PAGE TUXIXB santrr PAOiOt t iru :0F D.UXY EAST ORBUOJOAN. PEDIJm)N. OKEOON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1911. Lafa' Misses' MaTdlor Suits AT WOHLENBERG DEPT. STORE $30 d $35 SUITS ON SALE FOR $23.50 Every one, the choicest Easter styles- in the much wanted colors and shadings The highest grade of Workmanship, Material and Trimmings are shown in these suits. - Right up-to-the-minute of fashion, with the new 24-in. Jackets, some with sailor collar, some trimmed with Persian banding and embroidery, many are plain tailored. A variety that is so complete it is pretty sure to satisfy everybody, Come expecting to find the kind of a suit you've seen for $30.00 and $35.00 at $23.50 Sizes from 1 6 to 44 ALTERATIONS FREE Take Early Advantage !!. i 1 s Wlh (SlQ)bo tirg .-- BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV.V.VAVAVAVAVAAt" Zl I lllllllllllllllll'llll A Cnrniflilo House ProplMvy. "The world is demanding more ex pert and accurate knowledge. Publi cations endeavoring to teach are like ly to increase. That which one hun dred years ago was printed In quar terlies' Is now being placed wlthtn the reach of every one." Lord Northcllnffe In the Iondon Magazine. Illinium Vindicated. "Harnum didn't win by fooling the people. He advertised the greatest show on earth, and he had the goods." American Machinist. A short Cut to Fortune. "The advertiser who can make his announcements as Interesting as the general reading matter of the news paper has discovered a short cut to fortune." Furniture Recor''. Consumers K vcryvt here. "The consumer lives everywhei some are rich, some poor and some In moderate circumstances, but all of them or any part of them may be reached all the time or part of the time by advertising." Mr. Frank Van Camp. There Is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine IJSSD THE WOULD OVCH TO CUKE A COLD It 9 ME OAT. Always remember the lull name. Iok lor thk signature on evtry )ox. 2.' MEN'S SAMPLE HATS Clear Beaver The Star Hat (Registered) Rothschild Bros. Hat Co., Makers SOLD EVERYWHERE FOR, $3.50 We Sell Them for $2.45 (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., March 21. A beau tiful home wedding, was solemnized nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas when their son Leonard was united in the holy bonds of matrl-! moiiy to Miss Clara Piepcnbrink of! this city. The ceremony was per formed at high noon by Rev. W. S. Payne of the United Brethren church. The happy young couple left on the evening train accompanied by the many well wishes of their Weston friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright are the happy parents of a baby daugh ter which was born March 17. The little Infant has been christened Kath erlne Aimina after her grandmother. Miss Viva Warren came up from Pendleton Sunday to spend the day with her friends and relatives in Weston. The Champions are hard at work every day nnd they are developing a strong team. An Interesting gatuo ' was played Sunday, March 19, be tween the Weston high school team and the Champions. The Champions , won, of course, but they are prepared ' to meet the strongest team of th? I league. Frank Van Winkle of Portland, Is ! visiting friends and relatives In th'rf , city. ' Mrs. Harriet Greer, who has been in Wnlla Walla for medical treatmcn. 1-r.s returned home much improved in lmlth. Edward Rrehm, who has been spending the winter with his family In Weston, has gone to his stock ranch in Camas Prairie. Mrs. Milton Swaggart of Athena, was visiting friends In Weston last Sunday. Charles Grant, formerly of Ather.i, has moved his family to Wes'.D.i and ho is now proprietor of a newly eoii'pped rcstnurant. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Llsuullen of i Ms city, left for Emmctt, Ida'n.i, on the response of a telegram announc- l-:g the serious illness of Mts Lieu :i!'en's brother, Jonn Oren, of that c'ty. Mr. Green's illness (s of long Manding. He is well known !n Wes ton, where he formerly resided In his onrit'T years. Miss Annice Karnes, who Is teach ing in Adams, spent Sunday wit'i her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes. Mr. Carl Ray of Portland, is In town visiting relatives for a short time but Is going from Weston to Salt Lake City, where he will engage in surveying. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward of Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bannister on last Sunday. 3.00 Star Brnnd Hats at $2.50 Sample Hat, our price $2.00 Sample Hat, our. price All colors and new, up-to-date styles. $1.05 $1.65 $1.25 THE HUB For Bargains . Next Door-to Taylor's Hardware Co. Try HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS when the stomach is "out of order." It will quickly tone and strengthen it, also prevent Dyspepsiafic Colds Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer U appendicit is with many victim, but Dr. Klnri New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that Invites appendicitis, curing con stipation, headache, blllousnees, chtria. 25c at Koeppens. Columbia nt lw Murk. Ringold. Wash. According to J. J. Muir. pioneer, the Columbia river Is nt a lower stage than for the last 20 years. HOME OK SANTA CLAI S. Toy to tlu Amount of S2l.OOo.000 Mnnufnotuml In Germany. Santa Claus gets a great many of the toys that gladden the hearts of children at Christmast time from Thuringla, a place in Germany where there are green covered mountains, great beds of flowers and streams of sparkling water. Frank Dillingham, an American called a consul general, made a trip to Thurlngia a short time ago and found out about the large number of toys that were made to be given to the children last Christmas. They were for little ones not only In tills country but in other parts of the world. The toys were worth, in money. $24,000,000. It was found when the work for Christmas was begun that the chil dren who were so fond of "teddy bears" the year before were tired of them and so the "character doll." with a face like a real person, was made to take the place of the bears. There were so many calls for these dolls that enough to go around could not he made in time for Christmas. It looks as though there would be more than enough, however, for next Christmas. niiKS CVRKD Zi 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT I guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleed ing or Protruding P11e In to 14 days or money refundea. BOo to interest Lord Alfred Harmsworth, the noted English publisher, In te great work of the development or ganization in America and also will confer with financial interests in London and Liverpool regarding the investing of English funds in devel opment work. London financiers have shown some hesitation toward this phase of American investments, but the begin ning of a change in attitude was shown recently when It was an nounced here that Joy Morton, fi nancier of Chicago and a brother of the late Paul Morton, New York rr nancler, had Interested London fi nanciers in an irrigation project in Wyoming. Mr. Fishback has dealt extensively in the middle west in ir rigation securities and he probably will accomplish much for such devel opment while abroad. I.OXDOX It RAT j FSTATR MRX POIXU BIG BUSINESS Perhaps the largest volume of bus iness be'ng done in London Just now id by the real estate agents and house furnishers and decorators. The dress makers, too. have their hands full, but they have more time to prepare their orders than have the house renters and furnishers. Americans lead by far the foreigners who are taking houses for the coronation, which will be followed by the height of the London season. The house of the late Baroness Burdette-Coutts. la Piccadilly, which Mr. John Hay Hammond, special ambassador of the United States to the coronation, ha rented, is one of the handsomest t. London. It is splendidly adapted far large entertainments. The mansion was inherited from the Duchess Of St. Albans, by the late baroness, audi is now the property of her husband. It is interesting to note that Mx Burdett-Coutts. who by the way no title, is mentioned as a sucecssfaK suitor for the hand of Mrs. Ava Will ing Astor, the beautiful former wife of one of New York's multl-mrtlion-aires. COLONIST FARES ANSWERS EVERT CALL. TO 1' REACT I GOSPEL OR IRRIGATION' IN ENGLAND To personally carry the gospel of the National Irrigation congress across the ocean, former Judge Charles F. Fishback, chairman of the Chicago hoard of control of the con gress, left Chicago early this week for England. Mr. Fishback will seek Pendleton People Have Found That Hub la True. A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench. A little cause may hurt the kidneys. Spells of backache often follow. Or some Irregularity of the urine. A certain remedy for such attacks, A medkine that answers every can, Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a true spe cific. Many Pendleton people rely on It Here Is Pendleton proof. Mrs. E. J. Melners. 601 Lewis street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "About two years ago a cold settled on my kidneys and caused backache and pains through my loins. I felt lame and sore and any movement such as stooping or lifting was ac companied by sharp twinges. While I was suffering in that way, Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my at tention nnd I procured a box. They gave me relief at once and I had not used them long before my trouble was entirely removed. I know that this reedy Is one of great merit and consequently I do not hesitate to rec ommend It." (Statement given Oc tober 10. 190S.) Tina Is the Test. Mrs. Melners was interviewed on May IT, 1910, and she said: "I still hold Doan's Kidney Pills In high es teem and I am pleased to again say a good word for them. I have taken this preparation recently and It has dene geed work." For sale by all dealers. Price 10 cents. FesUr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sol agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's aad take no other. From the Middle and Eastern portion of the United States and Canada te OREGON, WASHINGTON AND THE NORTHWEST will prevail DAILY March I Oth to April I Oth over the Oregon-Washington Railroad1. & Navigation Go, and connections, the OREGON SHORT LINE, UNIOIC PACIFIC and CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN From Chicago at $33.00. St, Louis 8J.00-- Omaha 25.00 Kansas City 25.90 St. Paul 2S.0& and from other cities en rretqx) mllii gy -low. You can PREPAY Far? The Colonist fares are Westbound only, but if you have relatives o friends or employees In the East whom you desire to bring to this state you can deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent, arwS an order for a ticket will be tele . graphed to any address desired. Let the WORLD Know Of our vast resources and splendid' opportunltlee for HOME BUILDING Call on the undersigned for soohJ instructive printed matter to send) East, or give him addressee of thoe to whom you would like to have sucn matter sent. WM. IorURRAY General PnnHengrr Agrat PORTLAND, OREGON. I!'