East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 05, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Catarrh of the Lungs
Threatened Her Life.
Miss Xinetio Porter, liraiatroe, Ver
mont, writes: "I have boea cured by
Peru nil.
"I had several honiorrhaces cf the
lnne. The d.n-tors d.d not help me
much and would novor have cured me.
"I saw testimonial in a Feruua
almanac of a ca.-e similar to mine, and
I commenced usins it.
"I was not aMe to vra.it on myself
when I bsraa usina it. 1 gained very
slowly at first, but I could see that it
was helping me.
"After I had taken it a while I com
menced to raise up a stringy, sticky
enbstance from my lungs. This grew
lees and less in quantity as I continued
the treatment.
"I grew more fleshy than I had been
for a long time, and now I call myself
Published Daily. Weekly and Semi-Weekly
at Pendleton, Oregon, by the
east okkuoman publishing co.
subscription" kates.
Daily, one year, by mall $5.00
Daily, six months, by mail 2.50
tally, three months, by mail
Daily, one month, by mail 50
Daily, one year, by carrier 7.50
Daily, six months, by carrier 3.75
Daily, three months, by carrier 1.95
Daily, one month, bv carrier 65
Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50
Weekly, six months, bv mall 75
Weekly, four months, by mall 50
Semi Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50
Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall 75
Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall... .50
Tbe Dally East Oregonlan !s kept on sale
at the Oregon News Co., 3-9 Morrison
treet. Portland, Oregon.
Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon.
Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Building.
Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four
teenth street, N. W. ,
Member United Press Association.
Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton,
Oregon, as second class mall matter.
Telephone Main 1
Official City and County Paper.
X Few are the clear, strong spir-
- its, who can bear
To look on Truth In her. un-
clouded blaze;
Few are the high, heroic souls,
who dare,
Above the low pursuit of gain
to rise
Their firm, unbending purpose;
few can gaze
AtJ virtue, on her pure and
awful throne
Ah! few can love the therecal
coin she pays
But they must love it, for
the souls alone
Who master self can claim
our birthright as their
James Gates Perclval.
power. Publicity and efficiency are
the watchwords of commission gov
ernment. Candidates must make a public
statement of their campaign expens
es, there can be no secret meetings of
the city council, every ordinance ap
propriating money must be on public
file for :even days before It becomes
effective, all franchises must be sub
mitted to a vote of the people for ap
pioval before they become operative,
oi fleers must have no secret obliga
tions to public service companies in
the way cf passes, special rates,-free
service, etc. These specific provisions
for publicity are designed to bring
everything in connection with the city
government out into the open light.
Every meeting of the city council is
minutely reported in the newspapers
and public opinion is rendered effec
tive by the existence of the provisions
for the initiative, referendum and recall.
People of Walla Walla are discuss
ing the feasibility of adopting the
commission form of government. Al
ready the agitation for this reform
has reached the stage that the weekly
commercial club luncheon this week
was devoted to consideration of the
The Walla Walla Bulletin is advo
cating the adoption of the commis
sion plan and has forth the following
to show the merits of the commission
plan that may be adopted under the
Allen bill passed by the last Wash
ington legislature:
The Commission form of govern
ment abolishes ward lines, party poli
tics and the old division of city offi
cers into legislative, executive and Ju
dicial departments. In place of this
it substitutes a board, consisting of
the mayor and two commissioners,
who manage the affairs of the citv
lust as a board of directors manage
the business 'of a bank or any large
corporation, who are Invested with
all the powers of city government and
who are elected by the people of the
whole city, but without any party
These three men divide the duties
of the city government among them
selves Into three departments of Puh
lie Safety, Finance and Accounting,
and Streets and Public Improvements.
They can elect all the subordinate of
ficers necessary to the conduct of the
city business, such as chief of police,
city clerk, city engineer, city tree
urer, etc. These subordinate officers
may be discharged at any time for
any misconduct or lack of attention
to duties. All other subordinates are
elected by the men in whose depart
ments they are to serve and are re
movable for cause.
It will be seen that directness and
simplicity are the main characteristics
of the plan. The great purposes are
to make the city government feel re
sponsive to public opinion and also to
make It efficient In administration.
To carry out these two fundamental
Ideas two other great principles have
directed nearly all the details of the
charter, namely; to confer upon the
governing body great power, and to
hold the governing body strictly re
It is estimated that since the year
1S20 upwards of 2S, 000, 000 immi
grants have come to this country, the
vast majority from Europe, Bays the
Inland Herald of Spokane. In the
second generation for the most part,
these people became not only Ameri
canized as to belief and custom, but
as to language. But in the first gen
eration the numbers of strangers are
so great that newspapers are pub
lished in their own vernacular. The
tetal circulation of these newspap
ers is estimated to be 7,000,000, the
premier place being taken by Ger
man newspapers with a circulation
cf over 2.000,000. Next comes French
with 1.500,000; the Norwegian with
415,000; Bohemian 369,000; Swedish
300,000; Hebrew 300,000; Italian 283.
000; Polish 210,000; Spanish 160.000.
But this does not exhaust the list,
except for circulation exceeding 100,
000. There are other newspapers
numbering 148 which are published
in Armenian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chi
nese, Croatian, Finnish, Irmish,
Greek, Dutch, Hungarian, Japanese,
Lithuanian, Portuguese, Roumanian,
Russian, Ruthenian, Servian, Slovak,
Slovenian and Welsh. The total num
ber of foreign newspapers in the
United States is 1188.
This number of foreign newspapers
with their vast circulation is being
cast into that great melting pot from
which shall emerge the American na
tion, and no wonder governments are
occasionally crude and legislatures
puerile when so great a variety of
people has to be educated in the prin
ciples which underlie American social
life. It is a task worthy of the best
statesmanship in the nation and it is
a task that as long as the immigra
tion goes on in the manner which it
has been doing for so many years
past, will never cease. That here and
there inequality or injustice crops out,
is hardly to be wondered at; that so
much has been done, so much pro
gress made in face of the tremendous
difficulties, is that which is the real
wonderment. It is that which makes
the rise of the United States into its
About twenty years ago I began to break out with Eczema on my
bead, legs and arms, and commenced treatment with the local doctors,
but did not get much relief. I continued to treat tbe disease under
the direction of different physicians for two years, and at the end of
that time they said the dlseasa was chronic I then quit them and
tried various ointments, salrea, lotions, etc., for another two years,
but soon I was as bad off as before, to I finally decided to let medicine
alone, and for rwelva or thirteen Tear I suffered intensely from the
Bcrana, During tbe time I lost about half of my hair. At last I be
fn& & S, doubtful of a cure, because the disease had run on so long,
bat I soon disoovared that your Medicine was doing me good, and
continued to take It After taking &. 8. & for awhile I was completely
cored of the Eczema, not baring a single spot left on my body, which
before was almost completely covered with the eruption. I waited
until the Spring to see if it would return, but have seen no signs of it,
and am satisfied the cure it permanent It has been several years now
and I do not believe I will ever have any return of the trouble.
1017 Hackberry St, Ottumwa, Iowa. P. C NORFOLK.
What S. S. S. did for Mr. Norfolk it can do for every one who is
afflicted with a Skin Disease. He is just one of the many thousands
who have cured themselves by the simple process of purifying the
blood and removing the cause from the circulation. We want you r
be cured if you have any skin trouble, and shall endeavor in this slioi i
talk to tell you just why S. S. S. will accomplish the desired result.
The skin is composed of two distinct layers. One is known as the
epidermis or outer skin, which has no fibres, and serves principally a
a covering to the body. The other is known as the derma or true skin,
and is composed of elastic fibres, fat tissue, glands, lymphatics, nerves,
etc. The thousands of tiny veins and arteries with which this lowe
section is interlaced, supplies the cuticle with healthful properties froiv
the circulation to keep the skin smooth and healthy. We can therefor-.-readily
see how necessary it is for the blood to be pure if the skin
remain free from disease, and also why humors and acids in the circu
lation always find their way to the surface and cause skin affections.
All skin troubles are due to a humor or acid in the blood. Inaicac
of supplying rich, nutritive properties to the cuticle, the circtilntio;.
constantly deposits an acrid impurity into the sensitive fibres and tis
sues. , This causes inflammation of the under layer of the skin whidi
splits or breaks the thin outer tissue and causes an ulceration of tht
glands, producing a discharge upon the surface, in the form of Eczema.
Tetter, Salt Rheum, etc. There is likewise a dry form of skin discus-,
such as Acne, Psoriasis, etc. In these varieties the humor in the bloo..
diseases the pores, hair follicles, etc., causing them to swell ant
protrude to the outer surface. Pimples, rashes, eruptions and like
troubles are all due to impure blood, and only a blood purifier can curt
them. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., will perhaps afford some tempo
rary relief from the itching, and assist in keeping the skin clean, bui
such treatment can have no effect on the humors in the blood, and
iherefore never do any permanent good.
S. S. S. cures Skin diseases of every kind by neutralizing the acicb
and removing -the humors from the blood. S. S. S. cools the acid
heated circulation, builds it up to its normal strength and thickness,
multiplies its rich, nutritious corpuscles, and adds to its purity and
nourishing qualities in every way. Then the skin, instead of being
irritated and inflamed by fiery humors and acids, is nourished, soothed
and softened by a plentiful supply of rich, pure blood. S. S. S. is the
greatest of all blood purifiers and therein lies Its ability to cure skin
diseases. It cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, pimples, boils,
rashes and all eruptions of the cuticle. These troubles cannot remain
when the cause has been removed, and S. S. S. will certainly remove
the cause by purifying the blood. Book on Skin Diseases free to all
Grande Ronde Apple Orchards
on the INSTALLMENT plan. ,
Talk witli the Pendleton people who have visited these
At the off; ol MARK MOOR.HOUSE CO.
The New Shirts for
Spring, $1.50 and
$1.25 Values for
present prominence in the world af
fairs the astonishment of Europe.
It has been a long time since a dem
ocrat in the speaker's chair and
they had a right to rejoice yesterday.
Chicago is having a hot election but
It Is not so interesting as the one at
Tacoma where the ladles also vote.
Now Pendleton is acquiring fame
through the fact that a former Pen-
tlletonlan Is up for swindling.
Wife I verily believe that Mrs.
Xcxdore has the most contrary na
ture of any woman on earth.
Hub Contrary nature? Wry. If
that woman fasted she'd get fat.
Boston Transcript.
"I'll be a poor man if prices keep
on going up! I tell you It's pretty
tough when you have to pay thtrry
cents a pound for steak."
"Yes, but It's tougher when you
pay ten cents a pound for It."
Grand Millinery
o o o
o o o
Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, April 6, 7 and 8th
Madam Auener has just returned from the East
with a large line of the latest creations of GAGE
of which will be on display at this opening. The
Ladies of Pendleton and vicinity are cordially in
vited to inspect this, the swellest line of Millinery
ever displayed in this city.
Savt Your Coupon
Whorm it Pay to Trad
Either Golf or Soft Collar
It's hard to describe just liow pretty the new patterns
rpall.y are you can view thorn better in our new small win
dow. Remember New Sprit? poods arriving daily at Pendle
ton's "DAYLIGHT STOKE" where the light is so bright
you enn bog just what you're petting in fact count the
Workingmons Clothing Gompany
Less expense makes our prices lower.
If you need a pair of oxfords or pumps, come while we
have your size, as they won't last long at the prices we sell
Lot 1 colored - $1.19
Lot 2 black and bronze 91.65
Next Door to Taylor's Hardware Co.
The Bargain House .of Feudletou.
-on draught at the-
Columbia Bar
632-636 Main St
We Serve to Please
Herman Pefers, Prop
Bowman Bar
One Block from Depot
A Gentlemen's Resort
Try. Our
They Please
Uartin Andersen, Prop
to Loan at 5 Per Cent.
Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental
money pay for your home.
Call or write for particulars.
I U Ilnlannif A aft Room 4 Tempi
Vi ill MlMUllWjj ngiij building
6- roora house and 2 lots on Marie street $1150.
3-room house on school house hill, only $575; terms 1-2
7- room house on Court street $1050 cash will buy same.
5-room house on Willow street only $800.
Fine 7-room house on Willow atreet, between Court and
Alta. Bargain if sold at once.
Splendid 4-room house, fine lawn and shade trees, 212
Garfield street, only $900.
5-room house on Perkins Avenue, cost $1400, can be
bought for $1100.
17-room house on Main Btreet, $1500; $500 cash bal
ance terms.
8- room house on Thompson street to trade for wheat land.
10-room house on South hill, worth $8000 or $9000 to
trade for wheat land ; would consider tract up to
$15,000 or $20,000.
The Home Finder
sponsible for the right use of that