PAGE TWO AILT K8T OKEGON1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THUItSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911. EIGHT PAGES Staples! Staples! Staples! 20 yards Calico J ?1.00 0 yards Challio $1.00 15 yards Apron Gingham $1.00 15 yards Good Bleached Muslin $1.00 12 yards Good Bleached Muslin ?1.00 11 yards Hope Bleached Muslin $1.00 25- Pillow Tubing 22 23 Pillow Tubing 20 ETC. ETC. 1S WHITE SUITING 12 A cloth that looks and wears like linen, but guaranteed overy thread pure cotton, 36-in. wide. Really worth 1S yard, special tomor row, yard '. 12 Silk Marquesettes ''Marquesette" the "popular" very light flim sy cloth for spring .tnd summer. 42 and 44 inches wide. Comes in black, navy, brown, white, light blue and pink. All just the right shade; worth $1.50 and $1.75 yard. Come in, let us show you. Xo trouble to show our goods. $1.25 SERGE 9S. Storm serge in medium weight; 50 inches wide, all wool. In all colors. The cloth for service. $1.25 Serge 9S SATIX POPLIX. For an extra dress or skirt you couldn't get anything that would give more for your money. Comes in black and all colors, worth 35 to 50 yard. Satin Poplin. $1.25 Kid Gloves 97c Women's $1.25 two-button kid gloves in black and colors, special 97 75c Collars 38c Your choice of any of our 50, 60 or 75 cellars and jabots, special 38 Extra Special Values for Friday and Saturday Only When You See It In Our Add You - 1 i Know It's so We positively sell our goods exactly as advertised. No exceptions in any case The Policy of this store is Honesty and Fair Dealing If at any time you pureha.V an article here thar is not satisfactory when you get it home your money will be cheerfully refunded. Our stock is by far th'j best and largest in Eastern Ore gon, our prices will bear the most rigid comparison. They are always right. Two Day's Special Shoe Sale Ladies' all patent oxfords, welt sole, 1 7-8 inch military heel, very short vamp, cap too, four-eyelet, blucher, a very pretty, snappy oxford. This is an opportunity that does not come to most of us very- often. Don't let it pass without profiting by it. Friday and Satur day only, $4.00 oxfords $3.19 New Arrivals Ask to see the new belts, new collars, cor al collar pins, belt pins, hat pins and new barrettes. EMBROIDERIES 1-2 PRICE. A big lot of embroidery, flouncing and allovers, ranging in price from 75 to $3.25 per yard. Some short lengths and some slightlv soiled. To clean up 1-2 price. 85? NAZARETH WAIST UXIOX SUITS 65. A good light weight cotton union suit for between seasons, -ilso takes the place of an underwaist. Sizes 4 to 12 years. You'll find these tc be very fine. Just for introduc tion we'll start them off Friday and Satur day for, suit G5 Pure Food in Our Model Basement, Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery Hawaiian Pineapple, special price 6 cans for . $1.00 Smoked Halibut, bright and clean, lb. 25 Another shipment of Fancy Walnuts,' lb. 25 Cured Meats cut on our slicing machine: Boiled Ham, lb. 40 Dried Beef, lb. 40 Summer Sausage, lb 40 Canned Meats and Fish of all kinds. Ours is the freshest and most complete stock in Eastern Oregon. Compressed Yeast, fresh daily, 2 cakes 5 Fancy Golden Bloaters, 5 for 25 A nice line of Fresh Candies, lb 25 Fancy Seeded Raisins, full weight, 2 pkgs. for '. 25 FANCY CHEESE: German Breakfast, each Xuefehatel, 2 for Roquefort, each rineapple, each Dutch, can 10 25 15 G5 50 Camenlert, can 60 Everything the market affords in fresh veg etables and fruits direct from the gardens. ?So flies, no dirt, no dogs here. Greatly Uhderpriced Waists A most appealing model for summer wear. Made of extra fine soft finished white luwn. Front is made of allover paneled Swiss em broidery with clusters of fine pin tucking be tween panels. New ellov and long sleeves tucked and edged ' $1.49 Three New Models in Spring Suits for Women and Little Women all Priced at $19.95. Strictly man tailored suits in plain mannish stripes and braid trimmed. Models of fine serges, worsteds and homespuns. In black, navy, gray and fancy weaves. The jackets are made- 24 and 25 inches in length. Lined with silk. Some are made with mannish collars and revers. Ojthers have shawl collars and are trimmed with silk braid and ornaments. The skirts arc made in the newest panel models. Very speci al at $19.95 NF.W CLOTH SKIRTS IN CORRECT SPRING STYLES. A wide assortment of materials, mostly serges, panamas and in neat mixtures. Plain gored styles, side plaited and foot plait ed models. Blacks, whites and a good assort ment of the most wanted colors ...$5 to $20 Extra size skirts in black and navy blue pa namas and serges and fancy mixtures $4.95 to $20.00. Hose! Hose! Hose! 20 INFANTS MERCERISED LISLE HOSE 14. Infants 20 mercerised lisle hose, come in black, tan, pink, blue and white, a full line of sizes, special 14 150 MISSES HOSE 9. Misses' extra fine ribbed hose, just the thing for spring, sizes 5 to 7. special 90 200 BOYS' nosE 110- A good qualitv, heavy rib!ed boys' hose, n good value at 20, sjecial .'. 110 500 LADIES' SILK HOSE 380 Ladies' silk boot hose, lisle feet and top, in black, light blue and pink, special .380 Save Your Coupons THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pay f Trade ' . . . . ntfTA thO htlll era m A I Via la wn tM TTh I. t I 4 1... ( - . - - -' ' -' ' - ' NEWSY NOTES FROM PILOT ROCK ' (Special Correspondence.) ' Pilot Rock, March 29. Verne Belts pent Sunday In Pendleton with friends. Dr. Lieuallen and wife and George Done motored to Athena Sunday to SOUR STOMACH. Oh or Two MJ-o-na Tablets and . ftsasto! Sour Stomach Is Gone. It you want a perfect stomach; t ft rid of food fermentation, eructations, heartburn, bloating fUr meals and any stomach dis tress MI-O-NA stomach tablets sold and guaranteed by Tallman & Co. is the one sure, speedy remedy. And mind you, it is guaranteed without any red tape and without any strings attached, to cure any case of indigestion nausea, biliousness, ner vousness no matter how long standing, or you can have your money back. If you have any stomach trouble whatever try MI-O-NA on the above liberal basis. You can put your stomach in tip top shape in a few days ao that you can eat what your appe. tite dictates without fear of heaviness r fermentation. Just get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets today. They are small and easily swallowed and If ta ken regularly will surely cure any case of stomach trouble. Be wise, get a box today. Sold by Tallman Drug Co. and druggists ev erywhere. Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. T., will furnish a free trial treat ment upon request. attend the ball game. Hazel Lynch was a Pendleton vis itor over Sunday. E. B. Shafer of Stewart creek. spent Monday in Pilot Rock. Donald Ross was a Pilot Rock vis itor Monday. Mr. anl Mrs. Harvey Whittaker of Nye spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas Jaques. Mrs. Drury returned to her home Monday after spending some time in California and Texas where -she was being doctored. Frank K. Welles, county school su perintendent paid a visit to the school of Pilot Rock Monday. George Tonkin spent Saturday in Pendleton. Roy Llnsner spent Wednesday in Pendleton. Alta Smith left Monday for Adams to visit for a few weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cole of Pen dleton drove out to Pilot Rock Sat urday evening to spend Sunday with Mrs. Maclnnis and family. Miss Eva Belts entertained a num ber of her friends at her home Fri day evening, a very pleasant evening was spent by all. The farmers of this vicinity are all busy either sowing their spring crops or summer fallowing. he is strong In sentiment. He Is, In fact, a study, a creation worthy of a place among the best known stage characters of our time. As for the play itself, it seem destined, like Tennyson's brook, to go on forever. It has been playing steadily now for about 17 years, and the interest In It, Judging from the crowded houses, is as great as ever. During the many years of its existence, it has been pre sented without interruption through out the United States and Canada, anT"in many places, including Min neapolis, it has been seen every sea son, always to phenomenal business. Since the play was last seen here, it tionhas been almost entirely rewrit ten, one or two new characters hav ing been added, and the dialogue brought up to the present, so that the comedy lines might not be consid ered stale. Yet the plot Is the same. It tells of a young Swede who en counters vicissitudes on his arrival In this country, but who finally over comes them all by his sterling hon esty and bland innocence. The cast is said to be a thoroughly competent one and as the scenery and electrical effect are all new, the best produc- tio onf the piece seen in years is assured. "OLE OLSON" NEXT. Popular Plyay to Be Seen at the Ore gon Theater Here Friday Night. "Ole Olson," that most popular of Swedish-American plays will be at the Oregon theater Friday night. "Ole" Is awkward, phlegmatic, Ini- perturable, slow to anger, rarely ex citable, but amiable, honest, straight forward and frank, and open as tha blue ye which gaze at you so In nocently. Ordinarily, he is as stolid as one of J. M. Barrle's "auld Hchts but his sense of humor Is keen and Fresh and Wholesome Cakes, Pies, and Pastry Delicacies Daily Phone Main 449 for Prompt Delivery Royal Bakery RUDOLPH MARTIN, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Special orders given special attention Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Streets the northwest are rennrto tr x heavy, there have been very few at Hood River so far, says the Hood Riv er News. Many of those who Intend to come to Hood River go to Portland first, and then drift back. Two of these came up from Portland a day or two ago, one of them stopping off. Be fore he left the depot his companion, who was going on up into the eastern Oregon country, told the man who ot off here, in a confidential whisper, that he understood there were 600,- -ivu Doxes or apples In storage here now, and, if this was so, it didn't look good to him. Of course there was no truth in this story, but if the i.maeeKers wno go to Portland are told this sort of thing, there should be some way of stopping it. Chamberlain's stnmant, an tj... Tablets invariably bring relief to wo men nuriering rrom chronic constipa tion, headache, hllllnnannaa,. sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. soia ty an dealers. ATHENA BALL CLUB TO GIVE GRAND BALL The offensively "I-am-as-good-as-you" chan never can flash ht dene. ECHO LOCALS TOLD (Special Correspondence.) . . . Echo, Ore., March SO. At the O W. R. & N. yards are scenes nf huav activity. Much stock which has been wintered In this vicinity are now be ing shipped to market at Portland and other points. On Tuesday even ing E. E. Wlllard shipped five car loads of fine beef cattle to Portland. Alexander Mcintosh shipped three carloads of beof to Kennewlck. Wnsh. They went via Attella on tho New orth Coast line. This is tho first live stock sent from Echo to go over the new line. Mnsterson and WilK-y also shipped three cars of cattle to Portland on Tuesday night and yes terday Kldwell and Caswell sent out one car of beef cattle. Rudd Bros., two cars of Mutton sheep, and, Joseph Cunha three cars of cattle. All of yesterday's shipments went to the Portland market. Last evening the Henrietta Rebek- ah lodge. No. 36, I. O. O. F., of Echo held Its regular meeting, and Mr. Eulalle Smith and Mrs. Minerva Kcholl were chosen as delegates to attend the Hebokah assembly which il convene In Portland on Tuesday, May 16, of this year. U. V. Melklo of Medford Or . Is here this week. He Is helping take lit irrigation census of the tit and at present Is working Umatilla coun ty. Mr. Melkle Is assorlntoil with P. Stover, who was well and favorably Known nero while looking after the Interests of U. S. R. S. some five years ago. Mrs. L. E. Wlllard yesterday re turned to her home at Portland. She has been here for the past month with her husband who wintered his cattle on Butter creek. o. D. Teel returned yesterday from a business trip to Pendleton. Mrs. Elton Spike, who has been quite sick the past month, Is greatly Improved and was able to return to h. r home at Pendleton this morning. Shu was accompanied by her husband. Concentrate! Tho fellow who plays general results Is making a Dutch book on himself. (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., March 29. Mr. F. S. LeGrow, cashier of the First Na tional bank of this city, left yesterday evening for Miles City, Montana, where he has a large cattle ranch and several hundred head of cattle. After a stay of about two weeks on his ranch, ho will return to his home In this place. , The city council In a special session last night granted the licenses to the applications made some time ago, Mr. James Hugglns and Will R. Har den, and to John Durham. The build ings are being repaired and made to fit the requirements of the ordinance and In a short time two more saloons will be in operation. Friday evening, March 31, the Athe na baseball club will give a grand benefit ball In the K. P. and I. O. O. F. hall of this city, the proceeds of which will be used for the benefit of the league team of this city. A cordial Invitation has been extended to all to attend. HOOD RIVER PEOPLE SAT PORTLANDERS ARE KNOCKERS , While - colonist arrivals throughout Mr. Trout Fisherman! The Trout Fishing Season Opens SATURDAY April 1 AreYnn RoarlvP Wo are fishermen's and sportsmen's headquarters for Umatilla county, and are ready for .you uus year wim one oi mo iincst lines ot g FLY-HOOKS, LINES, RODS, LEADERS, BASKETS, BOOKS, ETC. ever brought to Pendleton, ' ' Remember wo have all our fly-hooks made after our own designs wo have made a study of getting tho right hook for tho right season. When you buy here you get just what y(ra want. LADOW PETERSON Willi X