.-;l'.x.s V. jf.iii."i-.i: lilA . lte--'Jlilliist ( i. 1 PAGE SEX MAILT EAST OMOOSIAH, PgXIUJETOy. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH IS, 1911. OREGON THEATRE Tuesday, Marclh SEE "Tlio Fcnut of tlio Roses" and tlio IiOgglu of tlio Paluco of Venice. Tlio raml Cunnl and it Ilippling Moon lit Waves. Tlio Bountiful View of tlio Suing Alps at Lucerne. MVGNinCFXT ELECTRIC EF- n:cTs. REAITUTL OOSTCMES, SCPEKH SCENIC EFFECTS. PKICF.S SI. SO. $1.00, 75c. 50c. SEATS AT IIAXSCOM'S OR GLYWS Dramatization of Her Famous Novel - . .V. 1 f,:.f-IV.Vi ,.;!. EIGHT PAGES III ; : . 14 El TH1R.EE WEEKS il THE BRIEF AMERICAN TOUR OF Tins FAMOUS ACTOR AXD HJS COMPAVT IS DIRECTED BY Liebler & Go. WHO tit ARAXTEE THAT THE OR GANIZATION" WAS BROCGHT IX TACT FROM LOXDOX, EXGLAXD, AXI REPRESENTS THE 1HGHEST STAXPARD IX DRAMATIC ART. OREGON THEATRE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 ; SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH ACTOR, ME EDWARD TERRY AXD HIS COMPLETE LOXDOX COMPANY FROM TERRY'S TIIEATRE LOXDOX (AMERICAX TOUR DIRECTED BY LIEBLER AXD COMPANY) PRESEXTIXG SIR ARTHUR WIXG PIXERO'S MOST CHARMING PLAY SWEET LAVENDER MR. TFRRY ns Pick Phony! which chnrnotor lift has played more thnn 4000 times. Prices: $1.50,$1, 75c, 50c s 0Z?sLSCOii's Other Stars and Attrac tions Now Playing Under Management of LIEHLER & CO. BESSIE ABOTT VIOLA ALLEN GERTRUDE ELLIOTT. MARGARET AXGLIX. OLGA NETHER SOL. ANXIE RUSSELL. MAY IRWIX MABEL IIITE WILLIAM HODGE. . .WALKER WHITESIDE. HENRY H. WARNER. GEORGE ARI.ISS. ALBERT CHEVALIER. ALIAS JIMMIE VALENTINE. IX THE DEEP PURPLE. POM PANDER WALK. MARRIAGE A LA CARTE. MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH. STANFIELD FRUIT GROWERS MEET (Special Correspondence. ) Stanfirkl, Ore.. March 13. An en thusiast c meeting of the StanfieM Fruit Growers association was held last Saturday evening and after the r ..u-ine business had been transacted th program committee took charge and the subject of the evening, "Ad vantages of rural life in an irrigated district." was presented by G. L. Kurd. J. E. Fauectt and E. X. Wheel er. It ras decided by several of the members to specialize on growing of wat-.r melons between trees, "Kleck ley Sweet" bein? the variety chosen. Saturd-.iy afternoon the sewing c'.as.s of the public schools, under the leadership of Miss Baker, principal, met at the residence of Mrs. J. E. Reeves, who served delightful re freshments after the young ladles of the class had studied for a couple of hours the art of sewing. StiinfiWd Per-onnl Notes. Geo. C. Coe returned from Pendle ton yesterdiy, having gne to the county seat .Saturday morning. Miss Appiecate, one of Stanfield's popuiar t.jach-r', was a motor pas senger to and from Pendleton Satur day. R. X. Stanfield spent most of last week at Peni'.eton, returning home Saturday. P.. N. Stanfield spent most of last week at Pcndieton, returning home tieral of Mrs. Almlra J. Foss of this Frank Sloan, who was in Pendle ton all of last week, having taken an important part in the settlement of the dispute between Dr. H. W. Coe and W. J. Furnish, returned home yesterday. Dr. H. W. Coe arrived in Stanfield yesterday morning, having spent the week in Pendleton. W. J. Furnish, H. L. Moody and E. P. Marshall, Inland Irrigation com pany officials, came down from Pen dleton yesterday. venient manner of conveying Infor mation of the married women state." Another innovation that the speak er suggests was the former New Zea land method of greeting, namely, the rubbing of noses together. Mr. Ra wel"s wife, Mrs. Hine Taimo Rawei, and their daughter, Piwa (Eva) Ra wei, gave an exhibition of this man ner of greeting. THE P. H. S. BASKETBALL RECORD SEASON 'lO-'ll December 16 P. H. S. 46, Athena H. S. 2, in Pendleton. January 6 P. H. S. 16. Walla Walla H. S. 13, in Walla Walla. January 16 P. H. S. 29,' La Grande M. I. A. 22, in La Grande. January 27 P. H. S. 34, Baker II. S. 21, in Baker. January 28 P. H. S. 27, Union H. S. 11. in Union. February 1 P. H. S. 46, La Grande M. I. A. 12, in Pendleton. February 10 P. H. S. 20, Echo A. C. 19, in Echo. March 3 P. H. S. 33, Walla Walla H. S. 22. In Pendleton. March 10 P. II. S. 31, Umatilla A. C, 13, in Pendldeton. PROMINENT WOODMAN HERE. TATTOO MARRIED WOMEN. to AdTlce of New Zealand Minister Americans. Chicago, March 13. The Rev Francis Rawei, a Methodist minister in Auckland, X. Z., a visitor here, urged Chicago husbands to tattoo their wives. Mr. Rawei talked be fore a meeting of the Cook County Teachers' association today on "From Cannibalism to Culture." "I think this Is a magnificent cus torn," he said as he caused to be thrown on the canvas a picture of a New Zealand woman thus tattooed. "These marks are put on the chin in order that the young men may know that a woman is married. When I go to Washington I am going to sug. gest this to President Taft as a con- CATARRH IS SURELY A DANGEROUS DISEASE Thousands of people allow catarrh to slowly undermine the whole Bys tern until a serious disease develops sometimes consumption. People who have catarrh should use every effort to get rid of It, but should above all adopt a sensible method. Stomach doBing, sprays wmI douea eg won't cure catarrh because it Is a germ disease, and the germs must be destroyed before the disease can be conquered. HYOMEI is the one sensible cure for catarrh because it reaches every fold, crevice and nook In the mucous membrane and gets where the germs are. You breathe HYOMEI and as n passes over the Inflamed membrance its soothing influence heals the sore ness and destroys the germs. A complete HYOMEI outfit costs II. This consists of a bottle of HY OMEI and a hard rubber inhaler, Pour a few drops of HYOMEI Into the Inhaler and breathe It a few min utes each day, that's all you have to do. It Is guaranteed by Tall man tc Co. and druggists everywhere to cure catarrh, coughs, colds and sore throat or money back. Extra bottle of HYOMEI costs but CO cents. Free trial sample on request from Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. T. A Fierce Night Alarm. is the hoarse, startling cought of a child, suddenly- attacked by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblin of Manchester, O., (R. R. No. 2) for their four children were greatly sub ject to croup. "Sometimes In severe attacks," he wrote "we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others, So may you. Asthma, hay fever, la grippe, whooping cough, hemorrhages fly before it. 50c and 1100. Trial bottle free. Sold by Koeppens. Deputy Head Consul Will Address Members; of tlio Order. D. J. Beakey, deputy head consul of the Pacific Jurisdiction of the Woodmen of the World, arrived in this city today and will address the members at a meeting this evening at S p. m. Mr. Beakey, in speaking of the Woodmen this morning, said: "Our order was never more prosperous than at the present time and we nre growing stronger numerically and fi nancially every day; Our member ship to a man is proud of our splen did record and achievements. We have paid over thirteen million dol lars in death claims to widows and orphans, and over eight thousand dollars for the erection of monu ments for deceased members in the nine Pacific states In the last twenry years. It is certainly a record to be proud of. And in addition to this, we can boast of the fact that our or der is the strongest financially of any fraternal Insurance order in the United States. We have accumulated FUNERAL OF MRS. FOSS PROMIXEXT PIONEER WOMAN IS BURIED AT ATHENA Revival Meetings Start in Methodist Church at Athena Baseball Can-dic-ates Turn Out for Practice. Athena, Ore., March 12. The fu neral of Mrs. Elmlra J. Foss of this city, who died Friday evening at 10:15 was held in the Christian church to day at 11 a. m., with Rev. McKenzie Meldrum officiating. At the time of her death Mrs. Foss was at the age of 61 years, 3 months and 15 days. She was born in X. Y. In 1849. Mrs. Foss was the mother of six children, three boys and three girls, five of whom survive her. They are as follows: Mrs. Mattie Mitchell and John Fops of Moro, Oregon; Alcy Foss of Spokane; and Austin and James Foss of this city. Mrs. Foss with her husband, L. J. Foss, who Is still living, was an old resident of this city and is very wide ly known and loved by the people of this entire country around. She was the type of a woman that Is happiest when she was doing some kind ser vice for someone else, and the citi zens of this community extend their heartfelt sympathy to the friends and relatives of the deceased. Revival Meetings. Revival meetings have recently been commenced In the Methodist church of this city under the supervision of Rev. Thos. A. Lawson of this ctty, who has secured a fine singer to help him in his work. The meetings will continue for some time. Baseball Practice. This afternoon marked the first at tempt at a practice for the baseball sports and quite a number of prospec tive team members were out trying out. The first game of the season will be between the business men and the Preston -Parton mill crew, which occurs next Sunday. A great deal of enthusiasm is marked by the coming of the first game. Mrs. A. M. Johnson and children have been visiting for the past week with her mother In Walla Walla. There are as many men who suc ceed in falling as fall In succeeding. "Congressman W. C. Hawley of Oregon Is one of the members of our board of head managers who have charge of the investment of our sur plus funds." Do yon use an atomiser in treating Xasal Catarrh? If so you will appre ciate Ey's Liquid Cream Balm, the quickest and surest remedy for this disease. In all curative properties It Is Identical with the solid Cream which is so famous and so successful In overcoming Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in the head. There is relief in the first dash of spray upon the heated, sensitive air-passages. All druggists 75c, including spraying tube or mailed by Ely Bros., 66 Warren street, Xew York. HAREM AM) HOBBLE SKIRTS TO BE BARRED BY I,AV Springfield, Ills., March 13. Harem and hobble skirts the the subject of a bill presented in the house by Rep resentative Murphy of Chicago. Hob bles measuring less than one and one half yards ore prohibited. An abso lute ban is placed on the harem sktrt by the bill, which prohibits any wo man appearing In public In such a garb. The penalty for violating the proposed law la a fine of not less tnan $10 nor more than ISO for each and every offense. PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Plies In to 14 days or money refunded. 50a Refuse Tax Tender of O.-W. R. & N. Colfax, Wash. P. B. Malleck, for the O.-W. R. & N., came to the of fice of Treasurer William Duncan this morning with $70,000, which of fered as settlement for the taxes due the county on the railroad's property for the 1910 tax on real estate. The offer was refused and the matter will have to be decided by the courts. Mr. Halleck stated that the reason tho railroad had not settled before this time was that the briefs of the case were plnced before the supreme court Of the state In January and tne law yers were ready to argue the mat ter of the Whitman county' assess ment at that time, but the matter had not as yet been taken up by the su preme court. A Swollen Jaw. is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Speaking of some men's heads there Is plenty of room at the top. HAVE YOU PILES. Then Get H'in-Rold Under Money Back Guarantee. Blind piles, protruding piles, Itch ing piles, nre cured with equal suc cess by the guaranteed Internal rem edy. Dr. Leonhardt's Ilem-Rold. The guarantee is so broad that It costs you nothing If you get no benefit. Don't waste any more time with salves, sup positories or other outside treatment. Attack the cause. Hem-Bold $1 for a largo bottlo, lasting 24 days, at Pendleton Drug Co. und druggists everywhere. Dr. Ionhardt Co., Station B., Buffalo, N. Y., Props. Write for booklet. D. J. BEAKEY. Deputy Hcnd Consul W. O. W. 6ver four million dollars in reserve and surplus funds in the Pacific Jur isdiction, which comprises the nine Pacific states, all of which is invested In high class bonds, the membership having made wise restrictions In re gard to the Investment of these funds, so that the money can only be Invested In U. S. government bonds, state bonds, bonds of municipal cor porations and counties, district and improvement bonds, school district bonds and a preference Is at all times given to security rather than Interest on all bonds purchased. You can gather some Idea of our financial strength when I tell you we have $970,000 of our reserve and surplus funds Invested in bonds in the state of Oregon, $90,500 of that amount toe ing bonds of Umatilla county. WHT EO WEAK? f Kidney Troubles) May Be Sapping Your Idle Away rendleton People liar Leaned TnW Fact. When a healthy man or weman ba sins to run down without apparent cause, becomes weak, languid, de pressed, suffer backache, headaehe, dizzy spells and urinary disorders. look to the kidneys for the oanse ef It all. Keep the kidneys well and they will keep yon well. Doaa's Kidney Pills care sick kidneys and keep them well. Here la Pendleton testimony to prers It, Mrs. R. H. Hedrlck, 111 Thompson street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I can speak ' good word for Dean's Kidney Pills, as tkey were used In my family with the best of resalts. The person who took this remedy complained great deal ef a dall pain across the baek and was else trem bled by irregular ye ages ef tke bladder secretlen. The mee ef twe boxes ef Doaa's Kidney Pills eerreet- ed these !mKie and there Las been no return attack." Tor sale by nil dealers. Price cents. Foster-Mtlburn Ce- Baffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doaa's end lake ne ether. m I will sell at public auction on the John Bahr ranch, 2 miles north of Fulton Station The following described property, to-wit : 25 Head of Good Work Horses 4 Head of Good Work Mules 2 Good Milch Cows 2 'two-bottom Oliver Plows 4Drills 3 Wagons 1 Hack 1 RubberTiredBuggy 1 Gasoline Engine, 4 Horse Power 1 Chop 1 Wood Saw 1 Fanning Mill 5 Sets of Work Har ness 2 Sets of Hack ness Har- Household Goods and many other articles too numerous to mention. TE1UVIS: All sums under $50.00 cash, over $50.00 bankable notes bearing 8 per cent interest will be accepted, payable October 1st, 1911. 2 per cent discount for cash. Sale commences at 10 o'clock a. m. Free Lunch at noon. . j COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer B. E. ANDERSON Owner