-A L PAQE THRO RIGHT PAGIk ;.!;t ill LL OPEN AT PENDLTON . . . i mivi.i ini nxmnoM unvnir. AmtlT. 3. 101 1. w SATURDAY, APRIL 8th 1911 Tho Following is Taken From the Jew York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin: 'The 'Golden Rule Syndicate of buyers doing business in Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Washington and Oregon, are at their offices at the Broadway Central Hotel in this city. These gentlemen buying for their various stores are heavy users oc merchandise and their purchases are largely sought by largest and best manufacturers of the East, owing to their immense outlet. These stores do an aggnegate of one and one half million dollars annualy and are rated in the mercantile agencies as be ing one of the strongest organizations in the West. In view of this, their trade is very desirable and they as buyers are regarded as experts in their line, they are enabled to buy their merchandise very much lower than the ordinary, merch ant, in fact are considered to be on aStrickly Jobbing Business The buying power they possess gives them a wounderful advantage over their competitors in the West, and the growth of this wonderful organization clearly demonstrates its stability and strength. t FROM TIE SPORTING WORLD PAOUC COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. W. Li. Pet. Oakland .. 6 1 San Francisco 2 Los Angeles 3 Portland 3 4 Vernon 2 6 Sacramento .833 .714 .571 .429 .286 .167 JtcultM Yesterday. Ios Angeles 4-10; Portland 6-5. San Francisco 1-6, Vernon 0-5. Oakland 2. Sacramento 0. IYIkco Wins Two. ( San Francisco, April 3. San Fran i Cisco drew down two scratch victories over Vernon yesterday, winning the , first game at Oakland by a score of 1 to 0 and the afternoon game In San Francisco by a score of 6 to 5. Miller inlclied a last game ior i?un ,i: the morning session, fanning nine or the visitors. Vernon used tnree ( pitcher in the second game, but lost after gathering five runs In the eighth ; for San Francisco hammered out four I tallies in the last Inning, giving the Tl DANGER LN DELAY. Kidney Diseases Ar0 Too Dangerous For Pendleton People to Neglect. The great danger of kidney trou bles la that they get a firm hold be fore the sufferer recognises them. Health l gradually undermined. Backache, headache, nervousness, lameness soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Brignt disease follow In merciless succession. Don't neglect your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the certain and safe remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people hlght here In Pen dleton. J. D. Morrow, B17 Marie street. Pendleton, Oregon, says: "For about three months I had backache and If I did any work that required stoop ing, sharp twinges darted through my loins and over my right kidney. The secretions from my kidneys were un natural and Irregular In passage and pained me Intensely when being vold ed On a friend's advice. I uses Doan's Kidney Pills and they cor rected my treuble. I gladly give Oils nrannMnn mv endorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price I cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan and take no other. inning of today's game. Though the crowd was very limited In number, those who did endure the chilling breezes In the grandstand were en tertained with the speediest contest Kcho has seen for some time. How It All JlnpM'iied. Promntlv at 1:30 his honor, the ump, Rustrata, gave the order "Play ball:" and Henderson, Milton's one armed wonder, advanced to the plate I to face Lehman s tw isters. He got a nice little pass to tho Initial bag nnd went to second on, a stunt of bunt by Storm. It looked as though the orchard county cubs were going to .-'re In tiie first inning, but Lehman unwound and caused the decease of the next three men, two by the strikeout route and a pop-up fly .n the Infield. Pulclpher was the first man up for J tin ff,Me,l t. Innnti. fur 51 R:lfo home team Hi runs. Hie scoic: ; . ... , , .. ,,..,, Morning game: R. II. L. , Lu(,w(, who ((, (1Uo Tnon flew N,rn"" , t I out in a little infield pop-up and the San Francisco . ...1 . 6 ( (ifimo wgs ; Carson nnd Hogan; Miller and Her- Jn cant ) uyo Jenkins ROt a safe nit r'"' to first and stole second, but was put j Afternoon game: "' ' EJ out as he tried to reach third on ,rn"n I ,' T.i Jayne's hit. Darling was put out on San Francisco . .6 10 i j a (( (rlvp to mUm g.irJcn anJ Breckenridge. Stewart, Raleigh and n.inhohimK fannrJ u, ml0 zopn. Brown; Sutor. Henley and Schmidt. jpnklns evnlre.i nn third. The following is the tabulated score: Echo. P AB R IB PO A E Pulclpher ...5-1 4 1 1 3 0 0 Ludwell 6 Thon 3 Gilbert 4 Hosklns 2 Fitzhugh 9 j Henslelgh 7 I Campbell Huchison Lehman . . .1-5 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 (I 1 0 2 7 0 1 1 12 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 2 PENDLETON COLTS LOSE SECOND GAME HANSON'S CVRVES ARE PUZZLING TO PENDLETON Totals 36 4 7 27 12 9 Mjlton. P. AB R IB PO A E Lours Have on Ratting Clothes and; Ijimt Hard on Ientlier Rlough. Pendleton's Oentcrflelder, Is the Sensation of Game. T. Henderson . . 8 4 0 0 1 Storm 4 5 1 2 0 II. Henderson .9 4 0 1 1 lieser 7 5 1 1 0,0 T'.nnlck 6 4 0 1 2 Jenkins 5 3 Jayne 3 4 Darling 2 4 Bartholomew ..1 4 1 1 0 12 0 7 0 1 Inability to connect with Pitcher Hanson's mystifiers and a deficiency in the knowledge of inside baseball lost the game for the Pendleton Colts yesterday in Walla Walla and bumped them to the half way mark between the percentage pinnacle and the bot Thompson, the lanky twirler for the Colts, could not deliver the good ' In a puzzling package yesterday. H was perhaps a little nervous at first and the Bears landed on him hard la the opening inning. On the over hand, he had pitted against nine is who had been taught how to clout tJi horsehide and was fortunate In being able to hold them to eight safe ose Milne, the little high school pltcser, snnnlantpi! him on the mound in the final inning and held the savage Bear down without a hit. Support Is Excellent. The support given the Pendleton pitchers was of the gilt edge variety; but one error being made behind (Continued on page eight) 1 tomless pit. Not only did they fail to j vrs ns Jenkins exnlred on third. Gilbert for Echo reached third but Oakland Wins in Ninth Sacramento, Cal April 3. sacra- wa rpfjch tjc uy pan afj niento played Oakland to a standstill . ..,., for 9 innings yesterday but In tho tenth Oakland won out with two runs I scored on singles by Bowser and Cust- haw with two errors contrinuieu Dy Sacramento. These two runs were the only scores of the game. Score: R- H. E. Oakland 2 6 2 Sacramento 0 5 2 Kilroy and Mitze; Thompson and Thomas. , AiiKels and Portl.:kl Spilt. Los Angeles, April 3. Portland took the morning game and Los An geles the afternoon of the double header. Five pitchers were used in Hosklns. Fitshuch and Henslelgh each failed t" connect for safe ones. In canto three, Milton started the ball rolling. Henderson went the pitcher route, but Storm tapped one just over second for a safe passage nnd was advanced to second on a sac rifice stunt by H. Henderson. Reser then located for n safe one, sending Storm to third. Rennlck then drove out a neat little two-bagger, scoring Storm and Ueser. . Jayne struck out and Milton's part ot the third canto was ended. In Echo's half of the third the first two men up failed to do anything In CATARRH IS SURELY A DANGEROUS DISEASE by the two teams. A total of 42 hits was made during the two games, re sulting in a home run, three base hits and seven two-baggers. Although Portland made nearly twice as many hits in the second con test as did Los Angeles, tho home team made twice as many runs. Morning game Los Angeles 4; Portland 6. Afternoon game Los Angeles 10, Portland 6. Thousands of neople allow catarrh to slowly undermine the whole sys tem until a serious disease develops sometimes consumption. People who have catarrh should use every effort to get rid of It, but should above all adopt a sensible method. Stomach dosing, sprays and douca es won't cure catarrh because it Is a germ disease, and the germs must be destroyed before the disease can be conquered. HYOMEI Is tho one sensible cure for catarrh because It reaches every fold, crevice and nook in tne raucous j membrane and gets where the germs are. You breathe HYOMEI and as n passes over the Inflamed membrance Its soothing Influence heals the sore ness and destroys the germs. A complete HYOMEI outfit costs $1. This consists of a bottle of HY OMEI and a hard rubber lnhalor. Pour a few drops of HYOMEI Into the lnhnler and breathe It a few min utes each day, that's all you have to do. It Is guaranteed by Tallman tt Co. and druggists everywhere to cure catarrh, coughs, colds and aore throat or money back. Extra bottle of HYOMEI costs but 80 cents. Free trial sample on request from Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. T. RLUE MOUNTAIN LEAGUE. ere used in ... .,, ,.., ... ,,,. .,k each of the games, but even this fall- , mUe parelosg on nccount of the ed to stem the tide ot neavy oaiung fe(i shnt wh,ch fpw wide and connected with Pulcipher's anatomy, giving him a free pass. He promptly beat a sneak to second and went to third on Ludwell's hit. "Da vy" (Thon) then got busy with the willow for a scorching two-bagger, which put Pulclpher safe over the tally pan. Gilbert then failed to con nect nnd the score was two to one In Milton's favor. In he fourth canto Milton added one more to their list nnd Echo fail ed to Increase her credits. Huchison took the mound for Echo and In turn gave place to Pulclpher. The fifth,, sixth and seventh cantos were just simply a pnnornmlc vision of fast ball. Neither side seemed to bo able "to do nothin' nohow!" In the eighth canto the Miltonltes succumbed so rapidly to Pulcipher's Puzzling Pettets and It was over so soon It seemed but a dream. Echo's first two men up In their half bit tho dust likewise rapidly but Davy came to the rescue again with i corklnor two-bnirirer. Ollbert did the ditto stunt with a duplicate copy done up in a fancy wrapper. Ludwell then selected one with accurate pre cision nnd so nently that during the melee (iiinert and Tnon Doth regis tered. Henslelgh ended tho canto nnd the score was a tie. In the ninth Milton failed to rally, the first man up going out by the strikeout route. Tulclpher allowed the next man a pass on balls but the next two men un. Reser nnd Rennlck. cleaved tho atmosphere for naught. In Echo's half Campbell fanned out Hutchison drove out a cracking two bagger. Pulclpher then followed with a safe one far In the outfield and Huchison raced home, registering the winning score for Echo. Totals 37 3 7 27 9 7 Score, bv Inning. 12 3456789 Echo R 00100002 1 4 H 00210003 17 Milton ....4 00210000 03 H 12301000 07 Summary. Earned runs Echo 2, Milton 2. Two base hits Echo 2. Milton 0. Sacrifice hits T. Henderson. Stolen bases Echo 5, Milton 6. First on balls Off Lehman 6, Pulclpher 7. Left on bases Echo 7, Milton 7. Double plays Henderson to Ren nick. Wild pitches By Echo 0, Bartholo mew 2. First base on errors Echo 3, Mil ton 3. Hit by pitcher Pulclpher by Bar tholomew. Time of game One hour. 35 min utes. Umpire Bust rata. Scorers For ,Echo, Scrivner; for Milton, Sanderson. annex victory but they could not ring j o cintrl.1 conre tne enrt nr Tne came finding a row of doughnuts to their credit, while Bade s Bears haa a grana total of five runs. It was a sad spec tacle for the one hundred fans that accompanied the local team into the camp of the enemy, but not one denies that Walla Walla's triumph was earn ed. With their bats, the Bruins pitchers was of the gilr edge variety, but four of them being retired In eight Innings via the strikeout route. HELP For Your Week Stomach or Clogged Bowels Take HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS A Trial Always Con vinces WESTON CHAMPIONS E IN FAST CONTEST WIN IN NINTH BY SCORE OF 4 TO 3 Game Is Pulled Out of Hole in Eighth and Won In tho Ninth Crowd Is Small on Account of tho Chilling llreeae. rsneclAl Correspondence.) Pulling the game out of the hole In eighth inning and winning it in tho ninth, Echo won from Milton In tho second game of the Blue Mountain league schedule series. The balloon ascension of last Sunday was a tame affair compared to the rally of the Echo willow wlelders In tho eighth LOSE TO ATHENA GAME IS SCRAPPY WITH SCORE 10 TO 6 I Sensational Playing of Plcard for Atheiui Is Feature of tho Game Much Dissatisfaction Over Deel-' slons of Umpire Rlnekmnn. i I (Special Correspondence. ! Athena, April 3. Littlejohn's Mil lers shoved the Weston Champions in the cellar yesterday, winning a scrap py game by a score of 10 to 6. Picard playing right field for Athena, wns the. star performer of the day. Ho made one of the most spectacular catches ever made on the Weston grounds, got three hits and scored twice. Owens knocked one over the fence for throe bases. Pelland was there with the stick, finding O Harra for a two-bnso hit and a home run. The game w-as repete with much wrangling, both teams finding fault with the decisions of Umpire Black mnn. His "Umps" had a bad day, but no worse than he had nt Milton a week ago and it Is potent that the league officials will be asked for a competent man to hold the indicator. Captain Brown is getting his team In shape and the game at Weston yesterday developed no weak spots. EGOH piAlM MOHDAV EVE., APRIL 3, 1911 AT 8:16 O'CLOCK First Society of Christ Scientist of Pendleton, Oregon, Announces a Lecture on Christian Science, by W.D. McCraken, M. A. C. S. B. of Boston, Mass., Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Admission Free t i. V I 1 i! JJ ill i M v it-', It. ' i i ( t i'