FAG BX MAILT KJR OKXGONIAN, FHNDUTTON, OREUOX, TrESDAV, MAltCII 21, 1911. EIGHT PAGES CURES OBSTINATE COUGHS ROUTS STUBBORN COLDS THE KING OF CURES DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THROAT QUICKEST. HEALS WHOOPING V T WEAK, cough cure SORE LUNGS 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C I STODENTS WOULD SDLVE BIG FARM PA0BLEII1 Louis Anderson, Agricultural Club President, Enthused New LI no of Instruction. Over That establishing the high school course in agriculture is already pro ducing good results in that It has era bued students with a desire to see a higher grade of farming prevail here is shown by the installation address of Louis Anderson. Jr., president of the agricultural club. The address in full is as follows: Club Members and Friends: Pendleton has placed herself on Pendleton has placed herself In a conspicuous place by the adoption of an agricultural course, and other schools are watching for the success of the local course before adopting a similar one. The course here has passed the experimental stage and is proving a success under our present instructor. There are now enroned in the course about twenty-five stu dents, really more than can be ac commodated in i"jr antiquated build ing, and it is gratifying to know that practically all the students who are not enrolled in the course are actively boosting for it. ' With the organization club the high school is gaining more promi nence throughout the state. It was not until recently that colleges could or would support a club of this kind, but we hope to demonstrate that such an organization can be conducted by what Is ordinarily termed the second ary schools. The Ashland high school has adopt ed a horticultural course. The city of Ashland has still further boosted this course by purchasing a tract of land adjoining the city for the carry ing out of experimental work by the students. The city of Pendleton should adopt similar measures and procure a farm for experimental purposes near the "high school. It has been proposed that the class use a part of the poor farm for the purposes of experimen tation, but the main objection to this plan Is the distance of the farm from the school. It is my firm belief that the class could carry out many ex periments there and conclusively dem onstrate to the public that other crops besides wheat could grow on the farms of Umatilla county. Would it not fully repay us for our hard work and sacrifice if in time we could see all these large farms broken up into smaller ones and pro ducing three or four times as much per acre as they do now? Agricultural experts tell us that this Is an ideal section of the coun try to carry out experiments in sci entific farming. So why should not the agricultural club and class have the hearty cooperation of every citi zen of Pendleton and of this part of Umatilla county to make both enter prises more of a success. If this bo nanza farming question is ever solv ed, undoubtedly it must be sved by education, and this is primarily tne function of this organization. Throughout many sections of the United States it has been shown that by scientific faj-ming the yield per acre, without additional expense to the producer, can be greatly increas ed. Jerry C. Moore of South Carolina, a boy still in high school, took ordi nary land which had been yielding from thirty-five to forty bushels of corn per acre and by approved sci entific methods produced two hun dred and twenty-seven bushels per acre. He is called the champion corn grower of the world. Steve Henry of Louisiana raised one hundred and thirty-nine bushels per acre at a cost of thirteen and a half cents per bush el. This Ls the first time that the pres ent officers of the club have engaged in such an undertaking as directing an agricultural club, but with the co operation of the club members and the citizens of Pendleton we can make a success of both the agricul tural club and class. And with our success as a guide it will be but a short time until similar plans are ta ken up by all the secondary schools of Oregon and probably Washington. j NEWS OF TIE ! ST Pijrs'liijr Potatoes at Husuin. Husum, Wash. Ranchers digging last year's crop of potatoes in this vi cinity declare they never found the tubers in better condition. Vakiniu Hoy Sues for Wajros. North Yakima, Wash. Harold Kay a 14-year-old boy of this city, through his guardian has brought suit against A. W. Sevendson for $16S, alleged due as wages. I!oy Scouts on Long Tramp. Toppenlsh. Wash. Having tramped nearly all the way from North Ya kima, six Boy Scouts arrived here ac companied by Assistant Secretary Franz of the Y. M. C. A. at North Ya kima, in charge of the movement in Yakima county. Cementing Hnnford Canals. Hanford, Wash. The cementing of the irrigation canal 's going on rap i'My. At a meeting of the fruitgrow ers' association March El the ques tion of petitioning the Hanford irri gation and power company to continue cementing until April 15, or to turn water on April 1, will be decided. Milwnuktv to rliangv Itonte. Kendrick, Idaho. There is a ru mor that the Milwaukee railroad, finding its route from Elk river to the Clearwater too heavy a grade, has de cided to follow Its survey down the potlatch through Kendrick, and to that end is purchasing right of way from Bovil. SYNOPSIS OF THE AXXCAL STATEMENT OF THE National Life Insurance Co. of the United States of of America OF CHICAGO, IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, on the 31bt day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up j 500,000 00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year $1,821,034.10 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 434,414.75 Income from other sources received during year. liO,U8.92 Total income 12,406,637.77 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and sur render values jl 392,732.53 Dividends paid to policy holders during the year ' 86,697.13 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year. 50,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year. . 365,735.23 Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the year... 28,819.47 Amount of all other expenditures 143,975.55 Total expenditures $2,067,959.92 ASSETS. Market value of real estate owned $ 60,000.00 Market value of stocks and bonds owned 5,594,374.06 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 2,113,563.00 Premium notes and policy loans 1,203,751.62 Cash In banks and on hand 787,972.48 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 151.287.19 Other assets (net) 60,964.97 Total assets $9,961,913.32 Total assets admitted in Oregon $9,961,913.32 LIABILITIES. Ket reserve . . . .' $8,452,847.97 Total policy claims 10,411.83 All other liabilities 161,154.76 Surplus, assigned and unasslgned, and capital stock 1,337,499.26 Church in Court Room. Colfax, Wash. Church services of the Methodist church were conducted Sunday morning in the court room because of work being done on the church property, where preparations are being made for the erection of a $14,000 church. Ital-fon Man Called to Front. Ralstron, Wash. Clarence Ellex son, manager of the Potlatch Lumber company at this place, has received notice from the war department that he has been appointed a third lieu tenant In the Philippine constabulary and orders to be ready to sail from San Francisco July 18. Power Company at Goldendale. Goldendale, Wash. The Mountain Lake Power and Irrigation company has been Incorporated, with T. Z. Olllett, L. T. Gillett and C. T. Cam plan as incorporators. This company will take the Carp Lake project, close to Goldendale, and will irrigate about 10,000 acres. I'Iioiki Line to Rood Camp. Washtucna. Eschback-Bruce com pany, railroad contractors, have es tablished telephone communication between their commissary department at this place to a point on the works near the Big Falls, 12 miles distant. Teams are busy transporting frelgnt to the line of construction. Leetnre Train to Spokane. Pullman, Wash. The farm dem onstration train which will be sent out over the Spokane Falls & North ern railroad by the experiment station of Washington state college left here for Spokane and will be switched to the Spokane Falls & Northern tracks. The lecture staff will go to Spokane. Total liabilities $9,961,913.32 Total Insurance In force December 31, 1910 $44,985,036.02 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE TEAR. Total rlks written during the year $ 865,065.16 Gross premiums received during the year 62,124.7$ Premiums returned during the year . Ixwwes paid during the year 13,715.61 Louses incurred during the year 13,716.61 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31, 1910.... 1,334,684.56 NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF THE U. 8. OF A. A. M. JOHNSON. President. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: A. B. COMBS, Portland, Ore. 1'niiflunl Weather in Pnlouoe. Palouse, WaHh. Old timers con sider present weather conditions the most remarkable for March they have ever seen. For 10 consecutive days 6 o'clock In the morning has found the temperature the same, the ther mometers showing 32. The roads are drying rapidly. able tract could be secured on the ' Yakima Indian reservation under a j five-years' lease for an experiment farm station, committees of the Top penlsh Commercial club have secured rights to several choice tracts. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qnlnln Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. QROVK'S signature la on eacn box. tfic. Sue for rlpo Right of Way. North Yakima, Wash. The Pacific Power and Light company of this city has brought condemnation proceed ings In the superior court agninst three property owners in the Naches for the acquiring of a 20-foot strip wanted for the burial of a pipe which Is part of the water system to supply the city. Fully nine out of every ten caaea of rheumatism ls simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which requires any Intersil treatment All that is needed to afford relief la the fiee application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Glvn It n trial Vnn .-. certain to be pleased with the quick reuei wnicn u arrords. Sold by all dealers. Better (ioldendalo Streets. Goldendale, Wash. The city coun cil has decided Main street ls to be graded and fixed and the crosswalks are to be put on grade. The city en gineer has been instructed to make surveys and furnish estimates for the grading of North First street, from Columbia avenue to Mill street, and on Columbus avenue, from Court street to the railroad. Medicta that aid nature are al ways most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acta on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealer. Prizes for Young Farmers, Mansfield, Wash. The Mansfield Commercial club will have a special meeting this week to arrange for cash prizes to be given the boy or girl who raises the most corn on an acre In northern Douglas county, the most chickens and eggs, and also the far mer who markets the largest hog here this year. ""''""liter C2 PR j ALCOHOL 3 PER I'.vnt Afc getablf PrenaniAm IV A.! stailarin(iieFan(IRpdul3r iieaiomamandlJowJsjf Promotes DigpstionJ&nruF ne ss and Kestrontains witter Opium.Morphirte ntirMafxaL! NOT NARCOTIC. Jfrcyx afOldBcSAMCWnMR jintsrtrrd niOrkaStb IHrmSrtJ. hmajrnu tknr. Apcrferl Remedy forCoTsftfu tion , Sour Storoach.Dlarrtwcj Worms ,Convulsioiis.reveriSfl ru?ss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signarare of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years rtinrantf ed under the roxl Exact Copy of Wrapper. gnu MTT. tmc atwTAu ninar, top i Auto Mall Service. Washington, March 21. Automo biles will replace horse-drawn wagons in collecting and distributing mall In the business districts of St. Louis, bids for the new service closing to day at the postofflce department. London, March 21. Harry Payne Whitney, Lord Derby, Baron M. de Itothschlld, Sir Ernest Paget and Lord Londonderry are among the owners having horses entered In to day's big turf event, the Lincolnshire Handicap. SOUK STOMACH. One or Two MI-o-nA Tablets and lresto! Sour Stomach Is Gone. If you want a perfect stomach: want to get rid of food fermentation, gas eructations, heartburn, bloating after meals and any stomach dis tress MI-O-NA stomach tablets sold and guaranteed by Tallman & Co. is the one sure, speedy remedy. And mind you, it is guaranteed without any red tape and without any i strings attached, to cure any case of ; indigestion nausea, biliousness, ner- 1 vousness no matter how long standing, or you can have your money back. , If you have any stomach trouble whatever try MI-O-NA on the above liberal basis. You can put your stomach in tip top shape in a few days soflthat you can eat what your appe tite dictates without fear of heaviness or fermentation. Just get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets today. They are small and easily swallowed and if ta ken regularly will surely cure any case of stomach trouble. Be wise, get a box today. Sold by Tallman Drug Co. and druggists ev erywhere. Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. T., will furnish a free trial treat ment upon request. Walter C. Farnum Presents MARION WARDE DRAMATIC ARTIST Benefit Ladies Aid Society, First Methodist Church Tuesday Eve., March 21 Tickets can be had from any mem ber of the church or at the parsonage. Price 50c Wilbur Itank DepoxlU Grow, Wilbur, Wash. Wilbur bank de posits have Increased over $19,000 during the last two months, the in crease being ascribed to wheat sales. On January 7 the total deposits In the two banks amounted to $428,879, which on March 17 the figures had gone to $446,802, an Increase of over 4 1-2 per cent. Toppenlsli Farm for W. 8. C. Toppenlsh, Wash. Following In quiries by the Washington State col lege authorities as to whether a suit- UNFURNISHED ...HOUSE-KEEPING.... ROOMS In Suites of 2 Rooms Each Steam Heat Electric Lights Gas and Gas Range Hot and Cold Water Bath Good Ventilation Plenty ol Daylight INCLUDED IN SUITE LOCATED IN Oregonian Building Enquire at East Oregnian Office