PAGE FOCR DATLT EAST OREf.OM.vS, FENPLlKTON. ORBGOX. TlU'ItSDAY, MAHCU 80, mil. EKJHT PAGE AN INDKrKNDKNT NEWSPAPER. yubliched Daily and Semi-Weekly at Pendleton Oregon, by the AST OliF.iiONIAN I'LHLISMNU CO. fcl U.SCKU'TION KATKS. llly. one year, by mall 13.00 ally, nix miiotha, by mall 2.60 (ally, three montba, by mall 1.23 ially. one mouth, by mail 50 lally, one year, by carrier 7.60 Iailr, nil month, br carrier 3.75 Wily, Uiree montli. by carrier 1.15 all vemi-neekiy, one year, by D ml W eeMv. all nmntbv h mall.. eml-Weekly, four montba, ky uiall. y. one month, bv carrier I-Weekly, one year, by mall... .65 1.50 .7.1 .60 The Itally Kast Orcgonlan la kept on aale at the ori-on N Co., 329 Morrtaoo atreet, Portland, Oregon. Northwect Xea i o.. I'ortland. Oreson. Chlce- . liureau. !HH) Security Rullding. Aanh;-v-ton, D C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth t ..oet, N. W. Mc3ir Tnlted Preaa Association. Entered at the poetnffloe at Pendleton. Oregon, aa second class mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County raner. country like ours where public opin ion prevails so paramountly, the pub- i He man doesn't occupy nearly so lm portant a position as ho that moulds public opinion. The cardinal sin , of the moulder of public opinion 'is! mendacity. I abhor the thief, but I abhor more the assassin of character, he thnt tries to destroy the public's faith in the honesty of the man who rightfully should be where he is." That he did not refer t- the reform magazines, generally classed as muck rake magazines, was explained by the colonel. Those magazines have ac complished much good for they have striven for reform where reform Is needed. He referred particularly to the New York Herald which he charged with striving to discredit good men so as to weaken their influ ence in iheir fight for the public wel fare. Those publications follow the methods of the "muckrakers" but they are not prompted by the good motives that prompt the work of most reform writers. It was time for someone "to draw the line between writers who really strive for reform and the Anninlas variety. I WS)F$hL n THE KOAD TO HAI'PIXKSS. This is the road to Happiness; Start Now, from Where You Are; "Turn to the right and keep straight on." And you'll not find it far. Along the Path of Willing Feet, And over Heartease Hill, Across the fields of Sweet Con tent, The stream of Glad Goodwill; Then through the lane of Lov ing Hearts, The gate that's called Today, And down the steps of Little Things Into the Common Way. And take the Cloak of Char ity. The staff of Wise. Employ, A loaf of Bread of Daily Grace. A flask well filled with Joy; A word of cheer, a helping hand Some good to give or share, A bit of song, a high resolve, A hope, a smile, a rayer. And In the Place of Duty Done, Beside the Door of Home, You'll find the House of Hap piness For Happiness does not roam. Annie Johnson Flint. WHERE IT COMES FROM. Some light was thrown upon the Illinois senatorial corruption yesterday when H. H. KohlAat, publisher of the Record-Herald, declared he had inside information that the Interests had raised $100,000 to elect Lorlmer as senator. His testimony was in teresting because it shows the cause of the corruption that attended the Lorimer election. It had previously been made very clear that Lorimer had Ix-en elected through bribery hut I Nat Goodwin, the actor has had al 'niost as many wives as the late Peter I West, of this city. So frequently has the actor been married and divorced that the story is told that a friend asked him if he would not ln Ivlte him to one of his weddings some time. In picking up the fellow who rob bed the Schaefer jewelry store the officers did quick work and Marshal C.urdane is entitled to credit. Critics of the police force should take notice. Mhsofafoiy Pure The Only Baiting Powder Made Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Chemists tests have shown that a part of the alum from btscalt made wl!h aa alum hakinj) powder passes Into the stomach, and that digestion Is retarded thereby. . Road tho label and make sure that your baking powder Is not mado from alum. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated f TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH TOWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallmaiv& Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. For should number three myself and two chickens.' " People voted the high school bond I i.-sue on the understanding that the Itifw hnil.llnp- u-nnl.l ho locate,-! on the site of the present structure. There ft re the members of the board may be expected to stand by that location unless some very conclusive reasons should be advanced, showing that the building should go elsewhere. Some people will wonder why New York's $25,000,000 capitol was not constructed on the fireproof order. Tomorrow is the cleanup day. Get rid of the garbage and then keep '.t cleaned away throughout the entire year. WHAT THE PCBLIC WANTS. "It is a regrettable fact." said May or Grice at a republican banquet in Fort Wayne, "that the most popular men are not necessarily the best men, the most popular books are not the bi-n books and the most popular plays are not the best plays. "Even in anecdotes," continued Mayor Grice. "the public taste is bad. I'll tell you the kind of an anecdote the public wants. "A Bostonian was showing his two little girls through the poets' corner '-, westm'nstrr Abhev. Bessie, the it had not been shown whose money j ,,1(ler uf tne tw0 ittie girls, carried was used to purchase the votes. i a rose in h-r hand. When they came It was "biz business interests ' mat , " maium .6J l furnished the slush fund for Lori mer, according to Publisher Knhlsaat. There can be liulv doubt aa to the truthfulness of the charge. Who but the i;iterc-s'.s coulj have given thou sands of dollars for bribery? Lorimer would not have raid JlO'J.OO'j for a position orawin S T r, 0 'j per, annum, had he .r...--S" ! f.;e $ 1 .'. .V . His friends would i.ot have given the monev out vf friendship. The m-ney i'ess.e ros..- on tiptoe ana reverently j vlared her rose in a fold of the poet's i marble drapery. ' "As The Rostonlan departed he I mis.-ed his golden-haired younger ! daughter. Turning back, he saw her ! -nil ling'Tins; before Longfellow's j Lust. Then as he r gar Jed her, she i .'reu- herself up on tiptoes and placed ! s: m-'.hir.g that glittered beside her ! 'tr's red And. smiling hap ; io!y. she ran to, her father. ! "'What wre you i"ir,;, dear one?' i the' 1l".tonian asked. A XAKHOW ESCAPE. Lord Decies, the. husband of Miss Viyen Gould, was talking in New York about American cab fares, "They seem to be intended only for the rich," he said. "I was amused by a cabby who, after a drive that would have cost a shilling in London, said: " 'You're an Englishman, sir, and so I'll only charge you J2.' "He made me think of a lawyer who having won a case involving 100 pounds, kept 80 for his fee, and said, as he handed over the balance of 20 pounds to his client: " 'I am your friend, sir. I can't charge you my full fee. I knew your father.' , "'Thank gnodno ?,' sahl the client warmly, 'that you didn't know my grandfather.' " MAUCH 30 IX IllSTOHY. 1793 The English, under General Mcliride, took possession of Ostend. 1898 Ireland declared in a state of rebellion. 1814 General Wilkinson, with ! about 2000 troops, attacked a party of British at Lake Coole, Lower Can ada, and was repulsed. Cholera plague at Its height in Barbadoes. 1863 Battle of Somerset, Ky. 1870 Texas readmitted into the Union. 1889 "The Eiffel Tower, Paris, op- I ened. 1S91 Manipur tribes massacred 400 British Goorkhas troops in Alas- ka. 1894 President Cleveland vetMd the Bland bill. 1897 Many killed and Injured by cyclone at Chandler, Oklahoma. 1899 English excursion steamer Stella wrecked near Aldernery, 73 persons drowned. 1903 Strike of textile workers at Lowell, Mass., began to assume se rious aspects. 1908 (Wman ambassador with drew his objections to D. J. Hill as American ambassador. 1909 Jan Pouren. Russian refugee finally released from Calling Cards Wedding Stationery t Embossed Stationery Call at office of East Oregonian I in Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and ee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years. 5c. It is neported that at the proper time Harry S. New, national commit teeman for Indiana will be made a member of the executive committee to represent his state on that com mittee, in the campaign of 1912. It has never been, quite understood why Indiana was not represented on' the executive committee in 1908. It was the first lapse of that kind in many i ln ew York years. Those on the inside have al- custody. ways attributed it to personal differ- 1910 King George of Greece is ences between Chairman . Hitchcock i sue3 a royal decree for the revision and Mr. New over the preliminaries of constitution, ending the regime of of the convention at Chicago In 1908. tne mili'ary league. P I Orpheum Theatre J. P. MHDFRJVACM, Proprietor HIGH-CLASSiJUP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES ForMen, Women and Children k SEE PROGRAM IX TODAY'S PAPEIt Program Ctumgrn am today's, Taaadajr'a aad Pi-Mar's. ANHEUSER-BUSCH i BETTER FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OIL, SALTS, OR PILLS, AS IT SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AND IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. YIHJPlFlGSa'tIXIRfSENN4 -on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636 Main St FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Pefers, Prop came from cor; made wisiied i-i:n f.'r mak another ii.t "BU lv-i- : rlble for rin-.-t' :. in politic 1"...-: I ih, ' n ' -' :i ft if.- :i Br.i the : : ;!!: U.-d I u v .: : -. a in t n i . '.' ;- ' p t?.e : i " V. : r dov. r W u I r .' -I u. .; rations t':i -iiator. V tir. vante 1 , Te.s;e hud a the v ' t:uf:";ng." sa i.J the I hit . .Mr. I.'T roe and I hadn't j ! ttlo golden-haired j n w-vjid '. Z ' s'.ory. t r.d ft" one of my L-feliow that." uurU irrupti'Vii true in ' ry other ai:s i-et : t .' y aro of t V rn ' xddom .; t;;..y j nrsootrrn i,. j "Ev.:ry :nnn ran f.nd work if he j hi bi";:is" rail An !r w Crime-I -. in :ir, ?. f r fli; r : " ' lr' ? in New j rk. "If tin ! nr.. !. tti.,re open 's .n urn' 1' ur ,n ! .;ii r ruV'br slvul 1 ", ar.d .:' tr..-.- .'.i;t"i;ii.'.!l!e i rov de l, then there will ..7. nintrs in ihe aeroplane IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE. AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL LN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. CALIFORNIA FIG 'SYRUP CO. in tfie Circle , on evcrij Pacfae cf ika Gonuino. . v ALL RELIABLE DRUCG'.S73 SELL THE ORICSAL Al.'O GENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTrlSUCIl THEV COULD MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BV 3a.Ll.NG INFLRiOR PREPARA. TI0N3, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE, BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE C00D OF TI1F.SR CUSTOMERS, WHEN IN NEED OF H1D1CINE3, SUCH CRUGCISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH, A3 YOUR UFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN 3UYLNG 1 JV (it.- 1 UJ v. t lif e,. it,-;1!' Ii'i:;--'---);: I' :i".i'A:;'v.r- tiMY-i M - Bowman Bar 0e Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Retort Try Our CIGARSand LIQUORS They Please Martin Andersen, Prop MONEY to Loan at 5 Per Cent. You can make your rental Payable on itistallmpiit plun limTipy pay for your hfin till or write frr iiartu.'i'lnrH. ;niF. stax i a i ; i rkal kstatk LOAN CO. X.' A A i- ,i m-li. V. ! -i line. "We t. ;v.;i:T X '! ;i u .l I, like the wes't. -i for v:: ouiitrv ' mo n. t v 1 v h ' n i rr.1 r.': '! J u; harb' 1 V.i.'.' rhri Mf . wt . PRINTLD STRAICHT ALRC5,Nc'AR 'II;!. I lIIU.M, AND IN ,' ! THE CIRCLE, NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY 17 CX.CCOF THS il u" GENUINE. Of."E SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE Li ALL LEAP1T& l-f DRUGGISTS. SECULAR FRi'.E Kk tLR BOTTLL, SYP'-'P f'F Fir.S Av1 'f'IV!R " OECAUii. li IS l'!f. ONE rr .-.LY V' AND CI.F.ANICS Tr!E SViVLM. VHi! IRRITATING, WBILTTAT.NG OR CR!i : WAY WITH LL'ilNt'-j C FAMILIES WHO K.e..v ( BENEFICIAL F.rFECTS ALWAYS liU V '.U!W'"lt((,S!Ri.peii ,- 'it Sif5",'HH'9f! rvf Room 4 Temple 3 li .!AlfiP. lil ILRL HI lA(.l.,v,t IS TIE CNi-Y FZRI X.- TA.MILY LAXATIVE, ri ACTS IN A NATURAL S TR ENG1 1 itNING WAY St UNFI.EA2a:,'T AlTf.P FFFEf.TS A.NO WITHOUT A-! THIRFCCi.F. HO!'.:. NTT r.TERrCRE CI ANY it ft, pr' v.",;' ;;o tv MILLIONS OF WELL. T. VALUE IT OM pr..:3.-NAL t'SE. TO CLT ITS . d'-J'N!, MA.NIi'Al.IOf.lJ BY THE r 4 -' v.; I? .H n .'iivl :. lw nil rii'liiifij '.:. iy 1.. I - f : ; 1 l'.i , .'s -.;.: i : . ; : i' '." :. T1;-- r- 1 I'l.'; : . ,: -y r. -I t " c'"l-r fn ! 1 T" :. - ; ' .t i' i ': t. j AVI.' : ' ' ' r.f r.r :n-.!l ' fry i.ri -; ehoulj ' ' : ' t j'.i:. 1.'' iv i cm'.V.:- " ': ." ; i."i'.' .. - ' a r.d t- r ".'''' :: i;; . '. -v'.i , to :-V. .: . j . Lu: i' W V , ;.:.(:. r- .: j cut'in.t : i'i- '. i . n ''! j'ToV- "- - i'iI'i r. 1... to t!.'- s-'jrii of t'.rr'i,' ore rerl 'trj rl-h in'-n 'n po to juil. Vf re H ii "t f r t'n m fow- rolitii l:r.i- would ko wrong. GOOD l.ATIVG. tf.-r's v:n ! iin t.rc-J ml, only !i7i : tcrnm 1-?! V-t-t .usiclriti?. ir.g fi ti 1" ys h:ivo t'"rhn j'-. i!l ! t ; r r -.. , i- v.-hat M-'l. tc i 'V an I tin :i r i y t-jr- I lone f is.. A .no.vio- r? ll tLOS i hi-A pall V r.d rc-r (iti. i t. X'TK fit. i . h rri""J I ... n. i.'i'-rr lonl 1 n'.so " X.MMAS M1TKK.1K KKS." In his B'lrlrf's at r?rkf-Iey Tuna--lay Rooo.n-flt pnM a tribute to the povf-r of t'io prfs and ptrunk harl at n class of iubl!cntlon that u?e their Influi-nce Improperly. "The public man," paid Colonel rioogevelt, "orcuple a very Important and responsible position; but ln a J 1 " 3 Wo the p'Jt Ins iii dicirie?; to:rt:ihf.r in wai'saparsisa ;i Lc"'ls ail ether medicine t'.'i cure of ail spring1 ailrrc::t?, ! ?. tiUi::o:3, loss el appetite, tnat 3 tired feeling, paleness and nervousness. Take it. G t it today ln uu ir liquid form or I tabids called Sarsataha. 100 Doses U ' the best -nrl safest conditions Yo.rr doclori:,-' joar U'r, yui guu'd your huu .h "We are in business 0 for your good health.' THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. 'I !'Mil !iIM "ilium liuiist (;-1 1. 7-n k Hi: hoiio mi ( 'i mfl fl-l'i '":;! ll'IIIM" (ill i i!i Aid. I':n',:iit) il' solil :it. oni'c. Sl'il.'ii'lid -l-rooin Iioiihc, fine Inwli Jri ff Ifl-L Mnrf, 'inly ifW0. " Yx'ttii li.iiisc on IV-rlciiiH Avenue l;,,;i-lit. jV,r S11WJ. 1 7-r Km house on M.iin .'Ireef, !j1500; $,"00 ciihli iiiiee terms. S rOMlll oil Ml ..snn hlreel to tnule for Iji 111. lO rnoiii house on Souili hill, worih $S()00 or $',I0()() to trade ior wliciit larul ; would cons. do $15,000 or $20,f)00 stin t. Sj510r; ,:,,, will huy h:uu". a- slnvf only !;.t"MJi). Mreet, letween OourL nnd and hIikIp trees, 212 eosl $M00 eim 10 t tract up to I W1 T? 1 Fl.'l W I 11 EyU 2 The Home Finder i M