PAGE TWO AILT EAST OREuoaiAH, MCTPLgTON. OREGON, 1TKSOAV, M.YnClt 11, 1011. EIGHT PAGES A 1 I lit Mill SIS TOf M iP!& 7Aa7& 1 1 ::-; ; .7;: ;; hw '1 .tr.:r;Awi y FROM S TO 9 A. M- tt -v V S4.50 WOMEN'S AXD MISSES' SWEATER COATS 9S. white and prey; latest style sweater Colors cardinal and white and coats. These coats are all pood. Val ues that vow may never see asrain in this line of poods. Great Ilour Sale Trice 9S- 50 SILK HOSE 3S Women's ''Comet brand" silk hose Lave lisle' feet and tops in -white, 1'ink and lipht blue; regular 50 vtlue. Hour Sale Price 38 ?1.50 WORK GLOVES 9S These bloves are a lot that we want to close out, they are mostly Saranac Buck and Horsehide. Near ly all sizes, pauntlets and sliort wrist, pood serviceable ploves. Come early before vour size is sold. Hour Sale Price OS 75 LUSTRE CLOT II 63 A bip assortment of this cloth in all colors. 42 inches wide, the very cloth that sheds the dust, that is cool' in the summer time, that holds the h-stre. Great Hour Sale 63 FROM 1 TO 2 P. M. S2.00 GOLF SHIRTS 91.19 These shirt3 are to be worn with separate collars. A miphty pood line of colors. Shirts that will give you service and look pood too. ITour Sale Price $1.19 94.00 LADIES' PUMPS 93.85 The latest styles in gun metal and patent leather, in black and tan. A very fine assortment of the best manufactures products. Come dur u.'p this hour, it means money in your pocket. Hour Sale Pr. 9335 91.00 SHEETS 79? A pood full size sheet, 81x90 vide hem, and a dandv. Great Hour ale 1 79? 92.00 BLACK VOILE 91-00 3 pieces of all wool black Voile, 42 to 40 indies wide, one of the pop ular cloths of the season. 92.00 Voile, Great Hour Sale 91-00 Save Your Coupons BEGINNING 3 Train Wret'ks Holer, Men Encaiio. nidgeflold, WiiJih. Two men be longing to the lgnal eervice crew ln ttalling the block nyBtera on the North ern Pacific railroad narrowly escap ed death HHturday afternoon when the motor Breeder they were on met a Great Northern train westbound on the eaatbound tract. The men jump ed in time to escape Injury, but the speeder waa wrecked. have been lload SuperrlnorB at Freewater. Treewater, Ore. W. H. Piper, Or lando Stetson and Phillip Murphy WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th 1911 now wiU WalT V1,H"k "l ',1 I"oniinPn'1 "tinue all day. Every hour the items will be clumped and something here advertised you positively mrt be here ,1 n rf. , " j'1 ";I"ai'kal,K'' l'rjri of merit. In order to pet any of the poods at the prices accepted for these advertised sroods. Thov 0 ti in vZe"'! 1 7 Tl IOt ',0!-itivt'lv ,1V,k,? nn-v ''nervations, and no phone orders will be FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. ?1.50 IXFAXTS DRESSES. KI- MOXAS, ETC., 39. We have one whole table in this line; some niiphty nifty parmonts are here. Kimonas, dresses, slips, etc. Values up to $1.50. Great Hour Sale Price 39 94.00 LADIES' SILK VESTS 92.75 Ladies' silk vests, white, pink and lipht blue, embroidered fronts: 91 repular. Hour Sale Price. 92.75 93.00 MEN'S PANTS 91.49 These are mostly Kersey and Worsted pants, nearly all sizes, pood colors and pood weipht. While they last, Hour Sale Price 91.49 25? TiFTCnERS LINEN 17? Genuine Butchers Linen for dres ses and skirts, 34 inches wide. Great Hour Sale 17? VISIT OUR PURE FOOD FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. 91-75 GLOVES 91.15 91.50 and 91-75 kid ploves, Hour Sale Price 91-15 Nothing fitted at sale price. . 75? PILLOWS 48? Here's an exceptional bargain in our art department on the balcony. 75? pillows, a large variety, silk d wn and feather pillows. They're good. Hour Sale Price 48? 15? PILLOW CASES 10? EA. A full size pillow case, 42x36, Great Hour Sale 10? each 98.00 NEW SPRING HATS 93.95 This lot ranges in price from 9 to 9. They are this spring's very latest styles direct from New York. They comprise the latest sailor ef fects and the new roll brims so much the go right now. Great Hour Sale Price 93.95 DcsiKtasd ' '1:1 II" BEGINNING W 0 t2pm jl THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ErJ appointed road supervisors Yakima GuanlHnicn Slilno Guns, for this section, Mr. Stetson having charge of the northern district. Phil lip Murphy will look after the Vin cent district, while Mr. Piper will look after the Freewater-Milton work. North Yakima, Wash. Members of companies E and C, national guard, spent most of Sunday in taking a thorough overhauling of their equip ment, according to Instructions re cently received and In anticipation of further orders from the war department. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling In your throat? Doe your cough an noy you at night and do you ralae mucus In the morning? Do you want relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be pleas ed Bold by all dealers. Vancouver to Aid Clilnos. Vancouver, Wash. To help the famine-stricken Chinese, a tea will be held at the home of Mrs. A. U Miller, at the corner of Thirteenth and Har iini. - FROM 10 TO 11 A, M. 95.00 GOSSARD CORSETS 92.49. This lot includes several different models in nearly all sizes. These are the best, most approved front l.icinp corset made. Great Hour Sale Price 92.49 95.00 MEX'S DRESS SHOES 92.49 These ire the famous Crossette shoes, bench made, patent leather, Lice. A shoe that any man would be proud to wear. Hour Sale Price pair 92.49 12 1.2? OUTING 9? All colors in both lipht and dark, all kinds of combinations, heavv weipht 9? 35? WHITE ROSE SUITING 26? A cloth extraordinary for dresses, o.rtra skirts and the like. Just lika hren, yet its different. Great nnr Sale 26? DEPARTMENT IN OUR MODEL FROM 4 TO 5 P. M- FROM 4 TO 5 P. M. 50? COLLAR PINS 15? Collar pins, belt pins, leauty pins from 25? to 50? values. Hour Sale Price . 15? 10? SHETLAND FLOSS 7 1-2? During this hour we will sell 10? Shetland floss and Berlin saxony, all colors. Great Hour Sale Pr. 7 1-2? 91.35 HEMSTITCHED SHEETS 91.17 Big hemstitched sheets, bleached, 81x90, wide hem, good weight. Great Hour Sale 91.17 912.00 LATEST SPRING HATS 95.95 Ladies. Don't miss this special. These hats can't be duplicated for Anything like the price wo hero offer them. X'ew turban effects, latest sailor effects and the latest roll biirns. These hats are this spring's very latest creations. Nothing r.ewei; or more stylish to be had at any price. Great Hour Sale 9-95 1 BEGINNING ji AT 10AM ney Htrpots, Wednesday afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock. A musical program will be given. Germs of Disoaae should be prompt ly expelled from the blood. Tills is a time when the sys tern Is especially susceptible to them. Get rid of all Impurities In the blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and thus fortify your whole body and prevent illness. riowlng Xear Grangevllle. Orangeville, Idaho. Plowing has now commenced on the breaks of the r, i i-i, mi- u, 1 1 il yiiru n per mom. FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. SKINNING AT HAW 91.00 CHILDREN'S OUTING GOWNS 49?. Children's outinp powns and sleep ing parmonts, nicely made, with feet, pood quality of outinp flannel, and pood patterns and white. Great Hour Sale Price 49? S3.00 MEX'S SHOES 91.89 These are the hand sowed method shoes; come in patent leather, vici and pun metal. Button shoes. A full ranpe of sizes. Great Hour Sale Trice 91.89 91.00 TABLE PADDING 83? Full width and pood weipht quilt fii table paddinp. Great Hour Sale Price 83? 91.25 CREPE DE CHINE OS? full assortment of colors, blue, pii.k, tan, red, white, black, etc. All pure silk and of lost quality. Great Hour Sale 98? CLEAN BASEMENT. FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. 50? BELTS 25? 35? and 50? belts including both and fancy belts. Hour Sale Price 25? 4 SKEINS FILO EMBROIDERY SILK 5? In this lot are all colors, warrant ed fast. Regular 5? skein. Hour Sale Price 4 skeins .'. 5? INDIA LINEN". A good chance to lay in a supply. Reg Pr. Great Hour Sale 1? India Linen 11? 20? India Linen 16? 25? India Linen 20? 30? India Linen 24? 35? India I inen 30? 50? FANCY SOX 25? an immense lot including nil of our fancies from 35? to 50?. All sizes ; a leautiful lot. Hour Sale Price 25? V BEGINNING t AT 0PM r Salmon rivor In the vicinity of White l'ird, while the snow is Just leaving the prnlrle. The White Bird harveBt li usuially throe to four weeks earli er than on Camus prairie. Every Mother Is or should be worried when the lit tle ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneu monla then to something more se rious. Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cur tha trouble at once and pre vent any complication. A, C. Keea pen tk Broa. FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. ll . BEGINNING 91-00 FAXCV AND WHITE KVWN APROXS 39? Pretty lace, and ribbon trimmed aj rons in white and colors, very dain ty. Cheaper than you could pos sibly buy the material by the vard. Hour Sale Price '39? 94.00 WOMEN'S OXFORDS 92.95 This is a very larpe lot comprising nearly every style that is pood this sciison; penuino Goodyear welts, in patent leather and pun metal. This is a barpain you can't afford to miss. Hour Sale Price 92.95 12 1-2? HOPE DOMESTIC 8 12? 91.50 GUARANTEED BLACK TAFFETA 98? 2 full pieces of guaranteed black taffeta 36 inches wide, worth 9150 yard.. Great Hour Sale Price 98?' FROM 5 TO 6 P. M. 25? HOSE, 2 PRS. FOR 35? Infants 25? cashmere hose, black, white, pink, blue, red, tan and brown. Hour Sale, 2 prs. for 35? 91.50 SOFT COLLAR SHIRTS 98? This is a bargain that you simply can't afford to pass up. These shirts are GOOD, the assortment is GOOD. A full range of sizes. Just, the right weight for this time f vear. Groat Hour Sale Price 98? 1 30? LUXA LAWN 23? A cloth ihiit has all the qualities of real linen but. will give lcttor ser vice and look ln'tter. A vcrv shevr material. You'll like it. Great Hour Sale 23? 5? COLLAR BUTTONS, 2 FOR 5? Don't try to hunt up that lost but ten when you're in a hurry buy a lot of them now while they're half ju ice and savo worry and trouble. Great Hour Sale 2 for 5? Tlcmoves Ilnmllfg nullct. Kllnnsburg. Wash. Joe Shull, for mer police Chief, tthn no. . "hot by a bandit, waa operated upon : Z . ' A- lavlor. who removed the bullet. New League- Talked. Preewater, Ore. The Hudson Bay boys have organised a baseball team, with Jame OUver M captaIll( and wniiam Moore aa manager. They are now busv trvln - . ...... B iu luim a league with Valley Chapel, Louden and Free, water