PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST ORHGOYIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH li, 1911. EIGHT PAUE8 MONOPOLE Canned Goods, mean canned goods of Highest Quality STRING BEANS STIUNGLESS BEAXS LIMA BEANS BABY REFTGE BEANS EXTRA SIFTED PEAS DIMPLE PEAS SCGAR CORX SCCCOTASH A Omplcte Line of MONOPOLE CANNED GOODS Vlwr Carried la Stock. SEE WINDOW. OYSTERS SALMON IOBSTER S1IIUMP TOMATOES STRAWBERRIES BLACKBERRIES HALVED PEACHES SLICED PEACHES LEMON CLING PEACHES RASPBERRIES APRICOTS BARTLETT PEARS ROYAL ANN CHERRIES Standard Grocery Co. Inc. Where all are Pleased Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treas. ELKS PREPARING GREAT MINSTREL SHOW (Continued from page three.) the fact that the ban has been put on .hese popular sports, their friends have Induced them to entertain the audience with a casino contest, which will probably be both bloody and ex citing. Dick Mayberry is to be stake holder for the event, but he will be forced to put on an Oregon boot to rrevent any fade away stunt before the winner can collect. Mary's Little Lamb. A novel feature is to be Carl Eng dahl's impersonation of Mary and her ilittle lamb with the assistance of Jimmy Hackett, who will frolic about as the baby sheep. Balloon Ascension. Clarence Mohler is slated for a NOTICE! I will be In the following cit ies for the purpose of fitting glasses: ECHO Monday and Tuesday, March 13th and 14th. At Echo hotel. HERMISTON Wednesday and Thursday, Mar. 15lh and 16. Oregon hotel. STANFIELD Friday and Saturday, March 18th and 19th. Stanfteld hotel. Dale Rothwell OPTOMETRIST With Wm. Hansconi, THE Jeweler. balloon ascension which is entitled "Little Evas Flight Beyond the Clouds." in which Joe Scrable will be made up as Uncle Tom to be present at the breakaway. Outside Talent Impressed. The Elks are not confining them selves to their own ranks for talent and have a number of front rank at tractions from the outside. The best of these and without doubt one of the most interesting on the whole pro gram is a debate between George A. Kobbins and Chief of Police Gurdane in which the former will attempt to prove that the pen Is mightier than the sword, while the latter will try to demonstrate that a brawny fist and a night stick are superior weapons to either. Orton E. Goodwin will act as first colleague to Mr. Robbins, while John Kearney will serve in the same capacity for his chief. Judge G. W. Phelps has consented to hand down a decision in the case. Glen Soott Caged. Another one of the outside attrac tions will be Glen Scott, who will be brought on the stage for exhibition purposes: only. However, he has been practicing assiduously on a declama tion entitled "How to Play Pinochle Though Broke" in case the audience should demand that he break the si lence. These are only a part of the mawy events on the program for the two evenings but they are sufficient to give some intimation as to the kind of sauce the horned band will dish up to Pendleton people Thursday and Friday. For sale Two acre home in east Pendleton. Alfalty, orchard and gar den; 5 room house, bath, cellar, water system, windmill, tank house, barn and chicken house. All buildings in good condition. Address J. H. Bry ant. Pendleton. Phone Black 2662. A Paucity of Offender. Judge Fitz Gerald is enjoying a spite these days for there have been no offenders to appear before his tri bunal since Saturday morning. This is a sure sign that spring has come, according to the Judge. THE HUB THE NEW STORE JCST STARTING NEXT DOOR TO TAY LOR HARDWARE. Sample shoes for the whole family, women, men and children, also large line of Men's Furnishings. COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. The Carpenters and Masons Are Tearing Up the Outside of Our Store We're Smashing Prices to Pieces Inside Big Reductions All Over the Store Spring Goods Are Included : : Cwf4J Think of getting a new 1 5 Spring Suit for only $7.90 Workingmen's Clothing Co. We'll Crumble Your Doubts If you are undecided as to where to send your suit, overcoat or drew to have it cleaned and pressed the beat, all we ask la to try ua once we'll crumble your doubts and give you a Job that will be sure to please. With modern methods and expert help, we are able to guarantee satisfaction. Pendleton Dye Works Newsy Notes of Pendleton New Toaehor in County, County Superintendent Welles has been notified of the appointment of Clnyborn Hlser as third grade teach er in district No. 74 at Bates station near Milton. U-H-m Echo Hostelry. Mrs. Ella Baker and Miss Mae Slier of Pilot Rock, left this morning for Echo, where they will take charge of the Hoskins House, having secured a lease on that stopping place. 1'ossll luuikor Here. O. Parker, cashier of the bank at Fossil, is here today accompanied by his wife and two children. Mr. Park er is here to visit with his brother, R. T. Parker and members of the family are also having dental work done. Extra Westbound Train. Owing to the heavy colonist rush an extra section of train No. 17, west bound, was placed in running today.. The special arrived here shortly be fore' the regular 17 today and went upon the siding to await the arrival of the through train. ' County JmUro Has Auto. County Judge J. W. Maloney is the latest addition to the chauffeurs of the city. He has purchased a red Maxwell runabout and will use the same in inspecting the roads in this section and In traveling to and from his reservation lanch. PERSONAL MENTION To Hold Ouirt la lleppnor. Judge Gilbert W. Phelps will leave tomorrow for Heppner, where he will convene his first term of court in Morrow county. Court Stenographer Beckwith will not accompany him but will continue his duties as referee in the Mosgrove-Bergevln case. Finnl Proof on Land. Lewis Warren Keller this morning made final proof before United States Commissioner Vida Johnston on 101 acres of land about five miles due south of Pendleton bordering on the reservation and the whole tract is un der cultivation according to his sworn testimony. Uoote Draws 3 1-2 Years. Judge G. W. Phelps this mornra; sentenced Charles Foote, who was convicted Saturday of larceny from a boxcar, to three years and a half in the state penitentiary. His partner n crime, Albert Thompson asked for a week's stay of the passing of sen tence, which was granted. Sheriffs Force Busy. As an example of the general hu man tndency to put of off things until the last moment, the sheriff's office has been crowded to the doors during th" pas' two days with taxpayers de sirous of paying in their taxes berore tomorrow in order to get the dis count to which they are entitled. Hack to Hot I-nke. Col. H. G. Newport of Hermiston, who is still suffering from the wound on his head, passed through Pendle ton last evening on his return to Hot Lake for further treatment. He was accompanied by Mrs. Newport. Though still weak as a result of his long illness, the colonel is in good spirits and says he expects to be en tirely recovered soon. Phone Main II). tOt 1-1 E. Alts. Bit Colonist Traffic. That a large number of colonists are taking advantage of the special rates to come to the northwest Is in dicated by the Increased size of the passenger trains which are coming through. According to Agent T. F. O'Brien No. 5 Sunday night was made up of fourteen cars while No. 17 yes terday consisted of twelve cars, car rying two extra chair cars, two extra tourists and one extra standard. For Artificial Limbs. Friends of Virgil McCoy are cir culating a subscription '1st in an ef fort to secure artificial limbs for the unfortunate young man. McCoy, who is a Pendleton boy, fell while attempt ing to board a freight train at Baker city to come to Pendleton last sum mer, and both legs were cut off Just above the ankles. His only living relative is a destitute aged motner and since the accident McCoy has been compelled to make his home at the poor farm. I'oriner II. S. Stars in Gome, The freshman class team of the University of Oregon has Just won the girls' championship in a basket ball tournament at that institution and two former Pendleton high school players played on the victorious ag gregation. Hazel Rader appeared In the lineup as forward and Grace Bean at guard, which positions both young ladles occupied on the local grrls' team for several years. Miss Rader I also captain of the Kappa Alpha Theta team which is tied for first place in the inter-sorority tournament. Echo Will "Go Some." When the Blue Mountain league opens the baseball Bcason at Echo March 26 the thing will be done right, according to Charles Frledley and W. H. Barker, who were here yesterday from the west end city. Already Big preparations have been made for the day and one of the features will be a balloon ascension by "Daredevil" Da vis. . The man with the strenuous name came up from Echo yesterday with Messrs. Frledley and Baker, the trip being made by auto. The game at Echo on March 26 will be with the Pendleton team. Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer is appendicit is with many victims, but Dr. King s New Life Pills kill It by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing con stlpatlon, headache, biliousness, chtris, 25c at Koeppens. F. M. Simpson is a guest of the Ho tel St. George. Mrs. Guy Durham was up from her , home at Echo yesterday. I W. K. McFaul was among the Echo ! people In the city yesterday, T. H, Williamson was over from his j home at La Grande yesterday. W. A. Wade of La Grande, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mrs, Sam R. Thompson spent the 1 night on the Thompson farm at East- land. . Henry Craig, the well known grain- J man, left on the local this morning for Echo. W. J. Furnish" and E. P. Marshal went to Stanfield on the local this morning. John Wynn is down from his homo at McKay today for the transaction of business. George Snell of Walla Walla, was an incoming passenger on the local this morning. H. G. Hurlburt of Hermiston, was among the west end residents in the city yesterday. Mrs. Vida Johnston, United States commissioner, has returned from a trip to Portland. Louis Wallensteln of Walla Walla came from Pasco to Pendletor. this morning to transact business. Frank Wells is temporarily In charge of the Walla Walla local in the absence of Conductor Patton. Editor John P. McManus of the Pilot Rock Record, Is in the city to day for the transaction of business. President Dan P. Smythe of the Commercial association, Is looking af ter his sheep interests near Freewater. George R. Mustard of Hermiston, came up from the project town yes terday and spent the night in the city. Rev. J. F. Vernon, the Sabbath school missionary for the Presbytery of Pendleton, came up from Echo on F. McMoniee, a member of the firm of Hamley & Co., went to Wal la Walla last eenlng for a brief busi ness visit. Attorney Homer I. Watts passed through on the local this morning ror Portland, where he will transact le gal business. S. V. Barnhart of Walla Walla, came over from the Garden City yes terday and is a guest of the Bowman hotel. Paul Sperry, who has been In the city for the past day or two, returned to Cecil this morning where he has charge of a large number of sheep. W. M. Blakely left On the local this morning for Portland and will go from there to Seattle on a business mission. D.ive Blanton, brakeman on the Northern Pacific for the Pendleton Pasco run, is in the company's hos pital at Tacoinu for an operation on his throat. Mrs. James Cooper left today for Portland, where she will visit for awhile, later going to cities on the sound. She will be -gone about - a month. Winter Forgotten Old Jack Frost and Winter have been relegated to the past at this store all thoughts now are of spring Our entire store Is a busy scene of rearranging, displaying spring; goods and preparing (or the. coming season, vrlilcli we expect to ecllpwe all our past season's records. During our great sale, Just closed, we succeeded In cleaning out all the old stock and are now showing nothing but tlie very latest all new goods. THE VISIT OUR STORE AND IMBIBE SPUING. ATMOSPHERE OF lEe New Boston Store the motor car and went on to Mil ton, his home, on the evening train yesterday. H. ' B. Jarvls and sister, Mrs. S. J. Helmlck, who have been visiting with their brother, Monroe Jarvls, return ed to their home at Uklah this morning. Your Entire Family Will Enjoy PENDLETON'S NEWEST, COSIEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE PICTURE SHOW. Only theatre in Pendleton with modern convlences. Change of program Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. The Tower of London. A Country Girl. The Infant Heir's Disappearance. Her Husband's Deception. A Troublesome Parcel. Illustrated Son: "The Moon has Eyes on You." Admission 10c. Children 5c SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Penn. Nutual Life Insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA, IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, on the 31st day of December, 1910, mude to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up Nil INCOME. Premiums received during the year S 1 S.529.S95.90 Interest, dividends and rents received during year i, 469,805. 66 Income from other sources received during year 431,556.04 Total income $34,431257.60 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities und sur render values $ 9,872,178.10 Dividends paid to policy holders during year. 2,079,984.65 Dividends paid on capitul stock during the year Nil Commissions and salaries paid during the year 2,662,009.10 Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the year.. 568.069.41 Amount of ull other expenditures 1,106,410.73 In addition to the abotc abatements tho Company allotted to deferred distribution poli cies the sum of $1,126,076.94 (which is carried in Liabilities), making the total apportionment . of surplus during 1910, $3,206,061.49. Total expenditures $16,178,651.89 ASSETS. Market value of real estate owned $ 1,929,455.32 Market value of stocks and bonds owned 4 1,390,148.33 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 4 9,076,500.33 Premium notes and policy loans 18,455,877.34 Cash in banks and on hand -. 2,607,391 81 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 1,933,264.40 Interest and rents due and accrued 1,397.231.63 Other assets (net) 11,147.43 Total assets $1 16,803,021.49 L.-ss special deposits In any State ' 8,700.00 Total assets admitted in Oregon $116,794,321.49 LIABILITIES. Net reserve ; $99,146,904.00 Total policy claims 416,870.81 All other liabilities, Including dividend accu mulations 12,627,863.55 Surplus 4.602.681.13 Total liabilities " $116,794,321.49 Total Insurance in force December 31. 1910 $499,663,062.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $ 349,740.00 Gross premiums received during the year 199,607.12 Premiums returned during the year 10,785.35 Losses paid during the year 68,227.00 Losses Incurred during the year 65,227.00 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31. 1910.... 4.888,384.00 THE PEN N. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. By JOHN HUMPHREY, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent nnd attorney for service: E. L. HARMON, 730 Marquam Bhlg., Portland. Umatilla County, Oregon I have a long list of wheat lands, stock ranches, and di versified farms. I have resided in the county 2G years, know values, and pnn show you some pood bargains. E. T. WADE Temple Big Pendleton, Oregon. QUIT BUSINESS PRICES AT CLARK'S GROCERY Compare the following prices on staple groceries with those you have been paying and you'll get a good idea of the savings we can afford you on eyery article purchased here Canned Milk, 3 cans for 25c . Canned beans, peas, corn, oysters, tomatoes, reg. Maocaronl, regular 2 for 25c, going here at alar 2 for 25c, going here at, can 10c Sugar, beans and rice, 16 lbs, for $1.00 8 for ., 25c Shrimps, 2 cans for 250 We can sell as cheap as Jones of Portland, deliver promptly to your kltche door and save yon Uie freight. CLARK'S GROCERY 544-546 Main Street Fhoae Main 174.