East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 28, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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S 1 SoO
Will buy your choice of 35
Suits and 50 Dresses
The very latest spring styles
all sizes.
Values to $25.00
Sale Ends Friday Night.
F. E. Livengood Co.
The Women's and Children's Store.
APRIL Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready.
See Lane A Son for signs.
Pastime pictures please all.
Dutch Henry fer ceal. Main 171.
Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son.
Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat
and lard. Main 445.
Wanted. Waitress Address Home
Bakery, Hermlston.
For Rent Furnished house keeping
rooms, 601 Water St.
All kinds or frestullsh all the time
at the Pendleton Cash Market.
Wanted Sewing by the day. Prices
reasonable. Phone Red Ml.
The king of all 6c cigars, "Devlin's
Fives," Joe Sullivan sole agent.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
see the best and the clearest pictures.
For rent Eight room house at
909 East Court. Inquire Ralph How
land. Bungalow on north aide of river, al
so furniture for sale. Charles J. Fer
guson. I. C. Snyder guarantees good spray
ing. Tours for good work. Phone
R. 3811.
Wanted Girl to do general house
work. Inquire 417 Perkins At..
Phone Black 36(1.
120 acres Umber, easy of access, 40
cords to th acre.. per acre will buy
It. E. T. Wade.
Hear Howard Evarts Weed on a
"More Beautiful Pendleton" at the
Christian church Monday evening.
I have some nice suburban homes
with orchard, garden and chickens,
for sale very cheap. E. T. Wade.
Cookies, cakes, doughnuts, pies an!
broad cooked fresh every day at .he
Royal Bakery. Phone Main 449.
Phone Red 3961 for quick auto cab
service. 25 cent fares In city. Rates
by hour or mile for out of town trfps.
Special rates to liorsss boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main II.
Sharon & Eddlngs have secured the
local agency for the Johnson Ideal
Halter, the best cheap halter In the
Mrs. Rose Campbell Is now showing
a complete line of new spring hats for
trect wear. Call and see the beau
tiful patterns.
Help make Pendleton a more beau
tiful city by Attending the lecture by
the noted landscape artist at the
Christian church Monday evening."
For Sale Two acre home east
Pendleton. Alfalfa, fruit, garden.
Good buildings, water system and
bath. Address J. H. Bryant, Pendle
ton, Oregon.
Phone Main 92 for good clean lump
or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all
parts of the city. Crab Creek Lun -her
Co., 700 West Alta street.
If you want fresh meat from a
new, clean market, pnone Main 445.
Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder,
manager. 224 E. Court street
Two carloads brood sows on sale
at O.-W. R. & N. stockyards Satur
day, April 1st. For particulars, see
Lee Teutsch.
Special sale on sheet music. Many
popular pieces going at 15, 20 and
25c, for this week only. Snyder
Music Co.
Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone
Black 3391. Piano, furniture and
heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an
swered promptly. Office 647 Main st
For sale Two hundred acres good
timber grazing land, about 60 acres
tillable, running water" on place. This
is a snap If taken within next thirty
days. Address W. B., Box 841, city.
You can't burn slate and gravel!
Don't try It Phone Dutch Henry,
Main 173, for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lussp or nut It
burns clean and gees further.
New hydrants Do away with your
old rod and stop-cocks and use the
anti-freezing hydrants. Call and see
them at the Sanitary Plumbing shop,
304 E. Court stret, Alex Burt, prop.
For sale Reynolds' Automatic
Harvester. Has only cut 1100 acres.
Easy terms. Inquire of Pendleton
Iron Works, Marlon JacK or S. C.
Klttner, Pendleton, Ore.
For Sale Single or In pack, four
thoroughbred registered Alredalo ter
riers, two males and two females. Just
right for this spring's bear hunt.
Thirty dollars each. E. T. Anderson,
M. D., Enterprise, Oregon.
Liberal Reward.
For return of Moose pin, set with
two diumonds, one on each horn. Art
Belmont, at Pressery, 622 Cottonwood
Until April 1st we will sell 10 lb.
can's pure lard, $1.50; 5 lb. can pure
lard 80c; 3 lb. can pure lard 60. Cen
tral Meat Market
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the Inland ' Grain
Growers' association for the elec
tion of directors for the ensuing year,
nnd the transaction of such other bus
iness as may lawfully come before
the meeting will be held at the Com
mercial association rooms, Pendleton.
Oregon, at 2 p. m. Saturday, April 1,
1911. A full attendance of members
is requested as the matter of contract
ing for sucks will come up at this
meeting. C. A. BARRETT,
AtU-nlloii Howlers.
All bowlers in Pendleton are re
quested to meet at the Pastime par
lors on Thursday evening, March 30
at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of or
ganizing a bowling league. Every
body come.
A very young man, when he butts
into society, is npt to dance as though
he were dancing by the mile.
A. E. Dalrymple of Oregon City Is
a guest of the Hotel Pendleton.
J. J. Hampton of Walla Walla Is
over from the Garden City today.
A. T. Warner of Walla Walla Is
transacting business In the city.
Mrs. Art Grover came In this morn
ing from her home at Helix.
O. K. Fltzsimmons Is registered at
the St. George from Portland.
Mrs. Mary Wagner nnd children of
Stanfleld were in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Wagner and children of
Stanfleld, were In the city yesterday.
Tracy Beam Is visiting relatives n
Pendleton from his present home In
William F. Braun of Hermlston
came up from the project town yes
terday. Mrs. Emmet Reese of Helix came
in this morning on the N. P. and Is
visiting In the city.
Gus Arp, the Helix saloonman, was
among the people from that town on
the N. .P this morning.
J. G. Cutler, Northern Pacific road
master, came In on the Pendleton
Pasco local this morning.
M. L. Morrison of Helix, was an in
coming passenger on the Northern
Pacific train this morning.
Deputy Sheriff Joe Blskeley went
to Pilot Rock this morning on busi
ness in connection with his office.
Assessor C. P. Strain left this
morning for Hermlston, where he Is
improving his tract of Irrigated land.
Uncle James Lehman, founder of
Lehman Springs, the famous Umatilla
summer resort. Is visiting in the city.
Mrs. J. M. Snively, Mrs. W. M.
Johnson, and Miss Nora Slovall of
Jordan Valley, are registered at the
Attorney S. D. Peterson, represen
tative of Umatilla county, came In
this morning on the local from his
home at Milton.
County Commissioner Horace Walk
er returned to his ranch at Stanfleld
this morning, after transacting busi
ness In the city.
Sheriff Kerfoot of Malheur coun
ty, who came in from Vale yesterday
In search of a criminal, left on No.
17 this afternoon to continue his quest
Country Life Commission and Inland
Empire Teachers to Convene.
The Country Life Commission and
the Inland Empire Teachers' associa
tion will meet in Joint session at Spv
kane, April 6th, 7th and 8th.
A round table conference will be
one of the special features, for the
general discussion of tnc "School Cur
riculum and Its Adamatlon to Lite
and Living." One hundred farmers,
business men, mechanics and labor
ers have been Invited to Join with
educators in this conference.
The main speakers during tr.e thrfre
day session will be James L. Hughes,
Toronto, Canada, W. H. Dei. New
York city, A. P. Hollis, Valley City,
N. Dakota, Samuel Stern, recently
from China, and Col. Theodore RJos-
evelt, who Is making a tour of the
The general public are cordially in
vited to attend, and membership to
the association may be had for fifty
cents, which will admit the holder to
all lectures free.
The Spokane city schools and the
normal department of the Academv
of Holy names will be open to visit
ing teachers, and all are invited; to
visit during the forenoon period
Thursday and Friday the 6th nnd 7th.
Secure a directory at "Headquarters."
Special rates on the certificate plan
given by all railroads In Washington,
Oregon, Montana, and Idaho.
Haviland China, Cut Glass
Hand Painted China, Etc,
The First Big Sale of Ladies and Misses
Hand-Tailored Suits
At Wohlenbergs
Department Store
$30 and $35 Suits
Sale for
one, the choicest Easter styles
much wanted colors and shad
ings. The highest grade of Workman
ship, Material and Trimmings are
shown in these suits. Right up-to-the-minute
of fashion, with the new 24-in.
Jackets, some with sailor collars, some
trimmed with Persian banding and em
broidery, many are plain tailored. A
variety that is so complete it i3 pretty
sure to satisfy everybody. Come ex
pecting to find the kind of a suit von've
seen for $30.00 and $35.00 at $23.50.
Sizes from 16 to 44.
Merodo Hand Finished Knit Under
wear for Women and Children.
If, , f -,r '1iV
r, 1 .I..' fM i
Better Goods For Less Money
Dickson Will Retire.
New York. Something of a sen
sation has been caused in financial
circles by the announcement of the
retirement of William B. Dickson as
first vice-president ofthe United
States Steel corporation, to take ef
fect on May 1. Dickson is another of
Andrew Carnegie's "young men," and
his retirement is looked upon as proof
of the purpose of J. P. Morgan to rid
the "steel trust" of the Carnegie in
fluence. Wall street believes that
Dickson has been forced to "walk the
plank," Just as did Schwab, first pres
ident of the "steel trust," and Corey,
who succeeded him; Gayley, first
vice-president under Schwab; Preston
and Edenborn, third vice-presidents,
and others all Carnegie men, and,
for that reason, it is alleged, marked
for elimination by the Morgan inter
ests. It has been ten years since Mor
gan secured control of the United
States Steel corporation, and since
then one man after another of those
whom Carnegie helped to the top have
been cast Into the discard.
Ilarlxrc Waging Battle.
At 2:30 this afternoon.
Patton vs. W. B. Humphrey suit con
cluded his case and the plaintiff was
called to the stand by Attorney Roy
Raley. The case will probably bo
finished by evening. This Is the case
In which Patton. who was a former
partner with Humphrey In the Court
street barber shop, asks for an ac
counting and a division of the prof
its of the business, alleging 'that
Humphrey had refused him access to
the books.
Slater for the defendant In the Mark stinging blow.
"Just struck one," said the athlete
as the footpad went down before his
Still goins at Auction Sale Prices I
If you diden't secure what you wanted
" during the Auction, come in and we
will make you a satisfactory price on
any article you select.
; i
The Drug Store That Serves You Best j
One of the must important and in
teresting athletic events on the cal
endar of the local high school is the
second annual Interclass cross-country
which will bo pulled off over a three
and one-half mile course on Friday
Although this is but the second year
of the "Modified Marathon" It is very
popular and more students participate
in this sport than any other line of
athletics. Already there are twenty
nix entries and there will probably be
at. least thirty men who will start the
race. I.nst year twenty-three out of
the twenty-five starters finished tho
There will be a bronze medal
awarded to tho winner nnd pennants
to tho next four men who cross the
The class rivalry is very keen, es
pecially between the Junior." and se
niors. The scorine is tho same ns
that ued ly the different colleges In
cross-country running, nini is, wiu
first man to finish receives twenty
i n ills for ills class, tho second man
receives nineteen for his class and so'
on down. Tlv first five mm of each
c'.:;ss to finish win points for their
class. Thus it is necessary for five
men from each class to finish In or
di r to win the race.
There are several slrong men In
the race this year and it Is hard to
pick the winner. Doylen. winner of
l ist year's race will lie handicapped
(liirly seconds, vv two-hundred yards,
whichever lie may choose. The hish
e t point winners ,t last year's race,
who wiil run again, are A. Jordan,
Haw, l'iniiel, Tamil, Sturdivant and
strain. AmoHR the new men who are
showing up in good form are Nolle,
Russell. IVirsey and Ferguson.
The full l!st of entries of each class,
tho officials nnd the time of tho start
will he given out at a later date.
Week End Speck
These are positively the greatest grocery bargains, ever
off ere J in Umatilla county.
with the ones you have been paying An actual saving of
25 to 35 per cent.
1 6 lbs. Best Cane Sugar . . . $1.00
20 lbs. Fancy White Beans . . $1.00
4 pkgs. Best C. Starch . . . 25c
3 pkgs. Quaker C. Flakes . . 25c
1 gal. can Winner Catsup . . 50c
5 gal, jackets Best Table Syrup $2.75
3 gal. jackets Best Table Syrup . $1 .50
Standard Tomatoes, the can . 1 0c
Standard String Beans, the can . 10c
Heinz Apple Butter, regular 20c can . 1 5c
Heinz Apple Butter, regular 1 5c can . 1 0c
We Are Not Going Out of Business
But are going to "give the best Grocery values ever offered
SAX U rr
PHONE Ma5i 442 Prompt Delivery
We Absolutely Guarantee Everything We Sell to Be as Represented