EIGHT PAGES BAKLT KMT ORKVONIAN. PENDLETON , OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 22, 1911. r AfiX FITS TOE MO S 1 o0 SHOE. SALE NOW ON- Tan and Black Oxfords of Every Description All sizes F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's aad. Chili ren's Store. APIIIL Ladies Homo Journal Patterns Ready. - mous Buffalo Jonei pictures, Lasso ing Wild Animals In Africa. A unique and sensational picture, showing the capture of lions, giraffes, rhinoceroses, cheetahs, zebras and other wild and dangerous animals of the African Jun gle, without the use of deadly wea pons. Nothing used but the lasso. Two Valentines. Edison. A young man and a girl, both very bashful, send each other Identical valentines, leading eaA to think that the offer ing has been returned. All, however, Is explained happily. The story takes place In a typical boarding house with many amusing types. Crazy Apples. Vltagraph. A bash ful and timid lover, trying to avoid his girl's father Jumps into the pig pen and lands In the trough. He tries to get back home without being seen. He meets an old "busybody,", who thinks he is crazy and attributes his insanity to eating apples. Roosevelt Praises Feat. High praise for the wonderful feat of capturing these animals and get ting pictures of the Bcenes is con tained in the following words of j Theodore Roosevelt, than whom mere In probably no greater authority on the subject: i "Gentlemen, this has been such a really, noteworthy exhibition that I think it is due that I should say a few words not only as a guarantee of good faith, but for publication. To tackle those beasts with the rifle is one thing, but to tackle them with a rope the way that Buffalo Jones and those two New Mexican cowpunchers did It, is a perfectly marvelous feat. I did not believe it possible to rope a lion as they did and to have caught their pictures with a cinematograph is a thing that has never before be gun to be approached. They are a really phenomenal record of a really phenomenal feat." PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS See Lane A- Son fer sign. Pastime picture please all. Dutch Henry fer coal. Main 17. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, palats, etc. Lane A Son. Everything freeh and clean. Koyal Bakery. Wanted Bellboy at Hotel Pendle ton. Phone PlaUoeder for fresh meat and lard. Mala 441. Wanted, Waitress Address Home Bakery, Hermlston. For Rent Furnished house keeping rooms, 502 Water St All kinds or fresh fish all the time at the Pendleton Cash Market. Wanted Sewing by the day. Prices reasonable. Phone Red 1551. The king ef all tc cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan, sel agent Everybody goes to the Orsaausn to see the txwt sod the clearest pictures. For rent Eight room house at 409 East Court Inquire Ralph How land. Bungalow on north side of river, al so furniture for sale. Charles J. Ferguson. I. C. Snyder guarantees good spray tng. Tours for good work. R. 3811. Just received, fine lot of chlokena for Saturday. Order early. Pendleten Cash Market Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platsoeder, manager. 224 B. Court street Scientific facial and scalp treat ments. Hair dyeing and bleaching. Superfluous hair removed. Hair goods ii4k.de to order. Sanitary Beauty Farlors, 124 W. Court street. Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone Black Sttl. Plaae, fsralture aad heavy trucking ef all kinds. Calls aa- swered promptly. Office 4T Mala st Pheae Main II for geed clean ls or nut oeal. Prempt delivery te all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 701 West Alia street. Lost, on Saturday, March 18 a ladles' coat from Wohlenberg store, for Mrs. Nash, by delivery boy. Pleaso return to Wohlenburg store. Suitable reward offered. For Sale Two acre home east Pendleton. Alfalfa, fruit garden. Good buildings, water system and bath. Adress J. H. Bryant, Pendle ton, Oregon. Tou can't burn slate and gravel I Don't trv It Pheas Duteh Heanr. Main 172. fer clean screened Reckl Gaumont. Springs coal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes further. For sale Two hundred acres geed timber grailns land, abeut It acres tillable, running water on place. This Is a snap If taken within next thirty days. Address W. B.. Box S41, city. Added Attraction at the Pastime. Beginning today: "The Wright Company" will pre. sent a high class entertainment in conjunction with the excellent motion picture program. Tuesday's change of pictures as fol lows: "Heart Beats of Long Ago." Bio graph, drama. This Blograph sub ject Is of much Interest, lllustratrng a story in the days of long ago where the heart directed the cavalier forged his way, no matter what the obstacle. "Carmenlta the Faithful." Essan ay. Drama. A Mexican love story with many thrills and a deep appeal to the heart. The character drawing Is excellent. "Max Has the Boxing Fever." Pa the, comedy. Max attends a boxing bout and comes home very enthusi astic about the sport and begins train ing at once. "An Imitator of Blondln." Pathe. An exciting comedy Imitating Blon dln 'In his tight rope walk across Ni agara Falls. "The Romance of a Necklace." A story of interest. ARE STILL AT WORK has been treating the matter aa a Joke) and has not even notified the offi cers of the letter. Since the letter re ally came from Madrid it would ap parently be impossible for American authorities to do anything in the case. Special. Until April 1st we will sell 10 lb. can's pure lard, 11.60; S lb. can pure Phone ; lard 80c; S lb; can pure lard 60. Cen tral .Meat Market 120-acre fruit and chicken ranch Wanted Girl to do general house adjoining Kendrlck, Idaho, for sale cheap or trade for Pendleton dwell ing property. Phone Main 651, Pen dleton, Oregon. work. Inquire 417 Perkins Phone Black 2161. 124 acres timber, easy of acoesa, 41 cords to the acre, tl per aor will buy It. E. T. Wade. I have some nice suburban homes with orchard, garden and chickens, for sale very cheap. E. T. Wade. Wanted Poeitien on ranch by man and wife. 10 years' practical experi ence. Address "W." this effloe. Cookies, cakes, doughnuts, pies and bread cooked fresh every dsy at ;he Royal Bakery. Phone Main 449. Special rates to verses bearsed by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 111 Aura street Phone Mala II. i ed in four colors. The Spell a ro 230 acre wheat ranch only three I "-rial by C. N. & A. M. Wll mlles west of Pendleton. Ooed house , "nmson. In the Shadow of the Dragon a.n1 hum Onlv 1310 1m Tautsok. " The Peoples Warehouse has Just received a large shipment of beauti ful new china and many other new and attractive articles in their prem ium department. All these things are to be given away free with their trad ing coupons. Opcuilng Vakliiiu Division. On Friday, March 24th, the O.-W. R. & N. will open its new branch from Attalla to North Takima, and will run a through train daily be tween Walla Walla and North Ya kima, leaving Walla Walla at 9:16, arriving North Yakima at 3:00 p. m. Returning train will leave North Yakima at 8:45 a. m. arriving in Wal la Walla 2:30 p. m. In addition to the above service motor cars will run between Kenne wlck and North Yakima, and between Grand Vlewand North Yakima, also between Mldvale and Sunnyside. Con nections westbound can be made with Washington Division No. 8 and main line No. 6; Eastbound at Walla Walla with Washington Division No. 7 and main line No. 18. For complete information as to train service on this branch, call on any local Agent of the O.-W. R. & N. WM. McMURRAY, General Pasenger Agent. Head In Sunset Magazine Motoring Through California by Lloyd Osborne. Beautifully illustrat- Sharon & EddlnKs have secured the local agency for the Johnson Ideal Halter, the bcBt cheap halter In the market. Mrs. Ree Campbell Is new showing a complete Use of new spring hats fer street wear. Call and see the beau- 'tlful patterns.' Lost A morrocco book containing a deposit check, letters and a few me morandums. Party finding same leave at this office. If yeu want fresh meat from a new, clean market phone Main 446. Grant Carpenter. Descriptive story of San Francisco's Chinese I quarters. April Issue now on sale, 15 AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieum. I Pendleton's favorite picture thea ter. Big program for Tuesday's I change. One big special feature film 2000 feet long. Selected from 9000 foct 1 of negative. Two full reels of the fa Haviland China. Cut Glass Hand Painted China, Etc. Still goinft at Auction Sale Prices If you dident .secure what you wanted during the Auction, come in and we will make you a satisfactory price on any article you select. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serve You Best ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT. Dr. R. E. Rlngo made a profession al vlBlt to Coe today. J. M. Kemp is in the city today from his home at Weston. Roy Bowman Is registered at the Kownian from Umatilla. Samuel Sloan is in the city today from Coe Siding. Mrs. E. P. Marshall Is spending the day In the west end of the county. J. Ilutchens of Echo, was a busi ness visitor In the city yesterday. Attorney W. J. Warner of Hermls ton, was an over night visitor in Pen dleton. W. A. Porter of Wallula, was am ong the out-of-town peoplo In the city yesterday. H. C. Eruhnke of Stanfleld, came up from the Furnish-Coe town yes terday. . Assessor C. P. Strain Is spending several days In Hermlston attending to business matters. Judge Phelps is expected home from lleppner tonight, as Tie nas a case scheduled in the local court for to morrow. Dr. Frank Smith of Seattle arrived unexpectedly today to pay hiB sister, Mrs. Rose Campbell, a visit Of a few days. Rev. Charles Qulnney of the Church of the Redeemer returned this morning from a ministerial visit to Weston. J. G. Cutler, district roadmaster for the Northern Pacific, spent the fore noon in Pendleton, leaving for Pasco on the 1:30 train. Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena, came down from that town on the lo cal this morning and is transacting business in the city today. E. E. Pennington, who has been the railroad agent at lone for many years, returned to that town this morning on the local after visiting in the city. Foreman Glen McCullouch of the Stanfleld ranch at Stanfleld returned to that place this morning after spending yesterday in the city. Rev. A. Mackenzie Meldrum, pas tor of the First Christian church at Athena, came down last evening to attend the Marlon Warde Farnum re cital. Miss Ruth Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibson and former stu dent of the Pendleton high school, is here from Portland for a few days visit. Charles Cleveland, president of the state board of sheep commissioners, cume in from his home at Gresham yesterday to attend a meeting of the board last night. H. C. Rooper of Antelope, arrived li the city yesterday to attend the an nual meeting of the state board of sheep ..Inspectors of which board he W a member. Mrs. Artuhr Hammer left today on her return trip to her home at San Diego, California. She was called here by the death of her son, Edwin Long, several weeks ago. E. M. Walsh, proprietor of the Walsh grocery in the Temple build ing, accompanied by his wife, left on the local this morning for Umatilla to attend to business matters. Herbert Boylen, secretary of the state board of sheep commissioners, returned to his home at Pilot Rock this morning, after attending the an nual board meeting last evening. Miss Pansy Ireland and Miss Ada Overturf returned this morning from Walla Walla where they had been to visit their mother and sister, Mrs. E. E Ireland, .before she left to Join her husband In Alberta. Miss Ireland will remain here until summer when she will Join her parents in their new home. LOCAL SOLDIERS DRILL. All Members of Company L Turn Out for ITactlce. There was the largest attendance at drill last nleht that Company L Although the Spanish swindling Hcheme under which some crooks in Madrid seek to lure coin away from iinKiiHrientlno' Americans has been ex posed time and again the operators i has had for a long time, according to k still hum at the came. Evidence lieutenant inler. ine war scare i to this effect Is furnished by O. Mous- having an errect. SU or mis cuy wno nas juki. rraivcu he said this after noon. "Every member in me vicinuy typical letter from the swindlers. was present last night. Members l'V- The letter Is as follows: ling In the country who have not ai- Madrid, Feb. 3, 1911. tended a drill tor six montns were Dear Sir: Although I know you uniform. .We had. several new re- only from good references of your crults and turned down a good many nonesiy my sau situation compels me to reveal you an Important affair In which you may procure a modest for tune saving at the same time that of my darling daughter. Before being imprisoned here I was established as a banker in Russia as you will see by the enclosed article about me of many English newspa pers which have published my arrest in London. I beseach you to help me to obtain a sum of 480,000 dollars I have n America and to xxxxxx have to raise the seizure of my baggage by paying t( the registrar of the court the ex penses of my trial and recover my portmanteaus containing a secret pocket where I have hidden the docu ment indispenslble to recover the said sum. As reward I give up to you the third portion 160,000 dollars. I can not receive your answer In the prison but you must send a cablegram to a person of my confidence who will de liver It to me. Awaiting your cable to instruct you In all my secret I am, Sir, Yours Truly, SADROWSKY. First of all answer by cable not by letter as follows: A. Rlos, Mira el Sol, prlmero l.gda, Madrid Spain. Accompanlylng the letter came an alleged newspaper clipping telling of the alleged arrest of Sadrowsky and bearing out other details mentioned in the written letter. Needless to say the get-rich scheme did not appeal to Mr. Moussu. Ha applications for membership because we thought the applicants were under 18 years of age. The older men, whom we would like to secure, are holding off until the situation takes a more deflnUe form but they are ready to Join the minute they think hostilities will break out." The local guardsmen will be out for drill again this evening and on every night during the remainder of the week. Sunday they will take a ten mile hike out on the reservation and 1: te probable they will drill every night next week. Lieutenant Vinier will conduct a non-commissioned of ficers' school tonight in order to bring the men up to a high degree of efficiency,- WELL RECOMMENDED. Two negro men came up to the out skirts of a crowd where Senator Bai ley was making a campaign speech. After listening to the speech for about ten minutes, one of them turned te his companion and asked: "Who am flat man, Sambo " "Ah don' know what his name am." Sambo replied, "but he certainly do recommen' hlsself mos' highly." Success. Very Difficult Indeed. "Writing a successful advertise ment Is the most difficult thing in the business of writing." Mr. Arthur Brisbane. Do you read the East OregontanT SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF The Columbia National Life Ins. Co. OF BOSTON, IN THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up $1,000,000.00 INCOME. Prem'ums received during the year $l,367r42.51 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 212,277.65 Income from other sources received during year. 4,538.49 Hlgli School Event Will Do Held 1YI- day Without Fall. Manager Devine, who has In charge the big high school athletic tourna ment, announced this morning that that event will positively be pulled off Friday night after being postponed twice because of counter attractliis. He also states' that he is willing to go on record as predicting that the affair will be tho most Interesting and ex citing event in the history of Pendle ton. Certain It Is that he has arranged a program that should stir up an au dience. The events he has scheduled range from wrestling matches by the students to a pillow fight by a couple of the faculty membors. One of the most novel events will be the rough and tumble in which each class enters four men. At the expiration of a giv en time, the class having the most number of men still on their feet la declared the winner. The rivalry ex isting between the freshman and so phomore classes will find an outlet In a tug-or-wnr contest and In a class rush. In tho boxing and wrestling matches some of the best athletes In the school will be pitted against each other. In the heavyweight division Devine, known as Hackenschmidt, will go on the mat with "Fat" Graham who hns never had his shoulders put to the mat during his grappling career. Other bouts on the mat will be be tween Carrol and Fergusln and McCoy and Simpson. In boxing the bout of chief Interest will bo between Brook Dickson and Rich Thompson. Tho former is in the lightweight division but ho hns received instructions uu der Bnrney Mullln who pronounced him a "comer in tho game." Thomp son is considerably heavier than his opponent but lacks the letter's sci ence. Both are aggressive and promise to make the fur fly. Charlie Sturdl vant will square off against Terry while his brother Ivan the Terrible will probably be pitted against Strain. Fee and A. Jordan will furnish some thing new to local sport lovers in the form of a fencing bout. The tournament will be a carnival of clean and wholesome sport and an effort will be made to have a large crowd present to see the boys In their stunts. SELL CHILDREN FOR FOOD. Oftprlnjr Are Only Salable Property Remaining In Famine Districts. That the only salable property re maining to the starving people in the Chinese counties of Nanhsuchow and Mengchen are their children, which are being exchanged for food is the statement of Consul Wilder, in a re port to the state department from Nanking, China. In these two coun ties alone he estimates the number of starving at three quarters of a mil lion. Outside the city of Nanking, 100, 000 famine refugees are without food or clothing, and are sleeping In the mud In the open air. Thousands are even lying in the water, the living mingling with the corpses of the dead which the authorities have failed to remove from the refugee camps. In the famine districts, the people are dying so rapidly that no attempt : Is made to number the fatalities. By Imperial edict, taxes have been re-1 mltted in three of the famine dis- i trlots, and It is expected that similar action will be taken throughout tho I entire famine region. Consul Wilder repors that the mon ey contributed for famine relief is being honestly expended. The Am erican Red Cross and the state de partment are co-operating In sending the money contributed In the Unite 1 States to China, and much more is needed. Total income $1,584,428.65 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and sur render values $ 456,358.21 Dividends paid to policy holders during the year 46,447.97 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year. 70,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year and branch office expenses .. 342.336.36 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year . . 21,223.90 Amount of all other expenditures 135,012.51 Total expenditures $1,071,378.95 ASSETS. Market value of stocks and bonds owned $3,077,188.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 1,458.100 00 Premium notes and policy loans 652.214.19 Cash in banks and on hand 272,271.84 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 165, 570. 8S Other assets (net) 61.590.67 Total assets J5.6S6.935.5S Less agent's credit balance 449.11 Total assets admitted in Oregon $5,686,486.4? LIABILITIES. Net reserve $4,086,100.71 Total policy claims 32,868.66 All other liabilities, including capital $1,000,- 000.00 1,087,517.10 Surplus 480,000.00 Total liabilities and surplus $5,686,486.47 Total Insurance in force Dec. 31. 1910 (life) $37,650,483.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year (life) $ Gross prem. received during the year (Accident and health).. (Life) Losses paid during the year (accident and health Losses Incurred during the year, (accident and health) Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon. Dec. 31. 1910 (life' THE COLOfBIAN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. By WM. H. BROWN, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: PAUL H. SROAT. Portland. 418.900.00 3.193.85 13.669.81 1.098.11 1.338.11. 850.450.00 STREET STAND AT EVANS' CIGAR STORE. PHONE RED 8981 614 SO. MAIN Aito ior Hire Out of Town Trips a Specialty Capacity Four Passengers New Car. Always Ready. CAB RATES IN CITY. Give Me a Trial JOS. N. BOHL Pendleton, Ore. Rank. "I heard ho was in bad odor with her family. Is that true?" "Draw your own conclusions: it was a centless marriage." Baltimore American. Do you read the East OregoalanT CASTOR I A fea ted Y Haw Always tai bvtat Urn eSgaataM of I S7 Freeh and Wholesome Cakes, Pies, and Pastry Delicacies Daily Phone Main 449 for Prompt Delivery Royal Bakery RUDOLPH MARTIN, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Special orders given special attention Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor Webb and Cottonwood Streets