DAILY BAST ORBCONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1911. PAGE SEVEN CATTLE MARKET IS IN POOR COITION t Ads. r EIGHT PAGES 3 Wan NO JIOPK FOR MICH IMPROVEMENT AT PRESENT Biippllt'H Continue to Arrive and De nuiml IJniws Ijohh Eastern Hoes Continue to JRvlInc (Monday's Journal.) Following tho heavy arrivals In the cattlu market during the paHt week there was another big showing os sup plies over Sunday. A total of 858 head were received, there wn another big showing of sup prlce of hogs at Chleugo and ai.outh Omaha today. Tho former market was very weak with prices cut" a dime, while Omaha was 15c to 20c under Saturday's average. Tl 's means therefore, that Puulliu northwest packers are able to purchase hogs 'n the Nebraska territory and ship them to their plants at a total cost of (7.85, Including freight and hnndltng. Only one lot of sheep caine forward to the yards today and these were brought In by a local Interest. ADAMS PLANS FOR BIG SOCIAL DANCE (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., March 13. A social dance will be given at Adams on Fri day night at the city hall. Supper will be served at the Adams hotel at 12 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ocorge Marquis of Walla Walla are visiting friends and relatives In Adams. Misses Lola and Gwendoline Rogers came up Friday night to spend Sun day at home. Ora and Wade Holdman of Cold Spring, were visiting friends and rel atives In Adams Sunday. Fred Ulake left Sunday for Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Martin visited in Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moorhouse of Pendleton, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams for a few days this week. Mrs. E. C. Bowling made a business trip to Milton Saturday. Mrs. E. Ross and sister. Miss Eva Mcltanc, went to Pendleton Friday to do some shopping. Take One Pain Pill it Easy To get the best of Backache Get a Box of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Otherwise Backache May get the best of you Nothing disturbs the human system more than pain whether it be in the form of headache, backache, neuralgia, stomachache or the pains peculiar to women. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are a standard retnedy for pain, and sre praised by a great army of men and women who have used them for yearj. "A frirnd was down with LaGrippe and nearly crazed with awful backache. I gave her one Anti i'nin I'i!l and left another lor 'her to take. 'i'hey helped ber ripht awav, and she says she will never be without t rmncain." Mrs. G. H. Wkhii, Austinburp, O. At all drugo'st 25 donei 23 cents. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Bain It quickly abtorbed. Civet Relief al Once, It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem- brnno resulting from Catarrh and drive away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restore the Senses of Taste and SmelL Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquio uream jsnira lor use in atomrars lo ots. Elv Urothors, 56 Warren Street. Mew York. Every 7omaai , la intarmtMl and alioubl kit" abaci Um wonclnrnil i Marvel "IT"' 7 Auk yonr flrnprlat for IU Ir h cannot an l,r MARVKU accent no I.., .Mill -., .- itln.. lr.itid bwk -aoalmL it K!ru fbll Cirtlrnlara iinil dlraettnni Inyiiltimhle VUdiKk MHVEt.C0.44 i, 834 St. MEN AND WOMEN. Dm Dig S for lndmm tloni, Irrlutiona or ulcera tion! of mucoua membnnei, Palnlau, and not aalrtn- mt or pouonona. old by nreMnrlela, b? ! dtm. srenld . for SI .00 or a Doff lea, ax. 70. Circular ami on raqnaat. aim - r ppir w wv r'";'MiS f Onaratd lJ Bat la ttriotai. IT ftMCHfWtfilCO,t """ iBJf 4? r& . IT'S GOING TO BUY ill I I J V W II L y DISCOV FOR COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL DISEASES OF THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS Famous for Forty Years of Cures. Price 50c and $1.00 SUPR1SE PARTY HELD (Special Correspondence.) Milton. Ore., March 13. Miss Ce celia Armstrong was tendered a sur prise party last evening at her home on Mill street. About 25 were pres ent and the evening was very pleas antly spent In mu.Ic and games. Sev eral guests from Walla Walla were present. Jess Jacovy. who has purchased tho Ross ranch near Vincent, has bought two'' Bravo mares of P. Mur phy nt a cost of $625. The new fire hall at Freewater is about completed. J. E. Cherry Is up from La Grande on a visit with his family. Ira Phillips Is reported as being some better. He has been suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. The baseball boys are getting In some good practice work these fine days. Miss Herma Kent was a Walla Walla visitor today. Miss Edith Still Is In Pendleton, whore she la the guest of Miss Mary Zurcher. Rev. B. F. Harper went to Walla Walla Sunday, where he preached the funeral sermon of Mrs. Wm. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKenzIe were Walla Walla visitors today. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coe are quite 111 with la grippe. Otis Ingle has sold his grocery store to E. K. Henry and Gentry Milhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Winn and fam ily and Mrs Sams, have gone to Grants Pass to reside. A Fierce N'igtit Alarm. s the hoarse, startling cought of hlld, suddenly attacked by croup iften It aroused Lewis Chamblln o' Manchester, O., (R. R. No. 2) fo heir four children were greatly sub tect to croup. "Sometimes in sever- ittncks," he wrote "we wore sfrab' hey would die, but since we prove- what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery Is, we have no fear. We rely on It for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you.. Asthma, hay fever, la grippe, whooping cough, hemorrhages fly before It. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by Koeppens. VANCOrVKK EX-MAYOH ILL M. (Jreen, Prominent Dciuoerat, Is in Portland Sanatorium. Vancouver, Wash. E. M. Green, prominent democrat and ex-Mayor of Vancouver, who has been ill for sev eral weeks, was taken to a Portland sanatorium. His condition is serious. State of Oklo, City of Toledo, Lucas i ouatT a. Frank J. Cheaey aaakea oath that ha la irnlor partner of the flra of F. J. Chanay & Co.. dnlnc bnalaeaa la the City of TaMa, County and Slate aforcaalf. and that aald firm will pay tba aum or UMS UUNUUIU uui.i.AHH or earn ana evary rasa or ca tarrh that cannot be cored by tha oat af Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHBN1T. Sworn to before me and anbacrlbed la bit presence, this 0th day of December, A. D., lann. Seal A. W. OLbARON, Natarr Pnhlle. nail's Catarrh Cur la 'taken Internally. and acts directly on tha blood sad fucona urfnrre of the system. Bead for taatl monlala free. F. J. CHHNHY A CO., Telada, O. F. J. CHrlNBT k CO, Toledo, O. Sold by all Drafgtets, 76. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen, L. L. Lleuallon. Miss Stella nnd Llilu Woodward, went to Pendleton Satur day to see Dr. F. A. Lleuallen, who Is at tho hospital with a bad attack of la grippe. Foley Kidney Pills. Neutralize and remove the poisons that cause backache, rheumatism, ner- j vousness and all kidney and bladder ; irregularities. They build up and ' restore the natural action of theso vl- tal organs. A, C. Koeppen & Bros. A Special Medicine for Kidney All- i merits. 1 Many elderly people have found in Foley's Kidney Remedy a quick re lief and permanent benefit from kid ney and bladder ailments and from annoying urinary irregularities due to advancing years. Isaac N. Regan, Farmer, Mo., says: "Foley's Kidney Remedy effected a complete cure In my case and I want others to know of it." A. C. Koeppen Bro. Read the want ads today. M3uWu KING'S THE CURE THAT'S SURE SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY "SWEET LAVENDER." Kilwiml Terry to Ho Seen In One of Ills Greatest Ijondon Successes. It Is announced that Mr. Edward Terry, the celebrated English come dian, Is to fill his engagement at the Oregon theater Wednesday, March 10, with "Sweet Lavender." This Is a play which Is admirably calculated to show to advantage Mr. Terry's quaint humor and it has been one of his greatest successes since he first produced it at his London theater many years ago. There Is a whole some freshness about this play that spss M V TTT TT'J'V ' TSv II I I I I YJ r k JL JL WlM ijM JLaX lss TJ IN THP 1 ' M 17 1 1 t I W mS . t This great remedy assists nature in all necessary physical changes' of the sys tem, affords bodily comfort during the period of waiting, and preserves the symmetry of form after basy comes. The penetrating and soothing qualities of Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents caking of the breasts, and in every way contributes to strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our free hook containing valuable Infor mation for expectant mothers. BBAPFTF.T.T) EEGUXATOE CO., Atlanta, Ga, r Gas Heaters WHEN THE WINDS WITHOUT ARE HOWLING, WIIEX THE THERMOME TER IS IN TnE NEIGHBORHOOD OF ZERO, IS IT NOT REAL COMFORT TO BE AHLE TO PULL YOUR CHAIR UP TO AN OPEN FIREPLACE t THIS EFFECT IS APPROACHED VERY CLOSELY IN THE Viilcaft Odorless Gas Heaters Warms Your Feet Heats the Floor, Not the Ceiling A home loving man wants a modern home. A modern home has a Gas Heater. Pacific Power (& Light Co. "Always at Your Service" Phone Maim 40 ERY has kept It In popular favor. Mr. Terry plays the eccentric hero, Dick Phenyl, Inimitable. This poor waif of the law, briefless, bankrupt In purse and reputation and a slave n the whiskey bottle, is yet so tender hearted, so unselfish, so witty, so whimBlcal, that he is absolutely rr reslstlble and we love him while we laugh at him. With the keenest sym pathy one follows his vagaries. He is so pathetically conscious of his own weakness, so humorous in excusing his frequent lapses and his whimsical wit only covers a depth of self-contempt which Is almost tragic. The highest type of happiness is T reached by having children in tho home! ivA the comin8 f the UtUe ones is often attended vrfth appre- hension and dread. Mother's Friend used by the expectant mother la preparation of the ordeal, carries her tiuongh tne (1 with safety. Mother's Friend WANTED. HAIR WORK DONE Come to Mad am Kennedy, 607 Court for switch es. No cheap Imported Chinese hair or yak sold for human hair. Are your combings sent away with the pretension of getting your own hair back. All work 13 home made and strictly guaranteed. Sham pooing and hair dressing a spe cialty. Phone, Red 3752. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IF you want to subscribe to magaxlne or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GO NTAN he net publisher's prioe of the publication you deslrs. and we will have it sent yon. It will save you both trouble and risk. Tf you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, In remitting yea can deduct ten per cent from the pub Usher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO, Penile ton, Or. Save money by reading; today's ads. Classified PHYSICIANS. K. a GARFIELD, M. D., HOKBO- pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 1411; residence, red Jill. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO- nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Eleetro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main (14. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main a treat next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black 1411; residence 'phone. Black inn. KERN St BENNETT. DENTAL, SUR- geoas. Office room It Judd build ing. Phone, Red 2101. DR. THOMAS VAUOHAN, DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 71. VETERINARY 8CRGEON8. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 415. Residence. Sli East Courr street Res. Phone Main 5f. ATTORNEYS. RALET RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despain building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Despain building. CARTER ft SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL ft WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office la Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Poora -17. 8chmidt block. PETERSON ft WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 8 and i Smith Crawford building. PHELPS ft STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at Isw. Office In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Wir practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 8, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE. ATTOR- neys at law. Office in Despain building. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, . cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 3786. or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. Q. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weaton. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for nil second-hand vnn! hmitrht Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his pnoes Z12 K. Court street. Phone Black 8171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLE and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop Kt the old stand. Alta street in re of Tallman ft Co. VT ANTED (Con tinned.) WANTED Classified , ads, such as help wanted; rooms or houses tm rent; second hand goods for sale; In fact, any want yon want to get filled, the East Oregontan wants) your want ad. Rates: Three line one time, 20 cents; twe times, 19 cents; six times, no cents. Five lines one time, 30 cents; two times, 45 cents; six times, fl.lS. Count six words to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mall to the East Oregonlan, enclosing ' silver or stamps to cover the amount. FOR SALE Old newspapers wrap ped In bundles of 110 each suitable for wrapping, putting nnder car pets, etc. Price, lte per bundle, two bundles, 2 Sc. Enquire this of Am. ANYONE. ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. N canvassing. Be your own boa. Send for free booklet Tells how. Heacock, 2708, Lockport, N. T. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINZM HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans en city and farm property. Buys anal sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C H. M1MH. Be. BENTLSY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. New location, 816 Main street Phone Main 404. . LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street Carney & Bradley, Prop. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 73. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see sample. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court, circuit court, justice court, real tate, to., foi aale at East Oregonlan office. Old newspapers in large bundle. LET ELECTRICITY DO TOUR work It's clean, reliable and con venient Electric Sad Irene, guaran teed, 26.26. Electric Hot Water an Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Co free Percolators, etc. A complete stack ef Gas and Electric flxturea Flrst-clasa wiring of homes, ete. J. L. Vaughaa, 816 Main street FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. II vy A. F. and A. M., meets th VV fr8t and third Monday ef each month. All visiting b re threat are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Men day evening In L O, O. F, hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend. D. B. Waffle, C. C.; R. W. Flatcher, H. R. S. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R, N, Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave.. 9:20 a m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 2:20 am Portland Limited ....12:16 p. m. fast Man 11:4a p.m. Motor 4:25 p. Pilot Rock Mixed S-.2S a m. m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mall 1:50 a m. Ore. ft Wash. Express.. 5:6 a. m. Chicago Limited 5:16 p. m. Motor 10:40 a, m. Portland local, arrive. Pilot Rock Mixed.... 6:00 p. m. 8:16 p. m. Washington Dlv. Leavii.g Pendleton. Walla Walla local 6:25 p. m, Pendleton passenger ,, 7:00 a. m. Spokane local 8:00 a. m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 2:15 a. m. Walla Walla local .... 9:15 a. m. Pendleton passenger .. 6:00 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Pendleton Passenger i:s p. m. Mixed train 7:20 a.m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10:04 a. m. Mixed train 7:s . DaUty Eats OregoMaa ait aa rrais prr amath. Directory