page eight BAILT EAST ORBQONIAIf, PENDIiETOS, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1011. cioirr PAGES r n i a i 7 deoas! doeasi seetis. For everybody and for every purpose Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Lawn Seeds Clover, blue grass and mixed lawn seeds, put up In air tight packages. For teed of every description, come here. EARLY ROSE, EARLY OHIO AND WILSONS, SEED PO TATOES. Standard Grocery Co. Inc. Where all are Pleased Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas. BASEBALL TRAIN TO WALLA WALLA GAME In honor of the opening of the baseball season at Walla Walla Sun day, a special excursion train irf- to be run to the Garden City from Pen cleton. Leaving here the special will depart at 9:30 a. m and on the return trip the start from Walla Walla will be made at S p. m. The price of $1.90 will be charged for the round trip from Pendleton. The train will also stop at intermediate points for the accommodation of the fans living er.ioute. According to Manager Clark Nelson the coming trip to Walla Walla will be the trip made to that city by the Frndleton team this year. Wa'.la Walla is to play two games in this city but the Pendleton twirlers go to Washington but once. In return for the excursion to Walla Walla Sun day an excursion will be run from Walla Walla to Pendleton on the day of the first game between the two teams in this city. ENGINEER IS BLAMED FOR SHOT IN FIGHT giuin, to the hospital at St. Joe, where he was operated on. The shooting followed a fight In the bunkhouse, In which Larsen pum meled Patterson, aged 65. They were separated by the camp cook, and when Larsen attempted to renew the attack Tatterson shot him. Patterson admits that he has a pris on record, having been senenced 16 years ago to serve seven years in the penitentiary for shooting William Farrell, a Marble creek rancher, but was pardoned after 10 months' im prisonment. He has a wife and four daughters at 7101 Indiana avenue, Coeur d'Alene. He was working for the lumber company to get enough money to send his oldest daughter to the Lewiston state normal school. Marshal Young, formerly superin tendent of the Swain detective agency in Spokane, says that public sentiment is in favor of atterson. This is the first serious crime com mitted in the new Clearwater coun try. Sheriff Gaffney has arranged with the Nez Perce commissioners to keep Patterson in the jail here until quarters can be provided in Orofino. Newsy Notes of Pendleton lhiys 113 Acres. Harry Greenside and wife of Spo kane have sold 145 acres of land in sections 27 and 34, township 3 north, range 30, E. W. M., to Frederick C. Forbes. A Ton Pound Cilrl. A ten pound daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Oliver. Mr. Oliver Is the deputy re corder is the proudest man in the court house today. Now Votlv Is Received. County Clerk Saling has received four acts of the new code of Oregon laws which was authorized by the legislature of 1909. There are three volumes to each act. Two Drunks In Court. Jack McDonald and Joe . Farnum were brought before Police Judge FiUCenild this morning and given three days in the city bastile for Im bibing too much "Joywater." lluys New Winton Six. William Caldwell, the well known farmer, has just purchased a new Winton six, four door automobile to replace the car which ho recently lost in a fire at his ranch. He has received the machine which is cer tainly a beauty. A Big lxolnniotory Contest, The various schools of the east end of the county are to meet In a big declamatory contest in Milton Thurs day night according to an announce ment received by the county superin tendent this morning. The Vincent, Pleasant View, Fruitvale, . Ferndale, Moore, East Side and Milton schools are to be the contestants. One gold medal and two silver medals will bo awarded to the winners in both class A and class 13, the former comprising students of the ninth grade and the latter of the seventh and eighth grades. In addition a beautiful silver cup will be presented to the school winning the largest number of points in class B. Each school is entitled to two contestants in each class. One Marrlugo License. A marriage license was Issued this afternoon by Clerk Saling to Dale Itothwell and Miss Ellen Klnman, both residents of thU city. Mr. Roth well Is the optician at the Hanscom jewelry Btore. CITY BEAlTltTL WAS THEME. (Continued from page one.) Shrubs ami Flowers Wanted, All persons having shrubs or flow ers which they are willing to give for the purpose of beautifying the old cemetery in North Pendleton, are re quested to leave them at 124 Jack son stret Thursday or Friday. They will then be put out the following day under the direction of the ladies of the Library and Civic association. PRICES CUT TO PIECES' ON MEN'S SHOES Regular $5, $4 and $3.50 men's patent leather shoes many styles and sizes, now going at lYult Is Safe. J. B. Saylor, well known resident of the east tnd, has been in the city to d;ii'. and reports that the outlook for the fruit crop in his section is very favorable. At "no time during the winter it was fe.u cl that the peaches had been frozen but later develop ments have proven those fears were unfounded. Lewiston. Idaho, March 26. Mar shal J. P. Young of Elk River last night brouehl to Lewiston an! turn ed over to Sheriff John Gaffney of Clearwater rountv J J. Patterson, a donkey engine driver employed by the Potlatch Lumber company, charged with shooting EJ Larson, a cable ten- ! der, FriJsy morning. Larsen was shot twice with a 32-caliber revolver, one bullet taking effect in the abdo men and the other In the right hip. The abdoirrnal wound badly lacerated the Intestines and Larsen was rushed to the Eovill hospital, and from there taken by Dr. Young, the hospital sur- Signs of Spring. New York. Despite the variegated meteorological conditions prevailing in this vicinity during the last few weeks, it may now be known for a certainty that spring is approaching, For is not the "greatest show on earth" displaying its boundless won ders in Madison Square Garden, and is not that a harbinger compared with which all other harbingers given out by the weather sharps are vain and worthless? Answer: (1) It Is, and ) It Is. pecial sale on shet music. Many ! Popular nieces oinir at 15. 20 and 2jc, for this week only. Snyder Music Co. : Dale Rothwell OPTOMETRIST SEYEIIE STORMS SWEEP EAST. (Con'lnued from page one.) cemetery into a road a hundred feet away. Cyclone in Alalwinia. Monroeville, Ala., March 27. A cy clone struck several small towns in this section yesterday and left death and destruction in its wake. As far as known, one is dead and another reported dying. Passing over the country In an eastwardly direction, the cyclone killed Stephen Byrd and pro bably fatally injured Frank McCrory. Mrs. Byrd and three children and Mrs. McCrory and four children were I injured. Alliletic Carnival Tomorrow. Manager Devir.c announced today that the much postponed athletic car nival of the high school would be pulled off tomorrow night and that no earthly power can secure another postponement. All of the original events and several additional ones will be on the program and an excit ing evening is promised. Debate to be Ht Fossil. It has been definitely decided that the Pendletnn high school will meet the Wheeler county high school In debate at Fossil on April 14. The lo cal team will have the affirmative, side of the question. "RtsoleJ, That there should be further material in creases in the United States navy." The winner will meet the winner of the liaker-Prinevillo debate for the championship of eastern Oregon. way constructed along the. edge of the depot grounds. Oilier Suggestions. In commenting upon the Roundup park Mr. Weed declared that tract to have great possibilities for a land scape gardener. By the proper plant ing of trees and shrubbery he held that the tract recently purchased by the Roundup management could bei made a place of beauty as well a a good Roundup grounds and athletic, stadium. The levee should be converted Into a promenade for the accommodation of the people. It would be Imprac ticable to make a driveway of the le vee for the reason that it Is not of sufficient width, but the speaker de clared that at but slight expense the levee could bo made into a beautiful walk. He also suggested that by the planting of proper shrubbery a rock garden could bo created. North Sldo Cemetery, Applause burst forth from the au dience when the lecturer took up the subject of Improving tho old north side cemetery. 'He advised that the tract be converted Into a park and suggested that the graves be removed and that a suitable monument be er ected there In honor of the pioneers who have been buried on the spot in days gone. by. In discussing Olnoy cemetery Mr. Weed ndvjsed ngainst the erection of f-nees or concrete work about the graves. Puch work makes an elab orate and expensive cemetery but not a neautiiul place. lrivato Homes. The subject of improving tho pri vate homes of the city was also dis cussed by the speaker and while he j praised the city for certain features ! he commented critically upon the' failure of people to observe some of Pho nrlnciules of landscape irarden- fiig. Too many householders, he as- BED BOSTOH STOBE REPORTS CONCERNING TOM JOHNSON CONFLICTING Cleveland, March 28. Reports to day concerning the condition of Tom L. Johnson were conflicting and no direct statement was Issued from the sick room. One report In general circulation and apparently confirmed by friends, wns thnt the former may or was slrklng and that the end was near. Others maintained that Mr. Johnson's condition was about the same as Sunday or If anything, a lit tle better. fA.......l Con i twin LIBRARY NOTES. X Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Lenses Duplicated and Frames Repaired. With W. E. HANSCOM, THE Jeweler, Pendleton, Oregon. RIG MONEY WRITING SONGS. THOUSANDS of dollars for any one who can write successful words or music. Past experience unneces sary. Send us your song poems, with or without music, or write for free particulars. ACCEPTANCE GUAR ANTEED IF AVAILABLE. Washing ton only place to secure copyright. H. Kirkus Dugdale Co., Dept. 401, Wash ington, D. C. Men's Spring Oxfords and Shoes In Tan, Black, Wine, Patents and Vici Kid We are sole agents for the Famous Packard Shoes And many other standard makes, ranging in price from $2.75 to $5.00 WORKINGMEN'S CLOTHING GO. New Telesrniili Kill tor. K F. Averill, telegraph editor on the East Oregonian has resigned his position and the resignation will take effect at the end of this week. It is his intention to devote his time In the future to correspondence and to other outside work. Mr. Averill's position as telegraph editor will be taken by J. R. Hinman, of Macomb, Illinois, who arrived here Sunday evening and U now familiarizing himself with tho duties of the position. Mnterln! on "Landscape Gardening." "Landscape Gardening as applied to home decoration," by Samuel T. Mayhard, Is a book which presonts to the reader good, practical Instruc tions In the principles of growth and care, grouping and arrangement, un derlying successful work In home or namentation but may be equally adapted to the decorating of ;vrk , public squares, school yards, etc. The author gives plain and simple descriptions of the trees, shrubs and plants recommended and full and careful directions as to the soils best adapted to the growth of each. The many excellent illustrations add much to the value and attractiveness of the book. Many Interesting and Instructive ar ticles on the subject of landscape gardening are also to be found In the current numbers of the magazines, Country Life In America. Ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Home Com panion and Outing, all of which, are EDNA GOODWIN IS GRANTED DECREE OF DIVORCE New Yorw, March 28. Judge Gier gerlch of tho supreme court today confirmed the report of Refercs Thompson and granted the lnterloct ury decree of divorce to Edna Good win from Nat Ooodwln. Goodwin 1. forbidden to marry within this stat. while Edna lives. She win be allow ed to resume her maiden name and marry whenever she wishes. CHURCH HOYS WIN. In . rtf-il tmil their Imvns tiv tho nrn. miscus planting of trees and shrub-' lo b f"un1 on our reading tables. lery. All shrubbery should be mass ed along the borders of the lawns or by the house foundations. By this course the lawns are made- to appear expansive and more beautiful. Special sale on sheet music. Many popular pieces going at 15, 20 and 25c, for this week only. Snyder Music Co. We'll have to teach our hens to put their eggs In cold storage during the summer and to put them on the mar ket in the winter. y Ii, Cutlets Are Routed Gnnio of Ilnwketball. With John Hamley, Jr., as the bright and shining star the boys of tho Epis copal Sunday school of the Church of the Redeemer, won an exciting gam. from the company L cadets in th Commercialy association gymnaslu... Saturday evening, thereby winning tho Junior championship of tho city. Tho final score was 17 to 1J. A largo number of friends of the, participants on both sides had gath ered to see this, the second game of a series of three and the rooting at times was very enthusiastic. Hamley, playing forward for tho Sunday school team, was tho sensa tional player of tho evening, scoring 11 of the 17 points made by his side on five field goals and one foul goal. Greullch made on f eld goal and Brock n Fowler and Mensor did all the scor ing for the cadets, the former maKlng two field goals and the latter one wita six fouls. Ilaron d'Tstournolles de Constant, who arrived In this country on Sun day last, Is one of the moRt distin guished members of the French sen ate and perhaps the foremost Euro pean advocate of tho policy of Inter national good will. He will be re ceived by tho president during his stay In America. . , , , Your Entire Family Will Enjoy Seeing Will Relinquish Command. Captain Charles J. Ferguson .of company L, O. N. G., is making prep arations to turn over his command to Captain M. S. Kern at the regular drill tonight. Captain Ferguson de clares the company is in splendid shape with the exception 'that the membership is below the minimum. So far only two recruits have been secured during the new campaign despite the earnest efforts of the officers. Pastor-Evangelist Resigns. Rev. J. E. Youel, who has been pastor-evangelist for the Presbyterian church in eastern Oregon since that position was created about two years ago, has resigned the place to accept tho pastorate of the Presbyterian church In Wallowa City. He has maintained his headquarters at Union but owing to the nature of his work he has not been able to be with his family very much and for that reason he decided to accept the second call which he has received from the Wal lowa church. Emm We'll Crumble Your Doubts If you are undecided as to where to send your suit, overcoat or dress to have it cleaned and pressed the best, all we ask Is to try us once we'll crumble your doubts and give you a job that will be sure to please. With modern methods and expert help, we are able to guarantee satisfaction. Pendleton Bye Works Phone Main 119. . 20 1-J E. Alts. Many Sec Gumc. Many Pendleton lovers of tasefall accompanied the local team to Echo Sunday to witness the initial game of the season. Among those going were Mrs. Clark Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Iloy Klrkley, Mrs. Uoy Alexander, Miss Lou Flood, Carl Cooley, treasurer of the leauo, Roy Ratey, president of the Pendleton club, Fred Lampkin, treasurer of the local club, Roy Rit ncr. Royal Sawtelle, Lee Drake, Mar shal Spell, Roy Buchanan, Gale Stur- dlvant, Will Hyatt Frank Fuglt, Chick Hastings, Ralph Coon, Jack Vincent and Merle Chessman. The i Cosy PENDLETON'S NEWEST, COSIEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE PICTURE SHOW. Only theatre in Pendleton with modern convlences. Change of program Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ilONDAY AND TUESDAY. A School Mann's Ride for Life. Three Men Reliance. At the Duke's Command. Royalist Wife. River Ice in Norway. Illustrated Song: Rainbow. Admission 10c. Children Be I WILL DRIVE YOU OUT And sliow you 320 acres of good land, with house and barn, plenty of water, 2"0 acres in wheat that will make 30 bu. er acre. Land and crop all goes for $23 per acre, easy terms. If you are looking for a nice home, let me show you something good on the north side, for less money than you 'could build it. Three fine lots on comer of Mark and Gar field, only $1000. E. T. WADE Temple Big PENDLETON, OREGOX. ( Grande Ronde Apple Orchards on the INSTALLMENT plan. Talk with the Pendleton people who have visited theso tracts. II ILL & IIIBBERD, OWNERS Attheofficoof MARK MOORHOUSE CO. & i Huh High School Location. Frank Duprat, who is in favor of erecting the new high school building on the vacant blocks Just west of the J R. Dickson home on the south hill has made a survey to show .the ele vation of that location. According t Mr. Duprat he surveyed from tho southwest corner of the present-, high school tract to a point 180 feet back from tho street on the location he favors and he found the elevation to be tho same. Mr. Duprat construct ed the foundation for the present high school and ho Is endeavoring to induce the school boaord to retain that building and erect the new high school elsewhere so as to avoid tear ing down the old building. QUIT BUSINESS PRICES AT CLARK'S GROCERY Compare the following prices on staple groceries with those you have been paying and you'll get a good idea of the savings we can affo d you on every article purchased here Vanilla extract, regular 65c. 50 Vanilla extract, regular 35c 25 Vanilla extract, regular 25c - . 15 Lemon extract, regular 50c 35 Lemon extract, regular 25c .20 Lemon extract, regular 15c 10 Sec our window for good deals in Coffee. Pepper, Allspice, Ginger, Mustard, Cayenne Pepper, Sage. Cloves, all. 3 for 25 1 pound Cinnamon, regular 85c . 50 1-2 pound Cinnamon, regular 45c 25 1 pund Pepper, regular 50c 35 1-2 pound Pepper, regular 25c 20 Wo can noli as cheap ns Jonc of PortJantt, deliver promptly to your kttche door and save you the freight. CLARK'S GROCERY 544-54tf Main Street Phone Main 174.