i paili east oregoman, pexdlktox, oreoon, sati kday, maucii 25, 1011. page vovn SIGHT PAGBM AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Publlahed Daily nd Semi-Weekly at Pendleton Oregon, by the AST OREiSONIAN ITULISUISU CO. SI US Ull'TION KA1M. Pally, one ynr. by mall 5.0 lallj. all tnonlha. bj mall 20 t'lly, three month, by mall 1 25 InuIj, out month, bj mail .50 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.5 tally. li m.milia. by carrier ...... S.7A Dally, turn monlk. by carrier 1.8a Dally, one month, by carrier 65 kml Wei-lily, one year, by mall 1.50 oil Weekly, an mombt. by mall.... Mai-Weekly, lour morjlna. ly auall... Tbe Daily Last Orepooian la kept on aal at the Oreio Nowa Co., 8i9 Morrlaon treet, I'ortlau.l, Oregon. Northaeat Nea Co.. Portland. Orecon . Cbtov , Hureau. i01l Security PulMing. ttaab!i:rton. D. C, llureao, 301 Four teenth (dtU N. W. Men Vr United Press Association. Entered at the poatofflee at Pendleton, Oregon, aa second class mail matter. Velepborje Main 1 Official City and TountT rarr. ? "The World owes me a l'vlng" That's true! Tou are here; you belong here; your due You will certainly get. Let's review. Tour "serviees-rtndereU" ac count 'Gainst the World; and compute the amount It owes you, from out its Source Fount. Tou are weak; you are lazy; you're mean; . A sort of betwixt-and-between Vice ar.d Nothingness. Little's your lien On Life's assets. Cold; hand outs; a shark Are what you'll find issuing back From your Pay-on-Demand, False-and-Siacir. Tou are strong you are kind; Now this is what's coining to :ou: inntr-; happy ch'lJren; skies A blue. Not blind, Jus; scab's Are an.' tails ".V;i.. i.as r. t f. He s : is. And. her v rai.s. help on i i i i :t:.v. ,T. : l: t I e:. It i.s a r x to v . .;..'. . !. ',: :- : r ! : r. i '. '. . li '. ' 1 i::' :.. . ; '. '!' 1 . et: .. r . o ' !. .' ' if ; ' ' ' c fro -i ' . i: '' h .. I.- fl' 'II If.' V.' t'. t- ir ' . :' - t:;j : of s to ! ui .c IJ.'.o "f .TH'i.Ml .n v.v.ik. Th- c,,.., no :. i.-:l !':'' f..r . s t'.c bjh r I, ml an.) it 1". (r " '. for the woik. A pal l k: re'fery lie t-tni loy. i ar.d the ni'iT' r.1ji of th.. lul ".l-.t-l. r.v.-ry II.-. ' ; '-iit;-n man, j'rofr :lon.-l man nr.! i: -jxrty own.T In the c'y should i i the rolls of the club. Pendleton is going forward, line and boost. Get n 1U JllHiK LOWELL. Judge Lowell is offended and wants to know why the term "knocker" has been arpHed to those who fought the school bond issue. The word "knock er" is a western term and it is ex pressive. The meaning of the word is so clear that it needs no explanation here. So it was sentiment, not Judgment, that swung the election. The East stuff from Judge 1twell. Why should "sound business Judgment" require this city to continue the use of a high school building that is so inadequate that the assembly room cannot hold the students even when they sit two in a single desk. Why should the young people of th's city have to at tend school in a building' that cannot be properly heated, in which the walls are craoking and in which the plaster drops down from the ceiling endangering the very lives of those beneath? Why cannot Tendleton afford to enct proper buildings for school pur- . s at this time? The prospects for 'cnJleton are brighter than they have jbecn for years. Pendleton is one of 'the very wealthiest towns in the j northwest, as is shown by the bank l deposits. It is not poverty stricken and can easily afford to erect a new ! ! i?h school and also provide for a rr.ivity water system and sewer ex tension. In fact the town cannot af i ford to neglect these improvements. 1 The East Oregonian is truly glad there are not more who think .as JuJge Lowell does upon this subject. I What he takes to be "sound business I ji:.! -jaunt" is not that at all. It is parsimony and a I've western town like Pendleton shows good business ' j judg:uent when it declines to be par- sinionious with reference to schools and oilier improvements. GOOD PEOPLE TOO. With a new family arriving daily i.i the west end of this county it will r."t be long until the Umatilla project and private projects in that section v. ill be well peo; led. The newcomers are settling in the rig-tf. spot. The v eft er.d ui this county is going to bo 'ne of the very ri hist irrigation !is '.'.;.:. :r. ihe U.iited .States. The p.! ti t : ls r:;;h:, th.j s.. il is ri-ht, the : t r!l.t. -T .ater a:-.d : 1. 13 an ample :'. c transportation All that is ro pe '; ie who hav.; ; v.illl::- to work, who are arriving r. I mid lie sttit s 11 that is ikslred. l:y f'.r the ti::' '.:! l'. a.:.:- Vsill ' lr.- 1.: otintn a h 1 ! j r. urn beiilnd t . t's s:l:';lul a 1. truer at: 1 i:i L i C;.i r.ile, ; until r : 1 1 for I'd lheS3 fi!'. v. ill run cv T'. : nins "Jack t'i3 :. someone v.'ho : V. it'a a f- V.' aot ':,, ir. -.! I .it" :: i.owi i;i;:;i-;s;v r h 2!. Jill. i;.i:f. I.:::-: i )' :; .... . ., a : 1 i j I'. ..: v ' o . : clY.r -' ' o, vi'.!.f-t :. t , . o i :- li'-', E.-.J . i : ... . . i , lis .in J !'.. ro -. '. :t-'( : -;'n-tily th.;' .3 Co.x.: i p.-;r-rroar ,i j. "Pi-.ruv.r. ht,-, . v. my wif'iof ralarr 'i. C - t.r.eps it in ihi liou-io f v , .-.'tack of COM, which il inv-vltfuly euros in a very il.ort time;. ' fj our liciiuai-i or a I l.n IVruiia l.iiHiiiir lor Hill. Uakes Home Baking Easy mm mm V. - J sib PillH Absolutely Pure Tha only bzklng powder tnado from Ftoyal Crspo Cream of Tartar NO ALUM.K 3 L! PHOSPHATE people Who constitute the minority always "knockers" because they are in the minority? Is a man a knocker whenever he differs from the opin ions of the newspapers? History, both general and local, demonstrates that in most cases the minority is right and the majority wrong. The writer voted against the $100. 000 bond issue and would do the same again tomorrow, even If he vot ed alone, but he is confident that the other 1SS would do the same. Not because of any hostility to education, but :??ause if the same sounu ousi ness judgment be applied to puntic affairs as to private matters it must be admitted that the expenditure can ill be afforded at this time. The city and school district are practically one. and Fendleton is under every ob ligation of honor to secure this tum mer both a gravity water supply and an ex'ension of the sewer system. We must keep faith with the state, and the "expenditures neccFiry will probably exceed J250.0OO Surely this is enough for one year. The high school building might well wait fur a season unt l we know where wc are drifting financially. There is reason in all things, even in public expendi tures. The academy building can be leas ed f r high sehool use for a few years, and the chilt'rcn will be therein Just ns well educated as in a palace. If the newspaper reports of the con 11 ti"t 'he present high school build ing have been true, the ;-'. h l ljo.:r l wiil never !. rinit the bui'ilhig t be i . r.. d a:; who are plac r tonliht. Those of us d in the 11: t of "kn-vk- at j'.a.-t i ; li . :i Is -l.n ! Ilo.'pc-c ht; . ; i tix .in. V r.S i.l:S .ng LUlly, A. I.OYLTj I Had boiiL' Its Tr.rti. i "Th' t c'at 1 ':- ..-','..:." r :aa:l:e 1 ! Hi ;: t i hU 1-m:..-.:h fri n 1 the j t j "Why don't y; ;i liave it :.;;!:;?" L.'i y o.l t t.:is .'i; ; t.ir. .. I ., J-'s?'' ..sk-d the i;.p.-,:uiii:s ore idly, f.tid nothing '..-.v.j v..n said u : su' j et. J ti.'. r:-. ;:v' - ::;s i-vvild'-'-ri ' "5 : . v:. ' . . . o Mr:- ' 'c ; . - in business ;cr y t i. - f ( Health." : ";dl::.von drug co. STACY ADAMS and ROYAL BLU E SHOES at A. EXLUHD'S Hohbach has Modern and Snailary Bakery Otto Ilohbaeh has just completed improvements in connection with bis Court street bakery, am ounting to about $5,000, and now has one of tbe cleanest and moat modern bakeries in eastern Oregon. He has erected a .new brick annex witb concrete floors, plastered "walls and dough mixing and handl ing machinery that assures absolute cleanliness and sanitation, besides being vermin proof. Within this new and modern factory, nil the cakes, pnsteries, randies and ioc cream will be made that is sold by bim, eiihcr wholesale, from lie v.-a. iron or in his recent ly renovated retail store. A stand 1:1.2: inviuiiion ij rxvndi'd Ui thr general pi. 1. lie to visit t'tis ik-'t I ; korv not at any ni I "i'.i'ed ti!.,;i,1 !mt at ynir f''!.v. ;:!: nor see for yotir-.-'' !i 1 !; eb-an and snni'a: v it i.-- k'-jit at ail t'ltus. !! I it.: i.- i,v ;. i; ,:. ', ;! b.-.vi i a - nv.xT Finn: i i: .:-! P..- "' ' " ' J - n .-n 1 nil , . Cor VJ.'u aJ r.t :, h'in':ilr. o ;. ii.r in 5 J HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We nre Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated r & TOILET CREAM , COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallrain & Co. Leading Drnrrsists of East ern Oregon. For rnllinrr (""atria Wedding Stationery t Embossed Stationery Call at office of t East Qregonian ! P.. . ,. - . .... WW 11 fZ-XM fin & JMhdl 1 Xvk Sunshine Blood pA'A) 00m . Purifier M V 'rW AI.TKKATIVE V& 5? , V- il . H; ' J 1 " -. :-j : ; . I - r I : i M -: I i. 14 itr?!- 1 f - q T' UelVi.l C.' i : 'o : ' i i - ! 3 :s - - " . T v V!-.. i V li I .'Wri i . ' : M 1. -"01 i r i i :i -" r.ii , -i T ' - . 1 II ' j I l!l I I 'I . ' ' "II " . Alia. I n r- hhi if :..'! K.d. ndid '! i""i.i l-.ii-.-, I'i - (',.., ('.' 1 1 sti.-i I, -.lily v" ' lai;: !' ..I. r. t ' ; ;i. .L tor 17 ;;..; a ho'i- f.n V.::i.i sli.i.!, y $:.(m) cnli !ml- ';."fi' l"i'ins. S . (...'. l;ov,.-e mi 'i In sij ii : ' vr , ! .. v.vh fur wIh-mI land. Ti ,'..,,., i u,.. . Si'i.'li I.i.l, u..nli ;f ()( or .'.K)n) to trade for vlicat land; would coiiddcr ti'act up to ' ;;;ir.,"nO or ij'L'O.f.iKi. - I : in K 1 The Home Finder a kJwsijnuaMU5w 1 fllfi Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated soiigF in the city. Shows afternoon and t ve ilings. Refinrd and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Renfnurnnt Entire change threo timci oath week. Be sure and i o tbe next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5e. SK I i? , .7 I'scrul In nil Iiiiii)vi'rllicl Coiulltloiw of t lie Mood iiml a goncrul Tunic. Contains U--tl CI jv r, Kill'.ingl.i, Rcr- 1'oriM i;iilfolii'n, I'tirdo, k Knot, l'oho ito' t, (!s :um Atinrira, i'rl kh v Asli Hark anil !o !!,!, I'ol.isshmi V7 '. ,J. DON u.nsov, Itrlhililo Iruirt-t. j lUi - i 'v ' l I Ivili.V.Wi) - - -i c n n n ppn rii 32,000,000X0 , v 75 ton,. ; -.,n .- " il'.'..;a CiHi't uie :' ..i,.i-. . u and -ln.h: tr.-iv, ii ". co.-1 !;1 100, (.;.,,