East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 10, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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vi .11 t..V .1. .r.:ii .jc?
Tit Comuon Council hM Ordered 1
a special election io d neia May , in
to vote on measure proposed by In
itiative Petition fllsd with the tSty
Recorder and transmitted o the'Com
moo Council, as follows:
The following Is the form and num
ber m wfciafe the meamre will- b
printed on Jthe official" ballot:' J !"
Charter Amendment authorising the
Common Conncfl. to" 'Issue bonds
not exceeding tJOMOO.OO for the
construction of a gravity- system of
water works. Vote TES or NO.
400 Tes.
401 No.
The full title and text of such meas
ure la as follows:
To Propose by Initiative Petition an
act to amend Section 4 of Artlchr 11
' of an act of the Legislative Assem
bly of the State of Oregon, entitled
"An Act to Incorporate The City of
Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and
; to define the powers thereof and
repeal an act entitled An Act to in
corporate The City of Pendleton, In
Umatilla County, and to define the
powers thereof, and to repeal an
act entitled, An Act to Incorporate
the Town of Pendleton, Umatilla
County, Oregon, approved October
25, 18S0, and an act entitled. An Act
to Incorporate the Town or renaie.:
ton. in Umatilla County, and to de
fine the powers thereof, approved
' February S, 1885, -and an act en
: titled, An Act to, Incorporate the
. Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla
County, and to define the powers
thereof. BaDDrbved J February Zl
: 1887. filed in the office of the'iSec
retarv ofrState. February 20, 1889
and all acts amendatory thereof
approved February 15, 1899, as
amended by J an act entitled?'
Act to amend . Article 12 of .an not
of the Legislative Assembly of the
State of Oreeon. entitled 'An Act
to Incorporate Tim CUjC-sf-
ton in Umatilla County, and to de
fine the powers thereof,, and repeal
an act entitled, Ah Act to Incorpor
ate The City of ;Pendleton, in Uma
tllla County, and to define the pow
ers thereof, and to repeal an act
erdKe,A,An--Act Incorporate the
To-wnrPetidlrtoTftUmatma Court-
tv.-Ort'gen. approved Oelubui 2
18 SO. and an act .entitled. An Act
to Incorporate the Town of Pendle
ton,' in Umatilla. County, and to de
fine the powers . thereof, approyed
Februarv 5. 18S5,and an act entil
ed,.An Act to Incorporate the town of
Pendleton, In Umatilla., County, and
to define the powers thereof, ap-
S81', filed in
! g 11 tin giuiur?
.state. February 20. SS9. and all
aris amendatory .thereof, approved
February pt. PPfi'l is propose by
lnitfetiffe tietWoif afld adopted by
the people of The City of Pendle-
to by a majority of .the votes cast
thkreon at a .special . City election
hfllln ,t,he 1st day of, July,1907.
Be Enacted by the People olj T"?je
Ci of Pendleton: . . H
Thje People of The City of Pendle
ton do Ordalii'as Follows:'.
Section I. That Section 4 Of Article
II of an act of the Legislative Assem
bly Of the State of Oregon, entitled,
"An Act'. To Incorporate The City,' Of
Pendleton," in , Umatilla County, and
to define, the .powers thereof, and
repeal an "act, entitled.' An .Act tq-in-.
corporate The, City of Pendleton, in
Umatilla ' County, and. to ' define the
powers thereof, "and to, repeal an act
entitled, An',Ajct to Incorporate the
Town of Pendleton, Umatilla County,
Oregon," .'approved October. 25, XS80,
and an act, entitled An . Act t0 lneor
poraie'.the", Town, of - Pendleton, in
Umatilla. Cpunty, and f to-define. the
powers rthreof, approved - February
6, 1885. and an"act entitled. An Act
to incorporate the Town of Pendleton,
In Umatilla, and o define the powers
therepf, approved February 11,-. 18$7,
filed-in' the- office of ..the. Secretary
of State, February. 20,. 1889, and; all
acts amejidatory tliereof," , approved
February, 16. 1899, a-amended by.aa
act entitled, VAn, act to amend. Article
12 of; an act pf fche.fLe-e'lslat've x Asi
aembly of the State of Oregon, in
titled, 'Ap Aet to. inoorperate The Cl'y
of Pendleton, In - Umatilla (County
and to define the powers thereof, and
repeal an act entitled, An Act to lu-
coroorate 2rta! CJffdf &eSdlelnliln
UmaIla'Vty, aid' to efhW,he
powers thereof, and. to repeal an act
entitled. An Act" to' 'fneoi'porate the
Town of Pendleton, Umatilla, Uma
tiiia county, uregqr-1. atniruvea ueiBir
er 25,-180. and an act entllled Xn
Act tpr5riiJJgff
dleton n Umatilla Cuuiilj, and "to-
define the powers thereof, approved
February 6, 1885, and an act entitled,
An Act to Incorporate the Town of
Pendleton, In Umatilla. Cpunty, and
to define the powers thereof, approv
ed February 21, 1887, filed in vhe
office of the Secretary of State Feb
ruary 20, 1889, and all acta amenda
tory thereof,' approyed February 15,
1899." as proposed by Initiative peti
tion and adopted by the people of the
City of Pendleton by a majority of the
votes cast thereon at a special City
election held on the 1st day of July;
1907; be and the same Is hereby
emended to read as follows:
Section 4. The City of Pendleton
shall have power and. Is authorized to
Issue, sell and dispose of negotiable
bond, for the purpose of constructing
a gravity system of water works, to
supply the City and .the inhabitants
thereof and the Inhabitants of terri
tory adjoining The City of Pendleton
or In the vicinity of such gravity sys
tem with water, and for such purpose
the said City la hereby, authorized to
Incur an Indebtedness (lot to exceed
the sum of $200,000.00. The bonds
Issued pursuant to tjjlf' section shall
be known as Water Bonds, Series C
shall have those words written, print
ed, lithographed or engraved thereon,
such bonds shall be numbered con
secutively, commencing with No. 1
and if the-whole amount of bonds au
thorized by this section, shall not be
Issued at the same ''time, 'any' subse
quent .U-r- hs nnmbnmil sasa-
mending with the.,ni
lowing the last number used in the
next. proedln tamifl of such . boas. 'i
ine roiiowing is tn torm ana
nufcber In wftlqh'e'Vieasure'Vlll be
firfnted on tfcdjof&iai. balloit "
V ir " TIOM.
Charter Amendment'! Directing the
water Commission to set aside net
lc5a.iJjau.xhe Jt51jiet cent.. of gross
receipts from water rents as a
sinking fund for wate ..bonds,
,; ' f'"i:f Vote'TES or NO. .
02 Tea.
OS No,
The full title and text" of .sue'
measure Is fts follows.:
T-'Propose by Initiative Petition an
act to amend Section 13 of Article
1ft of-an-at f-the-Legtslarlve-As-4
sembly of the State of Oregon, en-
titiedL "An Act JoJncorBoratelTtie
City of Pendleton . In umatllia
County, and to define the powers
thereof, -and Tereaf an actneBtltlea,
An Act to Incorporate The City of
Pendleton. ..In Umatilla County.
and to define the powers thereof,
and to repeal an act entitled, ! An
Act to" Incorporate the Town "of
Pendleton, Umatilla County, Ore
croiw -approved -October- SB; l&SOi
and an act entitled An Act to incor
rorate the Town of Pendleton, In
Umatllia' County "and to define the
powers thereof, approved February
6,- 19S5-.-and an -set entitled Art Act
to incorporate the Town of Pen
dleton in Umatilla. Counjy, and to
define the powers' thereof, approve
ed February "21," 1SST, filed !n"the
office of the Secretary of State,
February 20, 1889, and all , acts
- amendatory-.- thereof,' , -aPPtoved
February 15, 1 89 9yks-Amended by
an act of the Legislative Assembly
of the State of Oregon, entitled "An
act 19 jimend section 2 of article 1,
and aeetions 2,' and 8 ofi artjele
II.' section 11, 'of "article Til sec
tion 2 of article VTII. sections 4 and
.artlclfi-IXi. ibe sAPle.lL T-.
I(fle"X7 afid"secfTotf5 oriirTrcle Xm
of an act to Incorporate The City of
Pendleton Umatilla, County, Ore
' goh.i and 'to define h4 liowera
fhefeoT, fltfd to repeal aVacT entitl
ed An Act to incorporate The City
of Pendleton, in Umatilla County,
i ah. 4deflTh wrsKthereof ,
and o repeal an ac entitled. An
Act to Incorporate the town of Pen
dleton, in Umatilla County,-Oregon,
approved October 25, 1880,: and an
act entitled, An Act to incorporate
:the -Town of Pendleton,' In Uma
vtllla '-County, ' atid "to"- define " the
powers thereof, approved ' Febru-ary-5:'
1885. and an act' entitled A"
Act to Incorporate the -Town of
Pendleton, in Umatilla County," Or
egon, and to-deftrre the powers
thereof, approved.' February -.IV
ISSIj f and. filed In. the office of the
Secretary of Stater- February 20,
1889, and all - acts : 1 amendatory
thereof whlcli .was approved by the
Governor: of the State of - Oregon
on February 16, 1889,': and all -oth
er acts-amendatory thereof," which
wns "approved -by " the Governor
February 18, tl901; -1
Be It Enacted by th People of The
City:; of Pendleton.
The -People of Thtr Clry of Pendle
ton Do Ordain as Follows-: - -
' Section '1'. ' That Section'1 12" of. Ar
ticle 10 of art act of the Legislative
Assembly of tho State of Oregon," en
titled, "An Act to incorporate The Cttv
of Pendleton, "in . Umatnia County,
and to define the powers thereof, and
repeal an act entitled. An Act, t.o.ln
corporate A,1?.6.-V'y, . -cyuic.uu, m
Umatilla, County, tand...'fo eftne'.tie
powers thereof, and ' to : repeal an 'act
.... . . . i . l 1... ,WA
eninieoi An aci..io "vvivuf '"i
town 01. renaieiop, upavua yui?.
O'ree0t!.uaDDroved October '25. . 1880.
and an act entitled An Act ,10. incor
porate the Town of Pendleton, In
'Umatilla County, .and to, define the
powers thereof1, -&pprdVed''Fepruary. ?.
1885," and an act entitled. An, Act to
incorporate the. Town of .Pendleton
m Umatilla 'County, ana to .a.ine tbe
powers' '
I ' thereof, approved
J11JB8T. filed in the' office of the
:Se;cretary of State, Pebruary .20,
and an acts amenaatory mereor, - ap
proved February lSSgg, as amend
jeA by an act of The Legislative Vs
mW'A( '! 'sVnta'' nf ' Oregon, en
tjtled, 'An Act to amend sectloji(,2 0,f
'article 'I. and sections' ,2; '6, ana. 8 of
inrtlcle TT, section ,11 of article, III
section ' 2 ' of article VIII, ' sections
and1 5 'of article TX. the whole of ar
tlcle'X. and section S of article XIII
of an act to Incorporate The" City .of
Jendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
jPf n reneTl in act antlttod
In Umatilla County, and to define the
powers- thereof, Jand to repea-an5acl
entitled An" "Act to Incorporate thV
Town of Pendleton, ln Umatilla
County,i 'Oregon; i approved-'1 : October
25, 1880, and an act entitled An Act
to Incorporate the Town -of Pendle
ton, In Umatilla County; and tc deij
fine the powers thereof, ppipvea
February 6, 1886, a'tld an act enrltled
An act to Incorporate theJTown of
Pendleton, In Umatilla Count?,' Ore
gon, and to define the powers there
of, approved February. J7. 1887, an
filed in the office of the Secretary of
State February 20, llf9 and' all' acta1
amendatory thereof which was ap
proved by the GovernoJ- of llf State
of Oregon on February 15," 1889, and
all other acts amendatory therecjf
which was approved by the gover
nor February 16, 1901; be and h
same Is hereby amended to read as
follows: ; . tr) - c,
Section 12. The 'Cofnrtlisslon" shall
each year set aside , not es. tban 4
per cent of the gVoss receipts 6t the
water rents as a Sinking Fund. Such
Sinking Fund shall be handled and
invested by such Commission and held
separately, to be used in retiring of
water bonds Issued at the maturity
thereo, and shall, have authority to
purchaaejt not Jo exesed par with
;. 11 Slnlrlnv lriinil anv if SUCk bCSodS
4 as can atnyim Wioi4wa.
..... -n" fAr'nr-. - n o.fi ." "JT
" The following is the form ana
niimhas Is
printed en the. official batlut:
Chfftef BiendifleJiOAuthorUlng the
CMmkionj CouneB o. Issue Bonds
Tiof Exceeding 120,000.00. for Sew
er purposes. Vote TES or NO.
T "
The full -title BTta-"' text Of such
measure is as follows:
To. propose nby initiative Petition an
act tto amoiji; section & of Article
;12 of an, act t the Legislative As
sembly of the State of Oregon, en
titled "An Act to incorporate The
City of Pendleton, In Umatilla
"County, and to define the powers
hereof, and repeal an act entitled,
e- Aot- to- incorporate The"' City of
Meton, in Umatilla County, and
t - ne the powers thereof, and to
rev .tl an act entitled, An Act to
incorporate the Town of Pendleton
Umatltla-County, Oregon, approved
October 25, 1880, and an act en
Utfed..I.Au.Act to Incorporat the
Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla
County, and to define the powers
thcreofrapproved February 6, 1885,
and an act entitled, An Act to In-
corporate.the Town of Pendleton,
In Umatilla County, and to define
the powers thereof, approved Feb-
ruary"2171887, filed in the office
. of the Secretary of State, February
a7-4889,-and all acts amendatory
thereof," approved February 15,
'1899, as amended by an act entitled
"AnAet"to amend Artlole 12 of an
act of the Legislative 'Assembly of
the ptate of OregoiM.entitled 'An
.act.tiiacorporate Tjhe.pty of Pen
dleton, in Umatilla County, and to
define the powers thereof, and re-
' peal an act entltled,-An Act to in-
corporate The City df Pendleton, in
""Umatilla Cfiuhty, "and" t'odeflhe the
powers thereof, and to repeal an
act entitled, An Act to incorporate
K the ? Town of Pejidlfton, Umatilla
y county, f uregon approved uciooer
25, 1880, and an act entitled, An j
Act to Incorporate the Town of
Pondietgnin JLrBjUlI"--.VMS?y' a?(t
to define the powers thereof, ap
proved February . -885,. aqd an
paeti ontVn'-M0 tinoOPporate
hifoPitan. Umatil
la County, and to define the pow
ers thereof, approved February
21. 1SS7 .fileJ in. the office of the
.SffceMaty" a."J?rebniaiaf-;'it6v'
18S9, . and all nets
thereof,' approved February 15,
1899," as propoaaclj pi jinjfiatht pe
tition and adopfeiifli- the ntople"
of The City of FfrftdhAM by a miM
Jgnitv jnt tha vatfa cast Uiareon at
r a!SpViia Cv eJiotyh4lU on the
''lK)rtV.of JulyjHOTfl (lj
Be It Enacted by the People of The
City of PendleUni
The People of The City of Pendleton
do Ordain 'as FOHowS: ' - '
Section !. 'That Section' 6 of Ar
ticle 12 of an act' 6f the Legislative
Assembly' of 'the State 6T Oregon, en
titled1'- "An-'Act to incorporate. The
Citytf Pendleton,' in Umatilla- Coun
ty, and to define the powers thereof,
and repeal an act entitled, 'An'Act to
Incorporate The City of Pendleton ' in
Umatilla County,' and "to define the
bowers thereof, and to 'repeal an act
entitle. An Adt to ' Incorporate ' the
Town of ' PehdWt'onV Umatilla County;
Oregon, approved October' 25, 1880,
and an 'act entitled 'An-Act to lncor-
porate,!tIVe Town' tit ' Pendlet6n,'- Tn
Umatflia County,' and to. define 'the
poweN'th'eWof," approved ' February1 6,
109a, ana an act nuueu, ju Ati w
Incorporate1' the Town - of Pendleton, j
In Uthatllli County, and t6-define the;
bowels -therribf, "approved r February'
21, 1887, filed InHhe'fiffl'de of the See'-
retaryof 'State, Fetiruarf 20. 1889,
and alt acts amendatory thereof," ap
proved February 15, 1899, ar amend
ed ' by'-fetf act 'entitled.'' '"A,n ""Act to
amend-' Article' 12 of an: act of the
Legislative AsseThbTyrTIi State of
Oregon entitled 'An &tr to- lnbdf poV
ate The ttfy 'of Pemlfetbn, In Umatilla
County, and to define the powers
thereof, an5 to-repeal an act'entltled.
An Act to tnconrporate -The)--' CIty': ; of
Pendleten.slln' Umatilla.' County; -and
to defines the-powers tneretof 1 knd to
'r'epeal- -ajv acl .enttld,"An Aat to ln
corporate-, the TOwn -' of 'Pefldietori1,
Umatilla ''Goanty Oregori, -'approved
"October 23," 1880, add aW act entftled
An Act to rncorpotate -the Town ''of
Pendleton,'- In' Umatilla Courtty; ' and
to define the powers thereof; approved
f February 5, 1886; and art aet entitled,
An'Acrto incorporate' the Town ! of
Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and
to define the powers' thereof, approv
ed February 21,1887; filed in the of
fice of the Secretary of ;State, Febru
ary 20, 1889, and all acts amenda-
I899.'l.a3. proposed. by-..laltlnt)va po -
The City of Pendleton by a majority
of fhe votes cast thereon at a special
City election held on the 1st day of
Jul, 1907; be and the same Is here
by: amended to" read as follows:
Section 5. The City of Pendleton
shall have, power .and is hereby au
thorized' 'to sell and dispose "of nego
tiable bonds wjth Jntjefest coupons at
tached, Jfc'ri tha pvtrpVeof construct
ing an extension of the present sewer
syst4m)jThe CUylof Pendleton, and
for such purpose said City la hereby
fruehe-rrfeed i inebr J an indebtedness
not 'exceeding 820,000.00 in addition
L to' (the present bond indebtedness of
said, .iLy ior sewer purposes. ine
bonds -iHi4e4 -under the provisions of
this section "Shall" be 'known as Sewer
Bonis, Scrles.C-and thqse words shall
be written; '-stimpBd printed or.en
grftved . theroru. Said- bonds shalTbe
nambered 'consecutively,'' commencing
with. No. J, and if thewhole amount
li"ald bon(wiiuthor(sed by this sec
tion to be Issued shall, not be Issued
el lojeu same tlrne, I any 'subsequent Is
sue Shall be numbered commencing
with the'Su"nJberi n.ojtt 'following the
last number used ln the next preced-
Mowing Is the form and
which the measure will be
on the official ballot:
tm iim s w-H Jify.'. .
sCsbAsfitMftsaLaVMAd M
ilsliji 'Mm
The lo
nukbejl In
"CoTftriren Council to Provide Sinking I
Ftreds for all Bonds IssTtedrihA-tb
curlty. , i, Ate ftESloA NO. I.
406; YU-yr J
The., full title and text' of such
measure Is as follows: i-v
,, -. w i A BILL ''
To Propose by Initiative Petition an
act to1 amend Section 10 of Article
12 of an act of the Legislative As
sembly of the State of Oregon, en
titled "An Act to incorporate The
City., of , Pendleton, in Umatilla
County, and to ' define the powers
thereof, and repeal an act entitled,
An Act to Incorporate The City of
Pendleton,: in Umatilla County, and
to define the powers thereof, and
to repeal an act entitled,' An Act
to Incorporate the Town of Pen
dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, ap
proved October 26, 1880, and an
act entitled. An Act to incorporate
the 1 Town . of Pendleton, in Uma-
tilla County, and to define the o
powers thereof, approved February
5, , 1885, and an act entitled, An Act $
to Incorporate the "Town of Pen-
dleton, In Umatilla County, and, to
define the powers thereof, approved
February 21, 1887. tiled in the of
fice of the Secretary of State, Feb
ruary 20, 1889. and all 'acts amen
datory ' thereof," approved Febru
ary 15, 1899, as amended by an
: act entitled "An Act to amend Ar
ticle 12 of an act of the Legislative
Assembly of the State of Oregon,
entitled .'An Act to Incorporate The
City r of Pendleton, in Umatilla
County, and to define the 'powers
thereof, and repeal an act entitled,
An Aqt to incorporate The City , of
Pendleton, In Umatilla County and
.to define the powers thereof, and
to repeal . on. act entitled, . An Act
to Incorporate, the .Town of , Pen
dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
; approved October 25, 1880,' and an
acf entitled, An Act to Incorporate'
the Town of Pendleton, in Umatilla
CoHnty, atid to "define ' the ' powers
thereof, approved February 6, 1885,
'and an' act entitled,' An' Act to ln
corporate the Town of Pendletdni,
,in Umatilla County, and to define
thej powers thereof,; approved Feb
i ruary21, 1887,' filed in the- office
of the Secretary of State, February
-.-20.- 1889, and. all :acts , amendatory
thereof,' approved February 15,1899,
as i proposed by Initiative petition
and adopted by the peoplen-of The
City of Pendleton by a .majority .of
..the. votes caat thereon ' at ,, a special
City, election hold ,un ..the .lstflday I
r,t Tiilv 1Qrt7 " .1.
Be It Enacted "by . the People of The
City of Pendleton:,, , , ., . !.
' , - .". k-ii-'.
The Peopleof The Grty of Pendletoa
Do Ordain: as Follows: ,1- . r, .,-
Section 1.- ill.ltlSeotlon 10 of'Ar-
tide 12
of an-act or the!. Legislative
Assembly of the Statu, of Oregon, en
titled,-. "An Act to Incorporate ..The !
City of Pendleton, in .Umatilla County,
ind to. 4eflne; the powers thereof, and
repeal an act ejiUUeda.An Act to in.
corporate The. City-, of Pendleton, ,jn
Umatilla County, and to define jthe
powers thereof, and to repeal an aqt
entitled, An .Act to .Incorporate , the
Town of Pendleton, Umatilla County.
Oregon, .approved October, 25, .1880,
jind an aqt entitled An Act. to neo1"
porate,4he Town pf ' Pendleton, lii
Umatilla County, aha to e
ine the powers thereof, approv
ed February 6, '1885, and Aii' act' en
titled! An Act to ' Incorporate the
Town of Pendleton, In' Umatilla Coun
ty, and to define
approved' February
the office of
February iO,
endatory. thereof;? approved ' Febru
ary 15, ;1S8, as amended by an act
entitled, "Ait Actnto: amend Article IS
of an -aat " of the legislative J Assembly
.of the State of Oregon, '!emitledr-i "An
Actito incorporate' The CJty pf Pen
dleton, In UmUU County, apd.to de
fine tbe-, powers thereof, : and ; repeal
an aat entitled, , An Af t t incorporate
The City of Pendleton,
in Umatilla
'County, and to define
th ; ,. powers.
thereor, and to .repeal an act entitled,
An Act,to-lInvoriorte-.thei(Toiwn.,of
Pendleton, Un-Tatl County, Oregon,
apprqved .October, ,26, XW, and ;an
dct entitled An Act to Incorporate the
Town-of, Pendleton, in UmaUHa Coun-
ty, and,.to,deflne,tUe powers thereof,,
approved .February ,5, J,85, and aa
nl AHtttlAfl An li.t tn ln(.ninnMt.
r'' , ' V, v m
the Town pf Pendleton, In Umatllia
County, and,, .tq,. define the .powers
thereof approved February 21, 1887,
nied m the . prrice or the secretary or
State February, 20, 1889, and.aU acts
amendry there9f' abprQved FelH
ruary 15, 1899." as proposed by inl-
uiw 11. w.fl.ffl..vi iu oscuM,,yi
Ulative ..petition and adopted by t
people (of The Clty , Peneton.,by a
ma'orjty or ne,.vofes.casi mereon ai
a special city election held, on the. 1st
day of July, .1907; be and the same
la hereby amended to read as :. , fol-
.t .-ft r I
section 19.
Th .City pf Pendleton
shall, have pqwernd la hereby- au-t
thorised to, provide n slnHIng fund for
the nawnent of all bonds Issued. which
sinking fuud shall e handled and ln -
vested -bv the -Common, Council.' and
the - propeeua or sucn; sinKing .runos
shall bo, used, for, the purposes of ro-
tiring, the bonds; of The City of Pen-
vided,, that,th Common , Council shall
have the authority! at any -time. tto
mirnhnu at nnt . 1 1 . e-vraeK nar .with
suqh slnklng-.fundi any bonds of The
d.,ii. . i,v k-
of the. holder, of such bonds; and pro
vided further that, no. loan shall 'bo
made from said sinking, fund except
upon -real: estate , security,- 4 and the
amount of awn- Joan shall not exaeed
one-half of ithet value of the- security
taken therefor. . ,
printe:;on',the offfidai bsjiott. , ,m-
T V Hi
TIQN.. r..- .30 . .
Charter Amendment Exempting Bonds
from .Taxation! .and-, Providing
:1 " i 'ut. it Ii.
---- j---- - ' 1 ii in n ,1 Article 1 z or an act. . ui . him I
the Secretary'of State,, oreion. entitled: -An Act .'to.lncoroor- I An '
,j'll80,vand all aots-am- rfCJ-nlt p.r'Hi.n ' i lima. tTown
Amount or. ijona .ssuea eiutii 101,1.1, 1 at
fria Included In CompuUng the Au -
thorlzed Indebtedness
j 'f'a!tm
P8 Te-
The full title and text of such meas
ure is as follows.: .,
Pronosa bv Initiative, Petition an
act to amend Section of Article
J2 of an act of the Legislative As
sembly of Uift State of Oregon, entit
ed i'An Aet t? Incorlporate The City
(of Pendleton in tTmatllla Courtty,
hnd to deflna the J powers- thereof,
and! reipeil ad act 'entitled, An Act
to 6icorpQiateTJia-iIlty-.otPendles
ton In Umatilla county, and to define
the powers thereof, and to repeal an
feet entitled, An Act to 'Incorporate.
,---rr,... n' j... tt..iu1
County, Oregon, approved ,. Oc,-
, tober 25. 1880. and an ' act
entitled . An Act
to . Incorporate
H T"nfc n nt 1 Pni11eton.
. , 1
. - . - j , - 1 - - ,
" Umntina'Connty, and' tQ define
the, powers thereof, approved Feb
4 runry kii8$6,f nd an act entitled,
An Acl't Incorporate the.Townof
'I Pendleton in ""Umatilla County, and
(0 flefniefthe fioyrers (.thereof, ' fip-
proved FsMrnnry 'tl, 188t,' filed fn
the offIc"e6r tTid"?ecretary of Stale,
February 20, 1889, and all acts
amendatory threpf"i cyiapproved
February 15, 1899, as amended by
,an act entitled "An Act to amend
Article 12 of an act of the Leglsla
tive Assembly of the State of Ore-
gon, entitled ,'An Aqt to Incorporate
Tho City of Pendleton, in Umatilla
. County, and to define the powers
" thereofTTrnnert'aT-H'nnr'Chtniea;
An Act to Incorporate the City of
Pendleton.Un Umatilla Count fcful
fi tb deffhe-the powers thereof," and
i to repeal an act entitled, An Act to ,
incorporate the Town of Pendleton,
UmatHI Cnunty, )rs;nrppved
'ofrtfc.BIRHO'iin' h-raeeni
tltlrfl. An art to Inoorparato th
Town . of Pendleton,- Jn Umatilla
County,, and to, define the powers
thereof, "approved February 5 1886,
- and an act entitled, An Act to In
corporate the Townof Pendleton, In
' Umatitla County, and to:define tho
power thereof, 'approved February
21, 1887, filed in the- office of the
Searetary of State; February 20,
1884,: and all acts amendatory there,
of o approved - February 16, 1889,"
as proposed- ..by. Initiative petition
' and adopted by (he people of The
City.of,PeadlU)n by a majority. of
1 the ottJ past Uwreon at a special
City election held on the 1st day jif
. July. 1907
Re It Ehac
1. .The
bo Or
Sei'tlclll 1. Th
tlcle i2;ofran act of, the Legislative. j
Assembly of the StateTof Oregon, en-
titled, ''Art Act to incorporate Tho City
Pe'nd,ct0 ln Umatina County, and
to.drf,hw:.h ' oowers thereof, "and re-
Loni vn irt'enritliirl Ah' Art to incor-
norafA Thri nifv n Penfltetoh. In Uraa-
tilla ebunly. anf tb'define the' ' pow
trs thereof, and to repeat' ah' act en
titled, "An (Act to' Intorporate'the Town
ofFetidleton'matllla County, Ore
gon; Approved ' October 25, 1880, ahd
an act entttlfld An "Act to incorporate
tho Town of Pendleton', in'Uma'tillal
Counlyr and to deflne,., 'the- ' -powers
tlierevf , i- approved ..February- t 1886,
,nd an. act entitled, 'An iAot t tncor
1 porate the Town .of " Pendleton," In
Umatilla! Conntyr :andJ to-' defihe the
powers , thereof, iapfirovedi! February
IX. ,1W, rfllednvtho. office of. the
Socretaiy ,State. FlMiWiy:10.aft;
in.i .7ortAm.nditaM.ih.nnf." .n.
T" C: . " . ' ,
provea rpprijaji? 1.0.. oJ-u '?
d by an. act JWtlUedAn ,M
i'i5 -TA . .J.
tllla County, andqdflDethe pow
ers thereof, and repeal an act entitled
An Act to incorporate The City of pen
Aletoir.Mrt'Umattlla Cohiy.'and to' de
fine1 th poVef s thereof,' and 'tO i;er
peal' an act ehtitred; An Aet to Incor
porate the Town of Pendleton, Uma-'
tllla County, Oreguu, approved Octo
ber 2S. 1880. af dn 'act' entitled An
I Act , utcdroorate -tho1 Towrt' t)f Pen-
dieton.'Mn 'Uniatllla 1 County, and to
riAfln tha inni.-rs fharenf.' annrowd
.k.1l i ,ARa hw '. tiiWd
An Act to incorporate' the-Tdnn-bf
Pendletoni ,n Umattita-ctnrnry, and to
ldeflno the v0jf tMtrebf;- approved
Voy,rA, h i 1007 nfl 'm'4h nrrii-i,
df the SecW'tary "of State, 1 February
ao 18g9 and alJ afct8 ' amendatory
.. . ' ' ' L :i . .
'thereor,- spprrrvea.. irepruary
,009..' a nmnni Winltiativa neti-
u d adontea "bvHSSTDeoDle of The
CIty 0f 'Pehdfet'on 'by ' s7 rHajWty of
t,e votes cast thereon at a special
the voteg cftgt thereon at a special
aty icfiSn' field' 6n the 1st day of
juiy, 1907; be and the same 1 hereby
amen(ied to ea4 a8 follbws: " "
DmiU.;1'! ''M.'h.m Jtvi hiiit
Pendleton; ')s8ued pursuant to ' the
pr0VSal6nM of this Article,' shall Toe
guDject to any taxation, and the nego-
aM. a rw a t.nHifi,
18Ued and' bufstandlng' 'shall not bo
taken lrito: account ln computing the
authorised Indebtedness which The
city , Qjndljapmajixi,
; 1 a'vi. -
I. , Tha following la tha form and
I number lp.whichvthe-noasume will be
I nrn.tnii otf fhrfffirirfl hiilri-
1 -wifirrr -------- t- v - -
I 0
jlJ .r J'-i Wkt.'
Ciwrtr Amdndment . Changing .th
MfithnH nf A BMPHflmpnt nf Pronertv
1 r '
" " utcuioi.,
, V llfff
I , tnont Distrlcta
H& JH5
lets and Notice Thereof,
providing for Hearings Before As-
sessments Are Made, and Protidln
, I that th:ckiV Mrief Impsovo -
ted. b' tha People of Tha P' ana to dernfvtne ,powprs.,tnoreoi,,i
of Pendleton; , ' . - , ftni' A,WP OH ac-1 nl iea' n Acl
"fiiWoCni cWof PuWoul to lhcorb..rjtteifJ:ty bt Pendleton
aatn as Follgws- -I n Lm0IU'ft -ouniy. ana 10 aeune mo
, R,.um 1 f Ar powers tnereof, ana 'to repeal an' aci
'tl, 'S1, filed In t.,B',I.' '' V,f " the 'state.' of .
, menu anaii se Assessea Against deem It expedient or necessary to Im
gach It In Proportion no DO?' pnova) Wny.itfeet-or! stiofeti lii kny
( Benefits Thereto by Reason of Such part or parts thereof, within Tho
Improvements, .and. providing- that, q tjr f ,'Pendleton, It -saan rfeamro r
,TheS Council Mayrkake Street IW- tida? the cfty SurveyoV planj and
r W- Vota TE8 or NO- .
r c r
1 1 m
1 Xfo.
e full title and text of such mess-
uno Is as follows: - ,rr , . -r
' A llTf T
sembly of the state or Oregon, en
titled. "An Act to. lnciDorate Th
8513 tflTrlflry of PendlW(- In Umatilla
Eg " 1 V MgUnty. antf'Td'VdifinVthe power
thereof, and repeal an act entitled,
,jAn ,Act V Incorporate The City of
renaieton, in umaima uoumy, ana
to define the powers thereof, and to
rereal'an WlTentltlcd, An Act to In
corporate the Town of Pendleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon, -appro ted
Octbber .25. 1880, and an ;act in
titled, An Act to Incorporate jho
Town of Pendleton, Z irt Umatjlla
County; and. to define tjien. powers
J.hereof.apptoyed . Feliruary.. 1 8S 5,
and an act entitled. An Act to In
corporate the Town of Pendleten,
'Umatilla bounty, f and P defna
the Dowers thereof, approved Feb-
j ruary,2,
1887, filed In the office
of 'the "Secretary of State, February
"An Act (o amend Section 4 of
Articled 7- n'd! feitoii4 Jfci, Article I
of an actfof ihr&eglsiaWe 'Aasem-
"" bly of the State of Oregon, entitled
"An Act to Incorporate Tup' tjity Jbf .
Pendleton in Umatilla County, and
td"deTIhe the powers thereor, ahd
repeal an act entitled. An Act to
, Incorporate the City of Pendleton,
1 in' Umatilla' County, and to define
the powers thereof, and to repeal
an act entitled, An Act to Incorpor
ate the Town pf Fandlotohfc (Uma
tilla County, Oregon appnoyf fl Oc
tober 25, .1880, an an act-entltlM
An Act to Incorporate the Town of
PetidiPtotctn'"Umntma"CouriTy, and
to define the powers thereof, ap-
pf 6ved FeV"" s- 1.88B, 'antf n
set entitled, An Act to incorporate
. ne iown 01 naieion, in u.uau..
County, and to define the powers
MheTOfappoa IbrasaTlV
" - 1887: fllM In 'the 6fflce of the Sets
etPfr of H'nhmnry gf 1SS9.
and, all .acts. mend,atqry, .thereof,
. approved February 16, 1899," as
1 prdposed by Initiative petition and
'adopted by the people of ifhe Cltyj
; of (Pendleton- by a"tnaJorlfy f Vhei
' votcfl.Qast, th,pre,on,a,t,a special C.lty,
election held on the 1st day of July,
1907. ' vi o .
Be It Enacted by the .People.-of, The
City of Pend)cton, ( r
The People of The City of Pendle
ton ' Do' Ordain ns TblldwsV " 1,; '
SeetldH 1. That Section "4 of 'Ar
ticle 7 of nn ict of thefLeiflslatlve As
sembly iof the State- of 'Oregonr e
Iltled, "An Act to Incorporate! Tha
pity jO(Pendl9tvn. ,ln .Vmatilla, Coun
t"""?? i.til
f6 Incorporate tho
Towniiofnl'nndlcton, Umatilla County,
pregon,.'ixipproved lOctobcri'BS, 1880;i
and ap. ov entitled An Act, to l.ipor
poratq tho .Town , of Pendleton 1 la
I'matilla County, and to define the j
powern tjireof, approved , February
$. 1886, and an act chtlOed, An, Act (i
to 'incorporate the "Town of Pendle-,
ton, in Umatilla County, and to define
the 'power thereof. hpprbvetT'Febru
ary 21',; 1887, ftled'ln' the1 office of the
Secretary of State, February 20, 1889, '
and all acts amendatory -'thereof, .'ap
proved Febraary-I8t' l'89,:as amend-"
ed by an-' nrt entitled f An Act "to
amoniiQcyitn.r pf Article 1 and- Sec
tion 4 ofv Article -of an. act of tho
LegtelaUw.vXseeibly.i of the tate iof f
" ,!u'S. ,',,-A ..'"w
Tfy.P ?eletPn, In
vlla C?unty,, and ,tp defjnethe pow-,
: rs thereof, and to repeal an act en-
titled An1' Act td ' tncorBofat" Tho
r . . .1. tt.,i1i.
v", Pendleton Ih Urrtlllh COuntyy
anl 'td ilerlnrt the nowers thereof and '
repeal an act entitled;
Asti toc i Incorparatre i the.
of Pendleton, Umatilla County,
Oregon, approved October ' 25, 1880, '
and aawwiuwiiHi'iii' imu mn wpammm "
pikers thereof, approved February 6,
1886, and b sctjentltled, jrtrSAf t to
Incorporate the "Town of PeWlletoh, In
Umatilla County, and to define tho.
powers k'hertr,': lproVed! 'February''
21, 1887, fired fn ithu-'otflde of . the
Secretary of State, jQh,ruiiry 20, 1889,'
and all acts amendatory thereof, ap-
'Proved February 15, 1899," af pro
POed by Initiative petiUon andfadopt-
ed b the PePle of the cly of Pen-
d'eton' by a maJrlty of th votes cast
thereon at afpeclal city election held
""fthe 1st diy of July, 1907. be and
th same is hereby amended to read as
Section 4. The term "Improve"
atl& "Improvement,'-a used in this
Act in reference to streets; shall be
construea to incinue am graaing or
raaing, paving or repaving, macadr
Izlng or renaacadamlslng, jgravel
f or regraveilng. and all manner of
I tirldae-work and roadnav imnmva-.
"ant r repai and alU UnaLfeey iof
constructing sidewalks crosswalks
sewers, gutters and curbs within: any.
of the streets in The.CItr. of Pendle.
toni or anypart of any such street.
20, 1889, pnd. 11, acta amendatory
thereof,'5"aprqVe4 8 February 15,
1899. as'a'mehfli-cl-by ah act" entitled
and blW1WYWMi'MkyJI(ipTfti99m
ln th following -manneri
sm it expedient, ii hereby author
ized and empowered to order tho
Improvement, to levy and collect an
WmVH (UQn,,allotndjrcels
" JWlfc2wfl bineISeaJ.Byi.uch
improvement, to defray the-wholo
I . -
ui nv cub 1 na ezpensv
inerepr, ana to .determine what .lands 1
UialcliuactervJcJnd and extant of such -
lK.Iclilly. linelilsd'.fiy iLcihfm. ,
nrovement and the amount t
each oareel or tract of lor. 1. k.-
I fited -r -s . - - k r, - I
f (.')- Wheilev-r'tne'connc shall1
to tin flnna snrt thB nrnhahln rnit .
thof lots, parts of lots ahd parcels of
land to" be benefited by such pro
posed improVernrnt,nd- tho neroent-
age of the total cost of Improvement
Nwhlqh :eoVotsttch Ms.narts of lota
.... ....