East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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ardQii IrocQrios
are being received by us fresh every
right at the time of the year when you relish them most.
Thone your order early, Main 96 we'll select carefully.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Itorney Roy Raley for the defendant
appealed the case. A Jury tvas drawn
this morning and, after the evidence
of the plaintiff was Introduced, At
torney Raley moved for a non-suit
which motion was allowed.
Bank Examiners Here.
Will Wright, state bank examiner,
and Will H. Bennett, assistant state
bank examiner, have been here to
day. They are upon a routine trip
of Inspection and left this afternoon
for Helix.
Accused of White Slavery.
Immigration Agent Wells of Walla
Walla passed through Pendleton last
evening en route to Salt Lake City,
having in his custody a young man by
the name of William Morrison, who is
charged with bringing a young girl
from the Utah city to Walla Walla
for immoral practices.
II. S. Students Cast Ballots-
The students of the local high
school this afternoon are exercising
their right of franchise in their annu
al election of officers of the student
body. Competition is keen for sev
eral offices, notably for the presidency
three candidates, Chester Fee, -heS'
ter Gordon and Cliff Jordan being In
the field. For several offices, there
la no competition at all.
From The World I
Of Sport
W. L. Pet.
Oakland 8 3 -"27
Los Angeles 6 6 .500
Portland 6 7 .462
Sacramento 6 6 .500
San Francisco 7 8 .46 i
Vernon 5 9 .357
Portland 0; Oakland 2.
San Fiancisco, April 11. Fast
fielding and pitching kept the score
down to 2 to 0 In the Oakland-Portland
game here today with Oakland
or the winning end.
R. H. E.
Portland 2 6
Oakland .. .. 2 5 2
Seaton and Kuhn; Knight and
Sacra men to 9; Angels 5.
Sacramento, Cal., April 11. Sac
ramento continuel its winning streak
today and took Los Angeles into camp
in a game marked by heavy hitting
and errors.
R. H. E.
Los Aneelea 5 7 4
Sacramento 9 12 5
Delhi. Friene and Smith; McLeod,
Fitzgerall and Thomas.
FrUeo 9; Vernon 3.
Los Angeles, April 11. San Fran
cisco won its first game of the ses
sion here today, defeating Vernon,
9 to 3.
R. H. E
Vernon 3 13 6
San Francisco 9 13 2
Castleton, Schafer and Sheehan;
Eastley and Berry.
Snva Wife Deserted Him.
M. T. Starr has commenced suit
against his wife, Stella S. Starr, for
a divorce, alleging in his complaint
that they were married on October
23, 1909, and that since January,
1910, the defendant has refused to
live with him. Homer I. Watts of
Athena, Is attorney for the plain
Coon Catches Fish.
Quite a crowd gathered In front of
the window of La Dow & Peterson
this afternoon to watch a raccoon
catch minnows which had been placed
in a small pool of water. The little
animal seemed to meet with much
better success than did ft number of
piscatorial experts who lashed Uma
tilla county streams last Sunday.
Laden down with heavy arguments
the Pendleton high school debating
team will leave tomorrow for Fossil
where the Wheeler county high school
trio will be met In forensic contest
Friday night. The local team is com
posed of James Hartwell, leader,
Claud Hampton, first colleague and
Chester Fee. second colleague. Hart-
well was a member of the renowned
team of last year which carried off
the interscholastlc championship of
Oregon, while Fee has had much ex
perience in debating work. Hampton
is the only new man on the team,
but he has shown up exceptionally
well In the practices.
This will be the first actual debate
for the local team this year, , the
scheduled contest with La Grande
having been won on a forfeit. The
winner of the debate at Fossil will
meet tiy? Baker ?am for the
championship of eastern Oregon, that
team having recently administered a
defeat to Prinevllle.
The Pendleton boys will have the
affirmative of the question, "Resolv
ed, That further material increases
in the United States navy are desir
able." They will be accompanied on
their trip by Prof. C. C. Ruth.
Fruit Is I'ndnmaged.
Attorney James P. Neal of Free-
water, is in the ity today and states
that the reports to the effect that the
recent cold weather has killed the
Will Oimsi Bridge Bid Tonight.
At the regular meeting oi the coun
cil tonight, the sealed bins for tne
contract tor building a new Main
street bridge will be opened. Up un
til 3 o'clock there had been only three
bids filed with the recorder. The
contract for furnishing ork carpet
for the city hall and opera chairs for
the vacant room on the top floor will
also be Jet tonight.
(Continued from pa one
The Big Sole
is for this week only ask your friends how we have saved them
It's a Surprise Sale
for Men
The Big Bargains are going fast and as it close's next Satur
day, we cordially request that all take advantage now.
fied his team against reverses as far
as It is possible for human ingenuity
to do so.
New York's chances are considered
particularly good this year because of
the belief that Mathewgon is as good
as ever and that Pitchers Raymond
and Marquard will be 0f tremendous
service to the team.
The only change In the Pittsburg
lineup is the placing of Hunter at
first in place of Flynn. Hunter Is
the umptyumpth man who h&s tried
to play first for the pirates since
Kitty Kransfield quit Smoketown.
Some of these days Manager Clark is
bound to find a good man tor mis
buds and blossoms or the fruit trees l bflg Qn he ,aw of chances and
in the Mllton-Freewater district are
false. He says that up to date there
has been practically no damage done.
Will Show Cheyenne Pictures Here.
Pendleton people will have an op
portunity during the next two days
of seeing moving pictures of the only
show on earth that rivals the Round
up. Harry Fleishman, who has pur
chased the state rights for the. pic
tures, is in the city today and will ar
range with one of the local picture
houses to show his films here. They
are said to present the most thrilling
scenes ever produced by a moving
picture company. .
those who have seen him say Hunter
is the man.
CluiiiKe I" Some Team".
Will Reir Railroad Walk.
C. E. Fisher, of the firm of Fisher
& Petri, was in the city this morning
and Inspected the cement walks which
I lead to the depot, which walks were
laid by his firm. Although it has
been but a short time since the work
was done, the surface of the walks
Is crumbling and In many places there
are large holes worn. As a result of
the visit of Mr. Fisher, the walks
will be repaired in the near future.
Save money by reading today's ads.
Ooly Easters-tide and
" its grocery requirements
have received the closest atten
tion from this store. All the
delicacies of the season have
been carefully taken into stock.
A great variety of Easter table delica
cies will be found here to choose from.
As usual we have had in mind and paid
the closest attention to the nature of the
season.. Ladies of all beliefs will find
on visiting this store that their taStes
and desires are fully catered to.
These are only a few of our new arrivals
Services at Catholic Church.
Tomorrow, Holy Thursday, the
Catholic church will commemorate
the Institution of the Most Holy
Eucharish. Ceremonies will begin at
g a. m. with high mass, followed by
the Procession to the Altar of the
Repository. During the day the va
rious Sodalities will be In attendance
at the hour of Adoration appointed
for each Sodality. Evening service
will begin at 7:30, consisting of. ro
sary, sermon on the Most Blessed Sac
rament, followed by appropriate prayers.
Chicken Yard Is Flooded.
Edgar F. Averill,- the well known
poultry enthusiast and former secre
tary of the Umatilla- Morrow County
Poultry association, hi thinking se
riously now of supplanting his famous
flock of Buff Orpingtons with ducks
and geese as the result of an experi
ence he had yesterday. The water
main near his place broke and Imme
diately the whole vicinity, Including
the Averill chicken yard, was flooded,
and the Journalistic chicken raiser
had a task of rescue cut out for him.
The last setting hen' he reached was
all but submerged by the rising water.
After Dinner Mints
Freeh Walnuts
Maraschino Cherries
Fresh Cheese all Varieties.
Ripe Olives
Gray Bros. Grocery Go.
Phone Main 28.
"Quality Grocers."
Next to Post Office
Umatilla-Morrow Directory.
W. J. Lloyd, representative of the
Polk Directory company, has been In
the city today doing advance work in
connection with the publication of a
Umatilla-Morrow county directory
next fall. In the past the R. L. Polk
& Co.'s directory has been for Uma
tilla, Union and Baker counties. Moved
by complaints made by the East Ore
gonian and by local business men
when the last directory was published
Morrow county will be linked with
Umatilla this year, while Baker and
Union will be grouped In another di
Cininnati and Philadelphia will
show the most changes of any of the
leading teams, due to the swap of four
players. Eddie Grant, according to
reports, is playing a bang-up game at
third for the Reds and Pitcher Mc
Qulllen. another Quaker castoff, Is
showing great form. That Cincinnati
has a good team even a dangerous
team no one wil lileny. but the team
has blasted hopes so often that It is
m-xt to impossible to consider Grif
fith's men as anything more than
trouble makers fr others. In
Froome and Gaspa. Griffith has two
men who should win a big majority or
their games if their arms remain in
Manager Chase's New York High
landers, runners-up last year, are
generally picked to repeat this trick,
although it will not be the same this
year. Austin at third and Laporte
and Gariiner at second, are gone from
the lineup this year. Jack Knight,
who played short last year, is doing
well at second and Johnson, Hartzell
and Elliott are fighting it out for the
Dositions of third and shortstop. It
is dlvulKlne no secret to say that
Many New York fana doubt the man
agerlal ability of Hal Chase. They
say that a' man who once deserted his
team and brought about hls own ele
vation through the medium of disor
ganizlng cliques, is not the man to
hold a team together throughout an
entire season. The Highlanders look
strong, especially in their batteries,
and have a lot of pepper, but It is
feared that a hard row is ahead of
Detroit Looks Good
Hughey Jennings at Detroit says
the Tigers are going to do what the
Cubs did last year; come ba'ck after
their reverse and carry off the flag,
Jennings is known as a great man
ager but if he beats out Connie Mack
this year with his somewhat doubt
ful bunch of Tigers, he may well be
called the greatest manager. Jen
nlngs has lost Tom Jones from first
and Matty Mclntyre from right field
and their successors look to be men
of only mediocre ability,
Cleveland Fans Quiet.
Cleveland fans are refraining from
making any predictions, as It Is real
ized that nearly everything depends
on how Maquire's big string of young
pitchers turns out. Magulre will have
to rely almost entirely on youngsters j
In the box, as Joss, Falkenburg and
Young, are all tottering. Several of
the Cleveland youngsters showed well
toward the close of last season, but
a long grinding season, when the
whole circuit has learned a pitcher's
stock In trade, Is a different propo
sition. Few experts pick Cleveland
for the upper berth.
The easlcsV. thing In the world to
do Is to pick the most probable oc-
upant of the last place in the Amer
ican league race. Bobby Wallace's
luckless Cardinals have a warranty
deed to the ground floor and If there
ere twice as many teams In the
league, the same condition would pre
vail. If the Cardinals have a single
trength. It has been concealed up to
date. Twenty-nine of the baseball
writers referred to, condemned the
Cardinals to the cellar, but one writer
determined to have his joke doping
St. Louis to beat out Washington.
The Boston Red Socks are sure to
be heard from, although their work
last year was disappointing. The
Red Sox used to be known as the
speed merchants," but they seem
to have lost this characteristic. Man
ger Donovan has been gradually
ropplng out of the managerial firm
ament and It Is up to him to do vol
ant things this year to prevent his
effacement. With Jake Stahl quit-
Ir. Mann Goes to Canada.
Dr. K. A. Mann, the well known
dentist, will close his offices tempo
rarily tomorrow and leave for Al
berta, where he will attempt to sell
a tract of land owned by himself and
ther local people. The prospects for
a bumper crop are good In that coun
try and Dr. Mann believes he will ex
perience no great difficulty in turn
ing the land. Mrs. Mann, who has
' been very ill for some time, is suf
ficiently recoveiod to travel to Wal
la Walla, where she will remain with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Scott, during her husband's absence
in the north.
Cae Is Xon-Sultcd.
The case of W. H. Gibson vs. Lov-
erln & Brown which was appealed
from the Justice to the circuit court
was this morning non-suited, Judge
Phelps ruling that the evidence sub
mitted by Attorney J. B. I'erry for the
plaintiff was not sufficient to prove
his contention. This Is the case in
which a traveling representative of
the defendant company hired a livery
rig of the plaintiff and charged it to
the company. The company refused
to pay the bill, claiming that their
agent was not authorized to charge
any of his expenses to them. A Jury
In the Justice court rendered a ver
'dlct In favor of the plaintiff and At-
A Camera
Optically speak
Ing, the eye is like a
camera, as It pos
sesses a light bend
ing and a light
registering appara
tus. In a camera
the light registering plate is chem
lcally censltlzed and In the eye the
corresponding plate is nervously
sensitized, thereby communicating
the Impression made by waves of
light to the brain. The eye, like
the camera, In order to do good
work must have Its light register
ing and light bending apparatus In
perfect adjustment to each other.
If an eye for Instance, is not deep
enough from front to back, then
an adjustment that Is not normal
must bo maintained through an
excessive exertion of the small
muscles governing the focal power.
The excess exertion required to
keep up this visual adjustment, as
well as others, constitutes what Is
known as "eye strain," because
tension on the muscles can pro
dune fatigue and a strain of head
ache and other nervous reflexes.
Glasses correctly fitted serve to
bend the rays of light before they
enter the Imperfectly formed eye
and thus enable It to Perform Its
visual function without excess ef
fort. ,
We are at-your service for con
sultation and properly fitted
ting the game and Lord and McCon
nell traded to the White Sox, Boston
will have to build up a new Infield this
year. Once In a while you will find
a manager who will tell you that this
is no snap.
All in all it looks like a merry
race with many a thrill between now
and the time the flag falls.
Life Insurance
The Pendleton
Drug Co.
In Business for
Your Good Health
Pendleton Dye Works
Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date
Phone Main 169. 206 1-2 E. Alta.
Next Sunday is Easter !
If you want the necessary pretty things that go to make a "well
dressed man," and without paying exhorbltant prices for the priv
ilege see us.
and a beautiful new line of
New goods arriving dally and prlcea far below all competition.
Vorkingmen's Clothing Co.
Pendleton's Daylight Men's Store
And show you 320 acres of good land, with house and barn,
plenty of water, 250 acres in wheat that will make 30 bu.
per acre. Land and crop all goes for $25 per acre, easy
terms. If you are looking for a nice home, let me show you
something Rood on the north side, for less money than you
could build it Three fine lota on corner of Mark and Gar
field, only ?1000.
E. T. WADE Temple Big.
i i
If we have created a good impression any season, we will this
season more than ever on account of the large assortments,
charming styles, absolute reliability in staple articles of
wear, and what's highly important, moderate PRICES.