PAGE POUR BAIL! EAST OREGON IAN, PEXDLETTOJi1, OftfittOJT. ItlinXY, MARCIt 24, ciciirr PAura THAT AWFUL BACKACHE Cured fcy Lydia H. Pinknara's Vegetable Ccir.pcund Morton's Kentucky. "I suf fered two years v. feniiile disorders. my liealth was very b;vl nut 1 had a continual backacl.J vbii'h was simply awful. 1 could not .1. land on feet 'ilonjrericuch to cook a nieais victuals without my back noarlv killing mo, and 1 would' have j such dracrc.nn sat ions 1 c Se?1- could v if. I had soreness in each side, could not stand tiprlit clothing, and was impul;ir. I was completely run down, (in ad vice 1 took Lydia E. l'inkhain's Vege table Compound and Liver rills and enjoying pood healih. It is now more than two years and I not Lad an ache or p'.in since J do v'J n-.v own work, wasliinsr a:ul cverytl.inr, and never have the backacb.e nnv more. I think your medicine is prand and I praise it to all my neighbors. If you think my tes'.irnonv will help others you may publish ft." Mrs. Ollie Woodall, Morton's Gap, Kentucky. Backache is a symptom of organic weakness or derangement. If you have backache don't neclect it. To pet permanent relielf you must reach the root of the trouble. S"othinij wo know of will do this so s.urely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. Write to Mrs. rinkham. at I.ynn, iInss lor special adTice. Your letter wiil hp absolutely confidentir.l, the lulvico free. AH INDEPENDBNT SJSWSPAPEB. Published Dally and Semi-Weekly at Pendleton Oregon, by the AST OHEGONIAN PUBLISHING CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Pally, one year, by mall (3.00 Dallj, Biz month, by nail 2.6 Dally, three msotaa. by mall 1.29 dally, one nntk, by mail 5 Dally, one year, by carrier T.69 Dally, six montbs. by carrier 8.75 Daily, three moatba, by carrier 1.95 Dally, one month, by carrier 43 emi-Weekly, one year, by sail UO eml-Weekly, six Bontka, by mail 75 feml-Weekly, four months, by mall... .50 Tbe Dally East Oregonlan Is kept on sale at tbe Orecon News Co., 329 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Nortaweat News Co., Portland, Oregon. Chlca, Bureau, 909 Security Building. Wash!, irton, D. C, Bureau, 501 Fear trait street, N. W. Meober United Press Association. Entered at the poetofflce at Pendleton, 'Oregon, as second class mall matter. lepbone Mala 1 Official City and County Paper. : LIVING. "How to make life worth llv- ing?" Tbe question haunts us every day; It colors the first blush of sun rise, It deepens the twilight's last ray. There is nothing that brings us a drearier pain Than the thought, "We have lived, we are living In vain." We need, each and all, to be needed. To feel we have something to give Toward soothing the moan of earth's hunger; And we know that then only we live, When we feed one another as we have been fed From the hand that gives body and spirit their bread. Our lives they are worth the living When we lose our small selves in the whole, And feel the strong surges of being Throb through us, one heart and one soul, Eternity brings up each honest endeavor; The life lost for love Is the life saved and forever. Lucy Larcom. V TO THE FIIOXT AGAIN. With a vote so overwhelming that It swept the opposition away like chaff before a storm the taxpayers of Pendleton decided yesterday to build a splendid new high school and to complete the Lincoln school. They did more than that. They gave no tlce to the world that Pendleton is Itself again that the people of the city are ready and eager to grasp op portunltles to take the town forward and to establish it more fully as the queen city of eastern Oregon and 'The biggest town of its size In the west." The victory for the high school yesterday was one of the most remark. able in the history of the town. It was generally believed that the bond rn issue would carry despite the oppo sition from various sources. But the most sanguine scarcely expected such a landslide verdict and the result was the more gratifying because of the fears on;t rtained. The monster majority for the high school bonds puts nt an end all doubt as to what will happen with respects to other Improvements. Yesterday was the critical day and the forces of pts.slmism were so badly routed that there will be little to the fight from th's time on. The water bonds will be voted with ease though it will not ao for the progressives to go to sleep for they might lose out through being too sure of success. Xo doubt the sower bonds will also be endorsed by the people. In voting upon the sower and gravity water system bonds all male citizens may vote, whether taxpayers or not, and this fact indi cates that the majority on those issues will be greater than the majority for the school bonds yesterday. The question of street improvement also comes before the people for con sideration. At the special election the charter is to be changed with a view t making more extensive Improve ments possible. When those amend ments are made Pendleton should start upon a street improving crusade such ns the city has never had be fore. All the main travelled streets of the city need paving and Jackson street and West Court especially need I' this summer. Pendleton Is behind sister towns in the matter of street paving although this was the first city in Oregon outside of Portland to do raving work. It Is up to Pendleton to take her place again at the heal of the procession. Money spent on permanent street work is well invest ed because it enhances the value of the abutting property, raises the gen oral standard of the town, makes the place pleasant for those who are here and attractive to outsiders. Now that the school bonds are voted and things are started the good work should be kept going. There is much to be done and it will pay to do it' now. While the time is ripe keep up steam and "Let'er buck." T1IE COMilEUCIAIi CLUB. A new administration in the Com-1 nierclal club usually starts forth with vim and enthusiasm. But there are indications that under the adminis tration of President Smythe the asso ciation this year will show more speed than for many years past. It will if the first monthly luncheon held last evening s any criterion to go by. At the Eagles-Woodmen hall last night the business workers of the city were gathered for a common purpose and the interest and enthusiasm mani fested was such as to make it clear that a successful year is in store for the club. The situation is right for good work and with proper leadership and with good support by the people of the city much good can be accom plished for Pendleton. It is the general desire to get the Commercial club on a better working basis and to increase its prestige as an organization. A long step forward was taken in this direction last eve ning when the board of managers was authorized to employ a paid sec retary to take active charge of the club's affairs. With a capable man as secretary- manager and with the rooms of the association equipped as such rooms should be furnished in a town of this size and importance the Commercial club will be what it should be, the live working brigade of the city. All signs point to prosperity and growth for Pendleton and effective work towards bringing about such an era may be done by keeping the Com merclal club strong and enthusiastic. If you are not a member of the club new put in an application at once an 1 get into the harness. HE IS STILL POPULAR. There are few men personally more popular with friends and neighbors than Judge W. R. Ellis. That this is CATARRH IS SURELY A DANGEROUS DISEASE Thousands of people allow catarrh to slowly undermine the whole sys tern until a serious disease develops sometimes consumption. People who have catarrh should use every effort to get rid of It, but hould above all adopt a sensible method. Stomach dosing, sprays and douca es won't cure catarrh because it Is a germ disease, and the germs must De destroyed before the disease can be conquered. HTOMEI is . the one sensible cure for catarrh because it reaches every fold, crevice and nook in the mucous membrane and gets where the germs are. You breathe HTOMEI and as it passes over the Inflamed membrance its soothing Influence heals the sore ness and destroys the germs. A complete HTOMEI outfit costs tl. This consists of a bottle of HT OMEI and a hard rubber inhaler Pour a few drops of HTOMEI Into the Inhuler and breathe it a few min utes each day, that's all you have to do. It Is guaranteed by Tallman & Co. and druggists everywhere to cure catarrh, coughs, colds and sore throat or money back. Extra bottle of HTOMEI costs but 60 cents. Free trial sample on request from Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. T. true with respects to Umatilla county has often been shown the past by the immense majorities the Judge has bean given by this county. His pop ularity was shown again yesterday by the greetings given him Upon his ar rival and by the ovation tendered him at the Commercial club banquet last evening. The people of this city sup ported Judge Ellis both while upon the bench and as congressman. Their friendship has not been changed by Ms present retirement. Press reports make President Taft appear ns the hero fho has unmask ed the scheme of the villainous Japs In Mexico and has caused them to slink away In fear, Just how correct this version of the mYair may be Is hard to say. I3ut that the matter will be settled without the necessity of a war Is very good news. Fighting is tnd for the eyes. It is a general Impression that the ladies voted almost solld'.y for the new hlgli seho"' If they did then God bless them. They are broader minded and more progressive than some men. At the Commercial club luncheon hist evening the presence of the Welserltes made the meeting a Joint state affair. Eastern Oregon may well join hands across the line with Idaho because they are good boosters over there. It will soon be in order to take moving pictures of Pendleton. The place will be improving so fast that no ordinary picture will do. Now tell the mechanics to get ready tc come to Pendleton. That million dollars worth of work is a sure thing. Only It will amount to more than :t million. The Pendleton spirit was not dead but only sleeping. When taxpayers vote a bond issue they mean it. The news sounded bad to the sicrats. pes- "The biggest town of Its size in the west." Sleeps Wei! Appetite Fine And Feeling Like a New Titan Aftr Being a Kervous Vvrsck and u.i able to Do a Stroke of Work. Mr. B. Arthur T.vtfcn. R. F. D. Xo. 1, High Point. X. C, wo experienced this rernari-aole recovery, writes a: follows: "La.-t July I was taken sick 1 was very nervous and weak. Could not sleep at oiht and was unable to look after Try farm work or do any business. I tried two doctors, but did not receive inu:h be :tc fit from them. "A frier.' rf mine told me of Duf fy's Pure V;.i-!:cy and insisted that I try ;t. I a I :.: I am now stronsr r.v.d "vc'.i. Cr:i s!c?r ail right and Lave r:: np-.t tc like a horse." Duffy's Puj "9 r.lcllVVhjskey will bring a healthy glow to the pallid check, give new energy to the falter ing limbs, strengthen and invigorate the weary body and throbbing brain; reanimate the vital organs at: J create a new supply of rich, rcl blood. It makes the old feci young and keeps the young strong and vigorous. Pre scribed by physicians, used in hos pitals and recognized as a family medicine everywhere. Thousands of our patients, both men and women alike, who have been restored to health and strength, extol its virtues as the world's greatest tonic, stimu lant and body builder. Sold IN ShALl'.U UOTlL.fc.s ONLY by druggists, grocers and dealers, or shipped direct for $1.UU per large bottle. The Dutty Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. V. Iff Your Doctor Is Honest Honest in his knowledge ofjdiagnoeis and treatment. Honest in hislendeavorsjforjhis'patients' benefit. v We put his medicines together in the most scientific way, under the best and safest conditions .'. Your doctorndIyour druggist guard your health "We are int. business for yourgood health.' THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. MARCH 21 IN HISTORY. 14 95 Columbus with an army of 290 men, twenty horses and twenty dogs, commenced his campaign against the natives of Hlspnnolla, who, in consequence of the excesses f the Spaniards, had raised an army of 100,000 to. destroy the colony of Isabel. He reduced the colony to obedience. ' 1588 llombs were first used at the siege of Waehtendonk, in England. 1603 Elizabeth, queen of England, died, aged seventy, after a prosperous relirn of forty-five years. 1638 Canonicus and Mlantonimah ?ve Hotter Williams a deed of Prov idence. 174 4 War between France and Great Rrltaln declared. t"$2 Spain acknowledged the In dependence of the United States. Cheerfulness pays and cheerfulness replaces grouch when stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are helped naturally to do their duty by WW Sold CvtMywhor;. HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of the Celebrated TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. Ilohbach has Modern and Snaitary Bakery Otto Ilohbach has just completed improvements in connection with his Court street bakery, am ounting to about $5,000, and now has one of the cleanest and most modern bakeries in eastern Oregon. Lie has erected a new brick annex with concrete floors, plastered walls and dough mixing and handl ing machinery that assures absolute cleanliness and sanitation, besides being vermin proof. Within this new and modern factory, all the cakes, pasteries, candies and ice cream will be mada tbat is sold by him, either wholesale, from the wagon or in his recent ly renovated retail store. A standing invitation is extended to the general public to visit this new bakery not at any ap pointed time, but at your convenience see for your self how dean and sanifery it is kept at all times. "I was Crippled, could hardly walk and had to Crawl down stairs at times on my hands And knees. My doctor told me I had an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I was in the hospital for weeks, but was scarcely able to walk when I left it. I read about Dr. Miles' Nervine bought a bottle and began to get better from the start, and for the past six months I have had scarcely Any pain and am able to walk as well as ever." J.H. Sanders, P. O. box 5, Rockaway, N. J. Few medicines are of any benefit for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders tells plainly what Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine did for it. One ounce of salicylate of soda adde to one bottle of Nervine makes an ex cellent remedy for rheumatism, which is now known to be a nwv ous disease and therefore subjec .o the influence of a medicine that acts through the nerves, as does Dr. Miles' Nervine Sufferers from rheumatism seldom fail to find relief in the use of Or. Miles' Nervine, with salicylate of soda. Sold under a gusrantee that assures the return of the'prlce of the first bottle if It fails to bsneflt. At all Druggists. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. VHE COMFORTS OF LIFE MEVm WHO BECiAN THEIRXfONEY IN THE BANK. ILENRY 1L ROGERS was a poor boy. He worked in a grocer', lie saved his money and put it in the bank, lie left an estate of 100 million dollars. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits, compounded semi-annually. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY SNAP 1 60 Acre Under proposed ditch. Owing to the fact owner of the above mentioned tract is call ed east, will sell at a bargain if taken at once. This property is only five miles from Echo and fur miles from Staafield. Land lays nicely. See about it today. Act, LEE TEUTSCH The Home Finder Willi THEATRE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entins family. Next to French Rttstavraut Entire change three time each week. Be sure and tee the next chasge. Adults 10c Children rnder 10 veRr, Kr. Desert Claim Now