East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 30, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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... . .., .ui.f xvmu nwnvinfti. Illimsn AY. MAUCII 30. 1911.
BIGOT PAGKb gJUXiX toga uiuwunnuii , nw'v"-. - -
' ,,, ...a
1 . . i i -i ilium-" ' M fMM .
A Talc of a Trip to John Crow' Uniu-li niul Some Fuels About a Ills
Whtnit -Man,
Plowing 35 acres a day and doing j
the work of 40 horses, a "caterpillar"
engine Is dally tolling away for John
Crow, the big reservation farmer. At
this tlmo the machine Is at work on
the Isaacs: place, between McKay and
Tutulllu. ami Is engaged in plowing a
4 80 acre field. In company with Mr.
Crow a trip to the scene of operations
was made toduy by a representative
of the East Oregonlan and by Miss
F!e k, librarian of the public library
who is from Wisconsin and is anxious
to learn of western ways and condi
tions. She had a "joy rido" on board
the "caterpillar" and declnres she en
joyed the experience Immensely.
"The caterpillar engine Is the right
thing and It does the work," said' Mr.
Crow, as he stood by the side of his
auto and watched the crawling mon
ster go along, at what would be a fast
walk for a horse, and drak four three
bottom plows behind It. Chief among
the advnntagrs of the caterpillar are
that It does not have to bo fed during
the winter months, It does not have to
be harnessed and unharnessed. It does
Its work faster than horses and it
saves a Tilred man or two.
At this time Claude Crow, son of
John Crow, is serving as chauffeur
for the caterpillar and he has one
man to care for the plows. With this
crew of two men and a machine fed
by gasoline, 36 acres of ground Is cov
ered every day. '
But the caterpillar is not a perfect
machine yet, by any means. "They
neid to make ft few Improvements
In order to pet it right." says the
owner of the Crow machine. "The
magneto Is too cheap and there are
some o'her betterments that will come
about In time, as the engine Is made
more and moro perfect"
IMowlna 1200 Acres.
This spring Mr. Crow Is using his
caterpillar to plow not only his own
land but to turn under many acres'
for some neighbors. He Is farming
801 acres himself, but will ploy a
total of about 1200 acres with the
machine on Its present run.
Not Always Thus.
"How did you farm when you first
came to this country?" Mr. Crow was
asked, after the workings of tha cat
terplllar and Its 12 trailing plows had
been duly observed.
"When I first came here I was as
broke as a d'g and I worked for wa
ges up near Milton," he replied. "I
Boon found that a man could not make
anything working for wages and went
to llepptii r, where I took up a 160
: r..n.-h. A year later I sold that
place for 500 and came to Pendleton.
I first rented land north of town and
made a llttlo money the first year. We
used walking plows then. The next
year I had three nunrrcr sections to
farm and I bought 'two gang plows.
That year I made a profit of $5000."
1I Also I.ot Money.
Hut wheat farming in Umatilla
county has not always been the big
money making business It has been
during recent years. Though he
made money in the early days of his
farming career, John Crow also had
the experience of "going broke" dur
ing the hard times. It was In 1815
that he lost a crop through rain and
had a $5000 mortgage that was duo
and could not be paid. When that
mortgage was satisfied Mr. Crow was
In much the same position as when
Now that the first Installment of
work on the new $12,000 Hound-up
park is all but completed and the next
installment ready to begin, it Is fit
and proper that It be known to the
world nt large who were the donors
to the fund wliich made possible an
improvement which will not only ac
commodate the big wild west show
and the thousands who will come to
see It but will, long afer the word
Kound-un has become only a memory,
be a eredit and a source of pride to
the city.
Heretofore only the names; of the
largest contributors have been pub
liKhed but below is given the entire
list with the umount of their sub
H. Alexander
.Martin Anderson
Max liaer
l alfour-Iiuthrie &
he i.rrived in this country, "broke as j. k. Ream
u dog," as he expresses It.
) Ileddow & Miller
. 100.00
. 75 00
. 50.00
. 50.00
. 25.00
. 10.00
. 200.00
. 100.00
. 200.00
However of late years prosperity ( j. ... v. Hlakley ....
has smiled again upon the farmers Hond Bros ,
of Umatilla county and especially up- j I-.owmau Hotel Co,
on men who are good managers nml I V. A. I'.rown ....
hard workers like John Crow. So ; California Kestaurant 25.00
it lias come about tha when newcom-; Hons E. Carney 20.00
ers ask who some of the big wheat eo. li. Carrier 25.00
farmers of this section are the name j. it. Chlldreth 25.00
of John crow usually comes neir the H. V. Collins
head of the list. It Is sufficient to ( rab Creek Lumber Co
J. D. Perry Z6 "
Peters & Morrison 100.00
O. W. helps 25.00
Wado Privett 10.00
C. E. Perlngor 25 00
F. J. Qulnlan 50.00
8. . Heetz 10.00
Al Hlchardson 10.00
It. W. ltltnr 50.00
Wm. Roesch 150.00
C. K. Roosevelt 100.00
A. L. Kohaefer 50.00
Alf. Schnefer 100.00
John Seibert 60.00
K. L. Smith 100.00
Smith & Crawford 100.00
Kred Stelwer 25.00
Ccorge .Strand 6.00
Llna II. Kturgls 300.00
T. Ii. Kwearlnger 50.00
Tollman & Co ; 200.00
J. II. Tavlor 100.00
T. C. Taylor 100.00
I. XT. Temple 25.00
W. I,. Thompson 25.00
J. L. Vaughan 60.00
John Vert 50.00
Vogue Millinery 10.00
K. M. Walsh 50.00
W. E. Waters & Co 15.00
H. 11. Weasel ...0 100.0
Wohlenberg Dept. Store 100.00
Yoe Wo Lunk Kee 25.00
Wah Ying Chung Co 25.00
Fred Walters 250. uO
F. E. Welch ,. 25.00
J. P. Winter 25.00
H. Wray 20.00
say that when he goes from ranch to
ranch to see hok his spring work Is
proceeding he goes neither afoot or
horseback. He goes by automobile.
A Progressive! Tanner.
I'nlike some other big wheatralsers
of this section. John Crow Is not a
"standpatter" In the matter of agri
cultural methods. He believes in
progress and Is willing to make moro
money than at present if he can as
certain how to do so. Therefore be
Is devoting 40 acres of good reserva
tion land to experimental crops. He
has long had an alfalfa pas'ure that
has been the envy of other reserva
tion farmers. He Is now trying out
some field peas, some millet and su
gar beets. The field peas were seed
oil this spring and at the same time
a crop was put In by his neighbor,
Charles Hamilton. That the .field
pea will grow with success in this
country Mr. Crow Is hopeful and he
Is going to give that crop a trial. If ;
he finds the field pea properly pro- ,
ductive ho will use It as a summer
tallow crop. In other words, ho will
seed the field peas early In the
spring, thresh or hog off the crop
eaily in the summer and then proceed
with the summer fallowing during
the rest of the season. In this way
be Is following out the suggestions of
Prof. H. I). Scudder of O. A. C.
Ceo. Iiarvcaii
Jas. A. Devlin 25.00
K. J. Donaldson 50.00
Kast Oregonlan Pub. Co 300.00
A Kklund 10-00
James A. Fee 25.00
Ralph Folsom 100.00
Hold. Forster ' 50.00
' A.'C. 'Funk 5.00
H. S. Garfield -'5.00
Grand Theatre 50.00
Grltman liros loo. 00
American National Bank 300.00
Nesmllh Ankeny 25.00
John S. Piker 50.00
T.-.1.V lt:iilli1 i 00
'Tls soothing to remember that jnur
rival Is losing just as much sleep over
you as you are over him.
ekwith 25.00j
Berlin Dye House
W. G. I'.ogart . . .
W. S. Bowman
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore., March 29. Mr. E. P.
Warren and wife who have been vis
iting In Weston during lust week left i
Monday morning for Heppner, Ore-!
pon. where he resides.
Mr. Moses Taylor a prominent
Athena rancher was in Weston on a
Children Cry for Fletcher's
Tho Kind You Have Alv.ay Dour2:fc, and v.hlth lias hecn
tzx use for over 30 years, has borne the idjrnatxro o. ;
A and has been made under tils ier-
lr sJtfj-- sonal supervision since Its Infaacy..
-afyy, J-&4cSuM Allow no or.o to deceive you In til-:.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments Hiat tr'flo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Chlhlren Experience ogalmS Experiment.
Castor'a 13 a harmless sub; tituto lor Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphia nor other Narcotic
nubstanee. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays rcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieve! Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tbo Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
iBears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over oO Years
to. 00 l
DO. 00
in it
1 i 'a Boy ' ' ,. jii.an of Weston, has moved his family
I J '. L,. 11111 ! -ollKllx "
1 usiness visit Monday.
Mr. J. Stamper a nephew of Mr.
. Henry Stamper, a prosperous llvery-
iy to preserve the'r eye eight In old
age. With wonder we exclaim, what
Some lecent Improvements are be
ing made on the residences of Wes-
1 low Old Is Your Horse? perlenced horseman can read
I'orvallis. Ore. Th. re are four ways rately the age of a horse
to t -1 1 the age of a horse, according
to Prof. E. I- Putter of the ori'K.ni ;
j crl.'ii! irnl eolleire: hv his teeth, by
l is lili.-i, I'.v the flesh n his tail, and
hv the skin on his cheeks.
Jn a younp horse the cheek skin is
soft mid elastic, and flies back j
oulckly 'vhen raised; In on old one, it
Is lifeless and Roea back but slowly.
Old horses apparently have a wld
ei and more distinct spnch between
their ribs than young ones And with
up. the flesh on the tall of a horse
shrinks, ranking the Joints moro dis
tinct than they are on a young horse.
JudRlnjr by tho changes In the teeth
Is a more accurate method. The com
ing of the temporary teeth first, and
then the pcrmnnent ones; tho de
velopment to maturity; tho change In
hnpe on account of wear; the com
ing of the cups In tho teeth, and their
wearing nway afterward; and the
change in the angle of meeting of the
teeth, from straight together at five
years to a sharp angle at twenty;
all these are signs by which the ex-
It must be remembered that the!
permanent teeth, above an,! below,
fumi. In at the same time." pays Prof. :
1'otter, ";iut thai the cups above do,
i.ot w ear away until nil the cups be- .
low aro gone. It must also be rem-1
cmbercd that the changes begin at
the center and continue at the rate of
one pair n year; that a horse at ma- i
tuilty, which is at five years, has
everything that Is, all his perma
nent teeth and all the cups. If one
remembers this much, he has the
whole thing In a nut shell."
( army & I-lradlcy
Carter & Smythe
W. J. C'Jark & Co
Cosy Amusement Co. . .
(,'. W. Coiitts
Id Spain i llonney
.1. It. Dickson
Jno. W. Dyer
c. A. I'Mmlston
Joseph F.ll
Hrst National Hank . . .
'. Korshnw
!'"razi( r-Ni lson Co
v. J. Furnish
t"n. D. c.oi y
.Cray Hims (iroceery Co.
; J. II. Ct .vlnn
1.1. K. lMi k. tt
i ll:imb y Co
1 1. irt !!;::. Jr
I Hay & Finney
jT. 11. Henderson
Henry Hciinint-'s
J. Hohbaih
i. S. Hoislngton
Isaac Jay
Java ii & Kirk pa trick
25.00 I
no. oo
50.00 1
Me2!rtn that nM nfur. ar al
ways most Buccensful. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It
loosens the cough, relieves the lungs,
opens the secretions and aids nature
In restoring the system to a healthy
condition. Sold by all denier.
Henrv K.plttke 10'uiu
Km.e'rs A- MeCook ion. (Ml
from Pendleton and Is living In the if... carters and D. S. Madden. They
K. M. Powers resid-nce on North Wa- are receiving a new spring coat of
ler street. paint.
Mr. J. E. Keefe, Jr., went to Pen- On Tuesday evening the dray team
flic-ton Tuesday on an important bus- belonging to L. B Davis became
trin frightened on account of an auio
ino'.ao ! JIr- an'l ilrs- Homer Watts of Athe- coming. up behind them and the re-
50 00 ''a. were over In their auto visiting suit was tney ran against a lire pius
05 00 ! f 1 lends. breaking 't off. The water flooded
lo'no Mrs- E- - Michel who has ben the streets for a few hours before re
o,, do ! visiting her daughter Mrs. Kate Chan- pairs could be completed.
300 00 ' d'er of Haker City, returned to her Mr. Frank Price is now walking on
' 00 1 1 -"me last night, March 27. crutches on the account of a slight
100.00! Miss Dora Mitchell, missionary of scratch on the foot which became
100.00 the' German Baptist 'church of Port- .
25.00 land, Oregon, anil, who has been con
200.00 , liiK ting the sung services during pro
25.00 j traded meetings In Weston, has re
25.00 , turned to her home in Portland,
ion. on i The general spring cleaning of the
1 h i. o.i , hy which wius Inaugurated by the
10. on ; civic Improvement club .two years
25.10.1 . :,i o, ;md which has been continued
50.00 , ver since, is about all completed for
20.00 ' tills season. The garbage has been
25.00 ! .-.'ithered together and will be remov
lO.OOjed from the city limits soon. This
r.o.oo i rusfoin has been the means of en-
lancing the beauty and cleanliness of
so swollen that he is threatened with
blood poison.
Miss Luclle Kemp has been con
fined to her bed for the past few day
and Dr. Newsome is in attendance.
Miss Ruby Taylor is also 111 and an
tler the doctor's c&re.
Miss Mabel Kennard was n Athena
F. E. Llvengood & Co 100.00
on a short visit during the week.
Mrs. Alice Kirkpatrick who is very
fond of roses has improved the ap
pearance of her home by putting a
hedge of fine pink La France rosea
on the south side of her lawn.
Mr. John Bonewltz, a German Bap
tist preacher of this city Is holding
a series of revival meetings on tha
Weston mountain.
(iuH I.ihontalno
D. D( ffingwell
50.00 ; The latest Invention which has been
10.00 j heard of in Weston and which has nr-
Sometlmes we feel as If we'd rath
er be absent atlogether than to be re
ported as among those present.
one Your Chickens Now
For Breeding
Don't feed meat and freah bono or your epps will not
hateh. Our clerks aro willing to show you through a line
never before carried in Pendleton, come now and see them
and purchase later. ,
We take orders for
Incubators and Brooders,
Have some on hand now; also wire
neats, ork carriers, folding crr boxes,
collapsible coops, water fountain and
A. T. Matthews
Live Wire. Pub. Co b ti'i : rouseu mucn inieresi among me poui-
C H Marsh 10.00 j try raisers is that of eye glass for
C J. Matlock '. '. 50.00 ! chickens. This invention is not, as
.i p' M"dernach 50.00 ! generally supposed. Intended for the
- nrt i I'iioltnir nn.l nsneet inn of food, but It
Mark M icrhouse
The highest type of happiness
reached by having children in tha
home; hut thi coining of the littla
ones is often attended with appre
hension and dread. Mother's Triend
if used hy the expectant mother in
preparation of the ordeal, carries
her through tho crisis witn saieiy.
This great remedy assists nature in all necessary physical changes Uie S
Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents caking of tu dito -
way contributes to strong, healthy
motherhood. Mother's Friend is
sold at drug stores. Write for our
free hook containing valuable infor
mation for expectant mothers.
Atlanta, Ga.
R. J. Murphy . . .
S. W. McClure . . .
Nissen Implement
Frank O'Cara
25 00
Co 60.00
"The Chicken Doctor
129 E. Alta St Phone Main 134.
Is insde from tho choicest whuv that
trows. Good bread is assured rha
BYKHS' BEST FLOUT? is used. Bran,
Sli utJ. Steam TloHed Barley always on
Pendleton Roller
Pendleton, Omcon.
Oregon Lumber Yard lon.oi
Pacific 1'ower & Light Co. .. 100.00
Paine liros &0-0
J. H. Paikes 10.00
Pendleton Cash Market 50.00
Hale & UcAtee 25.00
W. E. H inscom 50.00
Hartman Abstract Co 50 00
Paul Hemmelgarn 100.00
C. C. Hendricks SO. 00
W. W. Hoch & 0
(Hto llohbach 50.00
W. U. Humphrey 25.00
Jensen Creamery Co 50.00
V. K. Judd 1S5.00
Antotie Kraft 25.00
UiDmv & Peterson 200.00
H J. Iatourello 50.00
K. A. Mann 15.00
K. r. Marshall 60.00
A. T. Matthews Co 25.00
Moun Lee 25.0(1
T. c. Montgomery -;""
Moses ;0 00 ,
W. H. McCormmnch 20.00 i
I). J. McFaul Zii.mii
Hnrrv Odell 50.00 I
. Olsen 25.00
aciric Coast Kiev. Co 25.00
Pacific Tel. & Telg. CO mii.uu
K. C. P irker 25 00 ;
Mark P.Uton 50 00 ;
Pendleton Prug Co 200.00 j
Pendleton Holler Mills 100.00
Pendleton Woolen Mills 100.00
Peoples Warehouse S00.00 :
Herman refers 100.00 '
AV. M. Peterson 25.00
E. L. Tower & Son 100.00
W. C. E. Trultt
ruget Sound Whse. Co 25.00 ,
J. U. Haley Zo.ou ,
G. M. Rice 100.00 1
n. E. Hlngo 25.00
.1. F. Robinson 100.00
C. Hohrman 25.00 ,
It. M. Sawtolle 50.00 i
E. A. Schlffler 25.00
Schwarz & C.reullch 150.00,
Sharon & Eddings 50.00
C. J. Smith 100.00
A. Snedeker .
P. Strain
. Sullivan
Snyder Music Co 25 00
n. S. Tatom 60.00
T. P. Taylor 25 00
Tavlor Hardware Co 200.00
I.ee Tcutsch 25.00
Twohy P.ros. Co 100.00
Thos." Vaughan 25.00
Pendleton Scouring Mills.... 60.00
Penland Bros 35.00
In Suites of 2 Rooms Each
Steam Heat
Electric Lights
Gas and Gas Range
Hot, and Cold Water
Good Ventilation
Plenty oi Daylight
Oregcnian Building
Enquire at East Oregonian Office