East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 30, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    fagz rm
$ 11-5.00
Will buy your choice of 35
Suits and 50 Dresses
The very latest spring styles
all sizes.
Values to $25.00
Sale Ends Friday Night.
F. E. Livengood Co.
The Women's and Children's Store.
APRIL Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready.
See Lane St Son for signs.
Pastime pictures please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
Phone Main 1 far United Orchestra,
Wall paper, paints, etc., Lane A Son.
Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat
and lard. Main 445.
Wanted, Waitress Address Home
liakery, Hermlston.
Front office for rent In Judd build
ing. F. E. Judd.
For Rent Furnished house keeping
rooms, 60S Water 6L
All kinds or freeh fish all the time
at the Pendlet.n Cash Market.
The king of all Be cigars, 'Devlin's
Fives." Joe Sullivan sole agent.
Everybody goes to the Orphcum to
boo the best and the clearest pictures.
For rent Three room furnished
house. Inquire 619 Johnson street.
For rent Eight room house at
909 East Court. Inquire Ralph How
land. Bungalow on north side of river, al
so furniture for sale. Charles J. Fer
guson. I. C. Snyder guarantees good spray
ing. Yours for good work. Phono
It. 3812.
Wanted Girl to do general house
work. Inquire 417 Perkins Ave.
Phono Black 3652.
Don't forget the Easter Sale In the
old creamery biiilciliitf on Main street
Aill 1st.
Homo cookliiR anj linnd made, ar
tl h :it the KaUv ale, old cream-
ry building, Main ittreet.
Wanted At once, woman for house
work. Family of two. Apply Berlin
Dye Works.
2(t ticres timber, cosy of access, 40
cords t. the acre, J 9 per acre will buy
It. E. T. VTade.
I have some nice suburban homes
with orchard, garden and chickens,
f' r sa'c vcrv cheap. E. T. Wndo.
Cockl"., c.ikes douchnuts, plen anl
bread r, ), frenli every day at .iie
Royal 11 i (cry. Phone Main 4 4 9.
Phono H.Hl 3 : S 1 for ou'rk auto cab
v-f 2 f, cent fares in city. liStcs
by hour or mile for nut of town rrrps.
Special rate. to horses hoarded by
the 'v ck or Month at the CN'onuerciiil
IV.: : . i'-O A urn etr ot. I'lloll ; M..iu 12. j
f: :.r-.:i ,V K.MI:." l,.v. :'- . i,r- 1 th"
In il ; Te'!,.y for the .T.ihnson Id-al'
Halter. Hie heat, elv ap h:li.T In the
in. .rift.
Mr.- (to. e ( implicit Is now showing
a com; lete line of n-w si'Hnp; hats 'or
si; t nr. ''ill and si e the beau
tii'nl j.nt!rns.
f Jo -Tnu acre home east
Pi udieio'i. Alfaifa. fruit. t;arnen.
f'.ooil l.itlMinir.'i, water syxtem and
baiii. ..blre. ,T. It. Hrant, IViulIe
l n, f liTRon.
Phone Main 92 for good clean lump
or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all
parts of the city. Crab Creek Lua
ber Co., 700 West Alta street.
If you want fresh meat from a
new, clean market, phone Main 445.
Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder,
manager. 224 B. Court street.
Two carloads brood sows on aale
at O.-W. R. & N. stockyards Satur
day, April 1st. , For particulars, see
Lee Teutsch.
Special sale on sheet music. Many
popular pieces going at 15, 20 and
25c, for this week only. Snyder
Music Co.
Penland Bros. Traasf.r Co., phone
Black 3191. Piano, furniture aad
heavy trucking of all klada, Call an
swered promptly. Office (47 Main st
For sale Two hundred acrss good
timber grszlni- land, ab.ut M aorea
tillable, running water on place. This
Is a snap If taken within next thirty
days. Address W. B., Bex S41, city.
Tou can't burn slate aad gravel!
Don't try it Ph.no Dutch Henry,
Main 173, for clean screened Reck
Springs coal either lump or nut, It
burns clean and goes further.
Xew hydrants Do away with your
old rod and stop-cocks and use the
anti-freezing hydrants. Call and see
them a( the Sanitary Plumbing shop.
304 E. Court stret, Alex Burt, prop.
For sale Reynolds' Automatic
Harvester. Has only cut 1100 acres.
Easy terms. Inquire of Pendleton
Iron Works, Marion Jacs or S. C.
Hi'tner, Pendleton, Ore.
For Sale Slnglo or In pack, four
thoroughbred registered Airedale ter
riers, two males and two females. Just
right for this sprlng'ji bear hunt.
Thirty dollars each. E. T. Anderson.
M. D., Enterprise, Oregon.
(Continued from page one.)
of the citizens. An nrgument that
will touch the pocket nerves of the
populace 1m tbnt the new plan will
cut down the lisht hills as thre will
bo jiiFt one hour a day less In which
iiii 'lcial Illumination will be neces
st: ry.
There are many in the city besides
Mr. Cohen who are strong advocate-
i the plan and who will work active
ly to have it adopt el. Superintend
ent Landers of the publ'c school-;,
: t.iti s that In' personally Is in favor
of th. plin but wmid n 't foist it
' v oi ut..t iliinir piiM e. However,
V V" i that ."veral of the hit;h
an i. ni - have already ap
pro .ve il Mm a. kiiiR to have the eon-
t v -Iion I !.! carried out as last
i l r.
.lel "!.-a ; inn ,.f business !:ie:i will
i My i lr- ii :.i t e ;i pe t lion soon to
erviin th" Kcn"r.i) sentiment on
:e .-; 'heme, and if It meets with suc-
-S an ."tteiui wm fir.t be made
' have the city council an J county
nil i ieior e it first.
The 'r.-.ible hnnler never comes
'"'ti' with an empty bag.
Havifend Qmna, Cm Glass f
Still going at Auction Sale Prices
If you chJen't secure what you wanted
during the, Auction, come in and we
will make you a satisfactory price on
any article you select.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
W. H. Dial of Baker Is visiting in
the city.
Rev. James Calllson came In this
morning from his home at Helix.
P. S. Gibson' of Pilot Rock, came In
from that town yesterday.
D. ,C. Cummlngs of Portland, is a
guest of the Pendleton.
Art Berrlam of Umatilla came up
from the railroad town yesterday.
Attorney Homer I. Watts of Athe
na, is spending today In Pendleton. .
Mrs. W. A. Stockman camo In this
morning from her home at Stanton
J. H. Hyland of Heppner, came in
from the Morrow county seat yester
day. J. Edgar of Union was among the
out of town people in the city yester
day. May Seller of Echo, came up from
that town yesterday and spent the
night In the city,
W. R. Walpole, the well known Ir
rlgon rancher, Is transacting business
in the city.
Mrs. A. J. Plcard Js registered at
the Hotel St. George from Boise,
William Ferguson, the well known
Athena rancher. Is a -Pendleton visit
or today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blakely are
spending a few days on the Blakely
ranch at Eastland.
Frank Rogers returned this morn
ing from a visit to his wheat ranch,
north of town.
Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely went to
Echo this morning on business In con
nection with his office.
Henry Koplttke, the wood and ice
man. Is making a business visit to
west end towns today.
Charles F. Washburn of Hunting
ton. Is among the guests registered
at the Bowman hotel.
R. Lleuallen and wife of Weston,
came In from their home last evening
and fpent the night In the city.
Conductor Patten resumed his run
between here and Walla Walla last
evening after a short vacation spent
In Spokane.
Attorney S. F. Welson of Athena,
Is n the city today to attend the meet
ing of the Umatilla County Bar asso
ciation. A. Buckley, assistant superintend
ent of the Oregon-Washington com
pany, is over from his La Grande
Jack O'Neill, traveling passenger
agent for the O.-W. R. & N. company,
arrived In the city yesterday and Is
spending today here.
Dr. J. R. Sponogie. the Athena den
tist, has returned home after having
been in Seattle for several months as
administrator of an estate.
Wahlnglon March , 30. Though
som recruiting officers report big In
creases n applications for enlistment
In the army since the beginning of
the military demonstration on the
Texan border, army officers predict
that the actual Increase in the army
will be small.
They base this prediction upon the
small percentage of applicants -who
.ire accepted fRrom among the vast
nutr. Tier applying. During the last fis
cal year, only 14 per cent of those
applying were finally enlisted in the
military service.
Teiidl. ton's f.ivori'e picture t he
ader. Friday's pro-Jtram, b:g feature
f ! 1 :n t
"When the 7,!rht Waned." A now
Vt'.irr.i'.li "lif" portrayal." Every
one l-i funil'ar .v'th J-in. thi won
derful S.' .hh ..,.:.. ':. oris with the
V'.M' rot h " ;.', . ' this picture
I 'm v. . . tuet; ,., ,u'.l" nnd cu'tr.lian
ef -ii :rt's j li i ba b. en Firlck.-n
.'h v:ielr ti 1 fhe f.rthfully
erv her l;';.t.T until rlv is j dned
I.' - r !n i)i eiry by an oil sweet
ie "t-t of :'' avtv-" pnt'iotio and
v rit ; ''ill tut'. f : rue love a o l -wit
'on. ,
"l.'et.l it'll, .-".it'.-: Narrow E--.:.'..'
A.te !: '.it; lVi'he. This a
vi .'rr.to.itic .' t.'i'it i.-ture. filed
"'fb the s'ir and action of the old
!:'. ,.f th.. plains Thr llinc rld
' n ' !lv r ti 'ts v. hit h h ,1 U
tuppence from b lining to end.
'Th' p.ansoni ..( K. I Chi, f." ; ii
" ii. 'I'his ls"noi an Indian pi. ry. as
I's file mi':ht indicate, but a comedy
pare and :-iinplo, (Halinir with the
enl arc . ef a Pinall boy. It is wtir
1 t ivaUe the most hardened n
divi lu.ii l uitth lon:.t: and loud. Taken
'".'t't n. Henry's book.
"The Faded I.il'y." 1 '.io-.-r a ph
i.'.vc .:Mory.
"Her L'il''i 1-is utt." llio::rph.
' tnedy.
Four full reels a' each perform
ance. Five loin; photoplays for Fri
o.iy and S.. tur.l.'i j , nil rood ones.
Tbo I'atime.
The house of finality. A bit: fettnrc
fi! oi for Friday and Saturday:
"The I'.'.io. aneers." p'elltr, drania.
A thrilling sea tale of the time of p -rates
and th- way Ihey rtiv.itted the
S 11M.
"I'oiiKUtniliiT T.ove." VilaKraph.
drama. A heauM'ul p.U'ture of child
"Gi-'ttltig Even." -J.ubin comedy.
The restaurant proprietor had to pay
de u-ly for the steak that was tough.
"S. hnlt. has the Smallpox.' Lubin.
A whole barrel . f fun In this one.
The Ih'rd and hu't reel of "A Tale
of Two C'liles" will bo .shown In the
near future. Watch for date.
Friday and Sat Only
Specials at
llfohienbeipgs Department Store
35c Pequot Sheeting 9-4 wide at 32c
32c Pacific Sheeting 9-4 wide at 28c
23c Pillow Tubing 45-in. 20c
25c Figured Curtain Scrim . . . .18c
50c Wool Serge in Navy,' Black and Cardinal at 39c
$1.25 and $1.50 White Waists at . . . 75c
Ladies 12 1-2 Sleeveless Vests, 3 for . . 25 c
Last of the Big Easter Suit Sale
Ladies $30 and $35 Suits for . . $23.50
Ladies $40 and $45 Suits for . , . $32.00
Take Advantage of these Savings
Better Goods For Less Money
Chicago, March 30. It looks like
the investigating committee will not
get the information as to who said
a $100,000 fund was raised by the
interests to elect Lorlmer. "Threats
of the jail don't frighten me," said H.
H. Kohlsaat, editor of the Chicago
Uecord-Herald. "As a newspaper
man I never betray confidence."
Kohlsaat was given until tonight to
tell the name of his Informant.
Seattle, Wash., March 20. Charg
ing her husband, who owns tlOO.Oo
worth of mines in Nevada and Alas
ka with desertion and non-support,
Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, wife of the min
ing engineer who climbed Mt. Mc
Klnley to disprove Cook's story, has
been granted a divorce. She gets half
the property. She said he left her at
Fairbanks and that she was com
pelled to work to secure money to get
out of the country.
Seattle, Wash., March 30. Rev. E.
B. Sutton, a retired Presbyterian
minister, is today facing a peniten
tiary sentence for neglecting his du
ties as registration clerk in the recent
recall election. He registered for a
woman who was sick and changed
another name which had been reg
istered wrongly. He was convicted
and is out pending sentence.
Read the want ads toaay.
1 rj
Nof in Any Trust Can You Beat This?
We Can Save You Money on Every Article
You Buy Here. These Are Cash Prices Only
'' ': 'i
. . ..K V.il t . .., iJl:, !
a:icv riire deans
! 6 !h.
4 pkos. Be-t C. Sch
3 pk-s. Qii:-ker C. Flakes
1 al. can Winner Cai-oiir
1 ib. English Breakfast Tea
Tomatoes, the can
Siring Beans, the can
Arm and Hammer Soda, 4 lor
Best 30c Coffee in the city, lb.
5 gal. Pearl Oii . .
Pickles, !ar;e kee-;
. $1.00
. 25c
. . . 10c
. 10c
. 25c
The mere complainer wastes his
breath but the kicker connects.
vwiU' M h ten t?9tx-
PHONE Mam 442 Prompt Delivery
We Absolutely Guarantee Everything We Sell to Be as Represented