EIGHT PAGES BAJXjX EAST ORSeONIAN, PENDLdCTON. OKBGOS. 1 IKSDAY, MAKCIf 14, 1911. TAGS THBZa Tin Greater Alexander Bepit Store A full showing of the new R. & G. Corsets at prices from $1.25 to $3.00. Regardless of what your figure may be, of one thing you may be sure there is an R. & G. Corset which will mould you most effectively to the fashionable lines of the moment yet will permit of the fullest freedom and comfort of movement in every particular. Just received tli is day a splendid line of GINGHAM DRESSES for children.' These are dainty little dresses made of lcst crudes of gingham, some with parasols to match, prices from 75 to $2.25. Iff, mi FOPv fcrmd and all other occasions the glove that is correct i.n styb should hz chosen. Fb'vVNES 'GloveS ' arc ALAVAY3 crrrcct, :.r.J are well made besiJcs. There b no :i:br.i:jt3 fr Ftavdcs Cloves, arty mere than there is a s.ibstit'jte fcr c- rr.-r.r.-.i cr r-cj tar.;. N.-.vr s.i'.J ir.drr t j c;Scr n.i t!.-i ri.wr.wj. v sA lift in t fj Assemblage Suits for Misses and Small Women , . One whole portion of the costume salon may rightly be-termed. "The Department of Wearables for Little Women." And when happy maids turn with the liht-hearted fancies of spring to something "new" suits or coals of lighter textures, gayer hues, neater lines they will find this suit department splendidly "ready." At no other season have we devoted more exacting attention to the needs of young maids and little women. A large double section is devoted to showing suits for young women of 14, 10 or 13 years the smartest of serges, mannish worsteds, fancy mixtures and the neatest hair line stripes attractive spring shades with sailor collars or .large revers, to make daugh ter look her very best at school or college. Just such smart little suits for small women plent of them and junior suits in 13 to 17 year sizes. Over 200 to select from. lriiV' 97.50, $18.50, $19.50, $22.50, 25.00, $30.00, $35.00. Mothers would do well to sc? these new models tomorrow. wmk -11 1 OUR. LONG COATS $12.50, NOW AT ONLY $15.00, $18.50 $25.00 You have only to see these garments to be convinced that they are the best values in the city. They arc shown in all the newest styles in plain colors and novelty mixtures. Materials are all-wool serges, covert, cravenelte and fancy coatings. They are handsome garments, each and every on of them bearing the lowest pos-ible price. NEW SPRING SILKS A visit to our Silk Section ..ill convince you that our showing of the new silk fabrics for spring and summer wear embraces all the latest novelties from both foreign and domestic mills. Beautiful novelty designs in rich col orings and plain weaves in every wanted shade. It is a showing that few women will care to miss and one that is not to be equaled elsewhere. The following lots have been especially underpriced to induce early purchases. ELKS PREPARING GREAT SHOW FOR THURSDAY'S CARNIVAL with amazing grace and the manner That the Klks are preparing to put on the greatest show, professional or amateur. In the history of the metrop olis of eastern Oregon, la established beyond the glimmer of a doubt. It Is an assured fact to prove which all that Is necessary Is a visit to the in which he punctured the air with his twinkling toes, brought great cheers from the crowd which usually occupies the front row at a comfc opera. Frank Qiilnlnn, Frank Qulnlan, the retiring exalted ruler, will lift up his voice In song, domicile of the, antlered herd where despite the fact that he has never each evening Grubb, the merry mln- , been noted as a nightingale. Grubbs strel man. whips the motley throng declares his vocal chords make better through their paces. An East Ore- tone vibrations than a rattall file mi gonian representative was Invited to a circular saw and that his voice, witness the maneuvers last evening, ; properly cultivated, would be perfect and. although perhaps It Is a breach ly paralyzing, of confidence, the temptation to de- t C. E. Roosevelt, scribe to the public In advance some - Clint Roosevelt has worked up a of the stunts which are being prac- feature that will appeal especially to tlced Is tQO great to resist. those In the audience who are blessed Many Celebrities to Apixvn. with an artistic temperament. His Many of the city's celebrities are to Apollo-like form will be seen In va appear on the program. The array of , rlous poses representing well known talent was paraded before the crltl- : mythological studies, and his "Venus cal eye of Grubbs on the first evening , at the Pump" and 'Thycho Before and without a moment's hesitation ho Her Looking Glftss" put to shame all assigned to each a stunt for the exe- ' of the masterpieces of celebrated cution of which they were peculiarly sculptors and painters who have es adapted by nature. For Instance, ' sayed the same subjects, when Exalted Ruler J. P. Winter, fixrso nnrvean. who by the way Is a very prominent1 George Darveau Is down on the member of the bar, was lead before 1 program for something In the same the stern director like ft criminal be- line. His stunt will be a moving tab fore a Judge, the practiced eye. or t to ' leau In which he will be disguised as maker of minstrels Immediately de- ' Cupid, wearing the usual mlschlevtous tected the shapely contour of the law- smile and quiver full of little love yer's nether extremities and he Im- darts. He flits through his steps with mediately decreed that he should ap- all of the airy grace of the little pear before the audience In a ballet cherubic god himself and his repre dance. Last night the exalted ruler, ( sentatlon Is so perfect that If this clad In crimson tights and glittermg ' were the nge of Mount Olympus, one from head to foot with golden span- ' would expect him to be smitten derid gles, tripped through a Spanish dance by a thunderbolt of tho Almighty Jove for deigning to pose as one of - - i his heavenly horde. During the scene DOCTOR. PKAISKS P. D. D. i soft music will be furnished by Tom ' Thompson from an unseen alcove. Although an M. D., I acknowledge Frank Frailer, to mv patients and patrons that your it will rest with Frank Frazier to remedy, D. D. D., reaches cases of send an electric thrill through the eczema and permanently cures them, audience for he It is who will execute Dr. Ira T. Gabbert, Caldwell, Kan. . tho famous Hula-Hula dance, while "My cure began from the first ap- W. L. Thompson sings "Every Little iillcation of D. D. O.. My skin Is now Movement Has a Meaning of Its an smooth as a baby's. I wouldn't Own." tako a thousand dollars for what D. Principal Hampton. D D has done for me." writes Au- Principal A. C. Hampton has an gust Santo of Chllllcothe, Ohio. entirely original stunt which he TheBe are Just samples of letters we calls "Escaping from the High are receiving every day from grateful School During a Wind Storm," which patients all over the country. from the standpoint of the thrilling "Worth Its weight In gold," "All and spectacular eclipses even tho fa my pimples washed away by D. D. mous stage feat of "Eliza crossing the D." "I found instant reliet." "U. u. ice. D. la little short of miraculous." , Colicn and Alexander. Theso are tho words of others In de- Leon Cohen, the redoubtable paper nrrlhlmr tho urcat skin remedy. D. D. , weight, and Rube Alexander, the D i well known and terrifying Swedish Proven by thousands of cures, for heavy, are down on the list of events ten years to be absolutely harmless under the caption "The Battle of Ru- and reliable In every case of skin premacy." Both men are preparing trouble, no matter what It is. ! for the bout in secret but it is known Get a trial bottle todayl Instant re-, that Cohen is spending several hours Ucf onft 25c. Tallman Drug Co. each day in perusing the "Adventures of Frank Merriwell," while from tne frequent visits of the butcher wagon tn tin? Alexander home, it is believed 1'iat the other contestant is dieting on raw beefsteak. Mayor Murphy, disguised as Louie Long, will rereroe this meeting of the mighty and de clares the only thing that will be bar red Is kicking on the shins, which, nc says. Is barbarous and unladylike. Coroner INdsom. Coroner Ralph Folsom will make a slump speech on dead Issues, ending with a Hottentot funeral dirge wnile Glen Sturdlvant, his assistant In the undertaking business. Is practicing on a stunt called "Flirting With a Corpse." He is so clever in his execu tion that one forgets the grewsome object of his coquettish attentions. F.lmer Storio. Elmer Storie, he of the reputation a3 a warbler, will raise his bell tred voice in a solo entitled, "Love, It is a Poignant Pain," and by his facial con tortions, will demonstrate the errect of the divine passion on a handsome man. v Fred LnmpUln. Fred Lnmpkin is scheduled for a desertatlon on a subject of his own choosing and has announced that he will speak on the subject, "Bald Heads Are Like Diamonds, They Shine by Their Own Light" and he will demonstrate to the public the pe culiar advantages enjoyed by a man whose poll Is as smooth and polished as a billiard ball. Jndso ntas Oernlil, Judge Fits Gerald has promised a treat to the audience. Besides ap pearing with Clyde Cheshire In a cake walk in hobble skirts, he Is going to explain why It Is that John Doe ap appears in the police court so often and as many of the reasons are likely to be present, his explanation will probably be instructive as well as entertaining. Buchanan and Sxil. "Buchanan and Spell, tho Texas Twins. Southern Songs and Melo dies," Is the way a streamer across the program will read. They have a large repertoire of vocal monstrosities but perhaps the best of their series and the one which Is certain of a hearty reception is the latest Broad way hit." "Trailing Behind a Harem Skirt, or Pins, Pins, Pins." .lack Watson. Jack Watson, the man from tho city of baked beans, is practicing each evening on his animal Imitations and exemplification of onomatopoeia. His Imitation of the discordant voice of the long-eared domestic quadruped is so perfect that one might be pardon ed for Judging that there Is more of nature than Imitation in the feat. Hoy Alexander.. Roy Alexander will tell with his childish exurbance of how he slip pen ono over on the law and secured n feast of venison fit for the patate of an epicure. Hans Collins will fol low with a pathetic little ballad en titled "Those Days Which Are Slip ping By." "Bulldozing An F.Ik. Perhaps the most unique feature of the evening will be an event which had Its Inception In tho fertile brain i of Roy Raley and which will be exe cuted by Jack Robinson. It will be a travesty on Buffalo Vernon's famous feat at the Roundup and will be catt ed "Bulldogging a Texas Steer." As a matter of course the steer In this case will be on Elk and Bill Brown has been selected to fill that role. Be cause of the fact that he has been an Elk for many years his horns are long and will afford a firm hold for the hands of the daredevil launcrry man. At a given signal Robinson, wearing all the accoutrements of a real live cowboy, will dash onto the stage astride of his faithful mustang which in this case will be J. Ross Dickson. After circling once around the stage, displaying the grace of him self and steed, Brown will be releas ed from the corral, whereupon the pseudo cowboy will leap from tne back of J. Ross, seize the animal by his murderous horns and slowly crush him to earth. Then, Instead of grasping the upper lip of his prey in his teeth, he will fasten his molars on Brown's auburn mustache and re lease all other holds. This stunt is bound to make the audience rise in a mass and send fourth the famous Roundup slogan "Let 'er Buck." Nelson and Strand. Clarke Nelson and George Strand have recently appeared in both wrest ling and boxing bouts, but, owing to (Continued on page eight) f'linmberlnln's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all deal ers. PASCO OFF1CFK 1U SY. Patrolman Spring Capturing Crim inals of Unsc Calibre In Short Order. Patrolman Spring of Pasco is mak ing an enviable record for himself. After arresting two armed yeggmen, single handed, the other night, he pulled off another sleuthing stunt Tuesday night. He became suspicious of a party rooming at the State Hotel and applied to judge Sylvester for a search warrant. A search revealed about a dozen packs of marked cards in the room, and four checks aggre gating J4000, evidently forged. One check for $1500 was on Hartman & Thompson, bankers, Portland, signed A. T. Campbell; another for $500 on the Scandinavian-American Bank of Spokane; a third, for $1000, was on the Imperial bank of Canada, at Winnipeg, and the fourth was lor $1000, on the Royal Bank of Canada, payable to "Cash" and signed S. T. Woolsey. The first three checKs were payable to James E. Williams, J. A. Williams and James Hamilton, and all were stamped as certified. Spring had Deputy Sheriffs Denison and Hartung watch the hotel while he took his find to headquarters, and during his absence the deputies ar rested Jesse King, who answers the description of Doscar Deunseath. wanted at San Antonio on a charge of buncoing a farmer there out of a check for $2500. He also answers the description of a man wanted at Sun nyside. Wash. A second search re vealed a pair of diamond ear-rings la a cap, shoved Into the toe of a pair of King's shoes. King pleaded guilty to vagrancy la the justice court yesterday and was) sentenced to 30 days In the county jail, during which time the police will look up his past record. BLOOD STANDS STILL. Plies Can't Be Cured fntll Circulation Is Restored. It is useless to try to cure piles by operating or use of salves or supposi tories as long as the blood Is stag nant in the lower bowel, new tumors will continue to form. Clear th blood free the circulation. Thea piles will leave for good. A succesful scientific, Internal remedy Is Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold, sold under guarantee by Pendleton Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. HemJ-Roid does its work thoroughly. $1 for 21 days' treatment. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, X. T. Write for booklet. HERE IS A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE ECZEMA YK PROVE IT" Why waste time and money experi menting with greasy salves and lotions trying to drive the eczema germ from underneath the skin when the Pen dleton Drug Store guarantees ZEMO a clean liquid preparation for exter nal use, to rid the skin of the perm life that causes the trouble? One application will relieve the itching and oftentimes one bottle is suffi cient to cure a minor case of eczema. In over 2000 towns and cities In America, the leading druggist has the agency for ZEMO and he will tell you of the marvelous cures made by this e'ean, simple treatment. ZEMO is recognized as the cleanest and most popular treatment for eczema, pim ples, dandruff and all other forms of skin or scalp affections whether on infant or grown person. Will you try a bottle on our recommendation? The Pendleton drug Btore. The Dunbars Pendleton Lecture Course Artists with Bells, Voice, Flute, 'Cell and Piano Magnificent Clarillon of nearly 200 bells. Entire equip ment tho finest money can buy. Several original part songs never published. Character sketches in many dialects. Music unsurpassed in its class. Tuesday, March 14th, First M. E. church. Admission: Adults 75. Children 35f