East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 13, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Extra Special Sale
Hand Bags
200 of Them in Five Dif
ferent Styles Values to $2
Your Choice 89c I
Bo Car Robbers Convicted.
The Jury In the case of Charles
Foote and Albert Thompson Indicted
for burglarizing a boxcar at Umatilla,
returned a verdict of guilty late Sat
urday afternoon and they will be sen
tenced tomorrow morning.
F. E. Livengood Co.
Tendloton's favorite picture theater.
Fine program for Friday's change:
1. Father Love. ' Lubln. A beauti
ful drama picturing the strength of
paternal affection. Strong heart ap
peal In this story. A musician mar
ries a rich girl, who Is then dlslnher
See' Lane & Son for signs.
Pastime pictures please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
For Royal Bakery, Tel. Main 449.
Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra.
Royal Hakery for best baked goods.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Con.
Everything fresh and clean. 'Koyal
Woman wants day work. Address
302 Gardim street.
Wanted Woman dishwasher at
1 Southern Cafe at once.
i Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat
I and lard.. Main 445. ,
' National cash register for sale, al-
The Women's and Children's Store.
APRIL Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready
ited by her father. Later she dies, most new. Sharon & Eddings.
leaving a child. The musician be- The king of all 6c cigars, "Devlin's
comes sick. Unable to provide lor Fives." Joe Sullivan, sole agent,
his little daughter, he sends her to , For rentFour r00med house. In
hor wealthy grandfather. After many ,re Mf Newt80n, 612 Franklin St.
:' . . r. i . iT I For rent Eight room house
SSd VrV. oPfsacrif?ces when h.09 East Court. In.uire Ralph How
daughter wins him a home with nor-
self and grandfather. Well .staged 1 More moving pictures shown than
and acted. I any other theater In the city the
2. Hearts, Hunger and Happiness. ' pastime.
Pathe. A lively comedy, presenting- Just recei.-id Shipment of truth
the adventures of a love-lorn youth ' c'ums, a Farmers' Meat Co., phoi-;
for whom fasting is prescribed as a jjein 445.
cure. 120 acres timber, easy of access, 40
3. Practical Brook Trout Breeding cords to tho acrei j9 per acre w)ll Duy
Pathe. An excellent Industrial pic- lt E T Wade
Eggs from high scoring White
Others Arc Sentenced by Judge
Phelps Roy Neul Given Tour Years
Iayrolo Under Advisement.
Sheriff T. D Taylor and Deputy
Joe Blakesley left this morning for
Salem having in their custody four
men convicted at the recent adjourn-
ed term of the circuit court and who
were sentenced to terms in the state
penitentiary. The prisoners In ques
tion were Donovan Ragan, sentenced
to five years fur burglarizing a box
car at Umatilla, James Theney ana
William Allen, each of whom drew
two years for breaking Into a section
house at Echo, and Christopher Co
lumbus Taylor, tho Echo -forger who
got off with a sentence of one and a
half years when ho pleaded guilty.
Others Are Sentenced.
Judge Phelps this morning passed
s.ntfnoo on several other men who
couple make their d?but in vaudeville " ftll,
, .ii .n.. it 1 cockerels. Roland Oliver,
and a lamentable failure of lt. From
this however, an Interest in each oth- Wanted Woman to do houseworic.
cr develops and finally a bright idea No washing. Good wages to right
enables them to score a success. A Party. Apply to this office,
pretty comedy with a touch of pa-. Wanted Position on ranch by man
thos here and there. and wife. 10 years' practical experi-
6. The Greater Call. Essp.nay. Ajence. Address "W," this office,
story of the stake. While the plot of The 'best and brightest- moving
this photoplay is comparatively slm- j pictures and as many as any show
pie. lt is big In its appeal to the ( house m Pendleton, at the Orpheum.
feafir n nil ltprnlv Interesting in its . . , - ' . . - j. ...
-.. , , . m. , , . i "v - - i special rates 10 norees ooiroeu at
were either convicted after a trial or dppctin to the most minute detail ( tne week Qr month at the CommercIal
who pleaded guilty to the charges ot ufe behln,, tne curtain. It will be , Barlu 620 Aura street .Phone Main 12.
against them. Roy S. Neal, who found a highly entertaining heart-stir- ,
pleaded guilty to forging a note at rlng dramatlc subject "0 CT? ea raf nch r,e
Stanfield, was sentenced to four years 6 Hank and Lank, Blind Men. Es- miles west of Pendleton. Good house
in the penitentiary and his application ' nay. Thc3e versatile comedians are ami barn. Only $3000. Lee Teutsch.
for a parole was taken under advise- od acquantances now and the more ' See Ebrel & Shaver for well drill
ment. William Brown who turned j tnPy are seen tne better they are lng. Estimates furnished on appn
states evidence againBt his partner In ..v-,, Ther is surety of hearty ! cation. Addres 118 Lincoln street,
crime. Donovan Ragan, was sentenc
ed to the penitentiary without limita
tion of time, while Harry Luton, tho
Indian convicted of stealing a horse,
drew a year and a half.
Cases Dismissed.
A number of cases were dismissed
laughs in this subject.
Mrs. Rose Campbell Is now showing
a complete line of new spring hats for
Call and aee the beau-
Tlio Pastime.
a.ic " I sireec wear.
tlon. A big feature film for Tues- tlf , natte.,,..
day's change.
"The Little Circus Rider." Sell. Lost A morrocco book containing
. nu Wn set-1 J' and Bertha are boyhood sweet- a deposit check, letters ana a rew me-
his morning, they having JB I hearts. Bertha, budding into woman-' morandums. Party finding same
tied out of court. The titles of these . ambitions than the 'leave at this office.
, n simple country life, and yearned for . Just received, fine lot of chickens
cases follow:
O. R. & N. Co. vs. w. J. .sies, a. .. ,t . Js circug day and fn Sofllrrtnv nrder earlv. Pendleton
O. Worthlngton vs. Jane Carden et ai; . excitement. Reginald Black, 1 -ol, Morv
Last Week of Our Big
$7 to $10 Skirts at . $4.95
1.50 to $2.00 Waists at . 98c
$3.50 to $4.50 Waists at $2.35
$12 to $16 Skirts for . $8.45
$2.25 to $3 Waists at $1.45
$4.75 to $6 Waists at $3.25
$4.50 and $5.00 Silk Waists $3.35
$7.50 and $10.00 Silk Waists $5.25
$0.00 and $7.00 Silk Waists ?4.25
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
tillable, running water on place. This
is a snap If taken within next thirty
days. Address W. B.( Box 341, city.
For Sale Thirteen acres, half mile
east of city. Good buildings, orchard,
berries, vineyard, 6 acre chicken
park, irrigating plant and water right.
Address G. W. Hanna, R. F. D. No.
1, Box 6.
man Cigar Store vs
bee; L. B. Jackson vs.
et al.
I ail was excitement, ncisiiiaiu uiat, Cash Market.
in our
Charles Follans- " . " .hm.Sh. I. ner-! millinery department. The Peoples
T. M. Taggart .. r,, rnr. v. I Warehouse, wnere lt pays to iraae.
tVnotnm Hnrdwam & implement , .. ., ,, . , v.
v. Albert Huntley. Henne- ?. 5"' "BP' l-lr" I Wanted-Apprentice girls
wvm.i..v. wn - wie circus, jiin is bciii uy iici lauio
Haviland China, Cut Glass
Hand Painted China, Etc,
Still going at Auction Sale Prices
If you diden t secure what you wanted
during the Auction, come in and we
will make you a satisfactory price on
any article you select.
The Drug Store That Serves You Bet
afiniJa . rrt lAOVA TOltVl Rl0i-lf TAP tha
citv. She leaves a note telling her' " yu want fresh meat from a
father that she and Black wll be mar- "ew, clean market, phone Main 446.
ried when they reach the city. Upon Farmers Meat Co, Conrad PlaUoeder,
arrival she finds the insincerity of manager. 224 B. Court street
Black's promise slips away and ap- Penland Bros. Transfer Co, phone
plies to the circus manager for work. Black SS91. Piano, furniture and
Upon making her entrance to the heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an
ring she is hurt In a fall it's then swered promptly. Office 647 Main st
her old friend Jim who eomes for- , phone Ma,n for good clean ,urap
ward and helps her out. A picture of op nu coa, Prompt delivery to all
unusual heart interest, yet carrying part8 of the cUy. cj-o crk Luni
many amusing features to thrill and . ber Co 70 West Alta ,treet
rivet the attention throughout the Jugt openedNew BanItary plumb.
'Only a Sister." Uelle.. She hap-1 shP a8t Court street.
. . ,. . t ... , .,,, I All work guaranteed. Estimates fur
pens to be the right kind of a sis er Ma!n 43
by her self-sacrifice and noble nature
ihe makes a man of her wayward Unfurnished housekeeping rooms m
brother, and every man on the Texas ' East Oregonian buildng. Steam heat,
ranch has to take off his hat to this 1 as range in kitchen, electric lights,
little girl. I not an5 co' waer and bath. Re-
"Jean Rescues." Vitagraph. The cently renovated,
more we see of some dogs the more For sale One half dozen barred
we like them. Jean is one of the best Rock hens, full bloods, and one
and most likeable dogs in the world. cockerel. Also some fall hatched
Tou want to see what she does in th;s chickens of the same strain. Wm.
Picture. Gadwa. Phone Black 2972.
Simon Ford, the famous reconteus,
was speaking on matrimony at a din
ner n New York.
"Matrimony should mean polite
ness," he said, "but does lt?"
"We all remember the man who
was rebuked by a policeman for
swearing at a woman.
" 'Why,' the man retorted, angrily
and reproachfully, 'she's my wife.'
"And the policeman, with a con
fused apology, hurried on.
"Another instance of this sort oc
curred the other right at the theatre.
A man, hastening back to the parquet
ns tho nirtnln Ttrna flhnnt tn rlaa fnf
j the third act, flopped down, as he
supposed, In his right seat and
S' " " " U tvs in u mu; ii k ii. a cue
" 'As I was saying when I went
out, it's none of your darned busi
ness what other women wear. Sup
pose Mr3. Joe Smith does make a
fool of herself by . sporting patent
leather pumps and openwork stock
ings when the thermometer's at zero,
13 that any reason why you i "
"'Sir!' said the lady.
"The man gasped and for the first
time looked at her. She was not his
wife, after all. Overwhelmed to think
that he had dared to address a
stranger in the brutal tones reserved
for his wife alone, he muttered an
apology and fled."
Some people go In for the simple
life because of the notoriety it brings
them. Inventors are constantly adding
improvements to the typewriter, but
none of them has been able to turn
out a machine that will spell correctly.
Cookies, cakes, doughnuts, pies and
bread cooked fresh every day at the
Royal Bakery. Phone Main 449.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
see the best and the clearest picture.
I "Overland to Fremont." Sellg. A
; picture story depicting the struggles
and sufferings of those brave men
! and women, our early pioneers. Selig
pictures are always good.
nor limit.
like credit, has a ml-
Tou can't burn slate and gravel!
Don't try it Phone Dutch Henry,
Main 173, for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lump or nut It
burns clean and goes further.
. For sale Two hundred acres good
timber grazing land, about 60 acres
Fresh and Wholesome Cakes, Pies, and Pastry
Delicacies Daily
Phone Main 449 for Prompt Delivery
Royal Bakery
Wholesale and Retail
Special orders given special attention
Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor. Webb and
Cottonwood Streets
Event of the Year POSITIVELY the BIGGEST AND BEST that Ever Happened
r.ivmH $5000.00 OREGON THEATRE
Augmented Orchostra
8 Big Specialties A
50-Grand Chorus-50
Elks' Big
James Estes Glen Scott
Jack Gibson Jack Watson
Elmer Storie Joe Scrable
John Rosenberg
Frank J. Quinlay
Clarance Moller
Roy Buchanan
Dick Mayberry
Lee Drake
- , '
Buy Tickets of Any Elk. Exchange Tickets for Reserve Seats at Hanscom's Thursday 9 A. M