East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 22, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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It Spread All Over His Head If
Touched It would Bleed and Leave
Raw Spot Could not Go to School
-Spent $200, Still He was Bald.
Got Cuticura. In Six Weeks He was
Well and Had Growth of Hair.
"One day. when my hoy vti fife Jfn old.
1 noticed a sort on the top of hi brad. I aa
alarmed, to I called tn Dr. and he laid it
vaa errrma. After treating il for a week
It spread all over nu
head, so the doctor
advised us to tee a
specialist In Sew York,
by the name of .
He said It was a bad
case of tlnpworm and
recommended astudent
of his. We doctored
with him a Ion while
and iwnt about I .'00
Vr" k and the boy's head was
I 9 atill bald. He had a
1 V I disgusting looking llt-
l 1 hfRii It would
rule orer ntM and if you touched It it
would Meed and leave a raw spot. All thu
time he had not been able to go to school,
although he was eight years old.
"Then an old druririst named wild.
Why don't you take him to the - Hos
pital as thev have cured a young lady with
the Cuticura Remedies?' But they said the
5 nunc ladv's rase had been different. So we
ecided to trv the Cuticura Remedies our
aelvev We cit Cuticura Soap. Ointment and
Resolvent and thev ftave our boy Immediate
relief with the first application and In tu
weeks' time he was well and had a rrowih
of hair. Sow be It fourteen and has a nicer
growth of hair than my other children! The
doctors all said he would be bald or his hair
would come out In white spots, and several
doctors said to take the chOd to the incurable
hospital. We had at least seven doctors and
we received no benefit from any. Mrs. Harry
Fee. Liberty Corner. N. J.. Feb. 15. 1910."
OnMema Remedies atUJ toroualKMrt the world,
rotter Drug Cbim Corp, Sole Props- Boston.
Xetr School at PrineviUe.
Prlneville, Wash. The plans for a
new $25.0u0 public school building for
PrineviUe will be ready in two weeks.
It Is expected to have the building
ready for the opening of the schools
lit the fall. The plans are drawn by
Architect Burggraf of Albany, Ore.
Breaks Log In Manrer.
Elgin, Ore. The H. D. Spencer
company, owners of large lumber In
terests and the Elgin L'ght and Power
company, lost a valuable horse Sun
day morning. The animal became en
tangled in the manger and broke its
leg in two place?:.
Booster Banquet at Elgin.
Elgin, Ore. At the "Get Together
bantjuet" nearly 100 men were pres
ent. Among the principal talkers
were Mayor H. H. Weatherspoon and
.Attorney J. Baker of La Grande, who
H in Elgin in view of a change of lo
cation. L. P. Tuttle was toastmaster.
Test Well Strikes Water.
Ellensburg, Wash. The test well
being sunk by a special water com
n.ittee of the city council is now 10
feet deep. Councilmen say there Is
Wily Pile Sufferers So Often Fail to
Get Relief.
Science is getting at the bottom of
everything, Includng the cause and
cure of piles. The brightest doctors
now admit that piles are caused In
ternally and can be cured only by
internal treatment. Dr. J. S. Leon
hardt some time ago perfected a rem
edy in tablet form Hem-Roid, which
cures the cause of piles, and therefore
cures permanently. It Is sold by
Pendleton Drug company and drug
gists everywhere under money-back
guarantee. $1 for 24 days' treatment.
Dr. Leonhrdt Co., Station B, Buffalo,
X. Y. Write for booklet.
Sunshine Blood
! Purifier
I'scful lii all Impoverished Conditions
of the blood and as a general
Contains Red Clover, Stlllingia, Ber
berls Aqulfollum, Burdock Root,
Poke Root, Cascara Amarga,
Prickley Ash Bark and
Iodide Potassium
Reliable Druggist.
-on draught at the-
Columbia Bar
632-636 Main Sl
We Serve to f lease
Kereai Piter. Pp
an abundance of water there and that
the wells will be sunk no deeper. Trie
well la on the river bottom, about a
quarter of a mile from the river.
Carbolic Add Ilurns Throat.
North Yoklma, Wash. Mr. John
Eland, wife of the district agent of an
Iowa life Insurance company living
at S05 South Second street, had her
throat and mouth severely burned,
when she took a swallow of carbolic
acid instead of cough medicine.
io)r nitos Gin Twiiv.
Walla Walla. Wash. Eureka, 11-
year-old daughter of W. J. Martin of
this city, was bitten twice on the
cheek just below the eyes by a dog
following a farm wagon. The ani
mal ran into the yard where the child
was playing and snnppod her, getting
away before the child s parents could
catch sight of it.
Revival Gets Members.
Freewater, Ore. As a result of the
recent revival meetings by the Pres
byterian and Congregational church
es, eight new members were received
into full membership. The church
will be opened next Sunday for mem
bers. The Rev. J. Koss Kltt admin
istered the sacrament.
Million for Canadian Timber.
Kaslo, B. C. For $1,000,000 the
Patrick Lumber company has sold a
9000-acre tract of white pine, cedar
and spruce timber and their sawmill
100.000 feet dally cutting capacity
In the Crescent valley. The pur
chasers are the British Canadian
Lumber corporation, who have gigan
tic timber interests on the coast and
a capital investment of $20,000,000.
Drowns in Sliallow Water.
Medicine Lake. Wash. George
Kramer, S-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kramer, living five miles
west, was drowned Sunday in two
feet of water. ,
He was playing with other chll
d:en around a slough formed by the
Central Washington railroad grada
and fell In. Dr. J. A. Allan was sum
moned, but life was extinct.
Woman Leaps From Stage.
Husum, Wash. The Trout lake
stage on the down trip turned turtle
the other day, near the McCracken
ranch, after running into the large
root of a tree. Miss Josephine Brune,
a nurse from Portland, jumped, es
caping Injury, and, grabbing one of
the horse's bridles, checked what
might have proven a disastrous runa
way. "Shoots to Frighten Hint."
Wallace, Idaho George Blackstock,
who is to have a preliminary hearing
on the charge of the attempted mur
der of Joe Rosen at Murray, will en
ter the defense that he did not shoot
at Rosen or intend to hit him. but
merely fired twice to frighten Rosen
into paying $32 he alleges Rosen
owed him. Both bullets, according to
the ptory of eye witnesses narrowly
missed the saloon man.
Jap Forfeits $1000 Bond.
Walla Walla. Wash. A bond of
$1000, iut up by Kanda Risaburo, the
Japanese under sentence to the peni
tentiary by the local court for living
off the earnings of a woman, was
declared forfeited this morning when
he did not appear to begin sentence.
Risaburo was convicted and given
sentence of two to five years about
a year ago, but appealed to the su
preme court, where he was turned
Oppose Colfax Paving.
Colfax, Wash. Petitions were cir
culated for presentation to the coun
cil asking that the paving of Main
street proposed by the council be not
undertaken until the lower part of
the street between Island street and
the Spokane & Inland depot Is open
ed up by the council. The council
has already announced its determina
tion to open this part of the street
as soon as the work can be done. No
protest has as yet been made to the
macadamizing of Mill street.
More truth is said behind our backs
than la told to cur faces.
Bowman Bar
Oae Block from Dcpat
A Gatlamn' Reaart
Try Our
They Pleaae
tartia Asiertsa, Prp
1 f'iTJ f
1 il
A Little Pinpeiwiit Xow Will Make
Your Out of Order Stomach Feel
Fine Digests All Your Food,
1 living Nothing to Ferment anil
Every family here ought to keep
some Diapepsln In the house, as any
one of you may have an attack of
indigestion or stomach trouble at any
time, day or night.
This harmless preparation wHI di
gest anything you eat and overcome
a distressed, out of order stomach
five minutes afterwards.
If your pteals don't tempt you, or
what little you do eat seems to fill
you, or lays like a lump of lead in
your stomach, or if you have heart
burn, that is a sign of indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent
case of Pape's Diapepsln, and take
a little Just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with ncld,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling In the stomach, nau
sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness
or intestinal griping. This will all go
and. besides, there will be no sour
food left over In the stomach to poi
son your breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Dlapepsin is a certain cure
for out of order stomachs, because it
prevents fermentation ana takes hold
of your food and digests it Just the
same as if your stomach wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery at any drug store, wait
ing for you.
These large 50-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to cure almost
any chronic case of dyspepsia, indi
gestion or any other stomach trouble
Forty Young Hogs Bring $600.
Grangevllle, Idaho. There were
delivered at the local stockyards yes
terday 40 head of 9-months-old hogs
that brought $600 in the leading pens.
The animals were raised by G. L.
Bourland, weighed 200 pounds each,
and were purchased by E. L. Sweet
for 7 1-2 cents per pound live weight.
Every Mother
Is or should be worried when the lit
tle ones have a cough or cold. It
may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneu
monla then to something more se
rious. Ballard's Hurehound Syrup
will cure the trouble at once and pre
vent any complication. A. C. Koep
pen & Bros.
Hush for Montana Land.
Lewlston, Mont. The local land
office here has been busy the last
week with a rush for homesteads by
eastern people. More than 200
claims were filed during the week
and 50 were filed Monday. Country
mails are in such a condition that
automobiling is impossible, and land
hungry people drove 50 to 100 miles.
Cash Goes From Cruiser.
Seattle, Wash. The disappearance
of $525 from the postoffice of the ar-
i mored cruiser Colorado, now at the
Puget Sound navy yard, was report
ed. A thorough search of the ship
was made, but no trace of tho missing
money was found. Captain A. W.
Gill has appointed a board to Inves
tigate the loss.
A Swollen Jaw.
is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether
It's caused by neuralgia, toothache or
accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment
will reduce the swelling and relieve
the pain. The great and sure cure
for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises,
scalds any and all aches and pains.
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Wheat Chaff In Hoy's Ear.
Mace, Idaho. Lloyd Sex, 5-year
old son of Charles Sex, died Friday
at Hope hospital. Wallace, where he
had been taken for an operation. The
child was taken with earache two
weeks ago, but little attention was
paid to it, as the parents though It
ar ordinary attack of earache. Rome-
hing like a piece of wheat chaff
came from the boy's ear a week ago.
AntoistM Gather at Toppcnlxh.
Toppenlsh, Wash. Toppenlsh was
the mccca for North Yakima auto-
moblllsts Monday, 12 parties making
the trip to this city. The auto own
ers report excellent roads and quick
time between North Yakima and this
Nasal Catarrh, an inflammation of
the delicate membrane lining the
air-passages, is not cured by any mix
tures taken Into the stomach. Don't
waste time on them. Take Ely's
Cream Balm through the nostrils, so
that the fevered, swollen tissues are
reached at once. Never mind how
lpng you have suffered nor how often
you have been disappointed, we know
Ely's Cream Balm Is the remedy you
should use. All druggists, 50c. Mall
ed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street.
New York.
Other Suite Make Reduced Output In
The United States geological survey
reports that the quantity and value of
phosphate mined in Florida in 1909
were somewhat greater than in 1908,
although South Carolina and Tennes
see, the other producing states, made
a reduced output. The figures for
Florida are: 1908, $8,484,639; 1909,
$8,541,301. The total value of phos
phate mined in the United States In
1909 was $10,772,120, as against $11,
399,124 In 1908. The average price
per ton was slightly lower In 1909.
The United States geological survey
has Just published Its report entitled
"Mineral resources of the United
States, calendar year 1909," on "The
"The production, of phosphate rock
in 1909," by F. B. Van Horn, which
may be obtained free of charge by ap
plying to the director of the survey
Blooded Hog Goes to China.
Pullman, Wash. The experiment
station of Washington State college
has sold a Berkshire boar to the Chi
nese government and the animal will
be shipped to Manchuria. An order
was received from the Carstens Pack
ing company of Seattle and Tacoma,
which has taken the contract to sup
ply the Chinese government with pure
bred, registered stock to improve the
native stock of Manchuria. The Chi
nese government has ordered pure
bred cattle, sheep and hogs of vari
ous In-eeds, and these are Deing
bought in Washington and Oregon.
A FKrce Xlflht Alarm.
Is the hoarse, startling ceught of a
child, suddenly attacked by croup.
Often It aroused Lewis Chsvmblln of
Manchester, O., (R. R. No. I) for
their feur children were greatly sub
ject to croup. "Sometime In sever
attacks," he wrete "we were afraid
they would die, but since) we proved
what a certain remedy Dr. King's
New Discovery la, we have no fear.
We rely on It for rroup and for
coughs, colds er any throat or lung
trouble." . So do thousands sf ethers.
So may ysu. Asthma, hay fever, la
grippe, wheoping cough, hemorrhages
fly before It. 6 and $1.90. Trial
bottle free. Sold by Koeppens.
It ills White Snuko l Snow.
Grangevllle, Idaho. Friday, while
at Adams camp, 35 miles east of
Grangevllle, In the Bitter Root forest
reserve, Robert S'mons, a well-known
Buffalo Hump mining man, killed a
"snow" sr.ake nearly six feet long,
skinned it and brought the skin to
Grangeville. The "snow" snake, so-
called because of its coloring, which
L- almost a perfect white, is peculiar
to the Bitter Root mountains, and
but few have ever been killed even
there. The reptiles seldom attain a
greater length than four feet, and are
never seen after the snow disappears.
They feed on squirrels and rabbits,
and the one killed by Mr. Simons was
stalking a cottontail when discovered.
Loss of Appetite is also loss of vl
vitality, vigor, tone. To recover ap
petite and the rest take Hood's bar
saparilla that strengthens the atom
ach, perfects digestion, makes eating
a pleasure. It also makes the blood
rich and pure, and steadies the
A set of moving pictures that will
be unique has been secured recently
through the efforts of the Harriman
lines for presentation In the east. The
pictures show the harvest of the crop
of smelt in the Cowlitz river when
the recent run of fish was at its
height, a
Fishermen dipping the small fish
from the water in countless thousands
and seining them In with big nets
are shown in the moving picture films
A Portland photographer watched
the operations with a moving picture
camera and secured a splendid set of
pictures. Tons of smelt are taken
from the Cowlitz river In a very short
time during a good run and the pic
tures, when presented in the east,
will show an unusual Industry.
Men and women aro just about a
stand-off when it comes to making
I Will Sell
Saturday, March 25, 1911
Sixteen Head of Good
vasu or uaiiKciuic nuico ucauug kj jjci lciu uucicsi i
will be accepted, payable October 1,1911. 2 Per Cent J
Uiscount tor asn.
Sale begins at 2 P. M.
J. 1.1. BEUTLEY,
Council H Mutter Under Advise-
moot Citizens of Town and Coun
ty Determined to Have Better
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., March 21. Two- ap
plications have just been made r
saloon licenses in this city and the
money is being held in trust in tho
First National bank of this city, pend
ing the action of the council at Its
next meeting. One of the applications
was made by John Durham of Pen
dleton, and the other is by James
Huggins and Will R. Harden, both of
this city.
Mr. Durham will occupy the build
ing formerly known as the Corner sa
loon and the other saloon will bo In
stalled where the proprietors, Hug
gins and Harden, have their soft
drink parlors.
Citizens Want Road.
Owing to tho fact that the state
legislature has turned down the good
roads bill, the citizens of this com
munity, including this city and Wes
ton, have taken matters In their own
hands and a macadam road Is to be
constructed between the two towns.
The county Is to furnish the machin
ery, this city Is going to furnish the
rock quarry and the citizens and far
mers have agreed to furnish the la
bor and teams. Such enthusiasm has
been created over the proposed road
that about 400 days labor with men
and teams have already been sub
scribed towards helping the causo
along. This macadam road will be
one of the most beneficial in this
part of the country because the road
between this city and Weston 1 one
of the worst, especially In tho win
ter time, around this part. The ma
chinery is expected to be
here today and work will
begin ' at
Coats for Field Service.
North Yakima. Wash. I'nder or
ders from Adjutant General Llewel
lyn overcoats for field service have
been ordered for members of tho two
companies of national guard station
ed at North Yakima.
Puts Hair on Your Head and Keeps
It There.
Man or woman, no matter how old
you are, Parisian Sago, the unequaled
hair tonic, will make you look young
er. Why not go to Tallman & Co. and
get a generous sized bottle today, it
only costs 60 cents and your money
back if it does not cure dandruff;
stop falling hair, or Itching scalp. It
will make your hair luxuriant, bright
and beautiful, and it is the most re
freshing, pleasant and Invigorating
hair dressing made. The girl with the
auburn hair on every bottle.
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
' Ottumwa! Iowa. "For years I was
nimnnf n constant sufferer from female
trouniu in an us
dreadful forum:
shootlnir pains all
over my body, sick
headache, spinal
weakness, dizziness.
depression. and
everytiunpr mai was
horrid. I tried many
doctors in dilTercnt
parts of the United
States, but Lydia E.
I'inkham's egeta-
lilo Compound lias
done mor. for mo than nil the doctors.
I feel i!' my duty to tell you theso
lack. . 's heart is full of pratltudo to
voire: my cv.ri." Mrs. Hakhikt E.
W I-:-- 624 S. Hansom Street,
Ottunvv, Iowa.
Oonslucv This Advice.
No woman should Bi:lmit to a Burpi
ral oporati m, vhiuh may mean death,
iwit'l u'.ie har "'.Ten Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegota' '.e Compound a fair trial.
This famoua medicine, mado only
from roots and herbs, has for thirty
years proved to bo tho most valuable
tonic and invifforator of the female
organism. Women recidinpr in almost
every city and town in the United
Bta'.es bear willing testimony to the
wonderful virtue of Lydia E. link
ham's Vegetable C'omitound.
Sirs. Pinkhnm, nt Lynn, Mass.,
Invites nil sick women to writ
lier f ir nd v i ee. 1 1 o r n I ic is f r?o,
confidential and always helpful.
Many well informed democrats do
not believe that any headway can be
made for any presidential candidate
until the record of the democratic
house of representatives Is made up.
Most republicans who are willing to
be interviewed seem to have no ques
tion as to the renomlnation of Presi
dent Taft.
A motor trusk that Is not handi
capped by heavy snowfalls or ice
covered streets is looked upon as tho
perfected vehicle because the winter
season gives the delivery systems
their severest tests. In recognizing
this the builders of Sampson freight
and delivery motors have Incorporat
ed three Important features In their
trucks. By means of the detachable
hubs the change to winter equip
ment can bo made In fifteen minutes.
When a trusk Is caught in the snow
application of tho locking device on
the differential gives power to both
rear wheels. Cases enclosing the
double side chains prevent them from
clogging by snow, slush or mud.
CIIAS. MeDEE, Owner j
at Washington, D. C.