EIGHT PAGUv OAlhX EAST ORBUOW1AS, PKNJlLETON. OIUXJON. SATl'ItllAY, MARCH 25, 1911. PAGE THBXB 5j ty j 22 ( r 1- jj ' 0F ' j It makes us feel exceptionally good to have him examine the materials, the workmanship and the up-to-date styles or: our mar t Stein Bloch and Sophomore Clothing And then to see his amazement at the low prices we are asking. We are content with a modest profit and we like to give our customers big,honest values, so we will be sure of seeing their faces season after season. We can fit your purse as well as ydur form. Beautiful new Ranging in Price From 1 5.00 tjO $35oOO "Our Suite Wear as Wei! as They Look and Look as Vell as They Wear" ar 4 'M aac yjMHW W o 10 WORK CONVICTS ON STATE ROADS overcrowding of piusox rksl'lts ix fresh air plan Governor Culls Conference With State, Comity IWul City Official Three Will Co-oicrnt. Salem, Ore., March 25. At a con ference lii-ll In the governor's office Thursday night which was attended by members of the county court of Marion county, and the executive com mittee of the board of trade, plans were discussed for o complete' and ex tensive system of macadamized roads connecting the city with the stnto In stitutions and the institutions with eneh other. Convict labor is to be utilized. Gov. West called the conference with the Idea Hint united effort can perhaps accomplish much toward bringing about the deslrod end. The roads leading to many of the Institu tions are In a bad shape. The state, county and city aro nil mutually In terested and tho governor believes the city and county should be willing to co-operate with the state In the mat ter. I No extensive plan of boulevards i planned, but merely good, substantial serviceable ronds that will be of use to everybody In the vicinity. They will j also serve as a model and a nucleus around which the movement for good I reads can gain strength for effort In other parts of the state. The number of convicts nt the pen itentiary Is growing rapidly. As the legislature did not make adequate provision for sueli an unexpected in crease the problem of- their retention Is oing to be a large one. If the county and city will provide the funds tho governor thinks the state can legally provide the labor from the penitentiary. It will be a benefit both to. the state and a God-send to tho convicts to be allowed to labor In tho open during the summer months. Since January 1 the Increase at the penitentiary has been from 412 to 4S0, that being the number confined there yesterday. Others are expected soon, so that the number will be increased nearly 100 within .a few months. The highest number for tho past feu years has been 420. There Js not ad equate room for 4 SO convicts, the number now confined in the Oregon slate penitentiary. OREGON nOY GETS HIS PEGRF.i: FROM CHICAGO You've got to pick tho good going when you put all of your eggs in one basket. Edward Joshua Clark of Corvallis Is the only Oregon student who re ceived a degree at the seventy-eighth convocation at the University of Chi cago In that city, Marh 21. He is now an I,. L. B. ATM PICTURE SHOVif"S!ENDS DYSPEPSIA A Special Medicine for Kidney Ail ments. Many elderly, people have found In Foley's Kidney Remedy a quick re lief and permanent benefit from kid ney and bladder ailmentg and from annoying urinary irregularities due t advancing years. Isaac N. Regan Farmer, Mo., says: "Foley's Kidney Remedy effected a complete cure In my case and I want others to kno of It." A. C. Koeppen & Bro. Ladles to llolii Ilnuiar. The Ladles Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church will hold u bazaar April 7 and S. Among the special features will be aprons gathered from many slates, a fancy work and a Japanese booth. Many useful and ornamental articles will be on r.ale. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, bllllousness, dizziness, enllowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY, THE SOLDIER 5 I 5 4. 14 5 5 5 S 6 s 0tiftrtM4 umlnr tlie Food anil lriiF art or Juan suth, If. Sort I N. KB, by H. K. Itucklrn ft t o. ili tumiki' PrrirrrD rrunoroH pi.n n.f in IDK e. x rmrr.rvi!L. i QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS DEL KING'S NEW DISCOVERS JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHSandQOLDS And all Diseases of THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH AND BRONCHIAL REMEDY Price 50c and $1.00 j Orplioum. rendleton's favorite picture the ir. Kxeellent program for Sun day's change: 1. "What Shall We Do With Out nld?" lilograpli. A story founded upon nn actual occurrence in New York city. It would be well if all those state legislatures which are siruggling with the question of old age pensions could see this plctur. It tells the story of the neglect and cold hearted indifference with which the aged worker is treated more graphically than could be put in words. 2. "Cettys Apprenticeship." Pathe. The Irresistible Hetty Is taken out by her mother, who finds that home is a poor Place to kecD such n wild and turbulent spirit. Some very funny situations develop. 3. "A Double Elopemeitt." Lubin This charming love comedv indicates that the ladder route to matrimony is sometimes used by widows and wid owers as well as by younger folks. Just the picture to interest young and old, men and women, those who want ilra ma. comedy and love interest. . 4. "Pineapple Cannery In China." Tathe. A beautifully colored indus trial picture, showing an industry not well understood in this country. It shows the pineapples in all their rich colorings. The whole picture is in formative and is a desirable addition to the list of industrials. Pour full reels, 4000 feet of up to date high class motion pictures at each performance. Tho Pastime. The house of quality. The big fea ture for Sunday's change will be: "A Tale of Two Cities." Yltagraph. The first of a series of three reels re producing Dickens famous story. The first reel hikes the audience to the sei.ure of tho peasant girl and the killing of her brother, her deatn, the visit to Dr. Manette to bo a party to the crime, his arrest and imprison ment in the bastlle and his sufferings in the dungeon. Each reel Is a com plete story In Itself, but the other two reels complete th? story as Dickens wrote it. The second and third reels will bo shown at this theater. Watch for date. "The League of Mercy." Vitagraph. This Is otic of the strongest and most appealing; motion pictures ever pro duced. "A Western Courtship," American Pathe. A cow puncher is in love with tho ranchman's pretty daughter and the course of true love runs smooth until a Boston young man arrives In all ills finery. It is then tho cowboy takes matters into his own hands. "The Reformation of the Suffra setts." Kosmik. A laughable farce. The Axolotl. This film is enter taining as well as educational. . "Lund Marks of Avignon, France." Scenic, ' and digest your meals, is about a ' handy and valuable a thing as you I could have in the house. I FEW MINUTES GAS. INDIGESTION' A NT) ALL STOMACH MISERY GOES HcHrtburn and llcadaclie from Stom ach, and Other Distress Is Eiulci! Forever A Little DiajH-psin Now Will Certainly Make You Feel Fine Refore You Realize It. There would not be a case of in digestion here if readers who are subject to stomach trouble kne the tremendous anti-ferment and dige3 tive virtue contained in Diapers'n. This harmless preparation will digest a heavy meal without the slightest fuss or discomfort, and relieve the sourest, acid stomach In five min utes, besides overcoming all iouI, nauseous odors from the brea'h. Ask your pharmacist to snow you the formula, plainly printed on each 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin, then you will icadily understand why this j promptly cures indigestion and re moves such symptoms as heartburn, a feeling like a lump of lei. I in the stomach, belching of gas anl eructa tions of undigested food, wai." brash, nausea, headache, biliousness fcnd ninny other bad symptoms; and, te s.des, you will not need Iacuives t keep your stomach, liver anl intes tines clean and fresh. If your stomach Is sour and full of gas, or your food doesn't digest, and your meals don't seem to fit. why not get a 60-cent case from your drug gist and make life worth living Ab solute relief from stomach misery and perfect digestion of anything you eat is sure to follow five minu'es after, and, besides, one case Is sufficient to cure a whole family of such trouble. Surely, n harmless. Inexpensive preparation like Diapepsin, which will always, either at daytime or dur ing night, relieve your stomach misery Develops White Salmon Land. White Salmon, S'a.sh. Dr. John S'.n, president of the White Salmon ciub of 107 members in Minneapolis and St. Paul, is in the valley to start development work on his half section. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousand of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all dealers. Pays Fine for Throwing Coal. Walla Walla, Wash. It cost R. A. Lane J6 in city court to pay for the sport of sitting in an alley behind the Dacres hotel and shying chunks of coal at children and other passers by. Lane was discovered by Officer Rolf and taken to the city jail. IX R.VXKRrPTCY. Ir. the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the" Matter of Claude J. Hanscom, a Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Claude J. lans com, cf Pendleton, in the County of Umatilla, and District Aforesaid, Pankrupt. Notice Is Hereby Given, That on the 24th day of Xlarch, A. D. 1911, the said Claude J. Hanscom was duly adjudicated a bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned, referee in bankruptcy, at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregdn, on April 7th, A. D. 1911, at ten o'clock a. m. of the said day. at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this :5th day of March, A. D. 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Referee in Bankruptcy. ANHEUSER-BUSCH Columbia Bar 632-636 Main St. FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Peters, Prop -on draught at the- Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARS LIQUORS They Please Marlin Anderson, Prop SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY Koxrn&rs niuu storm. Do you read the East OregonianT J