East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 28, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Pally and Semi-Weekly
at Pendleton Oregon, by the
rlj, one year, by mall $5.00
bally, six month, by mall it.&O
r-ailjr, tiiree month, by mall 1-5
iallj, one month, by mail 50
(ally, one year, by carrier 7.60
eiz montlia, by carrier 8 75
I'Lirj. three montba, by carrier l.t5
tllv, one mouth, by carrier tt5
ml Werklj, one year, by mall 1.50
inl Wevkly, nil montbs. by mall..-.. .75
Uml Wrtklj. (our mouth, by niall... .50
The Itally Kast Ore;onlan Is kept on Mir
t the Oreeon News Co., 3-9 Morrlaoo
xreet. Portland. Oregon.
Northwnct .New i'o., Portland, Oregon.
Chto, j lturrau, !0i Security HulKllng.
't-h. cton, L. C, Bureau, 501- Four
tDtb i -eet, X. W.
Men: jer United rrem Anoclatlon.
Entered at the pottofflc at rendleton,
Oregon, aa second class mall matter.
telephone Main 1
Official City and County raper.
than a lawn covered with "ginger
bread." Like all other busy western towns
Pendleton has sadly neglected the
subject of landscape arch'teeture. But
it is not too late to begin such work.
As indicated by the lecturer last eve
ning local people have an opportunity
t.i make a beautiful place out of Pen
dleton. To make the needed Improve
ments will not involve any vast ex
pense but it will require taste and at
tention. That some thought is al
riady being given to the subject is
proven by the fact that the ladles of
the civic club brought an expert here
to lecture upon the, subject. In their
work towards the beautifying of the
city the ladies should have the cheer
ful eo-opcratlon of local businessmen
and property owners. It will be good
business to make this place more
beautiful and attractive. Such work
tends to make people who live hero
more contented with their lot and It
also makes the c'ty Inviting to new
comers. Here's to a greater and more beau
tiful rendleton.
Formed of the elemental fierce
That seethes forever In the hu
man breast.
Coeval with the race of Man
am I.
I seem a Curse from which he
fain would fly;
And in his efforts to escape
from me
He pits his might against Im
mensity, And bends the laws of Nature
to his will;
Yet I shall goad him ever on
He solves the problem of In
finity And read the meaning of life's
Then when he resU on heights
as yet untrod,
And learns that he himself Is
part of God,
I:t an authorized Interview with the
1 i liiited Press papers yesterday Pres
t j idem Taft discussed the subject of
, ' international arbitration and disarma-
r.tent. Though he was not quoted di
rectly, in accordance with the unwrit
ten law of the white house, the ideas
g'ven were those of the president and
they are fine ideas. All men will
agree that everything possible should
be done toward promoting arbitra
tion and ireventing wars.
' Common sense though requires that
.efforts of this sort shall be in keep-
I ing with the sentiment of the people
1 of the world. When laws or schemes
'of government are adopted ahead of
t!m, Vl MBit), In Mln.n.. T
i. a truism that laws cannot be very
! far ahead of the people or they will
j not be observed. There are always
, pretexts for breaking treaties or laws
He'll know that I first taught when people or nations want to do so.
him to aspire .... .
That I, the Curse, Impelled him "uh resPects to arbitration and
disarmament it is possible the white
continental railroads to central Ore
gon. In voting the big prize to Mr.
Howard the Judges In the Portland
contest rewarded a very enterprising
and deserving young writer.
In his address last evening dr.
Weed urged that a regular garbage
transportation system bo established
l i Pendleton. There is much merit
in the suggestion. It Is not enough
fix the town to have a cleanup day
once a year. A regular scavenger ser
vice would beautify the city and like
wise keep down doctors' bills.
It Is noteworthy however that
President Taft favors fortifying the
Panama canal.
After the new water "system has
been secured it will be easier to have
beaihlful lawns In Pendleton.
A good town should look the part.
Robert, aged 10 was playing with
the other boys on the- corner of Nine
teenth and Tlog; streets, when his
mother, who had been listening to
his conversation, called him.
"Robert." she began, in a grieved
tone. "I never thought I'd hear you
"Why, I wasn't swearing, mother,"
the boy defended himself. "I only
Hakes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
The only haklnj povJar
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
said tthe devil.' That isn't swearing."
"Well," replied the mother quickly,
"maybe It isn't exactly swearing, but
It is making light of sacred things."
Philadelphia Times,
from the mire,
John E. Dolsen in The Nautilus.
A subject of fascinating Interest
was that discussed last night by How
ard Evarts Weed, who lectured at the
Christian church under the auspices
of the ladies civic club. It is too bad
the meeting was not attended by all
the people of the city, for the audi
ence found it truly worth while.
In his lecture Mr. Weed pointed out
how by a proper observance of the
principles of landscape architecture
Fendleton may be made a far better
appearing city. The speaker was prac
tical in that he applied his know
ledge of landscape gardening to the
working out of local Improvement
With comparatively little expense
the depot grounds, which constitute
the front gate to the city, may be
made very attractive. By the use of
trees and shrubbery the unsightly
shacks uack of the Bowman hotel
may be hidden from view. Instead
of looking out over a barren plat and
at old buildings passing tourists would
view a grassy tract with a background
of foliage. It would make all the
difference in the world In their Im
pressions of the city and the expense
would be nothing compared with the
benefits derived.
Tk torturer also po'nted out how
Mala lad Court streets may be vastly
imprortxl through the removal of the
eiectrle end telephone poles and
wires. The business streets cannot
look right until this improvement Is
male. The cluster lights are good
end they should be Installed at regu
lar Intervals along both sides of Slain
ai.-d Court streets. But the effect of
such an Improvement will be largely
Ist unless the poles and wires are
ti moved.
Why cannot the electric company
unl tr.e telephone company be In
dued to remove thtir poles- The
v. ir' .s rni'.y be place l in cables under
Etound or brought to the buildings
fir m the back str'-et. lioth the elec
tric and telephone companies draw bl
r v-iiues from the city an 1 t!.oe com
panies should be ready and eager to
co-epera'.e in the- Improvement of
the place. Perhaps if the matter Is
I.re' nted to the company offi I.s by
the ivif club, the city council and
the Commercial club this change may
be broushj about. It Is worth trying
':yway. If the change Is to be made
). should be majn before any further
paving; work Is d,,rc In the l.ti in
pf ctlon.
Mr. V-1 also polr.U'd out othir op-pi-rtunlMes
for Improving the city. H
wouli have the people look forward
ti a boulevard system and to some
p.'.rks Tie wants the levee converted ,
into a promenade and that Is :in Im- 1
provement that may be easily maie.
He crplMnil many common errors In j
landscape gardening and one in par- !
ti(ul.:r. He objects to the scattering!
oi trees and shrubs about a lawn, j
Pucb shrubbery should be mowi il al- j
ong the borders of a place. An ex-j
p.'.r.Mve lawn looks better and lareer
world may be ready. Yet when one
censiders that even the Caucasian
world Is still mostly ruled by mon
archs the idea of disarmament takes
a slump. Monarchies are sustained
by the might of their armies and na
vies. Even with international peace
assured the European countries could j
not do away with armaments for the
kings and emperors would be knock
ing away the props that sustain their
ti" rones.
In America no army is needed to
sustain the government because the
people themselves rule the country
through the ballot box. At " times
their will is thwarted by special inter
ests but in the end the people always
However America does need an
army and a navy to sustain itself in
international affairs. Danger of
trouble with European powers may ba
remote because Europe is civilized.
But the nations of the orient with
which the United States is thrown In
close touch are not civilized. They
are Just out of the darkness and they
do not observe the ten command
ments. In diplomacy the Japanese
play a wily and sometimes deceitful
game. Diplomacy with them seems
but an art. The only thing they really
recognize and respect is might. They
respected our battleship fleet and
seemingly they have respected the
American army now moblized on the
Mexican border even though the army
is composed of but a handful of men.
Nor Is there anything strange about
this. It is all very natural. The
theory that right makes might is
largely a delusion and a snare. Na
poleon said that God fought on the
side of the big battalions and he was
a good authority upon the subject.
The law that really governs the world,
lr private business and In interna
tional affairs, is the law of the sur
vival cf the fittest. Out of ignorance
cr hypocrisy we deny it but it is a
fact that selfishness rules .he world
and to a very great extent wo still
observe the motto of Robin Hood:
"Let him get who has the power.
mmSmL tea
Let him hold who can.'
Dii:nvi:i to win.
Itandail It. Howard, former tele-:;r-''ph
editor of the East Orearoninn,
(as awarded the first prize of $1000
the Portland Commercial club for
i story written by Il-ard and which
appeared in the World's Work. It
was an excellent story and though it
l. eated of an industrial subject it
was thrilling for there was romance
a iso in tr.e rai e of tho great trans-
CAKELESSXESS is the reason why many people do not
put their valuables jewels, heirlooms, notes, deeds, wills
into our safety deposit vaults. ARE YOU CARELESS
Our vaults aro absolutely safe against fire and burglars and
it will cost you a very small sum to rent a box in our safety
deposits vaults for a whole, year. -Then you can sleep well or
leave home knowing vou are safe against fire and the burglars.
American National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Manufacturers
and Distributors of the
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of East
ern Oregon.
I For
Calling Cards '
Wedding Stationery t
Embossed Stationery
Call at office of i
East Oregonian
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three timee
each week. Be sure and
-e the next change.
Adults 10c Children
under 10 years, 5c
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. UED1WACH, Proprietor
ForMen, Women and Children
Program Cbaeges oo fttuMlar'i, Tii iWy' and rrUar'm.
Fresh and Wholesome Cakes, Pies, and Pastry
Delicacies Daily
Phone Main 449 for Prompt Delivery
Royal Bakery
Wholesale and Retail
Special orders given special attention
Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor. Wtbb and
Cottonwood Streets
I z.
Ah1'.o',i: 'i ; i;i ',ll:'T lin-, most
mrtmita.'turf r '.f ""'-iii:i fa's dare not
their iji'MjiKti ".-j.ui.s faction tftiar-
'.i: or money r: funded." Their
Ai nrc usually mt up in loose-cov-i
red pails or tin", which cnimot and do
i.ot keep ont the air, hi,t and odors,
the priH ''n ; '".
'the K. I a:rh .',k Company ;"ar
e Celt ,! e li -i rsM.:-r how lonij it
, t. ' en v r'.f b!. elves. iic.y
j id'-" to do ii 1 L'.a".' -c C'ottijietie
, V'.eked in iiaiU wi'li covers of Piie
v.d design, is.J;!!. t;:o package ah.,o
i.itcly air-tiyht and insuring frcohntis
of the product iiiJu'iiiiUly.
Your Doctor Is Honest
Honest in his knowledge ofJJiagnosia and trralment.
Honest in hi9Jendeavors'for';hi3"patients, benefit.
We put his medicines together in
t"hf mnqf snpntifir v nnrlfr
Your doctorUaadjJyour.druggist guard your health t
"We are in business
for your good health."
on draught at the-
Columbia Bar
632-636 Main St
We Serve to Please
Herman Peters, P"p
Bowman Bar
One Block from Depot
A Gentlemen's Retort
Try Our
They Please
Martin Andersen, Prop
to Loan at 5 Per Cent.
Payable on installment plan. You can mak your rental
money pay for your home.
Call or write for particulars.
J. H. Dolanoy, Agt., BuX4,TerapU
G-room house and 2 lots on Marie street $1150.
3-room Louae on school bonne hill, only $575; terms 1-2
7- rooni house on Court street. $1050 phhIi will buy same.
5-rooin house on Willow street only $800.
Fine 7-room house on Willow 'treet, between Court and
Alta. Jiarnln if sold at once.
Splundid 4-room house, fine lawn" and shade trees 212
Garfield street, only $000.
5-room house on Perkins Avenue, cost $1100, can be
bought for $lXt0.
17-room house on Main street, $1500; $;,00 cash bal
ance terms.
8- rooni house on Thompson street to trade for wheat, land.
10-rooin house on South hill, worth $8000 or $11000 to
trade for wheat land; would consider tract up to
$15,000 or $20,000.
The Home Finder