PAGE TWO aha: iui ouooxiajv. ncraLKroft, objwoji. Wednesday, April 12, mi. EIGHT PAGES Easter Offerings of Merit "ife SAVINGS IX WOMEN'S EASTER GLOVES. A new pair of plws will 'e Lwessary to complete your Easter toilet Take advan taire of our Easter specials. $1.75 SILK GLOVES Women's SI. 73 silk . llausquetaire cloves". 16-but- ( ton length pure silk, the pro- "liii'tlou of a maker of estab lished reputation, double fin Tr tips, variety ( colors, bhi'-k and white. Easter price SI. 35 $1.00 SILK. GLOVES 6S?. Women's S1.00 i-la.-p silk cloves, well cut and care f ul v made, double finder tiis, Mark and white. Ea-ter price 6S S1.25 KID GLOVES 95 Women's S1.25 2-clasp prlace kid ploves, made from selected skins, black and col ors. Easter j.rice 95 $3.50 KID GLOVES S2.05. Women's S3.50 place kid 16-button lencth, our lx?st make, furnished in black, white anl colors. Easter price 82.95 NEW EASTEIt ARRIV ALS PAILYSOLS. The women of America are emulating their sisters in Japan and next summer sun shades will bob like the sun lit waves of the sea. We have many new novelties to show you. The prices range from SI. 30 to S15.00 Only Three Days to Select Your New Easter Suit or Hat . $25.00 Easter Suits $18.75 Today, on second floor, we placed on sale "0 Women's Fine Tailored Suits iu which there are beauty, value and sen-ice com bined in this assortment can be found the most appropriate and desirable models which will fit to perfection Gray and black, brown and black worsteds, brown cheviots, navy blue serges, black fvrges and diagonals Medium length, box style or smui-fittin; jackets Skirts plain gored or panel back All sizes, including stouts Regular values to 825.00 on sale only $18. 75 SILKS. As a style favorite the beautiful "SILK FOULARDS" prom ise to hold a high position in the realm of dress, and we further illustrate this fact. We'd call attention to the exclusiveness of our showing along these lines for "really' ther're a marvel of color ami design deftly woven into combinations of the most beautifid ,'nd stunning effects. Come IN let us show you. XO TROUBLE NEW ARRIVALS IX OUR MILLINERY DEPT. We have just received by express a fine assortment of Gage, Fisk and Ileiman k Lyman hats for Easter. Come and see these new creations before buying. You'll find here some of the most Vautiful and stylish hats you'll see this season. They're priced richt too. DRESS GOODS. Marquesettes, one of the seasons most popular materials. Comes in cotton, silk, silk and cotton, etc. Just received a lt of new colors in the all silk "Marquesettes. A pleasure to show our goods. DRESS TRIMMINGS. New arrivals in this section. We now can match most any col or. Give you from the narrow soutache to wide 12-in. braids. Also all kinds beaded trimmings, etc., etc. GIRLS' FROCKS. 'harming little white frocks for girls' wear. These are pret i'ly trimmed with laces and embroideries of the finer kinds. They are shown in a number of very attractive models. Each dress thoroughly well made in every particular. Materials include mulls, organdies and nice quality lawns. Dresses are shown in all sizes from 2 to 14 yrs. at 95 to $15.00 Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery in Our Model Basement Peanut Butter, jars 15 and 35 Spanish Pepiers, cans 15 and 25 Oyster Cocktail Sauce, bottles 35? Olives, stuffed with almonds, bottle 40 Olives, pitted, bottle 35 Olives stuffed with Pimientos, pint 40 Ripe Olives, pint 25 Green Olives, pint 35 French Ranch Eirgs, dozen 20c Marschino Cherries, bottles 35 and 90 Preserved Ginger, jars 50 and 90 Sweet Relish, jars 40 Extra Fancy Sweet Wrinkled Peas, Diamond W brand, can 30? Fig Pudding, cans 15 and 25 Home Made Salad Dressing, bottle, each 25 T. P. W. Cider Vinegar, bottle 10 T. P. W. Special Coffee, pound 30 Fresh Dairy Butter, roll .... ! 68? $5.00 LADIES' WAISTS 3.65. Every S5.00 waist in the store U included in this sxvial sale. Al! new ftvles, choice of Kimona or regular sleevts. hitrh or I .hitch neck, loth tailored and lingerie styles: some genuine linens among them. Lingerie waists leautiful ly trimmed with lace and embroid ery. Choice S3. 65 WASH GOODS. In this department you would be surprised to see the 'magni tude." Any and all kinds, all col ors, combinations, etc., from he heaviest materials to the "very cheer." All laundry, and the price yard ' 5 to 50 XEW ARRIVALS IX THE ART DEPARTMEXT. We are now prepared to meet your demands for Irish crochet thread. We carry "Parlours' Ir ish Flax thread, suitable for all kinds of crochet work, also books of instruction. All sizes, from the very fine to coarse. Conies in holder, readv for use. Price, 15 P. Just received a shipment of pil low tops for local high school. Very new and neat design on lin en crash. Suitable colors and de sign. Be loyal to your school, buy a P. II. S. pillow top. Your choice 75c 2 for 25e II. S. PILLOW TOPS. tow i. m WIS "7' Illustration from The Butterick Fashion Sheet for MAY FREE Copies at our Butterick Pattern Counter , .... Main Floor THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade 6? HERMISTON ORCHARD The Russian government has con tracted for a kerosene engine pro pelled boat for the transportation of cholera patients from Infected dist ricts 10 fnMiiiai. Head the want ads. CRISPS W" J ISM M i " 1 V Vfcj - M rour lool 4-l- " y prte tha lowMt. J S S Hlh-trm4 V H7. ! Hf. V utlaf&rtlon. 1 1 PRICES REDUCED fl I I On Uli taA sf&X I 11 Vamn now . .. .fl.BO KX I I Aft hw Doon...$t U'SjCl' I I OKUfa Front Do.... r 1 I 1M14 Vlalah sirta I 1 I ttnt tiul far ttUhiM I rp- I a . williahs ca V!S WESTON NEWS NOTES (Special Correspondence.) '. Weston, Ore., April 11. Will Compton spent Saturday and Sun day with Milton friends. D. V.. Jarman and family spent Sun day visiting friends and relatives in Athena. Mrs. Delia Marsh who has been visiting relatives in Walla Walla for the past week, has returned to Wes ton. The ladies' band gave a concert Sat urday afternoon under the direction of the band master, Mr. Smith of Wal la Walla. William McKenzie and family were In Pendleton Sunday attending the ball game. Many young people from Weston also went down to witness the game. Mrs. R. D. Cashatt and two chil dren came down from Spokane Sat urday to spend a few weeks with Mrs. f.'ashatt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin NorDean of this city. Mrs. Cach att's husband, Dr. Cashatt, waa for merly a prominent doctor In Weston, but who moved to Spokane a few years ago and now has an extended practice In Spokane. The city council has set the day the 17th and 18th of April, for the remov ing of all the rubbish, etc., from the streetj. A report coming from Spokane ay that Mrs. B. B. Hall, formerly of Wes ton, Is seriously m, Carl McConnell of Milton, was in Weston Sunday visiting friends. Mrs. Jas. Cox and children arrived Friday from Spokane. The Coxes will make tHeir home In Weston as Mr. Cox Is employed in Jarman's depart ment store and Is considered one of Weston's valuable baseball players. Mrs. Frank Taylor and daughter, Kuby, have gone to Walla Walla to spend a few days Ruby Is receiving medical treatment from the Walla Walla doctors. Mr. Ray Vanderpool wai seriously Injured Sunday morning by the belt from a gasoline engine coming off and the boy was thrown through a glass window.. The result yas a brok en collarbone and a serious cut on the head. Dr. Madden Is attending him and ho Is reported much better. Mr. Henry Wood of Athena, was In Weston yesterday and he aays that his wife who has been 111 for over a year, Is decidedly better. Kdna Banister was In Walla Wal la and Milton on a visit Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. S. L. Kennard, who has been visiting In Kansas for the past few month, baa returned to her home at Weston. Mr. Rawla Miller was a business visitor In Weston yesterday from Athe na. He is going to bring his "Dime" show over to Weston two days in the week. Monday evening a slight snow fell, followed by a light frost The fruit waa all in blossom and It la not known yet to what an extent It was In Jured. ' Tuesday the work on the road be tween Athena and Weston was be gun. The roek crusher Is hnrd at work and the real construction will begin In a few days. As soon as the weather Is favorable work on the brick yard will begin. Tuesday was the dny set for opening of work, but as It snowed they did not work.. Mrs. Kva TJrehm of Weston, went to Penleton Sunday to meet her tius hnnd, who In working at Camas prairie. AEItOXAlTS IV RACK TODAY FOU IjAIIM CVP San Antonio. April 11. In an effort to capture the I.ahm cup Aeronauts Honeywell and Telland are today sailing toward St. Louis. They as cended at 6 o'clock last night. A law against dealing In futures, and well enforced, would compel come churches to get down to earth for awhile. CASTOR 1 A For Imbnts uid CMIdxen. la Klcd You Has Alwajs Bocgr horn the ggnstfwof ( (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston. Ore., April 11. The Hermlston Orchard company has been organized with Dr. Coe as president, Frank Sloan as vice president, and 1'. C Holland as secretary and treas urer, and James Kyle ns sales man ager, with offices In Hermiston, to take over the Skinner lands and to place them in the east. Mr. Kyle is mayor of Stanfield, while Frank Sloan is president of the Commercial club at Stanfleld, and vice president of the Bank of Stanfield, and these men, with Dr. Coe among the lead ing people who made the selling op erations of the Columbia InJ com pany famous all over the west. More than a thousand people were brought to Hermlston and Stanfield by the Columbia Land company, of which P. C. Holland was manager at Hermlston for the past two years. The Skinner lands are all within the limits of the city of Hermiston. or adjoin the town. The Skinner family were pioneers here and more than half of their lands have been put under water by the government project. The total acreage amounts to about SOO acres. 'Mr. Holland is arranging to move his family here, and will occupy his new home on Newport Heights In a very fed days. Hermlston continues to thrive, no matter what happens elsewhere. In the settlement of the Stanfield liti gation, by which Dr. Coe makes a clean up In the town of 30 per cent of the property and lands under the project there, a total of $150,000 to $200,000, free from encumbrance, but loses the management of both enter prises, his hands are again free, and he has turned all of his energies to ward the upbuilding of Hermiston. Women Need sympathy and help when they are attacked by weakness and suffering. At times when Nature seems cruel and very hard when depressions and derangements come kind womanly friends may givesympathy. When ailments occur, the best natural help and correction is the safe and well-tried family remedy BEEGWS PILLS They correct the result of errors ' and remove the cause of suffering. ' They have tonic, helpful action on the whole system. They relieve nervousness, headache, backache, dispel depression and suffering. Ik-echam's Pills give the , organs strength, improve bcxlily conditions and may be relied upon For , Sure Relief Foe females, BeecSam't PiiUaretpeclatlf uttftble. So instruction wKh ch bo. So Li Everywhere. In boxes 10c end 2Sc FARMERS WAR OX SQUIRREL PESTS Never Out of Work. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness Into strength, languor Into energy., brain frig Into mental power; curing consti pation, headache, chills, dyspepsia, malaria. Only 25c at Koeppens. ST ST sA '.'J MAXY INVITED TO ATTEND PENINSULA CONVENTION Port Augeles. Nearly five hundred invitations to attend the big Olympic Peninsula Development convention. April 21-22, nre being sent out to commercial and publicity organiza tions, newspapers and prominent men of the northwest by the Port Angeles, WashinKton. commercial club. The citizens of Port Angeles are making extensive preparations for the enter tainment of the hundreds of visitors who will attend the great booster Kathering. A program of unusual In terest, embracing talks by experts on pertinent topics, road building and charpit stump burning, demnnstrnions, sight-seeing excursions, exhibits of the products and resources of the pe ninsult, etc., Is being prepared. The convention will close with a splendid banquet on Saturday night at which It Is expected many of the I prominent men of Oregon. Washing ton, Idaho, Montana ami British Co-1 lumbla will sit together. I The convention Is culled for the purpose of organizing the Olympic Peninsula Development League for the exploiting of the marvelous re-! sources of the northwestern section j of Washington. It Is hoped to enlist every community of the Peninsula In j the movement as well as the co-operation of the big cities of the north- j west. SOITH AFRICANS ARE ! STUDYING OREGON METHODS Corvallis. Ore, In South Africa the natives are being taught by the Ore gon agricultural college bulletins to add to their slender food supply. Q. A. Roberts, a former student of the college who Is now head of the In dustrial department of the Old Untall Central Training School at Rhodesia Is using the bulletins from his alma mater In instruction in vegetable growing and poultry ralsjng. Writ ing Dr. Wlthycombe, director of the college experiment station, ho says: "The native people are Interested in vegetable gardening and fowl rais ing, as both add to their food supply. At present the food is of the simplest' sort, consisting of a round grain' cooked to a stiff mush, and a little J bit of weed leaves or a few beans cooked In water. During the past three years we have been working on the establishment of a course In ag riculture. The work has progressed slowly, and we have had to feel our way, as there has been no previous experience by which we might be guided. The first year consists of Judging and treating animals for the simple diseases and the breeding of sheep, goats, pigs and cattle. During the second year our work is devoted to the growing of farm crops, fruit culture and fowl raining." Plaza, Wash. The farmers In the vicinity of Plaza are making a united effort to exterminate the squirrel pest. A decrease in the number of squirrels is noticed already and hope la expressed that In a few years the pest will be a thing of the past. Some farmers use strychnine in the grain and others use phosporus. Those who use strychnine claim It Is less dangerous to stock than phos phorus, although it is generally con ceded thnt phosphorus. Is the more deadly to squirrels. A few of the far mers are using steel traps. This movement was the outcomo of Representative Miller s effort to enact a law making it an offense to harbor the pest on farms. XO MORE PILES. Hcm-Rold Docm Iu Work Tlmmmrlily No Return. If you have piles, you know that Ei usual treatment with salves, supposi tories or operations can't be depended upon for more than temporary relief. Outside treatment won't cure the In side cause bad circulation in the lower bowel. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem Hold, a tablet remedy taken Internal ly, removes the cause of piles perman ently. Sold by $1 and fully guaran ted by Pendleton Drug Co. and drug gists everywhere. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station n. Buffalo. N. y., props. Write for booklet. CLEVER WOMEN, Always Keoj Their Hair Fascinating and Free from Dandruff. Almost everybody in Pendleton knows that there is no preparation for the hair that can compare with Parisian Sage. It cures dandruff, stops falling hair and Itching scalp in two weeks, or money back. It puts radiance and luster Into that dull, lifeless hair that many wo men possess, and does It In a few days. On March 25, 1910, Lulu D. Fix. of Raphlne, Va., wrote: "Parisian Sage Is a wonderful hair restorer; It stopped my hair from falling out and stopped my scalp from Itching; also cured the dandruff." Parisian Sage la sold by Tallman A Co. for 60 ccnta a large botle. East Oregonian by carrier, 65c per month. NATURE TELLS TOU. A Many a Pendleton Reader Know Too WeH. When the kidneys are alck. Nature tells you all about It. The urine Is nature' calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action; Any urinary trouble tells of kldr v 111. Doan' Kidney Pllla cure all kidney Pendleton people testify to thta. T. F. Felton, 807 Vincent street. Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I can rec ommend Doan's Kidney Pllli highly, having used them with excellent re sult. The secretions from my klJ neye were too frequent In roas&ce and I waa obliged to get up several times at night. I also had backache and I waa very desirous of getting rid of my trouble. Doan's Kidney Pill relieved me and after taking then I enjoyed much better health." For aale by all dealers. Price SI centa. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United 8tatee. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. What we want and what we need are often vastly different. mm 10c ROUND-UP The One Perfect Cleanser Rny a can uso it compare it witli any other cleanser you have ever used. It Round l j isn't a better product if it doesn't do far bettor work it it isn't the very best cleanser on llio market, in your judgment, return tint container and your dealer will retnm your money to yon. Hound-Vp is n natural product. It comet from tho earth a natural cleanser. Contains no caustic or alkalis doos not injure the hands not a particle. It works quick and well, and is an economical cleanser to use. A single trial of a 10c can will convince yon. Order a can from your deader today. There is a pleasant surprise in store Tor you.