East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 16, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    r.u;n imn
said Frcy, "ana ee
all be" at home at 4007
ante which will ctil-
ringff of tho
c chirr pctt
navy, Frey
weeks BRO,
r-"n tho (ti-pnrtment He 1
I i 1 1 i 11 hi
JTih nnf
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- t'l r it
ious warr.ftufll
do but to olKs-Mf
fit V -AAf-7 -"ir) and has bee
ilV-, , j . ; several years
travel to New York and were lwkcd up
over night The following day, they
ay, they were released and only a
4Tue explanation given them.
.n view of the fact that they were
patrons of the road at the time the
eomplalnants hold that they ghould
have been protected by its employes.
Published Daily and Semi-Weekly
at Pendleton Oregon, by the
Dally, one year, by mail $5.00
Dally, six months, by mall 2.50
Dally, three months, by mall 1.25
ua y. one montn. oy man .so ,
Daily, one year, by carrier 7.50 :
Dsily, six months, by carrier 8.75 j
Dally, three months, by carrier 1.95 1
Dally, oue month, by carrier 05 :
fleml-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
Sml-WeeklT. six months. Lit nail.
Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall.
W: ' "
The Dally East Oregonian Is kept on sali,:llin wno can tak; l'-oll r this street
.mlaTd.NOregon0', 329 M"rl,"! clo"n proposition with both hands
Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon, land work out a solution that will give
inie&- a uureau, ;roa security uunaing.
wrsc - non, u.
t.3nti f-set, N. W.
Bureau, 501 Four !
Mtsser fnlted Press Association.
Entered at the postofflce at Peadleton,
Oregon, as second class maU matter.
Telephone llala 1
Official City and County Paper.
It is not so long to the end of
Life's day,
If you go in a gallop, or walk
the rough way;
And then the last sun, where
the still dreamers stay!
It isn't so long for the song and
the sigh.
The green o' the meadow the
blue o' the sky;
And even the storm-winds are
breathing "Ooodby!"
Isn't so long. Let us
down the sorrow;
Hope is deceiving, but joy may
From the beautiful dreams of
the light of tomorrow!
This is about the 'steenth time the
proposition of closing Aura and Lilleth
streets has been taken up by the
Commercial club or by the c'ty coun
cil. Will the matter be adjusted this
time or will it be left unfinished aa
It should not be an impossibility to
close the two streets in question and
at the same time satisfy all concern
ed. The convenient of the O.-W.
company requires the closing of the
streets. The present arrangement is
unsatisfactory and it is dangerous.
The railroad is not unreasonable 'n
aking for the closing of the streets.
If the company is t6t operate here It
must have sufficient room for its pur
poses. If the freight division is to be
brought here the company will re
quire more room than at present and
it will be up to local people to assist
the company in getting such land ai
P. will need. It will be good business
for us to treat the railroad company
But it Is true also that the property
owners who might be affected ad
versely by closing Aura and Lilleth
streets must be considered. Because
the railroad needs the streets does
not mean that small property owners
should be Injured without compensa
tlon In order to give the company
what it needs. There should be some
way of arriving at the damages and
had hcpn'wtusedy the blow on tn
head. Death occurred while th un
fortunate man was still unconscious ,
Tho deceased was born In Carthnrf
N. C.. and had been a resident . Did
for nine years. He lived on Loga :
Harrison "streets. This afternocl
ral services will bo held at 2:4 I
iH at tho residence, (ds"! x
r V -v' 'S . I fr
?.tv'.4;Kr,V. Tli
rv. s. .-."-fy 'v-;; rrix
by IB
.1 Iocs
ter a
CerCjn11r .!:"unds 11 would be difficult for Abou
!i:&i&i W "en Allium or anyone else to have a
TWSSSJ'" "t dream of peace."
rs a
i Boyd,
er; iin.
yctor; Sit
f the co
it; Mrs. Honlg
Mrs. Vicldei
Junior vice preside
Mrs. LaiJh Pari
neu, cnapiain; till 3
Barbara! Boyd,
treasurer. -Mrs. JiBa
A. Warner, cons
ductor. Mrs. Lac
The following program will be reni
aereo aiier me- installation
"Opening address, W.
Join In singing 'America!
tion, Gladys Brown,
ther Woodcock; addres
Cormick. vocal solo. Mi
accompanied by Mlss'li
dress. State Commander J S Dunlapj
reading; Mlsa Carolyn Warner ad
closing of those streets. If it can be
shown that some property owners will
suffer bona fide damages then , the
matter should be made right with
them. The East Oregonian is of the
opinion the railroad company will be
ready to do what is reasonable along
this line. Railroad officials are not
monsters who try to crush poor men
and widows and orphans whenever
t)u,.. can As a matter of fact they
are usually very liberal In dealing
... , . ,
" ith people who have property affect-
' by their lines.
What the situation
calis for is a
the company what It needs, will be
satisfactory to the property owners
nd will incidentally prevent any law
suits Maybe Dan P. Smythe, presi
dent of the Commercial club is the
man for the Job. If he can handle it
he will be entitled to a leather medal
for up to this time all efforts' to settle
the affair have been futile.
Nothing more is being said in the
press regarding a move to refer the
appropriations of the agricultural col
lege, the state university and the Mon
mouth normal school. The silence in
dicates that the McMinnvllle people
may have taken a second thought and
decided to drop the matter. If so
they are showing splendid Judgment.
Such a wholesale referring of school
appropriations this year would have
been inexcusable. It would have seri
ously Injured the schools and would
rt.ve placed Oregon in a bad light be
fore the thousands of colonists who
are rushing to the northwest to locate,
f'tw people of Intelligence would care
to settle in a state that Is so narrow
cr so parsimonious as to be forever
fighting and hampering its institutions
o learning.
To refer the school appropriations
would also bring the referendum Into
disfavor. The referendum is not an
instrument to be used for revenge or
any other unworthy purpose. It should
be used sparingly and it is doubtful
if it should ever at any time be used
to hold t'p an educational appropri
ation. The schools are usually en
titled to ull the money they can get
and to more. Money expended in
upbuilding the colleges and in Increas
ing their efficiency is well Invested.
If they have dropped the referen
dum move the people of McMinnvllle
have shown good sense. Were they
to continue with such a program they
would hurt others but would do
themselves no good. They would
bring state wide reproach upon Mc
Mlnnville and make the name of that
town a by-word of hate among thou
ands of rtudents and former students
of the state schools.
News reports from Danville show
that 35 Indictments have been re
turned against men who are charged
with election offences. But the story
says that those indicted were all
"workers about the polls." No lead
ing politicians or citizens are in the
l.'st. In this particular tho case 's
similar to the New York custom
house Investigations which resulted In
the conviction of some weighers and
wharf hands but of no "higher ups.
f" "lal
men really responsible the men who
.supply the coin for the corruption and
who renn. the benefits. Perhaps they
irver their tracks well.
The democrats are si"K to Investi
gate the steel trust and do many oth
er worthy -things. This Is to be ex
1 eeted for n party that has just got
un into power should try to make
good. But unless all signs fail it will
not be Ions until the mule will be
thoroughly taniei! and will be doing
the same work tho elephant has been
.ioiiiif. The lnteiists don't care who
i. i-is the work as long as it is done.
I Some people like to "twist the tall"
of a railroad company Just to he do-
'.i.ir something and to show people
i they are not in league wish the cor-
porntlons. Iut sometimes it Is well
jfor a community to he "in league"
wiili a railroad company. Especially
j If It is thinking about bringing a big
. payroll to town.
Possibly the insurreetos are the
use of the mobilization and Japan
a sTit x;i:u.
Not much o' these new times I know
Seem lost iii these new ways;
When I wuz young thar warn't slch
An' no sich winter days.
Sich blizzard blasts we didn't fear
'Pi a red like 'twuz Springtime all the
No Joy In all the world we missed,
No trouble feared to meet.
Joy Jest wuz ever'whar, an' kissed
His sweetheart, smllin' sweet.
t'Ich times as this you never seen
("Sod dressed his winter-world In
But let the world roll on. No douot
All happens fer the best.
I feel Life's candle flickerin' out:
It's Night an' time fer rest.
When I shall say "Goodnight," maybe
The old, sweet day shall shine for
Atlanta Constitution.
A man's domestic relations are not
always pleasant, especially if they are
his wife's.
The man who knows not what
love is. can not hope to be a public
Mr. Bryan says he has no intention
of becoming a candidate for the
presidency of 1912. There seems to
he no inclination to compel him to.
The legislators who are looking for
a good way to return to the legisla
tive halls are good roads enthusiasts.
Too many of us are cultivated too
much on the surface and produce
about the same as a piece of farm
land under like conditions.
Most people who believe in .ck
are down on theirs.
Who can name .off-hand three
well-known living American poets.
Xot all at once, please.
If preachers had to practice what
they preach, we would hear no com
plaint of long sermons.
A New Jersey college professor s-iys
that state must have an honest sen
ator. Senatorial courtesy, however.
will not permit such a radical depart
ure from precedent.-
Ambition is dormant in the morn
ing. The desire to be a rising young
man Is weak at 6:00 a. m.
A New Jersey women's club wants
a law passed compelling married men
to wear large rings on their finge-s
as a sort of protective measure for
the women. Why after they are mar
ried It Is too late then.
The automobile was speeding along
the crowded thoroughfare. Something
went wrong with the car, and the
chauffeur became helpless.
"Do something, do something,"
said the owner, who, although rich,
was noted for his stinginess.
"I've done everything I can," said
the chauffeur.
"Then you've lost all control of It "
the owner anxiously InJulred.
"Yes, sir," said the chauffeur.
"Are you absolutely sure that you
cannot stop It?"
"Yes, Blr."
The rich miser lay back and clospd
his eyes. "Then run it into sometnmg
cheap," he said. National Monthly.
A farmer came to the city the oth
er day, and among other things he
visited a high class restaurant. His
appetite ran to cheese, and, inquiring
of the waiter what sort of cheese was
listed, remarked that he desired
something new."
"Why don't you try a bit of roque
fort?" suggested the waiter.
"What's that " asked the farmer.
Hang It," he added, "bring me some
I like the name, anyway."
He ate It and liked it. So .e
thought he would take some home to
the wife. Arriving late, he laid the
small cheese wrapped In silver paper
on the sideboard.
He forgot to Inquire nbout It till
next night and then fce asked his wrr
how she liked It. J
"Oh, I s'pnRe it's mighty stylish up
to tho city, but I Jes couldn't use It. I
couldn't get no foam out of It, and
when I washed the children they
smelled kinder funny, and I can't
say 's I like It."
A sad-eyed stranger wearing a thin
overcoat, shiny at the elbows came
Into a Powell street restaurant during
the noon hour a day or two ago. He
stood about nervously until the head
waiter came tip to him.
"Got any stale bread?" hs Inquir
ed. Two prominent clubmen were dtn-
That Peculiar
Lightness and Flavo
Found in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake,
etc., is due to the absolute purity,
fitness, and accurate combination
of the ingredients of the
Royal Baking Powder.
The best things in cook
ery are always made with
the Royal Baking Powder.
Hence its use is universal
in the most celebrated
restaurants, in the homes
of the people, wherever de-
licious,wholesome food is appreciated.
Royal Baking Powder
is sold, in every civilized country,
the world over.
It U the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar.
Royal Cook Book-800 Receipts-Free. Send Name and Address.
ing at a table within earshot Before
the head waiter had time to reply to
tho stranger's inquiry one of these
diners had leaped to his feet.
"Set that man down at a table at
our table, by George!" he said, "and
give him a good meal. We'll see that
he gets all he wants to eat Why, it's
awful to think of men like that go
ing about begging for stale bread and
here fe sit with steak and mush
rooms in front of us. Looks like a
Job Printing,
Money Lo Loan
ity. Will Accept applications
for 1000, $1500 or $4000 Loan
1 60 Acre
Under proposed ditch. Owing to the fact
owner of the above mentioned tract is call
ed east, will sell at a bargain if taken at
once. This property is pnly five miles
from Echo and four miles from Stanfield.
Land lays nicely. See about it today.
The Home Finder
T" . ' TfV 1
man who has seen better days, too."
Then to the stranger:
"How about it, my man? you
weren't always going about asking
for tho crumbs off the tables, I'll wa
ger." "There appears to be some sltgnt
misunderstanding," he ventured. "I
was Just trying to arrange with this
waiter fellow to sell me a little stac
bread for my chickens."
Tel. Main i
Is made from tie ekoioeet vhi t that
grows. GA bread is aeeared wh&i
6Lort, Steam Roiled Bariey always on
Pendleten Roller Mills
Pe&dfetM, Oregon.
on Good Secur
Desert Claim
M-vidauarters For
Toilet Goods
We are Note Manufacturers and
lls Crl kuUir of the Osfehratarf
mt. noon CKKAV
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists f Cantrrr ;
If you are interested, drop a
post card for a .free booklet
teeming with information about
this wonderful country.
You can see it if you go eaut
via tho Soo-Spokaue
Iloute of Uiei
Tickets for sale by your local
Railroad agents. Details, berths,
Particulars from "
M. E. LUXNE, T. P. A.
GEO. L. WALTON, Gea. Aft.
14 Wall St. Spokane.
' Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anrnn. sni1tiir s ikAth and rtcftfiiptlnn m
qnfciktr uo.rl.ln our opinion fro. .hrtl'r m
luvnmi.n ii proo.rnj pniemAr'M'. t omninnir
Uotii motif ntiiSdeiiMiil. HANDBOOK "n I'.i.ni.
tin irm iinn.i air.nrr lor fM.rtirnif pw.in
Fatftui. taken throuirb Mtnm A Co. MM3.1n
jtcvu nnciM, wiutom omtrv., tu in.
Scientific flmcrtcan.
k hanMni.r lllnitreiMt weekly. L.raK M
ouUtl.n .f muf HltMiUM l.uni.1. Term.. S a
tut i (ur nmUi, f L. IM4 bjr .11 imer.Jm
Branch floh F BU Wubtustoa. ix U
Cass Matlock, Prop.
awl illustrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nirufs. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to Frmch Rcntmirnnt
Katire change three tinea
aeh wwk. Be euro and
w the next change.
Adults 10c Children
under 10 years, 6c.
-3,1 i
' rrriTI''
benefits that will result from the
Why don't the inyestigators gtt the