AILX JBT ORJKGON1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1911. EIGHT PAGBB L What The Peoples Ware FOR NEW BUILDING page two - house Guar antee Means to You It means that when you buy a garment here S$ whether you pay $10.00 or $30.00 you can be absolutely sure that it is ALL- WOOL pure. In other words that it will hold its shapestand wear. It means that the front of the coat will XOT Iroak or lose its shape as long as you wear it. It means that you get the class of workman -ship the fine touches the individuality 'jf Sk J heretofore possible only in high priced clothing. It means, in short, that you can get good clothes clothes that fit, look and wear well at moderate prices. We stand back of every suit, assuring you perfect satisfaction, so that, when you want an- CoPTrfsiit nan Scharaer Marx other suit or overcoat you'll come to us for it. It is not often that we are called upon tomake good this guarantee, but should yon ever have any complaint it will be adjusted promptly and to your entire satisfaction. Our guarantee is not an advertising devise. It is a real tniarantee, it means what it says. It is designed to insure you good cloth ii;g values and protect you against defect in material or workmanship. SUITS $15.00 TO $30.00 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 14 M 1 x i i Save Year Coupons Where it Paya to Trade S(acaci 9 Whereas, the high school has been conducting Its work in a building un comfortable. Inconvenient and Inade quate to the most successful effort, for several years past; and Whereas, the citizens of Pendleton have by their recent action In voting bonds for the construction of a new and modern building taken decisive steps for the elimination of the un satisfactory conditions and made pro vision for the effective and advanta geous extension of the high school, dork and course, therefore l?e It Resolved, That the student body and faculty of the Pendleton high school do hereby express their slncero gratitude and thanks to the legal voters of school District No. 16, for the results of their ballots last Thursday, and to the school board for submitting the proposition to the peo ple of the district and their ef.'ut ts In behalf of a new high -acfiooi building, ami to the Commercial association for the Influence of that body and the valuable assistance rendered, and to the Pendleton newspapers for the space so freely given to the needs of now building and their efficient sup port of the same. Signed: , JAMES HARTWELL, Pres., BLANCHE BADLEY, Sec, For Student Bodv 111 suns Stpw ALCOHOL 3 PERH.KN r AXcgetuble Pre paralionforAs- sirataiini!icFMamlRftu!a ling (lie Sumachs wullkwekaf NOTICE OF PROPOSALS FOn FCR. MURE AND CARPET FOR THE CITY HALL. IIEW YORK FASHIONS AS MY ARE DEVELOPED "New York, March 2S. The veiled -craze abates not. Next to veiled fab--rlc8 comes veiled trimmings and they are both smart and pretty. Big bows of soft satin ribbon, appliques of lace and silk and galons, and flat trim mings, all have succumbed to the veiled Idea. Dame Fashion seems to have devel oped a liking for plain outer effects, ttbotufb the most elaborate trim- - Beings in allowed underneath. and !lief at am arranged that they can o With the effect obscured. fcTta for general wear are rather plain, bat blouses can be elaborated Jipon for almost any occasion, there fore one finds the latest liking a sap phire blue satin blouse, veiled with black. The yoke and sleeves of sat in are outlined with ribbon in a slightly darker shade of blue, and the black veils the whole, which makes the effect very charming. There Is - a. growing fancy for stichings in con trasting colors with these draped dec- orative schemes, so In this instance the satin Is stitched with bright Irish gTe-n silk. Though morning frocks and plain, running to the one-piece and taiyjred types, aftf-rnoon dresses seem to be growing more elaborate. The chem iae tunic of net, which was featured on evenings, has a counterpart in cer tain draped trimmings on afternoon frocks, especially those made of soft allk, satin, etc. This Is usually made cf net or sheer fabric, embroidered with heavy silk, with fringe, or with any of the smart garnitures of the neason. One attractive version of It lias a surplice corsage of chiffon, tne left side fulled vertically and embrold red by a narrow line of dark em broidery. Below the girdle the tunic Is rather short at the left side and slopes sharply across the front almost to the skirt bottom on the right side. It Is edged with embroidery, with nar row stitchlngs of silk soutache above. The evening gown Is still an im portant feature of the wardrobe, al though the season is waning. This Is ' true, as far as America Is concerned, but over in Paris, where there are so titan y fair Americans preparing for -the coronation of King George in . Jone, there are circulated wonderful ' tales of the frocks they will bring ! home with them for the season at 1 Newport, Bar Harbor, Narragansett and the other fashionable summer re ports. White and -gold brocade make om of the. most striking evening eowns, with handsome gold lace, em broideries of pearl and gold, etc.. for trimming. Picturesque models of me dieval air are made up with narrcir tunics of such white and gold or white and silver brocade falling straight In front and back, but open all the way up the sides over simple girdled robes of soft chiffon or tulle. Jewelled chains or cords of gold or silver at the sides hold back and front In place and usually some heavy metallis or Jeweled embroidery borders the tu nic. The shape of tSe neck is a very distinguishing feature of the evening frock. Leaders of fashion want something different from the round and Dutch effects tha characterize blouses and daytime dresses. In the French frocks the V shape has thai the preference and the decolletage Is appalingly low, the back being un covered quite to the shortened waist line. Less extreme decolletage Is of ten round, though some of the round cut necks are low enough in all con science. The coiffure is a serious considera tion In connection with the evening toilt-tte, but it must be admitted that it requires both skill and patience to achieve success with the new coiffure modes. These styles are trying at best unless one has beautiful fea tures, as Greek hair lines are always trying to profiles and heads that are far from Greek. Tet Innumerable modifications and variations of It are possible and if a woman knows when she does look well and has the pa tience to experiment she can usually effect a compromise between her lim itations and the requirements of the more modish coiffures. Now about hats. There are all sorts to be worn In all sorts of ways. Mil liners are amusing themselves by au dacious experiments in color and by the revival of quaint shapes popalar in various periods of the long ago. Even Minerva's casque la pressed Into service and the designers have gath ered materials and inspiration wher ever they have found it Many shapes p main, such as the melon, Pierrot, bowl, Persian and Turkish, but the new ones are quaintly novel. The large hat Is more fashionable than the small, yet there are many execed- ; chic small designs, made prin cipally of fancy straws and combina tions of straw that are extremely pretty. The Colonial turban, with Its severe trimmings, is In line with the smartest t the new walking hats. All the hats of the tailor kind have the simp t kind of trimmings velvet or s.raw cockades are first and foremost, "ne of the newest kdinkles In French millinery, by the way, la black and white striped velvet used In cockades und other trimmings. And when this ot employed black and white striped or checked silk often makes Notice is hereby given tnat The Common Council of the City of Pen dleton will receive proposals at the City Recorder's office in the City of Pendleton, Oregon, until April 5th. 1911, at 5 o'clock p. m. for furnishing to the City of Pendleton the follow ing articles, vlx: 150 yards of best Cork Carpet, laU In City Hall. 200 steel frame Opera Chairs (like or similar to the chairs now in use in the Cosey Theatre in this City) in place in the large room In the Cltv Hall up-stalrs, as the City Hall com-! mlttee may direct. Separate proposals to be made for ach class of nrtlcles, and the Com mon Council reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Dated this 2Srd day of March, 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD. mi war Promofcs Diji'stionf hf crfW ncss and Iirst'Contains neiilw Upium.Morphinc norMiacral. ftUTXtAKCUTIC. JtiTiptiroMUswiTLrnuiR. jtbtSfivm r ' M&ttUt JtnisrSml hvtnmt lltnn XW - Arjerfe cl Remedy forConsflpi lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlwca Worms ,('onulsions,fovensli ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signaiurtaf NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years . mezzxnivi t i- arts irm-iriru .z v. nil Eggo Guarantied under fljTFCT 8 R f S Ej 0 i fl Exact Copy ' Wrapper, TMI CCNTAUH OlimV. MCW TOR OfTf . Getting Ready for Business. We note with Interest the way gome nf our enterprising dealers are putting forth every effort this spring to make their stores attractive. This week Hale & McAtee. whose progressive policy has been strongly shown this spring by their large, attractive advertise ments in our columns, have a fine window devoted entirely to house paint. On close Inspection one finds not only the usual display of paint cans, MI CH APPENDICITIS IN PENDLETON a finish to the loops or ends of other trimmings. In one of the new models black velvet quills faced with black and white checked silk trim a black tagal model that Is lined with green tagal. Tagal Is more used among smart millinery than any other one material, though the rough straws are having a craze In walking hats. This extreme in coarse and fine Is no more abrupt than the size of the hats, which range from little turbans hood ing the head well to Immense dress models. Bags for use with dress costumes nre fanciful in the extreme.- The long! cord survives and a host of novelties have crept in. An odd one seen with a taupe colored afternoon costume in diamond shaped, with the upper part cut off and banded with taupe vel vet. In the center of each side there 13 a diamond-shaped piece of antique embroidery. The handle Is of braid ed ribbons In the colors of the needle work and they are broken Irregularly with ribbon roses. One would scarcely recognize the little Eton Jacket, so many little frills and furbellows does It show In Its newest guise. Perhaps the Ilttla frills are reminiscent of the Empire casa quin which reappeared in the even ing gowns last winter the straight little bodices that end Just below the bust with a plaiting of frill. This little bodice is usually made of silk or satin over gauze draperies or the foxy little waists of the day, and the frilled balero, dropping Us frilled or p'aiting to short waist depth, Is nlso usually of satin or silk. No doubt many women who have felt that they would be wanting In fidelity to the goddess of fashion If hey did not wear helmet hats will be glad to know that they can have these head coverings made of chiffon, or v other diaphanous fabric they maV prefer, and trimmed with ruches of the most delicate lace. A hat of this kind with roses and green and gilt leaves Is a far remove from the po t nnian style of headgear. Many people In Pendleton h.ave chronic appendicitis and. mistake It for stomach or bowel trouble. If you vp wind or gas In the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adler-i-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. A SINGLE DOSE of this simple remedy r'-lieve you you will be surpris ed at the QUICK action. Penaiecon Co. but long cards showing rows of hous es in new and handsome combinations of colors for exterior painting. An attractive window border brightens the appearance of the whole store and draws much attention from the passers-by. It attractively illustrates how easily and well any shabby surface In or about th'e house can be fixed up. Hale & McAtee deserve much cred it for this window and we are sure It will prove of much benefit In re minding people of the many things around their homes that can easily be beautified at house-cleaning time. A Swollen Jaw. Is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether it's caused by neuralgia, toothache or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, brulBes, scalds any anj all aches and pains. "Ad" Kliarps to Talk. Syracuse, N. Y., March 27. Three of the greatest advertising experts of the country, Arthur Brisbane, editor of the New Tork Evening Journal; W. C. Freeman, advertising manager or the New York Evening Mall, and Manley Gillman. advertising director of the New York Herald, will speak at tonight's dinner of the Syracuse Advertising club. Plan Roosevelt Reception. Moscow, Idaho. The arrangement committee for Idaho's reception of Theodore Roosevelt held a busy ses sion last night to elaborate plans for the Increase In attendance. T. K. .Meeker, an ox-railroad man, Is to have charge of the Roosevelt special out of Spokane. Tom Johnson is Sinking. Cleveland, Ohio, March 28. Torn Jchnson, former mayor, who has been 111 for several months. Is worse to day. The family is at his bedside. His physicians admit he Is slowly sink Ing but they still have hope. The Home Doctor X Cure for Couch and CnAn One nnd one-half ounces Balm of Glli-ad buds, one pound bruised rock candy, one pint Duffy's pure mult whls kuy. (We recommend Imffy's on ac count of Its purity and known medicinal viiluo.) Put anldo with occasional stir ring until the rock candy la dissolved; then strain. Dose: For adults, one table spoonful every hour; If the condition is ncute, every lislf hour; for children over ten, a tcnHpoonful every hour; for chil dren under ton, ten drops every hour until decided relief Is felt These sim ple Ingredients, known to every drug gist, can easily be secured and rendlly mixed by any one. pr. George I. Ross, Canton. Mass., snys: "This Is vastly superior to the stereotype Rock and Rye of Commerce and should be called 'Balm of Ulli'Ud'." Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Rodxwter, New York. Every Mother Is or should be worried when the lit tle ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneu monla then to something more se rious. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure the trouble at once and pre vent any complication. A. C. Koep pen & Bros. NAVY PAYMASTER IS BEING DETAINED ON SHIP Vallejo, Calif., March 28. Fol lowing a week's investigation by se cret agents, Paymaster A. M. Hlppln of the U. S. N., is being held on board the receiving ship Independ ence while his accounts are being au dited to ascertain whether there Is a shortage. UiWRN ISHED ...HOUSE-KEEPING.... mom In Suites of 2 Rooms Each Steam Heat Electric Lights Gas and Gas Range Hot and Cold Water Bath Good Ventilation Plenty oi Daylight INCLUDED IN EACH SUITE LOCATED IN Oregcnian Building Enquire at, East Oregonian Office