East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 25, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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r acqs rtm
20 NEW
Just in by Express from
New York
They come in navy, tan and
cream serge with large black
.satin sailor collars. "
Come in and see them tonight
F. E. Livengood d& Co.
TLe Women's and Children's Store.
APRIL Ladies Ilome Journal Patterns Ready.
.Charles Nolin of Lewiston, Idaho, la
a vlnitor In the city.
Ed M. CroBS of Umatilla spent mst
night In Pendleton.
Mrs. M. Sutllff of Astoria, Is a
guest of the Hotel St. George.
Miss E. Cullen of Walla Walla, Is a
guest of the Bowman hotel.
J. A. Winn of Adams hns heen here
today upon a business trip.
Frank Martin of Adums, was a
visitor In the city today.
Alex Oliver and Tom Dolancy are
out from the city uncaring sheep.
William Davidson and wife of Van-
svcle, came in on the X. P. . this
E. T. Hales has been among the
visitors In town today from the Ad
ams country.
Alvln Butt returned this morning
from Helix whero he had been to
visit relatives.
Pete Murray of Adams, was an in
coming passenger on the local this
j morning.
A. O. Murray of Hermlston, was
among the out of town guetsUi of the
hotels yesterday.
Warehouseman Carl Engdahl of
Helix, came in this morning on the
Northern Pacific.
D. C. Graybeal was an incoming
passenger on the Northern Pacific
train this morning.
Mrs. James Hill came in this morn
ing from Helix and is visiting rela
tives In the city.
Mrs. Sam Starr was among the
Helix people coming In this morning
on the Northern Pacific.
For Bent Modern seven-room E. L. Jackson of Hermlston, was
house, G15 Aura street. Phone Black I up from the project town yesterday
See I.ans & Sen for signs.
Pastime pictures please all.
Uutch Henry for coal. Main 171
Wanted Experienced sales ladles.
Apply Monday morning at Golden
Pule store.
Fur Rent Six roomed furnished
house with modern conveniences. In
quire Lyman's Market.
TTenr Nnvvnrl Tpirnrla Wan1 rM n
Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. More B, aut;ful PtndIeton.. at the
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Eon. 1 christian church Monday evening.
Phono Platzoeder for fresh meat; Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone
and lard. Main 445. j Black ' 3391. Plaao, furalture and
Wanted, Waitress Address Homo heavy trucking ef all kinds. Calls aa
Bakcry, Hermlston. Uwered promptly. Office 47 Main st
For Bent Furnished house keeping; Phone Main 92 for gd cleaa lamp
room. C02 Water St, r nut coal. Prernpt delivery to all
All kinds or fresh fish all the time ! nurt" f the cltv- Crab Creek Luii -at
the Pendleton Cosh Market. 1 ,u,r Co- ' Wct A1,a 8tr't-
Want.-d Sewing bv the day. Price ' I'"f:, "" Saturday, March 18 a
reasonable. Phone Bed 2 i 6 1 . Indies' co.it from W'ohlenberg store.
The king gf all 5c cigars. "Devlin's f"r Mra- -N' 1' delivery boy. pleas...
Five." Je Sullivan, solo tiL-ent. . ri'lur to Wohlenburg store. Suitable
, , ,. , . reward oifercd. th.s n:-.riiii!g to take ud his du'ios
Everybody goes to the Orphoum to u
see (he best and the clearest pictures.' For Sale Two acre home oast ! Frank P.og.-M. the well known
i iiuii'ihii, Atiaua, i run, caruen. . ' i a n buyer, returned on the V p
and spent the night in the city
Walter Farnum went to Hermlston
this morning to arrange a local tal
ent entertainment at that place.
Mrs. W. F. Brown and Miss L.
Lcaland of La Grande, came In from
the Union county seat yesterday.
Attorney Homer I. Watts and wife
of Athena, are spending the day in
the city having como down from their
home on the local this morning.
Superintendent M. S. Pate of the
Athena schools, accompanied bv his
wife, came down on the Walla Walla-
Portland local this morning.
Harry B. Inman of Pilot Rock,
came In from the sheep town yester
day afternoon and spent the night in
th city.
Karl K 'j;. rs of Wailuln, has been
appointed section boss on the Nar'h-
mi Pat if e in this city an 1 canio In
The First Big Sale of Ladies and Misses
I ; i i. . a
At Wohlenbergs
Department Store
$30 and $35 Suits on
Sale for
Every one, the choicest Easter styles
in the much wanted colors and shad
ings. The highest grade of Workman
ship, Material and Trimmings are
shown in these suits. Riht up-to-the-minute
of fashion, with the new 24-in.
Jackets, some witli sailor collars, some
trimmed with Persian banding and em
broidery, many are plain tailored. A
variety that w so complete it is pretty
sure to satisfy everybody. Come ex
pectinp: to find the kind of a suit vou've
seen for $30.00 and $33.00 at S23.50.
Sizes from 10 to 44.
Merode Hand Finished Knit Under
wear for Women and Children.
wtr in
Better Goods For Lass Money
F'ir rent K!-;ht room bnu.se in
pritciiAsi.s and otiit:i:s will
:..ud l.u:i.lin- w..tor sy.sterr, and t,,s m..rnii;jf from a business trip to j v.'Ncotisln and Illinois Karmcrs to
any F.a.-t Court. Imiulre Ralph How- b,uh A,,rr!,3 j nryanti ivndle- I ! Mix.
Y.Mi i-an'l bum flate and grarfl!
S. A. Cilivor has returned from Ken- '
ti... ky end Nebraska, wlure he wms !
v.-ii,n:i. His f.imily reinainel in i
i ... i
: l. .11. firejj.in
I'.'Mu:nl.nv on north Mt of river, al-
" l I... 1 1. a j , , i, 1 1 . 1 1 ' t, try It. 1'honj Dutch H-r.ry, !
" ' ' .. 'n I for dean rereom-d HQCk j I- 'jjhui Uy but will return here la'er.
i. . .-i.jun KNM.iiiur.i b""u !!. i- .-; r;nj.;i rem fner lump or nut. it I j
inc. i"U!s fur g..-d work. I'tiono imns -e:tn an) ? further,
1'ii.oic K 3..61 for uuick auto cab : n.ebui l- r, ;nrn. .l (,. t. u ,..,... ,.,11
. i ;-vir. 25 .'lit fares in city. Hates'
cisions were In favor of the plaintiffs.
The first ca.e was dct.'ied by a Jury
nnd the second by the justice. .Both
cases were appealed to the higher
c. urt.
Mr?. L'lly Corder and Mi.s Laura
Tonne y leit last evening with a
':- upe ef local tatont for Hermlston,
.. lv re they cx;eetel to stage the play
)' "Tupsy Tjrvey." Jliss Conney is
ti.-' l'.ad;n; lady in the play.
I MI.--s L;iura Iinn. y and Mrs. Kuth
i Vi.ung vi.-ited "In Hormistnn vestor-
C'at Tl:eir Lot in V'niatilla County y.
Homes Already' r.MnblMiwl. I . .
(Kp.'cial Correspondence.)
T- 'I... urn t.ireh Tlvs mOHl- .
M.-Manus, e.lit-r ef the ( ;.- ., ,.'r ,,r ret.resent.it vo p- nnio ar-1
I.. :ts 12.
. ' rc.e.ve,!, fine lot of ch'.rkoti
..: .-. tunl.iy. or.Ier ear.y. reiuilotoii i :. hour or tni.e f..r out of town trfps.
i'. -!i M.iiUet. 'Tanted .-'eiiin,; hens. Phone
U'. l--i'i:l t' d ::.! nil hou--e ."a'nl.
w...,. Iniulre 417 Perkins Ave. r :- y-ir ttie or In r.ai k. four ' hv to in:
'Uriiibn i r. r .1 Airedale ter- ! nd'.-- i ar. ri
" ulll,,J '-u pionuucr ui rived h- iv fr-.m Wisconsin a:i'l tin
A number if them had alrotidv
ri'.o... i;!:i.i
l;p.el.urg. return, d to h.s borne tills
"."? au, r PP1 ndins tho n ;;ht in ' pircha.-ie.l latid under the- West.-n
'"Ay' ! I !:.! co. iV!i)y'j project and have now'
Mr. and Mr. Clint'-n C. Hichtnon I ! . .m; to i f?tab!!-!t t'te'r homes nere,
f P' r ian.l. are t-xp- . nd to arr ve ! .:.i-:s h..e -oi:ir; with the in-
to vi-ii Mr. Uieh- ' i- .i'; 'ti v i' pur.ha.n4; ;.'tnd. Tii.. ca.t- ;
Mr mi! Mr i '"'i . vl, ! . , ..,..!. sr.. fast r. ornizlntr tile
I... o i . il".l...r. .'ley .if ,!cci?, 40 i. a ', i.e., 1 t.vo f niaierf Just i i . . imi a d. y.r. Uiohm -nd was lor- ' :; a;u:.i-y of S: : urlng land. j
";.. t.. i !i,. i.e. e. 5 ;i p. r iu iv u ill buy i..-;i:t for t is spring's bear hunt. ; ' r!y a Pen. ill-ton b. y but is now cm- j Mi.-s lna Vateii'varser vi-siUU in
K. T. Wa le. 'j liii ly .l .lii.ia ojk h. Iv T. Andei s..n. j j....y. j cs bo .kkei i rr for the O.-W. P :id'.vt"U t.-d. y.
I i.ave - )k- ni.-,. tburl..in homos l) Ku: rjirise, Or. gon. j . ..inp.-.ny in Portland. Mrs. r. M. Ack..v and Mushtrs ;
r. h ori hnr.!, nrd.-n an 1 chickens, Pr in: jti your combines or old j I '' ' 'r. an hn.-e song to lndlc-ton
f i very clo-ap. P. T. Wa.le. . r ut. lies in: i have Mi-ni made Into! HOW II K I iSCA PJil). !.;,.., rnii.s;.
..-.,t.-.!.-P...-it -.n o.. r.,ii.-!i .v im.n ;' corn, tt , 1 " "''- - i i!lC fi"..ial J.
To Get
Its Bzndkhl Hizs,
lfyWT!F?V.'P 7.""! '' m.w w. y.'J
'.. , -1 v - -'.- ;J
nu. '.:!'. in vi-ar-.' pr-l.-t.cal eXp
' .. Ad.ir.--s '," this uil'iee.
i'. Iv 1 s, cakes .!.., submits. .'.es nil.
'!'... ! i o ;.-. ":'r;'i y .lay at .ii"1
i: ... -i, P l.ei-y. P. ."Tie M.nti -1 10.
!-e . t h. I..-, ir.'-d by
. - .- . r i ' ntb ;.t :!.- 1 ' ea:i. reial
' : .. t;."l Aura t r- t. !"i ti . :,!.,ni
.' ' a, i i, ti- it t .it.. It hi y Ihro
! ' V. -t o Pell i a ton. 1 i ,..us
.! mi. ' 'i'e.v i .;o:ai I.e.- '; en . i ii.
: r..ii p.! :; 1 :. - 1.1. 1 n-
I y l'..r tie .: id
U !' f.c i : . '. . n:t. r in p.-
braids, puff cutis or
i orn
ii.! i.i !
.-.ri; L-n.i.an;
i re 1 1,
I at llv
liM i.:o-ir
'!'-. Inn: 'red a rs p 0 1
I'-.-r i-r. : .: i : . sr b.n.!. ;.'' ..li 60 ricr-'S i
..id... rtintiiiii; water on place. This ;
i 1 1 : i r- if t:i b.-ii wtthin r-xt thitfy ! .
... Ad !t- -s ' P.. P.--X T. II. city, i
IN POr.NI). !
: s. ,?r. c-
A i.llll.- c iui.ty.
v;.:-i. l ( v..
1 'i.i", "til:.! y oi or. !'; only ::i.:n
ii. y. u" m-. :: -n who was not indicted
r .i- . i :ii a !,: .' t. ;..r h's vote at
' l: 1..- I . b. et.. II.
"'i'iiat r rin'it, s:i ," lie 1 the Hit-
.':.;son wr..; tr.ir..- a,
Lli'j eiutity .si'.it toiiay.
.Tn-tice Is Swift.
ji!i;oo was :n,.ted cut yes- '
. t: John .il.-n 1 t . r known
v. .1 was a. io-i d the. i'.:..ir.
. i n deteoud in tV.o an
potatoes from tlie li.or.r -
oit-.tny, was ' v it.; it b. m: e
LifcjjM uLu U -:. ij : rl fj U Tie -.
. !.- r..
:'! ;; L." '' -t to ic com
.:' ti:.- .-.js; '.s prov. tited you
'"T V -v.r : i - l--i-d, germ
i I t'o'-i'i t ;- a ;n d -rii bath
.e P:ve a lai;- v.-t!i us.
' re at fir-t ti.an the old
h'tt xv l.'i i n fewer
-' i.ii - -,: i difference.
;-t isn't so nr.i-h sr-:.ter either,
ur fi ; K-es. Th. y'll prove it.
;v i.e.'
:i. I i wit :
a'. . at
I .- r. .- i'1
.- j an -rir lit.
0,.1-iil.ll of til
ui.!. y u oi.j
'.: r i ....!! I'.-r h
11 . '. v'l b, i!.:
" i u it t 1: a
' t.-l.n;.- Tin-
il 4 ! br Pe ,
11:.-' Ill .11 wn-.l
i.i,' y u have
. n ri p.
t; i':'- ' '.'!''' :
,t ..s la -re w-i
. . a .
'. il
1 - -
a' ij ''
; oM.i n's "! My ;--.(
r.nr. : ;t. p
i iiiiJGl
o P!'m:hor.
thick S
. tie
s up in Lo::.,n c -un-
y : i .'-ir in u t ii
ii'.. :m-, i t.
a loea:
!.. '
e.a l !'
.in :t
' l Ii '
1 la i'.V
' j'. o.-o.-r,
ml ! t.
u a .a re b"au
: f.. p .'tiire ! y
.11': t at .1.0
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i r 'ii o . ii i : h ' i . tv. i .'
, f i. e . .. :,. m 1
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v, 1 1 i ; . 1 1 i :t chi i s : l-o'n i in- .1 :
. . a a: - ) oi the
I '.-,.:- 1. ill. !'ie - ;H unheal .
a a t !., :' Y . a - h, at t lie i i:y '
. at til" i I' -.-.-tl i'eed V rd. in
' v , f P. a i i h-n !' pt.,. ' -h
; .'' I '. 1 a; plb il i' . !'! :v
. f ii. I 'a and i xi". ii- (
1 !h:s iMi'ii ,::y of Mi'-ch. 1011.
C!- Mir.-ital.
Ul ( !(.
:...i I
sc. li K d
ii.ir; I
r'.-' 1" i.l-
ii I i) I''.
.11 oaai.
i . i: hi i.i
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.1 ,
i.n ,
Uead in
...... i " i
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. 5
t Jill:
a' iiili'.i iiiu. tra'i-
'I mc : 'pi H- a ro ! . ,
. a 'i!- ' ,
low- ol' li-.,- r.l'llaou 1 ( ;
r. P. -- i li :iv , ,
.1. In tin
l' :I I'.C :
..;' :-'an : t . i . .' i - on .
r i. .' pi il i. sue now on sale, 15
: v .
V --'1 . '
A. .
. . . 4 ; . - s
If yen fli;l::i't secure wlyat you .v-";n :-..!
during the Auction, c-mv) in and we
will make you a satisfiu:tny price on
any article yon select.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best J;
th-eni::.; 'al.ioia . !'. i-siii. j
lb: i ' i'a . y. ,i. ii -i:o. i p.. i i.-W. j
.'. .v. will i jv it i s r.iw ' l'.-niiij
ii:. nil ;.tl,.iia to .North V'ai.inia, anil
f v . tii vim :i 11 i-n :. ', ; .. in h . i iy 1....
! t .. -.1 Wniia Wail. i no.l Xo .i, Va-'
j '.:. i.'. l-aviiii; W;!!.i V. 'I i at ft I . j
ivin ; N'o.-th V:il ;,i:.: at i'.ii'.. p. m.
I l! .11 t: aia v ill I ?i n .h
I VaKimn ni S:K". u. ni nrriv hi;; in W..I-.
! ' , f.hi t 2 ::') p. in.
i n .ol l.tl 'ii t . Pie above servia"
,.; i- t -n.. will run b. I ween Kenne
i . i. 1. !'! North Yahioia. nnd b.-tween
j hand View and Norto Vahiina, also
tw. . n Ml.Ivalo nnd Minny'i.ie. c.ui-n.-.tpo-s
wcsibouiol can be male with
'u .bin -.Ion Division No. S and main
1 aie No. 5; K.istbound flt Walla Walla
with "nsliln:;ter. Division No. 7 and
main line Xo. IS.
For complete information as to
train service on this branch, call on
any local Agent of the O.-W. U. & N
a l i nlii : h hr.s '
air : . i.ii .
in r : on, i", .!. I. u
lv. r an l.;.i
. 1 . Il' I'o . a I .
.in.; w.ni ni :
lill.r to spall ! tb
ainev ri-;::r;n .i
fiaimil'f W.ik S.itr.
The . .1 -'U t of C'.'lt '.:,' vs. Mii'iil
!!. ii a ni Cecil w.is !.. ar.i I'mhn-e .1 i--:.
. .; ii '.1 yes:, r.'ay witi-. ti v u't
of a d ' a-ioii in favor of t'o plain;..;'
fev ; li Mini of $i5 an 1 c . is. No, ice
of appeal was Kiven. Tiiis case ill- '
voUs tiie rcnt'.i-; of pasture lands
and Is the second suit brought njtninst
defendants for almost Identically tne
General Pasenfter Agent. 1 sauio cause. In loth cases the
3 it
-: l ' 'V ' i n r- A mm
. .j i: ..V O m B
f r 1 " as
.It mW
; H
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txneimvmmummmx mi m i m miiit niwi i n mm