page foto DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TIICSDAY, MARCH 11, 1911. EIGHT PAGES IN WOMAN'S LIFE -Made Safe by Lydia L Hnkhsm's Vegetable Compound. i Crmitm-i!! Yt. I was pr. irscr, il'i :'::(( lir.nci-i f I.i;V;uitlsutW'rel t r l f.l lHTVoUMK S3 v.ul n t her aiuH'vin,' Jsyir.VU'ins, aim i ..ill iruiv s.iv UKH ! ydii JI.'lMnkhM in's Vf metallic C'oin ; ir.ul has proved vur:ii mountains of rrcl 1 mo, a it :-.o.ri.i mv in alia w i ir I streneth. 1 li.wii.v h. l'mkhaiii : I !l it Vegetable lomyMuiid las done for me durincr this try in? period. I'onii'lota restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffer imr women I am willing to make ikt trouble public so you mav pubsfi this letter." Mi;. " (.'has. IJ.vixlay, K.F.D., Graiuteville, Vt. Xo other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and ur. qualitied endorsement. Xo other med icine we know of has such a record of cures as has I.ydi.i E. Piukhani's Vegetable Compound. For more th in ."" years it has been curing woman's i'.'.s s'-ich as inflamma tion, ulceration, hbroid tumors, irreg ularities, peri'.ie pains and r.ermus prostration, an 1 it is unequalled for carrying women s-ar'ely through the period of change : :;. Mrs.;. ." ; T.rnr., Mass., invites all !k-lc , v!e'ii to write lier for ad vic. Her advice is f ree, and always LclpluL was carried by unanimous vote. At the request of Superintendent Welles this paper will publish that portion of his report which deals with the subject of tuition. But the Ease Oregonian does not endorse h's recom mendation. On the contrary it be lieves the school board is taking a w'so course in waiving any tuition charges that mlfiht be Imposed. The money that could he derived from tuition charges 'mposed on outside students would make no great differ ence In our school tax. On the other hand the moral effect of complying with Mr. Welles" suggestion would be bad. These days people look upon the public school as a free institution. The tuition ichool is a thin; of the past and It should be. To revive tuition charges here would mean to take a backward step and Pendleton is go ing forward, not to the rear. AX INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Daily and Semi-Weekly at Pendleton Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING CO. 6UUSCBUTI0N KATES. Dally, one year, by mall 15.00 Dally, six months, by mall 2.50 Dally, three months, by nail 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall 50 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, six months, by carrier 3.75 Dally, three months, by carrier l.aS Daily, one month, by carrier 63 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.00 A C1IAXCK TO CELEUKATE. In the litigation that was on for a time -"between Messrs Furnish and Coe the East Oregonian took no especial interest for the reason that the law su'ts affected the welfare of the two lit'gants rather than the people under the Furnish project. Apparently the I eople under that project and in Stan field had little direct concern in the outcome of the litigation. But despite this fact it is most grat ifying to know that the suits have been settled amicably. The litigation was hurting the development of the project in a moral way. People heard that a controversy was on and it made them scared and uneasy. This was true, even though they were told that settlers would not suffer because of the suits. It was true even though the resevolr was completed and the project turned from a flood irriga tion project into a storage water pro ject as agreed upon. Now that the cloud has been lifted it would te very fitting for the people or stanneia ana or tne project to noia a celebration. By hold'ng such a cel ebration at Horseshoe curve they could celebrate the advent of peace and also dedicate the fine reservoir which is now full of water and is go ing to make the Furnish project fulfill the dreams of builder and promoter. Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall... Semi-Weekly, (our months, by mall.. The Daily East Oregonian la kept on sale at the Oregon News Co., 329 Morrison street. Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Cblcatto Bureau, 009 Secnrlty Ballding. V. ahi. jrton, D. C, Bureau, 501 Foor tesnta eireet, N. W. Member United Presa Association. Makes Home Caking Easy : At if LAI 1 Wfi M nrnmv r IWill Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar K0ALUM.K8 LIME PH3SFHATE , - . f Ia' - 1 I '-'-'-O.i': ' IJ"""t . -. --.- iV;U-'.''-'''-' will kill the insurrectos without mercy when captured and now Madero comes back with a similar statement regard ing federalists. If affairs continue ar this rate it is entirely possible some reople on both sides of the war may be injured. In spite of the wars and other ex citement incident thereto there seems no let up in the matter of mine ex plosions. The Grim Reaper is having a busy season. The high school hill will look much better with a modern structure in place of the pile of brick now used for school purposes. Whatever may be the cause of-the mobilization the soldiers are not complaining. Entered at the poatofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class tnall matter. telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. Tou may often think that hard Is your lot; ' That with moral wounds you're scarred. When you'r not; But remember, when you doubt What's ahead That you're never down and out Till you're dead. When Fate thumps you on the nose With a whack, Don't you whimper at her blows; Hit her back! Grit your teeth and "go the route." Till she's fled. For you're never down and out Till you're dead. Pull and wealth and all the rest Help a bit; But the man who stands the test Has the grit. Keep your heart and courage stout As you tread, For you're never down and out Till you're dead! NO CLAMOK FOR IT. The Portland Oregonian has had some very sensational stories regard ing "errors"' in the senate journal and t has predicted that a special session will be made necessary. It is a case though where "the wish is father to the thought." The Oregonian along with standpatters in general would like to see a special session so that the legislature could take up the bills vetoed by the governor and pass some of them over the head of the chief ex ecutive. But the state at large has had enough of the legislature for one time and is not shout'ng for a special session. Most of the bills that were vetoed by the governor deserved the axe. Incidentally he trimmed appro priations to the extent of J600.000 and by doing so made the work of the session less odious to taxpayers who favor economy. Furthermore it would be bad Indeed ADAM II. Lewis Xixon, at the American Rub ber club's recent dinner at Delmonl co's in New York, said of the rubber market: "It is. as a rule, a firm market. It isn't affected by imaglmfry ills. Thus it differs from little Adam Jones. "Little Adam Jones, at church one Sunday morning, showed marked in terest in the sermon a sermon about the creation of Eve. "After church Adam ate heartily of the Sunday dinner of turkey and mince pie, and then he went and sat down in a corner with his hands pressed tight upon his ribs and a look of pain and horror on his face. "Here an hour later, his mother found him. " 'Why, Adam, what's the matter?" she cried. " 'Mamma,' said little Adam, 'I am afraid I'm gr,lng to have a wife.' " A bank account not only ives you a safe place to keep your money, but it is also a jrreat convenience. IjcsuIcs every check you draw is a legal receipt for the debt you pay. Moke OUR Bank- YOUR Hank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits, compounded semi-annually. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY For sale or rent 160 acre ranch In Coombs Canyon, about 135 acres till able, good wheat or barley land. For further particulars inquire James Coyna at St. Anthony's Hospital. MONEY: ai session or tne legislature Decause of an irregularity discovered follow ing an adjournment. It would mean to place a premium on skullduggery. It would be very easy for some clerk or legislator to extract something from the record and thus throw the situ ation into turmoil following each session. LIHERAL POLICY BETTER. Pendleton wants population and one of the best ways of getting the same is by treating with fairness and lib erality those who come here to reside and to take advantage of our school system. We cannot hope to be pop ular if we draw our robes close about us and look upon newcomers as intrud ers who chould be penalized for their coming. These remarks are prompted by the recommendation of Frank K. Welles, county school superintendent, that outside children who attend the local chools be required to pay tuition. Under the law the school board has Dower to charge tutltion from stu dents who come here from the country or from abroad. However tho board takes the broad view that people should be encouraged to come to Pen- dleton for school purposes. So they waive the right to charge tuition. That the majority of local people uphold the school board In this policy la acar cely to ba doubted. At a meeting of the Commercial club last week thta ubject wa discussed and a motion by R. Alexander to tho effect that the board 1m endorsed in Ita policy AX IMPORTANT MATTER. At the Commercial club rooms a mass meeting is to be held tonight to discuss the proposition of changing the charter at a special election to be hld soon. There are some charter changes that are needef and they must be made If this city Is to do any great amount of street improving. Local businessmen and taxpayers should be or hand tonight and Join in the dis cussion. Any differences of opinion should be threshed out now so that such amendments as are needed may bt adopted at the special election. The supreme court has held that the corporation tax Is legal. In other words the government has a right to tax a corporation one per cent- of Its fret earnings If above $5000 per an num. A corporation will have to pay that much for the privilege of being a corporation. No doubt the privilege is worth all it costs but It will be sur prising now many corporations have pet earnings that fall below the $5000 limit. In Mexico the federals declare they NO MORE CREASY DOUGHNUTS, A lady in Greenville, S. C, recently wrote a friend as follows: "For years, after preparing' dough nuts with the utmost care. I was dis appointed to see them come out greasy and unwholesome looking. However, with my nrat use of Cottolene for fry ing them, I was delighted, as they were brown, crisp and delicious. "For making doughnuts, pastry, light bread and flaky binculta I prefer Cot tolene to any other shortening on the market. We evn carry a pall of It on our annual camping trips through tne mountains. Cottolene is made by The N. K. Fair bank Company, and is much more wholesome and economical than lard. It is sold by all good grocers. ' to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. Call or write for particulars. THE STANDARD HEAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H. Delanoy, Agt., te48 Temp,e ,0 A HEALTHY, HAPPY OLD AGE May be promoted by those who gently cleanse the system, now and then, when in need of a laxative were a governor forced to call a sped- remedy, by taking a deseitspoOnful of the ever refreshing, wholesome and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, which is the only family laxative generally ap proved by the most eminent phy sicians, because it acts in a natural, strengthening way and warms and tones up the internal organs without weakening them. It is equally benefi ficial for the very young and the mid dle aged, as it is always efficient and free from all harmful ingredients. 1 o get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine, bear ing the name of the Company California Fiff SvniD Co. plainly printed on the front of everypackage. BKBSJ Byers Best Flour Is made frecn the choicest wh- that prow. Goi broad is assured when BTERS' BEST FLOUR is uswl. Bran, ybortfl, Stim Rolled Barley always on band. Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Ocegou. s liiloiieytol lty. Will Accept applications for 1000, $1500 or $4033 Loan MARK HOORIIOUSE COMPANY wig Or Are You Just Boarding Somewhere? By natural instinct all women are home-makers, and no matter how humblo no matter how small, a home means the difference between happiness and discontent Don't bother about the money. It is not necessary to have a bank account before you can own a home, LEE TEUTSCH The Home Finder HAfldauarters For Toilet Goods We are sole Maaafectarera a ad Dlittrllratore of the Octebratm) TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWWEB nd MT. HOOD CRKAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggist cf Xaatarr Orevna. WESTERN CANflDfl Ita WHEAT FIELDS IRRIGATED LANDS GRAZING LANDS If you are Interested, drop a post card for a free booklet teeming with information about this wonderful country. Koute of the You can see It If you go eaat via tho Soo-Srxkane i 312 Tickets fur sale by your local Railroad agents. Details, bertha, literature. Particular from M. E. MALOXE, T. P. A. . GEO. L. WALTON, Con. Agt. 11 Wall St., SiKikan. 41., 60 YEARS' r tp-'"v Tracc Marks DcaioNs Copyrights oVc AnronAiwnflttiff a nktfh and riwr1rtwm ma? qutrklr aftoeruiln our opinion fn wtn-thor an lnvmifin ta prbMj paimiinMft. 'om rutin Ir UfturtncUTOottatlffiiMitl. HANDBOOK onTniKiiu itt frn. OlriMt affiicr fr MTunnir patent. FarAnu taken tfmuh Mmm A Co. rctT ftjwrt!' notice without ciwiio, lu tb Scientific Jttncrkam 4 hEonulf tllmtntlxl wklr. 1rrmmt m nUUH mt mnf otenusa HtiranL jrni J q r: fur atoatlu, IU U lifu newadtwlan B!WCo.HewTi3 Uracil OOoc at I" BU WuhlUtfiua. i a I T ! 1 Cass Matlock. Prop. BEST PICTURES -:I()11E PICTURES -LATEST PICTURES nhu illustrated ftonge in the city. Shws afternoon und eve nings. RefLnnd aud n lertaining for the entire family. Next to French Jtcntaurant Entire change three times eaoh woek. Be eure and w the next change. Adult 10c Children under 10 yoara, 5c rllc mm 9 t