken. One of the limbs was so badly crushed that amputation may be necessary. He was sent to Portland on section la-t Tuesday. Mrs. K. W. Doty of Portland was here the past few days on business and renewing old acquaintances. J. M. Kinney, superintendent motor c:irs of the O.W. n. & X here today. of Laine shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. ADAMS PURCHASES E E (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Orv., April 15. The city of Adams bought a gasoline engine of McCook of Pendleton, and an expert from Pendleton Is here this week running the engine, which was bought to try to supply the city of Adams with water which is so much needed during the dry, hot season. The en gine cost six hundred dollars. Charley Owens went to Dayton Friday to play baseball with the Athe na boys, In which team he is one of the nine. Prof Gulott was in Adams Friday looking after his music pupils. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison were Pendleton visitors Thursday. G. M. Lewis, Adams' barber moved his outfit into the building opporite the drug store in the other block, so don't leave Adams without a shave or hair cut. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen made a business trip to Pendleton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John King of the In land Mercantile company of Adams, were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L G. Lleuallen made a business trip to Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gless and dau ghter Winifred, visited in the city of Pendleton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Winn went to Pendleton Wednesday to do some shopping. Constipation brings many ailments In its train and Is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels regular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject. Constipation Is a v ry simple thing, but like many simple things, It may lead to serious conse quences. Xature often needs a little assistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at the first indica tion, much distress and suffering may be avoided. Sold by all dealers. l!nn on Brother's Widow. Vancouver, B. S. It is unlawful In British Columbia to marry your brother's widow, according to a de cision rendered in the county court here today by Judge Lampnmn, In the case of Herbert Baker. Aftor'belng refused a marriage li cense In Vancouver, Baker went to Xew Westminster and secured one by making a declaration that thre was no legnl impediment to tho mar riage. The court declared the mar riage Illegal, but allowed Baker to go on suspended sentence upon his pay ing the costs of prosecution. Tho largest three gate valves in the world, having waterway diameters of nine feet, have been built to con trol the water used to drive 12 000 horsepower turbines in a Niagara Falls power plant. RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY, Ourmnted amler tit. Food uiil Unix rt of Jan. totli, UP. Hsrl.l hi. US, bl U. fi. Butklen ft Cu. V fa v ALCOHOL I Ft CtT. t MIX IMS PQHHTU CflLOKOrOKl riRfLOlO OQK c MflOTMU IKiM rMIMTl : 5 4 5 0 M ttt i turr et T Mr . h CHICACO.ILL. C0,a.tHT tCW .TtinlMT'H .Mail Less Frequent. Juniper, Ore. The economical pol icy of Postmaster-General Hitchcock has even reached to this section of Umatilla county. Heretofore the ranchers here have been furnished with a thrice-a-iveek service, but this has been cut down and hereafter they must be content with a twice-a week service. A Knocker Is a man who can't see good In any person or thing. It's a habit caused by a disordered liver. If you find thit you arc beginning to see things V-')u;,'h blue spectacles, treat your ..tr to a good cleaning our process with Ballard's Herblne. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, indiges tion, sick headache, biliousness, all iiver, stomach and bowel troubles. A. C. Koeppcn & Bro Hood River, Or The first' auto triifk to arrive In Hood River to be u-e.r f.lr general delivery purposes arrived in the city yesterday and is the property of A. O. Hershey. Mr. llershoy has secured the contract to do the city delivering for a number of firms. "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Couph P.emedy," writes Mrs. T. B. Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. "It U the best cough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup " For sale by all dealers. N&fS Mr. Wheatraiser Read This! r- u Albert Howard's Baby Holt Special Harvester at Rearden, Wash. Header and Thresher 7 men, wages $ 20.00 7 men, board at 60 cents 3.50 24 horses, hire, at 75 cents 18.00 24 horses, feed, at 25 cents .' 6.00 Cost to Head 25 acres Cost to Head 1 acre . Cost to Thresh 1 acre, 30 bushels Cost to Head and Thresh 1 acre $ 4.30 Cost to Head and Thresh 25 acres. . . . 107.50 Little harvesters for small farmers; larger machines for larger farmers. We suit your requirements. GOOD REASONS VH"Y YOU Four men operate the machine, putting the grain in the sack, ready for market. Eliminates hired help. You reduce cost of harvesting to less than half the old way. Makes you Independent of outside help; when your grain is ripe, hitch up and go to har vesting. Picks up "down" grain that you can't get and other way. When you use the Holt Harvester, you save its cost every year, through reduced expenses and E. L. Complete line of extras always on hand THE SOLDIER QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS NEW DISCOVERY, JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHSandCOLDS And all Diseases off THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH AND BRONCHIAL REM Price 50c and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORM. 100 Masons Will Visit Corvollls. Albany, Or. Albany Masons to the number of over 100 will be the buests of their Corvallis brethren on Easter. An especially elaborate program has been arranged. In case of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain's Lln'ment. For sale by all dealers. Wrong Tract Is Deeded. Dayton, Wash. Getting a deed for land which he never purchased, the grantor dying before the mistake was discovered, is the predicament in which Butler Bowers of Starbuck, Wash., finds himself. Bowers has appealed to the superior court here to straighten out the tangle. He has filed an action against J. W. Jesse, executor of the Dr. Mamel Pietrzycki will, which Involves the distribution of 250,000 worth of property. It Is charged that Bowers bought a tract of land near Starbuck from the late philanthropist and writer before his death and it was supposed the deed was executed correctly. Xow Bow ers finds that the doctor executed a deed for another tract of land, which Bowers does not want. l'orcst Grove lYuit Sale. Forest (Jrove. W. R. Harris, a horticultarist here, says that the fruit ciop has not as yet suffered any in jury, the frosts of last week not be- OMPARAT1VE COST Of operating Headers and Threshers and HOLT HARVESTER on 500 acre, of land : 47.50 $ 1.90 at .OS . 2.40 Grand total acro crop SHOULD VSE A HOLT BROS.' SIDE-HILL FOR SALE BY SMITH 1, EDY t Ing penetrating. Henry Davis, a prunegrower of David's Hill, thinks the early varieties of cherries may have been damaged a little, but other fruit has not suffered. Four inches of snow covered the David's Hill sec tion and the foothills are white to day. Snow In the mountains on the Coast range has fallen to a depth of three feet In some sections, according to telephonic messages received hera today. Hood River Displeased. Hood River, Or. The federal cen sus figures are under fire liere. The population as given by the census bu reau is 2331. Citizens who have dis cussed the matter think the number will approach the 3000 mark and It is possible that a recount will be made, the expense of which will be borne by public subscription. Hewarc of Ointments for Catarrh Thai Contain Sfercury. as murcery will surely destroy the sense of smHl and completely cWange the whol svstem whea entering It through the mo rbus sulfates. Such articles should neef be used except on prescriptions from re putable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten old to the pood you can possibly derive from them. Hull.'s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo. O., contains no murcury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and muC'His surfaces of the system. In buvlog llull's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the Bonulne. It Is taken Internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cbeney & Co. Testimonials free. i Sold bv lru?i:lst8. Trice. 73c per bottle. Take Ball's Family Tills for constipation. era y Holt Harvester 4 men, wages $ 13.60 4 men, board ' 2.00 IS horses, hire, at 75 cents 13.60 IS horses, feed, at 25 cents 4.50 Cost to harvest 25 acres with a Holt Harvester $ 33.50 Cost to harvest 1 acre $ 1.34 Saving per acre with HOLT HARVEST- er 2.96 Saving on 500 acres with HOLT HAR VESTER, at $2.96 1,480.00 Saving 3 bushels grain per acre on 500 acres at 70c 1,050.00 saving one season on 509- $2,534.30 OOMBIXED HARVESTER. the saving of grain otherwise wasted. No danger from fire. We save the straw, or chaff, or both. One machine does everything; no waiting for someone to come and thresh your grain. Thousands of satisfied purchasers endorse th's method of harvesting, making you safe In adopting our way, the Holt way. Try It this year If it's a moneymaker for others, it will be for you, and the sooner you Invest in a Holt Bros. Combine Harvester, THE MORE MOXEY YOC WILL MAKE. & CO. PENDLETON, OREGON