..)! (;., . 1 .' '. : JF ii'IMt II' 1 "! ----i 1 umii inmrrrl . n i i -ti !,'"; i( ;!l .iji f .VJfca 1'AGE FOUR DAHS EAST OREGOMA.N, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1911. EIGHT PAGES AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Daily and Semi-Weekly at Pendleton Oregon, by the EAST OKKUONI AN' PIHL1SHING Ca SLUSCKU'TION KA1KS. Pally, on yeitt, by mall $5.00 IUy, hi i nioniha, by mall 2.50 Dally, thro months, by mall 1.25 l'ally, one month, by mall 50 llly, one roar, by carrier 7.50 I'ail.T. nix tuoniha. by carrier 3.75 Hally, throe mouth, by carrier..... 1.95 lallv. one month, by carrier 03 Beml-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Feml-Weekly, six mouths, by mall 75 Semi Weekly, four niimths, by mall... .50 The Pally Kast Orvsotilan la kept on sale at the Oregon News Co., 3-D Morrison street. Portland, Oregon. Northwest News i'o , Portland, Oregon. Chlci- j Hureau, !0! Security Building. Wal.i irtnu. L. C, Hureau, 501 Four teenth s.rwt. X. W. into affairs In Mexico, Diaz has em ployed tactics of this nature. Now that Madero and his followers are striving to bring about a real change in administration why should the 1'nlted States tako a hand? Would it not be better to stay this ."ide the border but to Impress upon both warring factions that no mat ter who wins out American interests must be duly, respected? Member United Press Association. Entered at the postofflc at rendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. telephone Main 1 Official ritv and County Paper. UlVlMi AMI (.AIM .Mi. We reap in return for our sow ing. And not for mere dreaming of gains; The winds that are f'tfully blow ing Across the wide, billowy plains Will bring us no shiploads of treasure, Unless we have ships to re turn; The world gives us measure for measure And hope for the hopes that we earn. The world gives us Joy for en joyment That we have the grace to impart; The heart is soon out of em ployment That ceases to gladden some heart; The pleasure and profit of liv ing Are sweetened ' by effort and zeal; The world gives us gain for our giving, And not for the empty ap peal. Chicago Record-Herald. no it xow." There are some people who think the present hlrh school bu'ldlng may be. made to suffice for a year or so longer and so favor putting off the improvement. "Make the building do as long as It can," they argue. They talked the same way when the move ment for paving the business section was underway. The East Oregonlan knows because this paper worked earnestly for paving and It remembers that some of the men who opposed paving are now "ferninst" the new l.lgh school. Some of those same men will oppose a mountain water system 'or Pin.lleton and will argue that the present system will suffice "for a few years longer." !Hit it is poor policy to put off un til tomorrow what may be done to da; When an improvement is actu ally needed and may be had it Is poor business policy to hold back that lm jfovement. We cannot expect to make rapid progress by going as slow as possible. three fingers, meaning Faith, Hope and Charity. He held up his fist, meaning In Unity there is Strength. ' I held up an apple, meaning the ' downfull of man. He held up the' bread, meaning the Staff of Life. Thus I gave him the prize." I When Willie's mother wanted to know where he got the money, he replied: , "I stopped at school and the teacher held up one finger, meaning I had only one eye. I held up two fingers, meaning that I could see as much with , my eye as she with her two. She' held up three fingers, meaning be tween the two of us we only had three eyes. This made me so mad that 1 shook my fist at her. She picked upj an apple, and was Just going to throw ' it at tae. when I held up the loaf of ; ureau. Mie got scared and gave me ' the five dollars." National Monthlv. i ffanjniaT A l'IXE INVESTMENT. The purchasing of the Matlock tract by the Round-up management ian.1 the subsequent deeding of that FOR THE GIRLS ALSO. It Is now considered necessary for young ladies as well as young men to have instruction in physical culture and in all the progressive colleges and universities of the land such instruc tion is given tp the girls as well as to the "boys. At the Oregon Agricultural College another step forward is being taken in that the girls are going in for out door sports as well as gymnasium drills. Under the leadership of their instructress a bevy of O. A. C. girls recently made a cross country run and though they attracted more or loss attention thereby they do not care. Why should they make any apology for the stunt? If young men have a right to go about In track suits why should not the girls be allowed to ap pear in their neat and comfortable gymnasium bloomers? The girls like the open air as well as do the boys and it is good for them. There is nothing wrong or Improper about it at all and no one but a "hard shell" or a dyspeptic will pretend to think there is. Physical culture for young ladies as welL as for young men is here to stay. The proposition that the training of the body should go along with the training of the mind Is going to be observed all along the line. It should be. The matter of one's health Is about the most Important thing In the world and It Is silly for schools to etuff the minds of children with "sol emn nonsence" and neglect such -a vital subject. In the grade schools and in the high schools there should be systematic instruction in physical culture and such Instruction should be for the girls as well as the boys. If given by properly trained Instruc tors it would be of vast benefit to the pupils and would early embue the children with a taste for such work. The Idea though should be to de velop those who need It most not to turn out a f;w star athletes. A crack athlete usually overdoes the thing, hurts his health and thereby brings disrepute upon physical cul ture work in general. The proper aim In physical culture should be to give students Just such exercise as will best promote their health and happi ness. To overdo the thing may be as Injurious as to neglect such work en Urely. '.and to the city will be more and more appreciated as years go by. Through tlu- deal that has been made the city secured a fine piece of property close in and adapted for a Round-up grounds tnd general athletic stadium. When the work now underway Is com pleted tr.is city will have the finest and most convenient athletic stadium in the northwest. It will mean much to the city. It Is a good thing for the city to have baseball games, football games and track meets. They bring many people Into town and provide entertainment for those already here, In the future the various athletic teams will be able to secure first class groundS for their purposes and secure the same at a nominal cost. Hence forth it should be easy to finance a Pendleton ball team without taking up a public subscription for the purpose. THE END OP Tin- woicr.li 1 carry! IThtn ,. kl I.-. I . .' 1 IUIC ...V idol nut mis ueeu pur chased, and the plumes are broken and bent, ! When the hobble skirt has been ban ished, and no one cares where it went, j We shall rest, and faith we shall need , it and quit for an aeon or two ' Denouncing each f;rhion verdict, and condemning each thing that's new. i It th Ilk rhlcta til iHiuncd fro j In ol i mile to I I northeast! ll 1c k"he easterrl juburbs of I J cit he Infield- fne IrlsmSrrfT ha flown out with an untrustworthy en gine and before ho could turn his planes and got started for this grounds, the thing had gone dead and pluyCTSHin down In the wheat stubble f le spaca of tbout ten mini around the race track thoug accident had proven serlou was wun mis iuea mat coloi R. Green brought, his automob1 requisition, and with several c flclals of the meet aboard. to Investigate. His mac lowed by anothtfearlni?; r rep r : Si ajrai? ps'i Ht.V'HiHA f o"s stand. ' lad.' i J- 'Jsr. "do you IJw J !waJreally did." ;V'jadded, still i .-f'fos'cd mv rid. Swlul Could Hava Made Turn. na still undai , had told Bey e able to maki that he couh While the way. tho govt mour that hi that turn" i guldo the bend of th coulefct man! made' it pV little "Joke" ed at his The toverr Allison Mayru ad tor Ut . I iia lo lev r m lull bet" -r V- .3D frobl fc'-L-jfuncertalif ,le It-Tit aboard,! :dXk f howpv CIS f trlousl into t Klne, ma wor BO ti' pretty with end ngal heading for the Btraignt for the track, ke uniform height until with! There will be no word from Paris nf fashions of freakish mould;- 11 uc i" rage in tue spring- ! or tne grandstand. Then H time," will never again be told: what he took In the aratLfcrl And the hair .can be dressed as one! 10 De a '""table spot"for wills own,' It, provided It's all one's And no puffs and curls at the play- shall make any patron house groan. With his engines workinn fpeed clutch, glided earti I ' ' Maehine Goss A -wreck. ' Too late he saw thnt h culated his distance froi And the men will have naugl.t to wor- 11" ' le "e. rj, tor tne tailors will show one Toward averting the thr ier. therefore he tnrnnri inac win satisfy all forever, and will . t'e again, leaped the ffst fe make no crimp In one's "pile "i urnea his planes for a And all who wear duds shall be hannv' V ;n? runnlnR course. r Tf ... . Jd the southea was easily tn Inch. Also b ne enjoyed thi ' been porpetrat . than ho. '-. I together win inoBtau larker oi garni M Bey- mak couiu itheasl th th trat- If M thi Ion at Fries ol io gov itulated had pleased rld Nvn ana roi tg hlmt lal. re stand ind po id hlrfl of tM iway an l say: "That Is grand, I de clare can wear my last year's garments with a perfectly cheerful air." Denver Republican. Gone to Waste. "I don't like the way they reported my speech," complained the new con gressman. "Why they sprinkled in plenty of laughter and applause." "Yes, but how about all them gestures?" too short for :.iisn hurl dowl non J the' Pin PandliJ The the- bl craft ce Into Ing from the II the track. Frif s seat and 1 8 the fence. emalnlng sti thought til tarted al Garros, 4h encircled thi befoYe tin art old wheal e northeast om tlr' scen nigh hiu been mortally hurt. Simon, a huhB I breath il -within about At Work. "Did your son learn anything in college?" Oh yes. Learned to operate an automobile so well that we have put him in charge of one of our big el- ctrlc trucks." M0NEY The Pendleton high school basket ball team has won the championship of eastern Oregon. The P. H. S. usu ally brings home a few championship banners each year and they are not always athletic championships either. Last year the debating team won the state honors. Judging from the way Senor Liman- tour talks It seems evident that in the past he has not had sufficient oppor tunity to express himself publicly up on questions in which he Is Interested. Xow that the new track between here and Yoakum is mostly all in use the O.-W. company is planning to start work on the . Coyote-Echo cutoff. Such a railroad. It is never satisfied unless it Is at work. National guardsmen as well as the regulars will be glad to go anywhere they may be sent. "Thelr's not to reason why." Besides It has been long time since there was anything stirring. The million dollars to be expend' ed on the cutoff and the million dol lars to be expended on work In Fen dleton will make two million. IT IS THEIR AFFAIR. The revolution In Mexico Is merely a sample of the regulat'on process through which all the Latin-Ameri can countries must pass when they change administrations. When an or dinary election Is held In one of those countries H means that the presl dent will be continued In power. The president takes steps to see that the election Is conducted 'his way. Fre quently the method consists In either banishing or shooting any formidable candidate who aspires to run against ' the man In power. According to some magazine writers who have looked Is not this a good time to get those road scraping crews going? Spring seems to like Pendleton. HOW WILLIE WOX THE PRIZE. Little Willie, having only one eye did not like to attend school. One afternoon he stayed home, and his mother sent him to the store for loaf of bread. On the way back he stopped at the school. The school examiners were there to award a prize of 15 in gold to the smartest boy or girl in the class. Just as Wil lie entered the teacher held up one finger. Then Willie held up two fin gfrs. Thr time she held up three fingers, and Willie held up his fist. fhe held up an apple, and Willie held up the loaf of bread. She called him to the desk and gave him the 15. The examiners Inquired of the teacher why she had awarded the prize to Willie. She said: "l r.eia up one nrtger, meaning there Is one Supreme Being. He held up two, meaning the starting of the race, Adam and Eve. I held u -Stem, i RHEUMATISM PAINFUL & DANGEROUS Rheumatism is due to a diseased condition of the blood cells and cor puscles, brought about by an excess of uric acid in the circulation. It is not only a very painful disease but an extremely dangerous trouble. The briny, acrid state of the blood gradu ally forms a coating over the muscles, and by depositing a cement-like sub stance in the joints Irequently termi nates fatally, or leaves its victim a hopeless cripple. It is natural to "doctor " the spot that hurts, and it is quite right to use liniments, hot appli cations, etc., to get temporary relief from apainful joint or swollen tendon; but Rheumatism is not a skin disease, and such things, when depended on alone make one careless, and the dis ease gets a firmer hold on the blood. S. S. S. cures the disease because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. It goes into the cir culation, and re moves every particle of the irritating uric acid, builds up the blood, makes it rich and oily, and in this way pre pares it for the proper nourishment ol au joints, muscles, nerves and bones. If you have Rheumatism, get the uric acid out of the blood by taking S. S. S., a purely vegetable medicine, and enjoy freedom from its misery, nook on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write. THE BWTJT 8PECIT10 CO., Atlanta, 0a to Loan at 5 Per Cent. Payable on installment plan. You can make your rental money pay for your home. Call or write for particulars. THE STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H. Qelaney, Agt., BTcmpU ANHEUSER-BUSCH on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636 Main St. FINE-WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Peters, Prop Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARSand LIQUORS They Please Martin Anderson, Prop Money to Loan on Good Secur ity. Will Accept applications for 1000, $1500 or $4000 Loan MARK MOORHOUSE COMPANY Indigestion, Dyspepsia, C STOMACH tFftmuneM, D I TP WT C" r fCildn, Grippe Dl I tljSprii Fever cannot exist when the sys tem is kept strong and robust by the use o f Bitters. It removes the cause. Try it today. jy:.m.'r' TODUSI ii:,...1f2 t h Or Are You Just Boarding Somewhere ? y By natural instinct all women are homo-makers, and no matter how humble no matter, how small, a home means the difference between happiness and discontent , Don't bother about the money. It is not necessary to have a bank account before you can own a home. LEE TEUTSCH The Home Finder Hoadouarters For Toilet Goods Vie sre Hole Manufactmren aarl Dlstiib-atora of Um CMebsmted F'S TOITJCr CREAM COLD CRK.VJU TOOTH POWIKR and 14 T. HOOD CRKAM Tollman & Co. IeadlDf DrufflsU of Z&st.rr ' WESTERN C Its WHEAT FIELDS IRRIGATED LANDS GRAZINQ LANDS If you are Interested, drop a post card for a free booklet terming with Information about this wonderful country. You cjui sec It If you go east via tlio Roo-Spokane Ilnnto of the Tickets for sale by your local Railroad agents. Details, berths, literature. Particulars from M. E. MALONE, T. P. A. GEO. L. WALTON, Gen. Aft I t WaU St., Spokane. 60 YEAR8' T EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Copyrights &c Anrnn ending a ktrh and 1Mnwirttn mi) qntrklf MC4rtMtn our opinion ftov whether ac Invent! la probuhlf pMenint'Ux. Cnmnitmlr-. tlonsfU-tedroaunrieiiHiU. HANDBOOK on I'nicnu jatit frae- Oldnat unnry for 'urinir paiatiia. I'alonTa taaea tnrouHh Munn A Co. raoalM ttdmt notice without chary a, tu tL Scientific JlnKricait. A handaonialr Hloftrat4l tjtraaat fitv eolation af any MlnnUflo JoumaL, Terroa, IS ft raar; roar mautna. 9i awiabjraJi i Branch CtDo. 36 I 8t WualLdoo, I n.wlmlm NewYp PISTIlt THEflTRE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next lo French Restaurant Entire change three timee each week. Be sure and the next change. Adults 10c. Children vmder 10 years, Be.