... '.e ...... .lit X. Uv. i--. MrttiMwi'W' ;; fturutfsftHfe t t EIGHT PAQHB For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have ,T.w.,....l; .,-.. w....M-. nl . mi,, . U1, . . .. j, . j Jl. , -,r" - J ! 4 V, ?1 " PACK BT gflUi mflf KmnwiMmmt i iimyMiiitvii, v.mw.., ....... . , . - - - - - - - ffcxsszstzzs COME AND ' r , i GO AT UMATILLA 2-3KBCTftBlfll "I Spring Showing of High Class MSLLIM WIS AKt UVY iV.&AUT with the most Deauurui aggregation oinauwc have ever assembled for your inspection. RY ton and Spokane. The social club is to hold a St. Pat rick's day dunce in Pound's hall Fri- I day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hogan and family have moved in from the Bow man ranch and will In the future re side in the city. S. E. Hogue of San Francisco, gen eral superintendent of the Pacific Coast Casualty Co., has been here for the past week on company business. V. F. O'Connell represents the com pany In the west end of Umatilla county. Sunday visitors here were J. A. Tull and wife, Idaho Falls. Jas. NIscon, Heath. Ida.; E. E. Ostand and J. O. Wilson. Moscow; Roy Osier of Ellens burg. L. E. Luelsan and F. M. Down ey of Portland. Among other visitors In town to day are Rev. C. Battle of Hermlstnn; E.l Aneliny of Kendrlck. Idaho; Clyde onow of Moscow; W. E. Robertson, T. C. Lord and C. E. Orr of Port-hind. wr -in -L ii IMS'. Promotes Digestionrhecrfui ness and Rest.Contains neilhtr Opiuni.Morphiac nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Jx.Samt JtxMlrSJIr- JnistStri ipotftmtf tUCartonakStJt HwmSrtd- ApcrR'cl Remedy rorConsBja lion . Sour Slnmach.Dlarrtoa Worms jl'oiiMilswns jewnsn ncssaiul LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Always Bought Bears the Signature of J WWy7Cr 1 (Special Correspondence.) igSm C ?B Ij I) UmatiMu, Ore.. March IS.-Mrs. W. -J1J j SO ' W! i I Cisco, having been called there aS!Wi OTfl ffTTafek,fc ) - (led , s now feeling in h'S usual good K KVl f! ! HU, who has been on the oper- HtosLtowAi ft f d Is on a business trip il (! sided here for the past year, has ro- II S&UI ):S.gned his position with the O.-W. to If X iJV'KiiV ' k - t 01 (; go Into ranching In Canada. Both Z&l -2V' V I l, neatly missed by their many 1JSJ Urn, l'.V.S5k J FAU;'f' I 7H m m m i Keeper. lf . S! The local Masonic lodge held initi os I tf I Mwp1' rWV ItfsPsKlCW iintlon ceremony on Saturday evening, B wfTHM I WSV WWVV f IV I after which a supper was held in V4. WI JliChing's restaurant. There were sev U ill AMK J 1 1 oral visiting brothers from Hermls- 0 uflraiiteed i Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years tmi oiht.uk ioh. t emt. MORK INDISTRIOIS 1IEXS. Portland Iiniier Snys Onl"K"' Arc Woiitl-IScutors at Every Turn. Portland. Or., March 8. To the Editor of the Journal I see from the The Best in Millinery Is Here Dainty, exquisite Gage and Fisk patterns; also a beautiful array of hats from our own work rooms. The Trimmings are Superb. To Lttempt to describe them would be useless; one must see them to appreciate their beauty. Ever Hat has "Vogue" Character, Style and Individuality; Remem ber that this big exclusive Millinery Store built up it's business on The Policy, viz; High Class Millinery at reasonable prices. Test Our Prices CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU. 45 hens which laid 960 eggs In one month and wishes to te shown If any The government boat Umatilla ar- other breed of fowls is better than rived in port on Saturday for supplies: the Cuff Rocks. Nine hundred and and coal. city by the Oregon Electric if the franchise for that railroad's exten sion Is granted by the council to morrow night. This will mean the payment of between $10,000 and 112,- 000 In additional taxes each year. Among the many Improvements contemplated Is the construction of a handsome passenger station, prob ably at some point on High street. Opposite Post Office THE VOGUE MILLINER.Y STORE The Inland Empire of the Open Riv er Nav. Co.'s fleet arrived during the week with a heavy supply of mer chandise for local and out of town merchants. To Reside In City. Mr. D. C. llrownell has leased a neat cottage in the city and expects to move his family within the next week. His son C. G. Browncll will manage the ranch. INDIGESTION. f r u MAX 83 GONE FROM HOME. and a dark suit. ! beard. He has a full white Daughter Alarmed by Disappearance of I. M. Ijorcross. L. M. Lorcross, aged 85 has been missing from the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. M. McLean, 175 East Four teenth street, Portland, where he has been staying, since early Medicines that aid nature are al ways moat successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature Saturday in restoring the system to a healthy morning and Mrs. McLean has be-j condition. Sold by all dealers. come alarmed. She notified the police yesterday and made diligent inquiry I HELMSMAN' DIES AT WHEEL, amone her friends and neighbors. No trace of the old man could be found. When last seen Mr. Lorcross wore a soft black hat, a brown overcoat I-aac Hey, of Schooner Advent, Ex pires an Ship Crosses liar. Marshfield. Ore. The schooner Ad vent, when she arrived at North Bend Saturday night, brought the body of Isaac Hey, who was employed as winch driver and who died sudder.C' Just before the vessel crossed the bar. He was ordered by the captain to take the wheel and after being at his post for a few moments, dropped dead. Heart disease Is supposed to have been the cause of death. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QulnlD Tablets. Druggists refund money If tt fall to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature la on each box. lie. . ; .- .......1,1 KA n ocarnffn nt 1 1-3 eggs per hen. which Is extremely good, but there Is an old saying there never was a man so good but there was another Just as good, and I think tbls proverb would do well applied to hens. I have a pen of five Ruff irplncton pullets which started lay Ing In November, laying 102 eggs that month, 101 In December and 110 in January. In February there was one of them setting the entire month and another two weeks of the month, yet I got eggi from that pen during February. This Is nn average of a litUc over 24 eeirs per hen. If I had had 4 5 bens during January that nv i eraged 110 eggs to every five hens I . would have received 990 eggs or 30 eggs more than the Ruff Rocks laid. , While we think the Ruff Rocks are a ' very good bird, we like the Ruff Orp- ingtons better, for utility Ftock and , good layers they are hard to beat. I ; have raised the Rocks but find the j Orpingtons best, as for broilers they , nre ready for market some two weeks i In advance of the Rocks; and as wm ! ter layers It cannot be denied they nre not to be itrlnned at. And I have Fully nine out of every ton cases of rheumatism Is simply rheumatism of tho muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which requires any Internal treatment. All that Is needed to afford relief is the fiee application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give it a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which It affords. Sold by all dealers. CureU or Money Hack. Don't worry a minute longer; It's easy to get rid of indigestion nowa days. So if you have gastritis, catarrh of the stomach or simply fermentation of food, cheer up. for Tallman & Co. have a prescription called MI-O-NA that turns old stomachs into sweet ones In a few days or money back. There's happy days ahead for you and for your poor flabby, tired out stomach If you won't be obstinate. Just lay down 50 cents and say "I want a box of MI-O-NA tablets." They are made from the formula ofnotlpe(, there are considerable more people breeding the Orpingtons every the most successful prescription for Indigestion, catarrh of the stomach and all stomach distress ever known. Take one or two tablets with or af ter meals for a few days and then If you don't agree with, us that MI-O-NA year. O. K. POULTRY PENS. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver fairness 1 tlon, headache, bllllousness, dliziness, sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers. ic o mnrvplnns nresrr nt on vou can' iaoieis invariuuijr urms icuci have vour money back. We'll leave , men suffering from chronic constlpa- It to vour good sense of whether that' a square deal or not. MI-O-NA stomach tablets promptly relieve belching, heaviness, pain in stomach, heartburn, sour stomach, foul breath, coated tongue; dlzlness, nervousness, sick headache and sleep lessness. MI-O-NA Is sold by Tall man & Co. and leading druggists everywhere. $370,000 WILL HE SPENT. Oregon Elect rla to Hullil New Depot at. Salem If IYiincliIsc Is Grantetl. Salem, Ore. The handsome total of J370.000 will be expended in this CHINAMAN'S IIRIDE DIES. Mission Worker Formerly of Portland SiieetmibM to Peritonitis. Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Hnrry Toy. aged 22 years, who was formerly Mrs. Daisy Davis, a mission worker of Portland, Ore., and who married a prosperous Chinese merchant of this city, February 22. died of peritonitis at their home here today. Toy and his bride met In a Metho dist mission In Portland, obtained a marriage license In Vancouver. Wash., and came to Seattle, where they were married by a negro minister. The robin Is a standpatter; his song Is ever the snme. Tho Latest Alniut Appendicitis. It has been announced that wind or gas In the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation, are symp toms of chronic appendicitis which may any minute become acute. A doctor states that A SINGLE DOSE or simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adler-l-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy, relieves these symptoms almost IN STANTLY. Pendleton Drug company reports that many Peondleton people are receiving QUICK benefit, OREGON THEATRE MAGNIFICENT ELECTRIC EF FECTS. JJEACTIFUL COSTUMES, Stl'EKU SCENIC EFFECTS. PRICES $1.50, $1.00, 75c 50c. SEATS AT HAN SCOTS M arch 14 SEE El INOR GLYN'S "Tho Feast or Uio Hoses" and tho Loggia of tho Talnco of Venice. Tho Grand Canal and 1W Rippling Moon lit Waves. The IleauUful View of the Swiss Alps at Lucerne. WEEKS Dramatization of Tier Famous Novel THE HRIEF AMERICAN TOUR OF THIS FAMOUS ACTOK AND HIS COMPANY LS DIRECTED UY 9 Licblcr & Go. WHO GUARANTEE THAT THE OR GANIZATION WAS BROUGHT IN TACT FROM LONDON, ENGLAND, AND REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST STANDARD IN DRAMATIC ART. OREGON THEATRE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 - SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH ACTOR, MR. EDWARD TERRY AND HIS COMPLETE LONDON COMPANY FROM TERRY'S TH RATRE LONDON ' . (AMERICAN TOUR DIRECTED PY LIEBLER AND COMPANY) PRESENTING SIR ARTHUR WING PINERO'S MOST CHARMING PLAY . SWEET LAVENDER MR. TERRY nq Dick Phr-nyl which oWncW lift ib ynyo more thnn 4000 time. SALE OPENS TUESDAY AT IIANSCOM'S JEWELRY STORE. Prices: $1.50, $1. 75c, 50c Other Stars and Attrac tions Now Playing Under Management of MEHLER & CO. IIESSIK AIIOTT VIOLA ALLEN. GERTRUDE ELLIOTT. MARGARET ANGLIN. OLGA NETHERSOL. ANNIE RUSSELL. MAY IRWIN... MABEL KITE WILLIAM HODGE. . ..WALKER WHITESIDE. HENRY H. WARNER. GEORGE ARLISS. ALBERT CHEVALIER. ALIAS JIMMIE VALENTINE. IV THE DEEP PURPLE. , POM PA N DER WALK. MARRIAGE A LA CARTE. MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH. n n