1 PAGK nx AHiT KA8T OHKGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAKCII 16, 1011. EIGHT PAGES CLOTHING That "MAKES GOOD" See our smart line of Stein-Bloch Clothing, shades and patterns best ever shown. Beautiful tans, grays, stripes and plain. Every Stein-Bloch and Sophomore suit is an outside indication of inside character, dignity and good judgment of the wearer. These suits are guaranteed to hold their shape until worn out. Prices Range From $20.00 to $35.00 He Or eater Alexander Pepi Store IT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieuni. Pendleton's favorite picture theater. Good show fur Friday's change: 1. Age vs. Youth. Lubin. Love, business and a whirl in the stuck market make this a drama of absoro ing interest. A. T. Stewart had died, leaving his son in charge of the busi ness. The young man then discharg ed a number of the old employes. ,n cludlng his father's faithful secretary. 2. "Rice Industry in Japan." Pa- the. An industrial illustrating a lit tle known business. 3. "The Slave's Revolt." Pathe. This is an Egyptian picture and Is a worthy addition to the Egyptian se ries. 4. "A Queen for a Day." Vitagraph. She is a lass of 250 pounds full weight.- Ilelney looks like a pimple on an elephant whenever he tries to pay court to her. She is queen of fun and he king of laughter. Bridget Me Sweeney Is a cook, inherits a fortune and tries to shine as a queen of so ciety. She has many suitors But when they see her nothing doing. 5. "The Old Longshoreman." ra the. Old, unable to work and starv ing, the man drops dead Just after rescuing a child from drowning. It is not quite plain where the interest Is supposed to be in this picture, 6. "New south Wales Gold Mtne:' Pathe. An educational film showmg how they mine gold In that far-away-country. The illustrations afford op portunity to see what is done under modern conditions. The Pantlme. The house of quality. Unexcelled program for Friday's change: "The Three Sisters." Blograph drama. The romance of a pretty shop girl, "The Jilted Joker." Essanay. Comedy. If you were Just married and were spending your honeymoon at a swell hotel when you learned that the minister who married you was not ordained, consequently mak ing the marriage void, and presuming also that the hotel Is quarantined, making It impossible for you to eith er leave the hotel or get another mm Lster, what would you do? "Silver Leaf's. Hurt." American Pathe. An intensely interesting story. A feature in fine acting and genuine western srencs of unusual beauty. "Hank and Lank." Essanay. Com edy. They make a mach. Here are our old hemes again and this time Cupid is on their trail. "Max Is Absent-Minded." Corn ell;', Colombo and Its Environs. Scemc. A striking series (,f views. respects Chamberlain's scathing let ter to Carter some weeks ago in which he exposed the latter's attempt to give out a spurious report, which was blocked by Chamberlain. Carrer omitted a letter from former Secre tary Bnlllnger to Chamberlain, which completely sustained the Oregon sen ator and s.h.'.wcu Carter's attack on former Secretary Hitchcock, former P.colamatlon Director Walcott and others to be unjust, and his nt'ack on the Klamath project to be untrue and vicious. STEAL I'.I.EK; SELL ITOTTM-S, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, .bllliousness, dizziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers ANOTHER DISCIPLE OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE DIE Spring Showmg of High Class M1LLWY WE ARE NOW READY with the most beautiful aggregation of Hats we have ever assembled for your inspection. The Best in Millinery Is Here Dainty, exquisite Gage and Fisk patterns; also a beautiful array of hats from our own work rooms. The Trimmings are Superb. To attempt to describe them would be useless; one must see them to appreciate their beauty. Ever Hat has "Vogue" Character, Style and Individuality; Remem ber that this big exclusive Millinery Store built up it's business on The Policy, viz; High Class Millinery at reasonable prices. Test Our Prices CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU. THE VOGUE Opposite Post Office MILLINERY STORE Another disciple of International peace is due to arrive in New York soon in thu person of Baron d'Es tournelles de Constant, a member of the senate of France. The baron is admitted the foremost European ad vocate of the policy of Internationa! good will and was the originator of the plan for Informal and neighborly visits by groups of lawmakers from , one country to another. Upon his arrival in this city Baron de Constant will be received by An drew Carnegie and ttie trustees of the Carnegie endowment for International peace. Later he will visit' Washlng- ton, where he will be entertained by President Taft and he will then make an extended tour of the United States. The trip will be under the auspK'es of the American Association for In ternational Conciliation. I'ufco, Wash To have some one steal a barrel of beer from one's sa loon Is bad enough, according to "Seot'ie" Calloway, proprietor of the Itrirk salo. in, but when these men, taking the beer try to sell the bottles at 35 cents a dozen. It Is adding In sult to injury. As a result, J. Mur phy. W. Murphy and George Arm strong were given 10 days in the county Jail. These men stolo a bar ! rel of bottled beer and then tried to sen the "dead soldiers" to the man from whom they tul- them, R. A. Calloway. "Why didn't Certrude get mar ried?" "Sh- found out he had a wooden leg and broke it off." "Don't you think that these skirt less bathing suits are very vulgar " "Well, you know, dear, it is onlv j a matter of form." TO CURE A COLD 1ST ONE DAT. Take I.AXATIVE BROMO QulntiM Tablets. Druggists refund money If It fella to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature la on each bos. Sic. SURELY BREAKS THE MOST SEVERE GOLD GERMAN STATISTICIANS HOLD NOTHING SACRED HOW TO END A COLD OR GRIPPE IN A FEW HOURS The most severe cold will be brok en, and all grippe misery ended after taking a dose of Pape's Cold Com pound every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken. You will distinctly feel all the disa greeable symptoms leaving after the very first dose. The most miserable neuralgia pains, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, running of the nose, sore throat, mucous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheu matism pains and other distress van ishes. Pape's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research at a cost ol more than fifty thousand dollars, and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not ef fective In the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless compound as directed, with the knowledge that there is no other medicine, made any where else In the world, which will cure your cold or end grippe misery at promptly and without any other as sistance or bad after-effects as a 26-cont package of Pape's Cold Com pound, which any druggist In the world can supply. Nothing s sacred to the German statistician. Presumably basing his calculations upon Information culled from fiction, he calculates that In the i case of proposals of marriage 36 per cent of the suitors press the harld of their beloved, 24 per cent conclude their speech with an embrace, 4 per cent kiss the hair, 2 per cent kiss the hand, 2 per cent fall on the knees and 20 per cent swallow nervously before they declare their passion. Ten per cent open and close their mouths I without being able to utter a single word, and 2 per cent make their pro posals while standing on one toot. On the other hand, 60 per cent of the women sink helpless Into the I arms of the lovers for whose poposal they have been waiting, 20 per cent blush and hide their faces, 1 per cent swoon away, 4 per cent are genuine ly amazed, 14 per cent gaze silently In to the suitor's eyes and 1 per cent run away to tell a girl friend. CHAMBERLAIN HAS MINORITY REPORT OPPOSING CARTER'S 1 Washington, March IB. Senators Chamberlain and Newlands filed trie minority report of the senate Irriga tion committee yesterday, reptymg to Chairman Carter's report and sus taining the reclamation service In Its selection of various projects, including that In Klamath county. Carter's report, as finally printed. ' reveals a remarkable act by him In omitting a salient matter, which If printed, would have sustained in nil llohbach has Modern and Sanitary Bakery Otto llohbach haa just completed improvements in connection with hia Court street bakery, am ounting to about $5,000, and now has one of the cleanest and moat modern bakeries in eastern Oregon. He has erected a new brick annex with concrete floors, plastered walla and dough mixing and handl ing machinery that assures absolute cleanliness and sanitation, besides being vermin proof. Within this new and modern factory, all the cakes, paaterics, candiea and ico cream will be made that is sold by him, either wholesale, from the wagon or in his recent ly renovated retail store. A standing invitation is extended to the general public to visit this new bakery not at any ap pointed time, but at your convenience see for your self how clean and sanitary it is kept at all times.