EIGHT PAGES BAHiX KABT ORKGO.MA.N, PKNDLHTTOIf. ORXX20K, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 111. Ir Great Showing of EASTER DRESSES SUITS Don't Wait Pick Out the One You Want Today SILK DRESSES . $15 to $35 WASH DRESSES . $1.50 to $25 SUITS $12.50 to $37.50 No Charges for Alterations Hotico! All our children's and misses' Easter pumps and oxfords now ready. Pumps from one to Btven straps, black or red tops. F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store. LOCALS See Lane & Son for signs. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 17S. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Son. Phone Platzoeder (or fresh meat and lard. Main 445. Front office for rent In Judd building-. F. E. Judd. All kinds or fresh fish all the time at the Pendleton Cash Market. The king of all 8c cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan sole agent. For rent Nicely furnished front room; close in. Phone Red 3291. Everybody goes to the Orpheura to see the best and the clearest pictures. For rent Eight room house at 109 East Court Inquire Ralph How land. Bungalow on north aide of river, al so furniture for sale. Charles J. Fer guson. I. C. Snyder guarantees good spray ing. Tours for good work. Phone R. 3811. Phone Red 3961 for quick ato cab service. 26 rent fares In city. Rates by hour or mile for out of town trrps. Want to rent at once Piano In first cIii.hs shape. Apply S00 West .Court street. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main It. Sharon St Eddlngs have secured the local agency for the Johnson Ideal Halter, the best cheap halter In the market. For Sale Cheap Two log houses at HEADQUARTERS FOR ToUelj UGoods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated PS TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. nOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Dmppiste of East ern Oregon. Meacham, Ore. Modern Improvements. Six rooms each. Enquire of Meach ntn Lumber Co. Phone Main 92 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lun -ber Co., 700 West Alta, street. If you want fresh meat from a new, clean market, phone Main 44S. Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager. 224 E. Court street Two carloads brood sows on sale at O.-W. R. & N. stockyards Satur day, April 1st. For particulars, see Lee Teutsch. Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone Black 3391. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all k'nds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 647 Main st For bread, cookies, pastry and cakes made fresh every day, phone Main 449 and the wagon will call. Royal Baker Webb and Cottonwood streets. For Sale Two acre home east Pendleton. Alfalfa, fruit, garaen. Good buildings, water system and bath. Address J. H. Bryant Pendle ton, Oregon. Lost Saturday in Alexander's store, small gold watch, set with dia mond, monogram E. K. engraved on front. Finder return to this office for reward. For sale Reynolds' Automatic Harvester. Has only cut 1100 acres. Easy terms. Inquire of Pendleton Iron Works, Marion Jack or S. C. Blttner, Pendleton, Ore. Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main' 173, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes further. For sale Two hundred acres good timber grazing land, about 60 acres tillable, running water on place. This Is a snap If tajcen within next thirty days. Address W. B., Box 141, city. New hydrants Do away with your old rod and stop-cocks and use the antl-freesing hydrants. Call and see them at the Sanitary Plumbing shop, 304 E. Court stret, Alex Burt prop. Wanted A small furnished house or three or four furnished housekeep ing rooms by man and wife and one child. Inquire this office. Address "C." Special. Until May 1st we will sell 10 lb. can's pure lard, $1.60; 6 lb. can pure lard, 80c; 3 lb. can pure lard 60c. Cen tral Meat Market. CALL ITU ROAD WARRANTS. All road warrants registered during the months of May, June, July. Au gust, September and October, 1910, will be paid at my office In the coun ty court house, upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of publi cation. Dated Pendleton, Orgon, April It, 1911. G. W. BRADLEY, County Treasurer. And the more Insignificant a man Is the more annoying he may be. Haviland China, Cut Glass Hand Painted China, Etc, Still going at Auction Sale Prices If you diden't secure what you wanted during the Auction, come in and we will make you a satisfactory price on any article you select. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best PERSONAL MENTION J. M. Gilbert of Ukiah, is in the city. George Ladd of Long creek, Is a guest of the Bowman hotel. E. G. Thomas of Walla Walla, was a visitor In the city yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakeley return ed this morning from an official trip to Weston. J. Collahun of Pendleton, was a business visitor in the city yesterday, Walla Walla Union. Abo Miller, well known Pilot Rock restaurant, is ,n the city today en route to Ellensburg, Wash. Bert Whitman of the Pendleton Cash market went to Sparks this morning to purchase some cattle. F. T. O'Connell of Umatilla, came up from the far west end town yes terday and spent the night here. Attorney Homer I. Watts came down from his home at Athena this morning to attend to, legal matters. Col. H. G. Newport, chief of the booster brigade at Hermlston, Is In the cliy today. Mrs. Ralph E. Storey was called to Milton this morning to attend her mother, who is ill at that place. Mrs. A. P. Sprague of Portland will arrive In the city on Friday evening to visit with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Sommerville. Miss Bertha Alexander left yester day for Portland, where she will at tend the wedding of Miss Lillian ltoorke, which is to occur April 19. Attorney James P. Neal of Free- water, came In on the local from Walla Walla this morning to tran sact legal business. Roy Neal and wife returned to their home In Stanfleid this morning on tho local after spending the night in the city. Hon. W. R. Ellis went to Hermls ton on the local this morning to look after his piece of land under the project. Mlnss Evelyn Sommerville, who is attending school In Portland, will ar rive In the city tomorrow evening to spend the spring vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Somh- mervllle. C. L. Morgan, who is now engaged in selling lands under the Umatilla project, and has never yet failed to locate an easterner who came west to view the project, has been In town today. TAIT INVITED TO ATTEND DEVEIiOPMENT CONGRESS Washington, April 12. Senator Jones of Washington today Invited President Taft to attend the North western development congress at Se attle In December. The president promised to give the matter his se rious onsideration. Old CliincNc Wonuin Dies. A Chinese woniun by the name of Seng Yu died this morning In the lo cal Chinatown after a long illness. She was aged about "5 years and had been In America for the past forty years. The body will be buried from the Buker undertaking parlors tomor row afternoon. TRUE BILLS FOR SIX .JEWELRY STORE ROBBER IS AMONG THE GIUST Not Trno Bills Returned Aim Inst Three Alleged OffeiicJers-Tury In Threshing Damage Suit Returns Verdict Giving $200 to Plaintiff. True bills were returned yesterday afternoon by the grand Jury against four men and two boys and all will come up for trial during the present term of court. R. M. Vermillion is Indicted for forgery committed at Helix when he passed a bad check upon his land lady. James Flarty, the man who Is accused of the recently burglaries at Pilot Rock. Is charged with larceny from a dwelling, which is the same charge made against Ivan Ringdahl, the man who smashed the windows of the Schaefer Jewelry store in this city and took several articles of Jewelry. Ralph Rose, the young man accused of robbing the dwelling of the gov ernment trapper near Meacham, was Indicted on a similar charge. Arthur Oulliford and John McCulloch. the two Echo boys, are charged with steal ing a cow from Asa B. Thomson. Not true bills were returned against Walter Gilman, foreman on Attorney Will M. Peterson's fruit ranch at Cayuse, accused of stealing a mare nnd gelding from William Joshua, and against Amos Thompson, accused of grossly disturbing the public peace In the ovn of Freewa ter. Lldvnll Given $2(o. The jury In the case of Victor Lln vall vs. Amanda T. Gelnger. former ly Amanda T. Southwell, called In tho suit of Rosa Guderinn, formerly Rosa Southwell, rendered a verdict for $200 to the plaintiff late yester day afternoon. This Is tho case in which Lidvall alleged there was $315 due him for threshing the barley of the defendant last year. In her an swer, the defendant charged that much of tho crop wag wasted because of the poor machinery used by the plaintiff and she asked for 1600 damages. Criminal Case. Under Way. The Jury in the case of the State vs. Albert McCumber was selected by noon today and testimony Is being ta ken this afternoon. The defendant Is accused of stealing a cow from P. J. Kelly In the east end of the county. SPECIAL EASTER BARGAINS FOR. THURSDAY ONLY A Sale of MODE Unilcrvoar 31.25 White Lisle Union Suits 95c 32.00 Silk and Cotton Union Suits tl-05 12 l-2c Sleeveless Vests 3 for 25c 15c Sleeveless Vests for 11c 20c Sleeveless Vests for t He 2ro Swiss Ribbed Vests for 18c 35c Swiss Ribbed Hand Finished Vests 25c 50c White Lisle Hand Finished Vests 88c Toadies' 60c Union Suits lace trimmed at 35c Ladles' 65c Union Suits lace trimmed 48c Soiled Muslin Underwear 1-3 off VHDERWEAR $2.25 andi2.50 Black Underskirts for $1.75 Las': Week of the Big Suit Sale AXLlk- TVnt'4- C4ama ( VV U11IC11VC1 g JSCI I. c I ; Better Goods for Less Money The navy department has erected a wireless telegraph station at Fort My- er, Va., powerful enough to communi cate with warships 2000 miles from the nation's capital. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheum. Pendleton's favorite pitture the atre offers good program for Tues day's change. ' 1. The Romance on Bar O. Es- sanay. A thrilling dramatic photo play with unusually beautiful western scenery. The story of a cowboy s strenuous courtship. 2. Redemption. Kosmlk. A good drama conveying a moral, in an in teresting fashion, and remarkable for a very pretty setting. 3. The Thames from Oxford to Richmond. Kosmlk. An out door pic ture by this firm Is always worthy of admiration and in this film an excel lent impression of the Thames can be obtained along some of its upper reaches. The views of the city of Ox ford are well worth seeing and the same observation applies to the many notable sights along the river. 4. Oh, You Clubman. American Pathe. A humorous skit retailing the story of a clubman who lsisted upon leaving his wife alone evenings, and how she cured him of the habit A supposed burglar gave him an awful shock and it was sufficiently powerful to make him change his ways. Changing the Cooks. Melies Star film, 1000 ft. This is a comedy that ? something like a comedy. Come see this one, it will serve you a square meal of fun. Highly flavored and well seasoned. Four full reels of film at each per formances The Pastime. The house of quality. A big fea ture film for Tuesday's change. 'The Mission Carrier." Kalem drama. A tale of the golden mission days In old Spanish California, acted by the Star Kalem players. Carlyle Blackwell as "The Carrier" and Alice Jcyce as "Delores." The scene where the girl Is riding to the rescue of her lover and Is surprised by a band of Indians and the gallant rescue by mis sion people are all thrlllingly por trayed. "The Sword and the Cross." A col ored feature in twelve scenes. Alban 'ir, the perfect's son meets and loves Fabiola, a beautiful Christian maid en and In order to win the fair girl Albanus becomes a Christian. Lyceus betrays the Christians in order to avenge the attitude of Fabiola toward him as he also loves the maiden, an Albanus Is condemned to die. Breakers in the Clouds." Around Mount Blanc. Taken from the obJer vatory at a height of 15.000 feet a triumph of art "Oh. Tou Kids." American com edy. This picture will carry you back to your boyhood days. "The Paoli Brothers." Scenic. An excellent picture of this family of well known acrobats. "Hefty Burke's Romance." Edison. A lively farce. Samplo Shoes at Sample Prices Men's Goodyear welt shoes and oxfords, in black, tan and pat ent leather, selling regular for $2 55 at THE HUB THE BARGAIN STORE OF PENDLETON. !f MONEY to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. Call or write for particulars. THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H. Dolaney, Agt.,4Temple WALSH'S SPECIALS Great saving Cash Prices' on Groceries for this week. These are but a few. 1 6 lbs. Best Cane Sugar . . . $1.00 20 lbs. Fancy White Beans . . $1.00 4 pkgs. Best C. Starch . . . 25c 3 pkgs. Quaker C. Flakes . . 25c 1 gal. can Winner Catsup . . 50c 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea . . . 25c Tomatoes, the can . . . . . 1 0c String Beans, the can . . . . 1 0c Arm and Hammer Soda, 4 for . .25c Best 30c Coffee in the city, lb. . . .25c 5 gal. Pearl Oil . . . . $1.25 Pickles, large keg . . . $1.05 WALSH'S PHONE MAIN 442. Prompt Delivery. We guarantee everything we sell to be as rcprcoeutcd.