TEX PAGES. man.wKEKM icaot orbgonian. narbtanon, Oregon, baturd y, march 11, ion. TI BABY D DREADFUL ECZEMA On Hands, Face, Nose and Mouth. Hard Crust Formed and Cracked Open. Blood Ran. Itched Fright fully. Mitts on Hands. No Rest. Got Cuticura. In 3 Days Relief. In a Week Cured Without a Mark. "I have ft llttlo baby almost year old. Whim It was two nioiittis old It itot eczema on top of both her hands, on licr fare and Inside dcx nose und tnoutli. She refused to drink and ono of her eyes almost closed up. A hard crust formed and would crack open and the blood ran out. It itched to fright fully that the poor In lie girl could not rest. We had to keep mlttH on her hands to keep her from scratch- nig at ncr lure ana her mother was forced ult In - iiu.Hi,!. Vr day and nlirht. Wo nan a very toon doc tor and hr did all t hat he noslllv could to relieve the behr's torture but the resulta were not whut we had looked for. "We had read of the Cuticura remedies no we went to the drug store and t aome Cutl cura mn and Cuticura ointment. We used them Just as directed and iu three days the criit heirun to come off. In a week there was no more ncnh and now the baby Ik cured with out a mark sleeps soundly In her cradle and her parents In their bed, with no more sleep less nkhti because of the baby's MifTi-rlnf. Cuticura seems a wonderful remedy for this dUeane and any one bavin? eczema should not delay In letting- It. Henry M. Kogel, n. r. v. i, nam. ra., ucc. w. ivuv." futlnira Remedies sold tbrouchnut tn worle Poller lni A ('hem. Onrp.. Cole Prone . Boston. AiTMslInt free. 32-tuse Cullrura boot, ennlatnlnf In valuable advice on the Treatment at Hklo Trouble. PRICES OFF-CATTLE TAKEN FROM MARKET PIllMK CALIFORNIA STEERS PLACED OX FEED AGAIN rrlni'villi. Offer Inn IisM-NyI of at a . Sacrifice Xvlinuiku HogM F.iiUT N'ortlincHt Field Japan Scvrotly ISiiying Wlivut. (Friday's Journal.) So great is the weakness now rul ing In the cattle market at North Portlund und so unsatisfactory are the quotation. to shippers that one lot of eight loads was tuken out of tho yards un put on feed again. This was the lot brought In from California by Kid well & Caswell and Is Mid to be one of the best to enter the yards recently. The entire ship ment was withdrawn from market only when the shippers found it im possible to sell them at a rJrlce that would not net them an actual loss. The lot was taken to the Sun Dial ranch at Troutdule where the animals will be kept until the situation as sumes normal proportions. While one lot of steers that aver aged 1100 pounds was sold this morn ing at 16. 1 0. others could not be moved above $6. The big lot from Prlncville has at last been sold with IS tho extreme top for steers and one portion going at (5 .60. The lot tat brought the higher figure averaged 1222 pounds, while the lot that went at 5.50 averaged 1129 pounds. An other lot that brought the lower range averaged 1128 pounds. Sellers expressed much disappoint ment nt the prices received but sold the supplies rather than feed and hold them for a later market. Nebraska Hogs Cumo Forward. That I'aclflc northwest packers are still determined to bring in all the packing hogs they need, from out side of this territory, is shown- by the renewal of the heavy shipments from Nebraska, one local meat company brought forward 10 loads from there this morning; these forming practi cally all the arrivals In that line. There were no arrivals in the sheep pens ut North Portland today and therefore the price list Is held Intact at the advance, quoted by the Journal yesterday. .la I Mtii lliiys Wheat. While Japan is in the market for flour, local millers say that buyers there are Insistent upon securing lota at lower prices. The regular quota- A Reliable Remeifv FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Bib Is Quick It ahuresa. fines Raliel al anna. It cleanses. Booths, heals and pretectal sUl 4a rli annawl tMt brano resultiag frost Oatarra lad drive way a Cold in U Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Ttwto and BaaelL Full sis M eta. at Drags; fets or by aaalL Liquid Orenro Holm for use la atomism TS ota, Ely lirothars. 66 Warrea Street. Hew York. Every Woman k la Intonated and should kow aooTit to wotKisrmi Marvel Lft! - uuuone mi Sk. m mm Ask vonr dttunrlst foe fL It' ha ennnoft annntv ti e MAKVKL accent na other, but send stamD Ar Ma. tinted book p puled. It cina rntl Bnrtlcnlsra and directions Inrslaahle V India. BlASVEitU. K Wi. SL 0nuita4 MEN AND WOMEN. Dm Bif a far lalana- tlont, IrritatiMM r aloora- tleasw Booaoa SMaaaraasa. I aot io ttnottir. I'slnMaa, aaa a4 aatrla InalsVllltOHtaniil Comsat r aiaaaoaa. BHi ayaiaiiini, ar asot la ulala wrsnMr. br nrrasa. araaaM. far ai.a or ImUIm, .. Olrealar seat raansat. tion on export here Is $3.60 less 2 per cent but no offers from Japan have been received above $3.40. It is stat ed tha some bur.lness at this figure has been accepted by some of the In terior mllbi. This Is stated to be about 10c below- actual cost of production. Japan Is still buying club and red wheat, and for that reason the mar ket price here Is holding firm at un changed figures. It is now stated that the Japanese secretly secured an enormous supply of wheat by paying a small premium, whllo the general trade believed there was no actual business available. Alfalfa hay is weaker again anrt quotations have been dropped. So great is the press St supplies at Ida ho points that shippers there are con signing to this market. Several of them are said to have been caught In such deals by get-rlch-qulck men. Fancy timothy hay is extremely scarce and the price Is firm at $20 to $21 a ton. It is now stated that only about five carloads of strictly fancy timothy are avllable In this territory, although there Is a flood of ordinary timothy available at Hi to $18 a ton according to quality. FXJS AKE HOLDING. SnlCH CoiMliiuo ( Ho Mado Around 17c ami 1 He; Supply Is Limited. At the low mark reached yesterday the egg market shows a fair move ment. Sales are still being made from 17c to 18c, the former being! the buying price and the latter the selling price. Cheese continues firm for fresh of. firings and weak for storage. PAGE gEVEf Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism Is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or cnronio rheumatism, neither of which requires any internal treatment. ! AH that Is needed to afford relief Is the ftee application of Chamberlain's Liniment Give it a trial. Tou are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. COI NTF.HFF.ITERS ItKPOIITEn IU SY IN KVERKTT Everett, Wash., March 11. Secret service men are investigating the re port that counterfeiters are working here and have a plant making $10 gold pieces. One man has been ar rfsted as a suspect. Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer Is appendicit is with many victims, but Dr. Klnrs New IJfe Pills kill It by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that Invites appendicitis, curing con stipation, headache, biliousness, chins. 25c at Koeppens. ITALY'S RltlGANDS A HE nitOl'GHT TO TIUAL Viterbo, Italy, March 11. Forty- one members of the Camorra, Italy's brigand organization that has scourg ed the country for a century, will face trial tomorrow for murder. Several witnesses have disappeared myste riously and the police admit that some of them have been Intimidated by members of terrorizing organiza tions who arc still free. r TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAI. Taka LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnln Tablets. Pruaglsta refund money If fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'P signature la on eacb box. He. Standard Cordaeo IUnuls. New York, March 10. Standard Cordage first mortgage bondholders have until the close of business to morrow to deposit their securities with the protective committee of which Horace L. Hotchkiss is chair man. Bondholders representing more th.;n 90 per cent of the outstanding ssue have already deposited their bonds. Medlclnaw that aid natar ara al ways most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acta on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. New Y. M. O. A. Building. Carthago. Mo.. March 9. A num ber of distinguished men will speak during tho three days' ceremonies, beginning tonight marklnir thn on- enlng of Carthage's new $40,000 Y. M. c. A. building. StHte of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas t otinty aa. Frank J. Chener makes oath that h la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney 4 Co., doing business In tbe City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said nrra win pay toe bub or UN IS HUNDRED IKM.LAUS for each aid every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cured by tbe nae of Hall s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la an presence, this Oth day of December, A. D., I Seal J A. W. OL1CA80N, ... Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cnre la taken tnfomall nd acta dlrectlv on tha blood anil fnenna surf area of tha system. Send for testi monials free. V. J. CHBNKY a CO., Toledo, O. - J"- J- CHUNKY-A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75. CANADIAN PARLIAMENT WILL CONFIRM THE TREATY Ottawa. Canada. March 11. The reciprocity agreement with the Unit ed States will be confirmed by parlia ment as soon as it is possible to rpneh a final vote was the decision reached by the liberals caucus. AT Oregon Feed Yard z Pendleton, Oregon, on Saturday, April 1 I will sell at public auction the follow ing: 10 Head good Work Horses 1 1 1 o i oaie good Hack Wagon Set Work Ha mess All Terms Cash commences at I o'clock p. m. sharp Wm. UR.TR.IGHT, Owner J. M. BENTLEY, Auctioneer aaavksMajaaBaaaK smnm jsaeaxa Foley Kidney Pills. Neutralize and remnvn ihn nnfunnu that cause backache, rheumatism, ner vousness and all kidney and bladder irregularities. They build up and restore the natural action of these vi tal organs. A. C. Koeppen ft Bros. Special Medicine for Kidney Ali ments, Many elderly peoplo have found in Foley's Kidney Remedy a quick re lief and permanent benefit from kid ney and bladder ailments and from annoying urinary Irregularities due to advancing years. Isaac N." Regan. Farmer. Mo., says: "Foley's Kidney Remedy effected a complete cure In my case and I want others to know of it." A. C. Koeppen ft Bro. Gas Heaters WHKX THE WINDS WITHOUT ARE HOWLING, WIIEX THE THERMOME TER IS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF ZERO, IS IT NOT REAL COMFORT TO HE A RLE TO PULL YOUR CHAIR UP TO AN OPEN FIREPLACE? TniS EFFECT IS APPROACHED VERY CLOSELY IN THE Vulcan Odorless Gas Heaters Warms Your Feet-Heats the Floor, Not the Ceiling A home loving man wants a modern home. A modern home has a Gas Heater. Pacific Power Light Co. "Always at Your Service" Phone Main 40 I Wan t Ms WANTED. ANYONE, ANYWHERE. CAN STARI a mall order business at home. Nt canvassing. Be your own boss Send for free booklet. Tells how Heacock, 2708, Lockport. N. Y. HAIR WORK, hair dressing, sham pooing and facial maasage; a lac highest prlce3 paid for combings Everything strictly guaranteed, at Madam Kennedy's l.alr parlors, 607 East Court street. Phone Red 3752. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES IT you want to subscribe to magaalna or newspapers In the United Btata or Europe, remit by postal nota, check, or send to the EAST ORE GON IAN he net publisher's pric of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent yon. It will save you both trouble and risk. f you nre a subscriber to the EAHT OREGONIAN. in remitting yon caa deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. A Id re as EAJST OREOONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendle ton. Ore. . WANTED ( Con tlnaed. ) FOR SALE Old newspapers wrap ped In bundlea of 110 each suitable for wrapping, putting under ear Pot, etc. Price, lie per bundle, two bundlea. 2Jc. Enquire this ef Of. WA NTE D Classified 'ads, such as help wanted; rooms or houses to rent; second hand goods for aale; In fact, any want you want to get filled, the East Oregonlan wants your want ad. Rates: Three Una one time, 20 cents; two times, SO cents; six times, ?0 cents. Five lines one time, 0 cents; two tlmea, 45 cents; six times, $1.11. Count six words to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or malt to the East Oregonlan, enclosing silver or stamps to cover the ameunt. FOR HALE. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at g.asi uregonian office. Price tin. 8ave money Dy reading today's ads. Directory PHYSICIANS. K. S. GARFIELD. M. n.. nnuxo. DSthle nhvfile.lnn nd wan. r - r .. .u .u.Bouu. Ul- flee Judd block. Telephone: Office, lack 3411; residence, red 263S. DR. LYNN K. BLAKEST.KR mnn. nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro- theraputlca. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'Dhone. Main EK4 DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST mriTTOH: Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'Dhone. Black 3421; residence 'phone Black 2851. KERN 4 BENNETT, DENTAL SUR- geons. Office room IB Judd build. lng. Phone, Red 2301. DR. THOMAS VAUQHAN, DENTIST. Office In Judd building. Phone. Main 72. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector. Office at Koen- pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 415. Residence. 915 East Court street. Res. Phone Main 59. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS KARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MA-KXfl reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans oa city and farm property. Buys an sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, aay bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. X H. MARHH, gee. BENTLSY & LEFFINGWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location. 815 Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON oi.er-i, carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and aal atahta cnn rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 7S MISCELLANEOUS. ATTORNEYS. RALEY RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despain building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Despain building. CARTER PMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, icuuiHg announcements, embossed private and business stationary, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. - - - - - - -a , LEGAl, BLANKS of every deacrip ! tion for county court, circuit court, I Justice court, real state, etc, ,fo. sale at East Oregonlan office, j Old newspapers in large bundlea, j LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUK I work it's clean, reliable and con venient Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, $5.25. Electric Hot Water and j Curling iron Heaters. Electric Coffea , Percolators, etc. a complete stock ef I Gas and Electric fixtures. Flrat-clasa . wiring of homes, eta. J. L. Vaughan. 816 Main street JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Tavlor Hardwara Company. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despain building. GEORGE W, COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages snd contracts drawn. Col lections made. csm 17. Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON. ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and i Smith Crawford building. FRATERNAL ORDERS. rtsuusTON LODGE! No. 12 I XX A- F- and A- M- meets tha - - - wii.u avuuai ui each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of p., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor. dlally invited to ttnA r. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, n. R. 8. PHELPS A STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Smrth -Crawford building. CHAP. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Wir practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2. S, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE, ATTOR neys at law. Office in Despain building. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC D. A. MAT. CONTRACTOR AN'n Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walks, etc. Phone black 378. or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed emhalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. AUCTIONEER. COL F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena. Oregon. Ref erence First National Unnk of Athena and Farmers' Bunk of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEW.KHS. V, STROBI.E. DKALKR IN NEW and second hnnd goods. Cash pn'd for all second-hand poods bought Cheapest plsre In PendletQn to buy household goods. Call and get his prices. 212 E. Court street. Phom Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLES and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop At the old stand. Alta street In rear of Tallman A Co, PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R. -c N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave.. 9:20 a. m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 2:20 a.m Portland' Limited ....12:15 p. m. Fast Mall n:4.3 p. m. MOf 4:35 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 9:25 a. m. Eastbound On gon division Fast Mall i:5o s, m. Ore. A Wash. Express.. 6:i6 a. m. Chicago Limited 5:15 p. m. Motor 10:40 a. m, Portland local, arrive.. 5:00 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed S:16 p. m. Washington Div Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla local .... 6:25 p. m. Pendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. m. Spokane Heal s:oo a. m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendlaton. Pendleton local 2:15 a. m. Walla Walla local .... 9:15 a. m. Pendleton passenger .. 5:00 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Pendleton Passenger 1:10 . nv Mixed train 7:30 a. m. Arriving Pendleton Paasenger 10:00 a.m. Mixed train 7:Ma.m DaUly EM Oregonlan oady 5 emits per moata. by carrier