EIGHT PAGES DAILY KAJST UllEGOMAN. PBSPTDIiETTON, ORKOON. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1911. fWK FT THE MQ $11 SHOE 00 SALE NOW ON Tan and Black Oxfords of Every Description All sizes F. E. Livengood (S& Co. The Women's and Children's Store. APRIL Ladies Ilorno Journal Patterns Ready. PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS See Lane Sen fer slrns. Paatlme pictures please all. Dutch Heary for ceal. Main 171. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, palate, etc. Lane A Eon. Wanted Chambermaid at Hotel Pendleton. Apply at once. Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 446. Wanted, Waitress Addreaa Home Bakery, Hermlston. For Rent Furnished house keeping rooms, 602 Water St. All kinds or fresh fish all the time at the Pendleton Cash Market. Wanted Sewing by the day. Prices reasonable. Phone Red 1661. The king ef all Ec cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan, sale agent Everybody goes to the Orsneum to see the beat and the clearest pictures. For rent Eight room house at 109 East Court. Inquire Ralph How land. Bungalow on north side of river, al so furniture for sale. Charles J. Fer guson. I. C. Snyder guarantees good spray ing. Tours for good work. Phone R. 3811. Just received, fine lot of chickens for Saturday. Order early. Pendleton Cash Market. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Inquire 4 IT Perkins Are. Thone Black 81 tl. 126 acres timber, easy of access, 4t cords to the acre, $9 per acre will buy It. K. T. Wade. I have some nice suburban homes with orchard, garden and chickens, for sale very cheap. E. T. Wade. Wanted Posltlen on ranoh by maa and wife. 10 years' practical experi ence. Address "W," this efflce. Cookies, cakes, doughnuts, pies and bread cooked fresh every day at .lie Royal Bakery. Phone Main 449. Special rates to harass bearded by the week or menth at the Commercial Barn, tit Aura street. Phone Mala It. 23 acre wheat ranch only three miles west of Pendleton. Goed house and barn. Only $8000. Lee Teutsch. Sharon & Eddlngs have secured the local agency for the Johnson Ideal Halter, the best cheap halter In the market. Mrs. Rese Campbell la now showing a complete line of new sprlag hits for street woar. Call and see the beau tiful patteras. Lost A morrooco book containing a deposit check. letters and a few me morandums. Party finding same leave at this office. It yeu want fresh meat from new, clean market, pnone Main 446. Farmers Meat Co.. Conrad Plataoeder, manager. 224 H. Court street. Live partner wanted In good pay ing business; with small capital, good partner. Call at 203 W. Webb street. For Rent Six roomed furnished house with modern conveniences. In iiuire Lyman's Market. For Rent Modern seven-room houi-e, 618 Aura street. Phone Black 2267. Penland Brea. Traasfer Co., pheae Black 8391. Plane, furniture and heavy trucking ef all klads. Calls an swered promptly. Office 147 Mala st Pheae Main 92 for geed clean laa or nut ceal. Preanpt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 79 West Alt street. Lost, on Saturday, March 18 a ladles' coat from Wohlenberg store, for Mrs. Nash, by delivery boy. Pleaso return to Wohlenhurg store. Suitable reward offered. For Sale-Two acre home east Pendleton. ' Alfalfa, fruit, garden. Good buildings, water system and bath. Adreas J. H. Bryant, Pendle ton, Oregon. Modem Woodmen of Amcrlcn. Regular1 meeting tonight. Initia tions. All members are requested to utu-nd. WM. ANDERSON Consul. J. G. FINNEY, Clerk. Tou can't burn slate aad gravel! Don't try it Phens Datoa Henry. Main 173, for cleaa aereeaed Reck Springs coal either lamp or nut It burns clean and gees further. Phone Rod 331 for quick auto cab service. 26 cent fares in city. Rates by hour or mile for out of town trfps. Wanted Setting hens. Phone Main 1. Bring In your combings or old switches and have them made into the latest styles, such as cornett braids, puff curls or switches. All work guaranteed at the Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 124 Court street. For sale Two hundred acres geed timber grasln land, about (t acres tillable, running water oa place. This Is a snap If taken within next thirty days. Address W. B., Box 341, city. J, liutchbiis of Echo, is In. the city Mrs. Lillie Miller of Athena, is a vluitor In the city. Fred Blake of Adams, Is transact ing business In the city. L. E. Gregory of La Grande, is a. guest of the Bowman hotel. R. D. Gould of Hood River is a guest of the St. George hotel. S. A. Barnes was in the city last evening from his home at Weston. William McKenzie of Weston, came down from the ex-normal town last evening. George WratBon of Pilot Rock, came In from that town yesterday af ternoon. Mrs. N. A. Miller of Athena, was an Incoming visitor on the local this morning. J. M. Hays, the local insurance man, went to Hermlston this morning on business. Miss Gladys Hays will go to Athe na this evening to visit with friends in that town. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hartshorn of Condon, came In from the Wheeler county city yesterday. Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena, came in this morning and is transact ing business in the city. Mrs. C. C. Connor came in tnis morning on (the Northern Pacific train from her home at Helix. Mrs. John Nesbaum and young son of Helix, were incoming passengers on the N. P. this morning. Mrs. Charles J. Ferguson returned on the Northern Pacific this morning from a visit at the Ruppe ranch. City Attorney J. P. Neal of Free water, was among the out of town attendants at the big banquet mat night. Krnest Wells of the Athena high school faculty, came down yesterday evening to spend the week ena wun friends. Principal Jack Keefe of the Wes ton high school, came down last eve ning to attend the Commercial club banquet. Attorney W. J. Warner, who was married in this city yesterday, return ed to Hermlston with his bride this morning. Editor G. L. Hurd of the Stanfield Standard, came up yesterday from the Furnish-Coe town and spent the night in the city. President Dan P. Smythe of the lo cal Commercial association, will at tend the banquet of the Hermlston Commercial club this evening. Councilman Herbert Strohm of Hermlston returned to the project town on the local this morning arter attending the Commercial banquet last evening, J. R. Blackaby, prominent citizen nnrl hanker of Ontario. Is visiting friends In the city and was present at the Commercial club banquet last evening. Ralph W. Allen, who Is In charge of the experiment station at Hermls ton, returned to that town this morn ing after addressing the agricultural club of the high school. John W. Campbell, prominent young Hermlston merchant, was among those who attended the Com mercial club banquet lTom the pro ject town. He returned to his home this morning. TRAINS ARE RUNNING OVER DOUBLE TRACKS NO. 17 IS FIRST TO MAKE TRIP ON THE SEW RAILS Conflnrtor Patrick II. Murphy Pilots First String of Pansonser Conches Over Improvement. 120-acre fruit and chicken ranch adjoining Kendrlck, Idaho, for sale 'cheap or trade for Pendleton dwell ing property. Phone Main 661, Pen dleton, Oregon. Special. Until April 1st we will sell 10 lb. can's pure lard, 31.60; 6 lb. can pure lard 80c; 3 lb. can puro lard 60. Cen tral Meat Market Card of Thanks. Pendleton lodge 288 B. P. O. E., wishes to thank the public for the patronage accorded the recent min strel show, the many members and friends who secured success for the entertainment by their active Interest, the participants who so generously gave their time and talent, and the Grand Theater for the attraction kindly loaned on the second night. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, Secretary. Ha viland China, Cut Glass Hand Painted China, Etc, Still going at Auction Sale Prices If you diden't secure what you wanted during the Auction, come in and we will make you a satisfactory price on any article you select. KOEPPEN'S . The Drug Store That Serves You Best Tlie first train to be run over the double tracks of the O.-W. R. & N. between this city and the Deschutes river, was No. 17, due here last eve ning at 6 o'clock, in charge of Engi neer Hen Wilkes, on engine No. 198, and Conductor "Hon." Patrick H. Ma haffey, says yesterday's The Dalles Chronicle. The new system gives add ed facilities ' for handling of traffic. putting into service a pass-track 15 miles in . length which will save con siderable time and trouble In handl ing trains. Although the running time of the passengers will be no faster, better time can be made. Active operations are on in the preparations to continue the double track east of the Deschutes river bridge to Blalock, 45 miles from The Dalles. Twohy Brothers also have the contract for the construction work and have established camps at mlleposts 114, 115 and 118. At these points spurs have been cut Into the main line for the use of work trains. Twelve carloads of supplies. Includ ing dump cars and pony engines, have been unloaded at these camps. Crews, numbering 500 men, are now on the ground and this number will be In creased to 3000 before many weeks have passed. The double-tracking will eliminate to a great degree the heavy curva tures and to accomplish this a great deal of heavy cut work In solid rock will be necessitated. Ninety pound steel is being used for the double tracks, all of which will be protected by a double block system that prac tically eliminates all possibility of ac cidents. NEW SETTLERS FOR WEST END THINK MOTHER IS MURDERER. (Continued from page one.) vulsions and great pain, while they say the two dying lads showed more the effects of narcotic poisoning, be ing In a stupor some time before death ensued. Dr. Herbert Leiser, one of the physicians called Into the case, says that he doubts the theory of ptomaine' poisoning and believes that a narcotic Is responsible for the deaths of the lads. He found a box of a proprietary medicine said to contain a strong narcotic In the room nnd took possession of it. He also took charge of the tin pall which the Chinese noodles were carried to the Goodwin rooms by the lads. When the children became 111 and began to vomit the woman says she gave them mustard in the hope of re lieving their pain, but she did not consider them sick enough to call a physician. When the autopsy Is held the cor oner plans to send the stomachs of the dead boys to the state chemist at Seattle and on receipt of his report will determine whether or not a cor oner's inquest will be held. While the mother of the two boys has a police court record in this city she has always taken care of her chil dren, and made an effort to keep the family together, and she Is reported as having been very fond of the two boys who are now dead. She is in hysterics this afternoon and a phy sician has been at her side to care for her. The case Is one of great mystery and the authorities ore making a thorough investigation of the whole occurrence. in poind. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the city of Pendleton, to-wlt: One white mare about 16 years old, brand not visible. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the pos session of it, costs and expenses against It paid and it taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock on the Bth day of April, 1911, the said animal will be sold te the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the city pound, at the Oregon Feed Yard, in snld City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such Bole to be applied to the pay ment of such costs and expenses of making sale. ' Dated this 24th day of March, 1911. THOS. GURDANB, City Marshal. (Continued from page one.) would take too much time. There are two alternatives, the construction of a reservoir on the hill south of the i town or the erection of a standpipe and tank of sufficient capacity and height to meet all needs. The for mer proposition would be much more expensive because of the extra amount of pipe it would take to bring the wa ter from the hill. Some decision will be reached shortly as the people are Insistent that they he provided with a modern water system. Many trees are being set out Hermlston and Vicinity at present. One hundred thousand locust trees are being put in the ground, which, if planted in a straight row, would extend for a distance of twenty miles. According to R. W. Allen of the ex periment station, settlers on the gov ernment project are planting in the neighborhood of 75,000 fruit trees as it has been proved beyond a doubt that the irrigated lands are adopted to horticulture and that such industry will be one of the most profitable ones In that section of the country. Many other improvements are un er way on the watered lands and the settlers of that community, with hardly a single exception, are satis fied and pleased with the country which they are assisting to reclaim. Gas Heaters WHEN THE WINDS WITIIOUT ARE HOWLING, WHEN THE THERMOME TER TS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OP ZERO. TS IT NOT REAL COMFORT TO RE ABLE TO PULL YOUR CTIAIR UP TO AN OPEN FIREPLACE? TniS EFFECT IS APPROACHED VERY CLOSELY IN THE Vulcan Odorless Gas Heaters Warms Your FeetHeats the Floor, Not the Ceiling A home loving man wants a modern home. A modem home has a Gas Heater. Pacific Power Light Co. "Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40 U J Opening Yakima Division. On Friday, March 24th, the O.-W. R. & N. will open its new branch from Attalia to North Yakima, and will run a through train daily be tween Walla Walla and North Ya kima, leaving Walla Walla at 9:15. arriving North Yakima at 3:00 p. m. Returning train will leave North Yakima at 8:45 a. m. arriving in Wal la Walla 2:30 p. m. In addition to the above service motor cars will run between Kenne wick and North Yakima, and between Grand View and North Yakima, also between Mldvale and Sunnyside. Con nections westbound can be made with Washington Division No. 8 and main line No. 5; Eastbound at Walla Walla with Washington Division No. 7 and main line No. 18. For complete Information as to train service on this branch, call on any local Agent of the O.-W. R. & N. WM. McMURRAY, General Pasenger Agent. Seattle isn't in the cabinet any more. EASTER The llost Important Dress Epoch Of the Year April 16 Remember, Easter is Only a Few Weeks Off and fllQxandor's-Theleading Shoe Store Is prepared to show you everything that's good in Pumps and Oxfords. New shipment of Suides, Ooze, Gun Metals", Tans and patents received today, and it is with a full appreciation of the pride of craft that we an nounce our spring and summer line, 1911, with its many artistic models. This line has been complied with great care to appeal to women's prettiest van ity regarding shoes. It is in pleasing a particular trade of women that Alexander's line outpoints and by the early presentation of styles, your selection is aided. Goodyear Welts Exclusively. SCROLLS FAMOUS FOOT EAZERS S1IOK TREES, POLISHES. LACES. AX1 A FVIJi LINE OP FINDINGS JVST RECEIVED. Alexander's The Leading Shoe Store SEE CEXTElt WINDOW SHOE DISPLAY 0