EIGHT PAGES AIIY KAflT OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1911. page rrra Oxford and Pimp IE ime And we are ready for you with the largest stock we have ever Shown Oxfords in all leathers $2.50 to $4.50 Pumps in all leathers $3 .to $4.50 All Sizes and Widths F. E. Livengood Co. Hie Women's and Children's Store. APRIL Ladies Homo Journal Patterns Ready. LOCALS See Lane & Son fr signs. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra, Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son. Woman wants day work. Address S02 Garden street. Wanted Woman dishwasher at Southern Cafe at once. PhoneT Platzoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 441. National cash register for aale, al most new. Sharon A Eddlngs. The kins ef all fie cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan, sole agent For rent Eight room house at 909 East Court. Inquire Ralph How land. 120 acres Umber, easy of access, 40 cords to the acre, 19 per acre will buy It. E. T. Wade. Eggs from high scoring White Wyandottes for sale. Also a few good cockerels. Roland Oliver. Wanted Position on ranch by man and wife. 10 years' practical experi ence. Address "W," this office. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 12. 230 acre wheat ranch only three miles west of Pendleton. Good house and barn. Only $3000. Lee Teutsch. See Ebrel A Shaver for well drill ing. Estimates furnished on appli cation. Addres 118 Lincoln street, Pendleton. Mrs. Rose Campbell Is now showing a complete line of new spring hats for street wear. Call and see the beau tiful patterns. All kinds of fresh fish all the time at the Pendleton Cash Market. Lost A morrocco book containing a deposit check, letters and a few me morandums. Party finding same leave at this office. If you want fresh meat from a new, clean market, phone Main 445. Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager. 224 H. Court street. Penland Bras. Transfer Co., phone Black 3391. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 147 Main st Phone Main 92 for good clean lump or nut ceal. Prompt delivery te all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street. Just opened New sanitary plumb ing shop at 304 East Court street. All work guaranteed. Estimates fur nished. Phone Main 443. Alex Burt. For sale One half dozen barred Rock hens, full bloods, and one cockerel. Also some fall hatched chickens of the same strain. Wm. Gndwa. Phone Black 2971. Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes further. For sale Two hundred acres good timber grazing land, about 60 acres tillable, running water on place. This Is a snap If taken within next thirty days. Address W. 2., Box 341, city. For sale or rent 160- acre ranch In Coombs Canyon, about 13S acres till able, good wheat or barley land. For further particulars Inquire James Coyna at St. Anthony's Hospital. Just received, fine lot of chickens for Saturday. Order early. Pendleton Cash Market Your Doctor Is Honest Honest in his knowledge ofjdiagnosis and treatment. Honest in hiendeavsrsjforjhispatients' benefit. We put his medicines together in the most scientific way, under the best and safest conditions . Your doctorjandjyour druggist guard your health "We are injtbusiness for yourf good health." THE PENDLETON j ? DRUG CO. Haviland China, Cut Glass Hand Painted China, Etc. Still goins at Auction Sale Prices If you diden't secure what you wanted during the Auction, come in and we will make you a satisfactory price on any article you select. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves Yu Best BIDS WANTED ON NEW MAIN STREET BRIDGE I!IIIERS TO Sl'BMIT TIIFJH PLANS AND SPECIFICATION'S Council Decides on Iminctliuto Con struction (jticHllou of Closing Au ra, and IJllotli Streets Up Next Week. Bids for the construction of a bridge across the river at Main street will be advertised for immediately, follow ing the adoption of the tentative plana and specifications of City En gineer Geary Kimbrell at a meetmg of the council last night. Just at present it has not been deemed whether the bridge shall run across the river straight with the street or at an angle, and this decision will be contingent upon the ability of the city to purchase a small piece of gtound on the north side of the river. However, according to the city engi neer, there will be no difference In expense except a slight Increase In the cost of abuttmenta in case the bridge should be run across at an agle. Each bidder will be required to submit complete plans and specifications of his own. Closing of Streets. Mayor Murphy served notice on the council last night that an ordinance to clone Aura and Lllleth streets at their intersection with the railroad would be read for the first time at the meeting next week and It la ex pected there will be considerable dis cussion on the matter. Sprinkling Contracts. Acting upon the recommendation of the mayor, the council voted to have the recorder advertise for bids for the sprinkling of the city's streets on the same plan as that adopted last year. Sewer on Court Street. Engineer Kimbrell also made a re port to the council on the proposed extension of the sewer system past the asylum site, showing the cost and advantages of different routes. From this report It became apparent to atl of the councllmen that It Is most ad visable to run the extension out Court street and to abandon the 2800 feet which cuts off across country to the present outlet. Councilman Sharon, Bluff street east, to the termination thereof, thence southerly to the City limits. District No. 4. All-Btreets south of the south line of Webb street, and west of the west line of Vincent street. The City to furnish sprinklers, wa gons and water, and the contractor to furnish horses, harness and driver, and to put up and take down all stand pipes etc.; separate proposals will be received for each district, and no con tract will be awarded to any one bid der for more than one district, the hours of sprinkling to be in accord ance with the orders of the Street Committee, all bids shall specify the price pi-r team and man per day of 10 hours, time when teams are not engaged In sprinkling to be deducted. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 16th day of March, A. D. 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. NOTICE OI' BIDS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION'. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Pen dleton will receive bids for the con struction of a steel bridge across the Umatilla river on Main Street, In the City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, at the City Recorders office in the City of Pendleton, until March 23th, 1911, at 5 o'clock P. M. Said Bridge to be of the material, and con structed !n accordance with the tenta tive Plans and Specifications therefor prepared by and now on file In the office of the City Surveyor of the City of Pendleton. Each bidder to furnish his own plans, and each bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check in the s'jm of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. Payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Pendleton. Sut h bridge to he placed In such po sition across the Umatilla river as di rected by the Common Council. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bida. Dated this 16th day of March, 1911, THOS. F1TZ GERALD, City Recorder. An Endless Chain of Sickness. There are upwards of one million deaths each year in the United States. In SAi1, of cases the people who die are less than sixty-uve years old. llie evils that are who has been the chief advocate of !due to disease can be escaped Justinpro rpfainina. fh iin ir i.m ..t portion as the conditions and habits that night admitted that he had become convinced that the Court street ex tension was more feasible and with drew his opposition. Just what size pipe will be used has not been decid ed but it Is probable that it will be either 20 Inch or 22 inch, either one of which will carry several times the present amount of sewage. The sen timent expressed last night was nso in favor of the extension of the Webb or Alta street sewers In the near fu ture in order that the southwest por tion of the city may have connections. It is probable that a lateral will be run from the Court street extension to connect with the west end school, ns the city engineer was of the opin ion that such a line is practicable. ROOSEVEIiT AND FAMILY AT THE GRAND CANYON Albuquerque, N. M., March 16. Roosevelt, his wife and Miss Ethel, arrived at Grand Canyon this after noon. They will spend tomorrow sight seeing and be in Phoenix Saturday. Wanted Sewing by the day. Prices reasonable. I'hone Red 2551. Everything fresh and clean. Bakery. Koyal IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United Slates, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of John E. Beam, a Bankrupt. To the Creditors of John Hi Beam, in the County of Umatilla and District aforesaid. Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given, that on the 15th dny of March, A. D. 1911, the said John E. Brum was duly adjudi cated a Bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his Creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned. Re feree In Bankruptcy, at Pendleton, Oregon, on March 29th, A. D. 1911, at ten o'clock A. M. of the said day, at which time and place the Creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a Trustee, examine the Bank rupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 16th day of March, A. D. 1911. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICE OK IMIOTOSALS FOR STREET SPRINKLING FOR THE SEASON OF 1911. Notice Is hereby given that propos als will be received by the Street Com mittee of the Common Council of the City of Pendleton at the office of the City Recorder In the City Hall build ing until March 29th, 1911. at 7:30 o'clock P. M. for sprinkling the streets of the city of Pendleton for the sea son of 1911, the districts to be sprinkl ed are as follows, viz: District No. 1. All streets on the north side of the Umatilla river. District No. 2. All streets on the south side of the Umatilla River, west of the east line of Main street, and north of the south line of Webb street. District No. 3. All streets lying east of a line be ginning nt the Intersection of the enst lino of Main street with the Umatilla river, thence following tho east line of Main street to the south line of Webb street, thence following the south line of Webb street east, to the west line of Vincent street, thence fol lowing the west line of Vincent street east to the north line of Bluff street, thence following the north line of bring on disease become more widely understood. Then too a chronic disease which may ballle tho skill of tho geiicrul practitioner may yet be permanently cured by the 1.1 f.:.. ...1 1 l . I; i uysiciun who lias uiauu one line oi uis eae a specialty. It would bo just as absurd for the Pro fessor in a medical collepe presuming to lecture on all subjects as for the one Phy sician to presume to understand the nat ure and cure ol everv disease. That is why Dr. K.'V. Pierce established tho Invalids' Hotel and Surpical Institute many years aso with a full stall of Phy sicians and Surgeons ho though edu catd to practice in all departments of medicine are here assigned to a special department only to which each special ist devotes his entire time, study and attention. The sick whd have been treated nt Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, liutlalo. N Y., have much to say in regard to this won derfully equipped Sanitarium, where all electrical apparatus, as well as electric water baths, Turkish baths, static elec tric machines, high-frequency current, and other most modern and up-to-date a d Read the want ads today. pparatus are used for the cure of chronic iseases. Tho treatment of chronic dis eases that are peculiar to women have for many years been a factor in the cures alfected at tho Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute. Tho physicians and surgeons employed are among the most experienced and sic i II ful in tho country, men who have made these-diseases thc'ir life study, and whoso highest ambition Is to excel in their treatment. How well they havo succeeded may lie judged from the .fact that their practice embraces cases from jeverv State and Ter ritory of the Union as well us from foreign lauds. Many thousands are annually treated, eit'ier through correspondence or at Dr. l'.ercc's Institution. It is an old adago that, " Kxpericnee makes per ect." and the slcilU d spccialii-ts In this Held of practice cure thousands of cases which have been abandoned as incurable by general practitioners. One of the most wonderful electrical appliances is the X-ray used at the Insti tute which may be used loth in the treat ment of various diseases and in the diag nosis of many obscure conditions. With its aid the Interior of the human lxxly is no longer the sealed book it has been here tofore. Abnormal .states of the hones, pall stones, stono in the bladder or in the kidneys, are shown (plainly by what are known as X-ray photographs. Internal tumors, and the enlargement of the deep seated organs, are also discovered by this means and in the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the lungs this agent lias proven a most valuable aid. When applied to some of tho less fatal chronic ailments of germ origin it has proven very effective as a curative agent. Another interesting proceeding is thr violet-ray treatment produced by concen trating tlio violet or chemical rays from an are light with a specially prepared carbon upon any portion of the body that may be the seat of pain. Sufferers' from neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, strains, sprains, also from those obscure exhaust ing pains tthe origin of which cannot at times bo accurately determined) frequent ly find immediate relief from a single treatment and usunllv with a little per sistence in the use of this aid, comfortable health or perfect recovery Is obtained. Tho incandescent light bath, consisting of a cabinet in which the patient Is bathed in tho combined rays of many electric light glolx-s. has produced really wonderful results in diabetes, sciatica, rheumatism, obesity, aniemla, and some forms of kidney and heart trouble. It has also proven valuable in chronic bron chitis, bronchial asthma and various skin diseases. As a general hygienic measure its efficiency can scarcely be over-estimated. Hundreds are brought to this Institu tion from far distant states and they go homo In a few weeks well and strong. Quito as marvelous are the thousands of cures annually accomplished through cor espondence, while the patient remains quietly at home. Others consult In per son, and after being examined are pro vided with especially prepared medicines and return homo to carry out tho treat ment. Everyone who consults tho specialists, whether by letter or in person receives the most careful and considerate attention. tireat cam Is exercised not to over en courage thoso who consult tho specialists of this institution that no false hopes may bo raised. Consultation by letter or In person Is absolutely free no cluirgo whatever so that tho public when afflicted are invited to write Dr. Pierce at tho Invalids' Hotel i and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Last Week of Our Big ' SKIRT and WAIST SALE I $7 to SI 0 Skirts at . $4,95 1.S0 to $2.00 Waists at . 98c $3.50 to $4.50 Waists at $2.35 $12 to $16 Skirts for . $8.45 $2.25 to $3 Waists at $1.45 $4.?5 to $6 Waists at $3.25 $4.50 and $5.00 Silk Waists $3.35 , $7.50 and $10.00 Silk Waists $5.25 $6.00 and $7.00 Silk Waists S4.25 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY STREET STAND AT EVANS' CIGAR STORE. PHONE RED 3961 614 SO. MAIN Auto tor Hire Out of Town Trips a Specialty Capacity Four Passengers New Car. CAB RATES IN CITY. Always Ready. Gfve Me a Trial JOS. N. BOHL Pendleton, Ore. Tone Your Chickens For Breeding N ow Don't feed meat and fresh bone or your eggs will not hatch. Our clerks are willing to show you through a line neyer before carried in Pendleton, come now and see them and purchase later. We take orders for Incubators and Brooders, Hare some on hand now; also wire nests, carriers, folding egg boxes, collapsible coops, water fountain and feeders. A. T. Matthews Co. "The Chicken Doctor" 129 E. Alta St Phone Maim 134. Worry! MONEY: to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. Call or write for particulars. THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H.- Delaney, Agt., BuXTemp1' Fresh and Wholesome Cakes, Pies, and Pastry Delicacies Daily Phone, Main 449 for Prompt Delivery Royal Bakery . RUDOLPH MARTIN, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Special orders given special attention Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Streets to