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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
PACOi BIX AILY IVT OK5GON1AJI, PBNDLETON. ORJKOON. THI HSDAY, MARCH 23, 1011. eight paokh SAYS QUININE WILL NOT BREAK A COLD HOW TO Cl'RE COLDS AND grippe ix a few hours 11 WV -Ji 1 V-.. V ui W - VVmVAcIX. in m H- ,1 rl I lis nil ki&H " M' I'M l Htxy ' 1 , B v ' U 1 VUr 1 ff Tou will distinctly foci your cold breaking and all the grippe symptoms leaving after taking tho very first done. It Is a positive fact that Pape's Cold Compound, taken every two hour, until three consecutive doses are ta ken, will end tho grippe and break up tho most secero cold, cither !n the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. It promptly relievos the most mis erable neuralgia pains, headache, dullness, head and fiose stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, sore throat, running of the nose, mucous catarrh-- al discharges, soreness, stiffness ant rheumntlc twinges. Pape's Cold Compound is- the re-- suit of three years' research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dollars and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not ef foctlve In the treatment of ' grippe. Take this harmless compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine, made anywhere else In the world, whl Jh will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly nnd without oth er assistance or bad after effects at a. 25 cent pnekage of Pape's Cold' Compound, which any druggist In the world can supply. INTERNATIONAL ATHLETICS. If you want to know what clothes the Best Dressed Men in Pendleton will wear this spring, ask BOND BROTH MS Pendleton's Leading Clothiers V'ems f-r Chesterfield, Alfred Benjamin and Society Brand Clothes, Knox, Stetson, Merit and "Smile" Hats; Edwin Clapp and Keith Conqueror Shoes. 1 a I I " I ' ' MAILORDER MARRIAGES TWO IX SPOKANE TURN" OUT DIFFERENTLY One Is Happy Culmination of News-IttiM-r Romance, While Second Re sults in Prospective Groom Being Stung." Spokane, Wash., March 23. When Mrs. Marie E. Gray of Akron. O., and j j e. Guy of Potlatch, Idaho, were married in Spokane yesterday, there came to a happy culmination a mod ern romance that had its origin in the advertising columns of an eastern newt-paper, six months ago. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Dr. S. Willis McFadden, pastor of First Presbyterian church, in the parlors of a local hotel. Guy, who is an expert machinist In the employ of the Potlatch Lumber company In northern Idaho, said that when he read the advertisement an nouncing that the advertiser, widowed and lonely, was tired of owning her self and wanted a manly and respect able mate, he realized his own posi tion and lost no time In answering the appeal. Afjer six months' cor respondence Mrs. Gray came to Spo kane, where the bridegroom met her. and the wedding followed. They will make their home In the town of Pot latch. Different Experience Frank Everett, a rancher at Chea ter, Wash., had a different experience with a "mail-order" bride. Follow ing an Interview with the Spokane agent of a transcontinental railroad, three weeks ago, he dispatched a fat envelope, containing among other things the price of a first-class ticket and sleeping-car accommodations, al so $25 for meals and extras, to a wo man in Kansas City, Mo. The bride-to-be was due In Spokane on March 15 but Everitt did not lose faith until after waiting five days, when he ad mitted being "stung." "The girl, whose name I shall not make public, described herself as 24 years of age, fairly good looking and a first-class cook," Everitt said. "She wanted to come west and marry a rancher, but I guess she changed her mind after getting my money. I've been 'bunked' and I'm going back to the ranch, but before I promise again to marry I am going to see the other party on the ground." Fully nine out of everv ten cases of rheumatism Is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which requires any Internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the fiee application of Chamberlain's Liniment Give it a trial. Tou are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealer. Montana Town Feels Quake. Thompson Falls, Mont. Many res- ANHEUSER-BUSCH -on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636 Main St. v FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve f Please Esrcia Pdsrs. pp Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARSandLIQUORS They Please Uirtia laden m, Prop Idents of Thompson Falls and vlctn ity were rudely awakened Monday night about 11 o'clock by a severe earthquake, which lasted for perhaps 30 seconds, rattled doors and windows and Jarred dishes and other .articles from their restingplace. The sensa tion seemed to be a rolling movement and its course was distinctly north and south. So far, however, no dam age la reported. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAI. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnin Tablets. Druggists refund money U it falU to cure. E. W. OROVE'B signature la on each box. 16c. McDonald Scatters Town. Molson, Wash. Upon the institu tion of ejectment proceedings by J. H. McDonald, homestead claimant of ground covered by half of Molson, the Molson drug store, Hallberg's har ness shop and Attorney Vvorak's of fice have moved Into the "new town" south of the Great Northern tracks. Families living in the disputed terri tory have also moved. McDonald asks for $2000 damage from the com munity, and also rental from the time the land has been occupied under protest. Some of the business men will fight the case. Every Mother Is or should be worried when the lit tle ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneu monla then to something more rlous. Ballard's Uorehound 8yrup will cure the trouble at once and pre vent any complication. A. C. Koep pen & Bros. Aw-xt Moore, at Pasco. Pasco, Wash. George Moore, who was arrested with John Flynn by the Pasco police several weeks ago and In whose possession guns, nrero glycerine and Jewels taken from Spo kane residences were found, was picked up by the police again Tues day. Moore was taken to tho county Jail to serve out his sentence on vagrancy charge. Medicines that aid natare are al ways moat successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealer. has been held at the county Jail on a charge of assault with a deadly wea pon, was permitted to transact busi ness in Maiden under the custody of an officer. The woman struck uon Rigglns with a metal cuspidor in Maiden March 11. Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer is appendicit is with many victims, but Dr. Kings New Life Pills kill il by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing con stipation, headache, biliousness, chins. 25c at Koeppens. Incrcnso Okanogan Cliargeit. Watervllle, Wash., By order of the secretary of the Interior the opera tion and maintenance charges for tne Okanogan project have boen Increas ed from $1.50 to $2 an acre on Irri gable land. This change takes effect at once and must be paid this year. La Follott Sells Paper Holding. Prlnevllle, Ore. Guy La Follette son of a local capitalist, and editor and part owner of the Crook County Journal, has sold his Interest In the paper to his partner, R. E. Gray. Mr. La Folletto Is planing to enter the real estate business. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tnijlels Invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, bllllousness, dizziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers Sprinklers Out at Dayton. Dayton, Wash. Sprinkler wagons have appeared on Dayton streets. This is the earliest recorded appearance of the water wagon here,' the usual sprinkling period reaching from April 10 to September. StltcH Grain Hope Illirli. Stites, Idaho. With only one day of light rain all through March to date tho warm spring sun has steadily dried out the ground In Idaho county and all farmers are busy putting In crops. Indications point to a bumper yield of both fruit and grain. DeiMity Guards Maiden Woman, Colfax, Wash. Mabel Tomla, wnopended In Improving the service, Inbuilt Telephone Spends $15,00(1. Colvllle, Wash. The Inland Tele phone company has a force of 20 men resetting and Improving the poe line in Colvllle. The poles In the business district will be set in alleys, Fifteen thousand dollars will be ex- Great EiikIIhIi t'nlvrrsltles Anxious to Meet Harvard and Yalo. London, March 23. Athletic au- -thorltlrs of Oxford and Cambridge met today In Joint session to consid er tho project for holding an Inter- -national track and field meet between a picked team of American athletes from Harvard and Yale and a similar aggregation of the crack men of Ox ford and Cambridge. The plan has met with much favor on this side of the water, and while a definite deci sion will hardly be reached today, it' is understood that the delegates to the conference will do all in their power to bring the matter to a successful Issue. There Is a feeling here that tno Oxonians and Cantnbs would bo the victors In such a meet, as both of the great English universities have track teams of unusual excellence this year. In the recent Intercollegiate rports the English collegians have such good records as to foster the be lief that the sons of Olj Ell and John Harvard would have to show unex pected form to hold their own. ine international contests. If held. will be a great sporting feature of coronation year and will be witnessed by thousands of people from all over the world. The middle of July would probably be selected ns the date. shortly after the British track chain- I lonships. This would bo six or sev en weeks after the American Inter collegiate championships. In former meets between Oxford and Cambridge on one side and Tale and Harvard on the other, the Eng- iii-nmen were victors In 1SS9, winning five events to four captured by tne Americans, while In 1901 the latter turned the tables, winning by a score of six to three, and by the same score again In 1904. The first nnd third meets were held here and the second In New York. Yale uml Oxford held nn International meet In Iondon m 1894, Oxford winning, and in the following year in New York Yalo de- Anthony Comstock claims that Ad- feated Cambridge by a score of elEht am nia nenina tne BKirts or Eve. no events to three. wonder he was found out so easy. A real novelty in prepared toods- Read the want ads teSay. would be predlgested wild oats. etc. the official log of the Journey. On the other hand he kept a personal diary It was his official "log" that was read. It was not every day, the captain explained, that he had time to make an entry. There were atonal lapses In the record, bu entry, after several days silence, ly covercuQe missing days. Vsl thei t posrprepai. eight f more desperate men, rmei wltl ie most modern oil,""iowei automatic pistols, -rt--A , . , ney street house '' ht MlillJrl Tw-cNu newfound the battle. bodies, the pollci of the mosl s outsldi N;att e w thUie no r i oa xtr Yi c to! V J Kiel pi J In 1 0 iV und f W Uttt) cHSIilki) StsC raft) rife HE) POOQJL WHIM! J(U$? lfGj);V Cooli Aatly ln7 the I given f befoJ lib-comnf J com In naval V fcetl I would I iw. cxp lnrire fens to f Zl'bll W the BcicruiiL Ml a jy in Peary Jo house Vthe cf- nn similar 'til pol.i This tentlon made by Cook In this article he denied ilue of polar observa tions, and declared that they could be "faked the ream." Dr. Cook declined to talk for puoil catiOQ at tbla tlnia. Iruns Ofl bear th lund a led tlmol lloded. 1 ' I'Chanlsrl catJV thev f exercised strengthen Un the anarchistic really nihilists, they have secured evtde wo on foot, a plot to kll either before or at the tl onation in June. V the diet tnnenj4.- po. Twltt ers lion lead level vhen ot to gedUn e Jew. m, how In thi in' were lenham l rob (umbei lotland sr m irelgi t. but wort this con will t en. bold Ich tc anarch. street houw 1 bodies th Ingenlousli Ich had not bombs Indl ndiwork ol great cnr ncture hat dhcrents ol ie men wen Offlrlnls deelnrt en ga tor. rm m more evening HumMvOTAaa gurute a safe and sane aviation nolle :nn.11 the thrill" without kUllnj