East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 11, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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At 9 O'Clock Ends Our Great
Dozens of Beautiful Swiss Pat- g
terns to choose from
F. E. Livengood Co.
The Women's and Children's Store.
APRIL Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready.
See Lane A Son for algns.
Pastime plcturea pleaae all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
For Royal Bakery, Tel. Main 44.
Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra.
Royal Bakery for beat baked goods.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son.
Everything fresh and clean. Royal
Phone Platsoeder for freah meat
and lard. Main 44S.
National caah register for aale, al
most new. Sharon A Eddlngs.
The king of all Ic cigars, "Devlin's
Fives." Joe Sullivan, sole agent.
For rent Four roomed house. In
quire Mr. Newtson, 611 Franklin St.
For rent Eight room house at
909 East Court. Inquire Ralph How
land. j
More moving plcturea shown than
any other theater In the city tne
Just recei.id Shipment of frjja
r'ams, a' Pinners' Meat Co., phoa
Main 441. '!
120 acres timber, easy of access, 40
cords to the acre, $9 per acre will buy
It. E. T. Wade.
Wanted Woman to de hsusewor.
No washing. Good wages to right
party. Apply to this office.
Wanted Position on ranch by man
and wife. 10 years' practical experi
ence. Addresa "W," thla office.
The best and brightest monug
plcturea and as many as any enow
homo In Pendleton, at the Orpheum.
Special rates to fcersea boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 420 Aura street Phone Main II.
230 acre wheat ranch only three
miles west of Pendleton. Good house
and barn. Only $3000. Lee Teutsch.
See Ebrel A Shaver for well drill
ing. Estimate furnished on appli
cation. Addrea 118 Lincoln street,
Pendleton. .
Mrs. Rose Campbell la now showing
a complete line of new spring hats for
street wear. Call and aee the beau
tiful patterns.
Lost A morrocco book containing
a deposit check, letters and a few me
morandums. Party finding same
leave at thla ornce.
Phone Main 98 for good clean lump
or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all
parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum
ber Co., 700 West Alta atreet.
Just opened New sanitary plumb
ing shop at 804 East Court street
All work guaranteed. Estimates fur
nished. Phono Main 443. Alox Burt
For Sale Thirteen acrea, half mile
east of city. Good buildings, orchard,
berries, vineyard, - B acre chicken
park, Irrigating plant and water right.
Addrers G. W. Hanna, R. F. D. No.
1, Box 6.
Just received, fine lot of chickens
for Saturday. Order early. Pendleton
Cash Market.
Wanted If you have a furnished
house to rent before April 1st address
R. E., 721 Willow street, room 8.
wanted Apprentice girls in our
millinery department. The Peoplea
Warehouse, where it pays to trade.
Furniture, new electric fan and
general household goods, for sale at
413 Bush atreet. Phone Main 107.
Must be sold within a few days.
If you want freah meat from a
new, clean market phone Main 44t.
Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platsoeder,
manager. 224 IB. Court atreet
Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone
Black 8891. Piano, furniture and
heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an
swered promptly. Office 47 Main st
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms m
East Oregonlan bulldng. Steam heat
gaa range In kitchen, electric lights.
hot and cold water and bath. Re
cently renovated.
Tou can't burn alate and gravel!
Don't try It Phono Dutch Henry,
Main 173, for clean screened Rock
Springs coal either lump or nut It
burns clean and goes further.
For sale Two hundred acrea good
timber graclnc land, about 60 acrea
tillable, running water on place. This
Is a snap If taken within next thirty
days. Address W. B., Box 341, city.
J. Winston of Madras Is a guest ut
the St. George Hotel.
M. E. Pound was up from his home
at Umatilla yesterday.
H D. Farley of Walla Walla, came
over from the Garden City last eve
C. C. Connor has gone to Helix In
the Interest of the Farmers' Mutual
Insurance company.
L. H. Burnham of Umatilla, was
among the specttaors at the basket
ball game last night.
T. S. Gibson and wife, of Pilot Rock
were among the out of town people
In the city yesterday.
W. R. Rhlnehart returned from a
business visit Into the east end of the
county this morning.
Ed Koontz, cashier of the First
National bank of Athena,' came In on
the local this morning.
William Switzler affd wife returned
to their home In Umatilla this morn
ing after a short visit In the city.
Mrs. Homer I. Watts of Athena,
came in on the local tnia morning
and Is spending the day in the city.
A. B. Stephens, the well known
Umatilla merchant, returned to his
home today after witnessing the bas
ketball game last night.
Mrs. F. E. Ubll, wife of the Uma
tilla station agent, accompanied the
railroad basketball boys to thla city
Marshal Jeff Stevens of Umatilla,
was among the west end delegatron
to the basketball game in this city
last night.
William Catherman was up from
Umatilla last night to take in the
championship game in the high school
gym last night
Sid Saylor, city recorder of Uma
tilla, returned to his home this morn
ing after attending the basketball
game last night.
Cyril G. Brownell of Umatilla, the
well known O. A. C. graduate, was
among the basketball party that
came up from that town yesterday.
J. M. Cook of 300 Thompson street
is recovering from a severe attack of
the la grippe, which for a time
threatened to develop into pneumo
T. B. Wells, a former well known
resident of thla county who Is now
living at Joseph, is in the city, the
guest of his daughter, Mrs. I. U.
Mrs. J. M. HIndman, wife of the
manager of the telegraph office at
Umatilla, was among the residents of
that town accompanying the basket
ball team to the city yesterday.
Principal A. C. Hampton and Pro
fessors C. C. Ruth and Leroy Brelt-
haupt of the high school, went to
Hermlston on the local this mornmg
to spend the day looking over the
project. They will return this evening.
New Uw Firm.
Roscoe R. Johnson and Joseph M.
Skrable announce that they have es
tablished offices In the Despaln build
ing, Pendleton, Oregon, and that they
will hereafter engage In the general
practice of law under the firm name
of Johnson A Skrable.
Notice to tint Pahlle.
Having bought the Finch arraying
machine, I expect to do any and all
kinds of spraying this season. Phono
Red 3818, or see I. C. Snyder.
London, March 11. The home of
fice will soon Issue orders expelling
Mormon missionaries from the Unit
ed Kingdom, according to the Dally
News. The paper today asserts that
Hans Frelce, representing the lnter
denomlnal council has convinced Sec
retary Churchill that the Mormons
constitute a menace.
Following close after the statement
that Madison Square Garden In New
York City Is for sale, comes the an
nouncement that the New Grand
Central Palace In that city will be
ready for housing any and all kinds
of mammoth shows and exhibitions by
May 1, 1911. The new building,
which occupies an entire city block,
Is thirteen stories high, and has been
designed as a money-making prop
osition, ten of the stories being fitted
up for business purposes, and the
other three being designed for exhi
bition purposes.
Haviland China, Cut Glass
Hand Painted China. Etc.
Still going at Auction Sale Prices
If you diden't secure what you wanted
during the Auction, come in and we
will make you a satisfactory price on
any article you select.
Tke Druf Store That Serve. You Bert
(Special Correspondence.)
Helix, Ore., Feb. 10. The forger
has paid a brief visit to our town
and passed a no fund check on Mrs.
F. Myers, our hotel landlady, for
$12.60. Athena, Adams and Pendle
ton officers have been notified. His
description is: About 28 years old,
height about 5 feet 8 Inches, weight,
160. Dark hair, two teeth crowned on
side and one or more on other, bluish
felt hat, green stockings, button
shoes, dark clothes, smooth shaven,
nativity American. He seemed to be
very nervous while In Helix. j
On Wednesday evening, it being tne
regular meeting of the K. of P. lodge, !
the Esquire and also the Knight
rank was conferred on Mr. Amos L.
Myrlck, a native of Umatilla county,
and N. K. Bott, also an old timer here
and a native son of Umatilla county.
About 30 were present After the in
teresting ceremonies a sumptuous
spread awaited all who wished to par
take. I saw no refusals to eat good
Mrs. Jno. R. Hainsworth is In Pen
dleton today, interviewing a dentist.
Rev. R. G. Callison has returned
from Milton, He went there to attend
the Sunday school convention and re
ports that it will be the means of
much good for religion and a general
uplift of our people especially in this
Mrs. Dinah Kendall was baptized
at the Baptist church in Helix by the
pastor, Rev. Stockton, Wednesday
evening, March 8.
Mrs. Kendall was called to Walla
Walla on account of the serious ill
ness of her daughter's child.
Mrs. Wm. Pierce was called sever
al days ago to go to Walla Walla to
attend her daughter, who la reported
dangerously sick and not expected to
Mrs. L. D. Smith, wife of Council
man Smith, was telephoned to come
quickly to her son's aid, whose boy
It dangerously ill at Walla Walla. The
climate there does not seem to agree
with Helix people.
Farmers are getting busy now,
making the necessary preparations
for the spring and summer work and
business is looking up at Mr. Her
mann's and Mr. Morrison's general
mercantile stores. '
C. A. Hermann was elected to fill
a vacancy on the Helix council, Coun
cilman. D. L. Behrens having resign
ed. He is going on a big stock ranch
near Albee.
Memphis, Tenn., plans to purchase
several automobile trucks to be used
in hauling the city's garbage to the
incinerators. At present the plant is
so far from the central portion of the
city, that a long time Is taken to reach
it. in future the wagons collecting
garbage will take it to the central de
pot where it will be removed to the
plant by auto, saving the city 160,
000 annually.
Business Men Subscribe Liberally to
Assist to Development of North -wort.
Cooperation of Portland with the
whole Pacific northwest was shown
In a striking way this week when a
compilation of contributions to the
publicity fund of the Portland Com
mercial club was made. Portland
business men subscribe heavily to this
fund which is expended for the bene
fit of Oregon, Washington and Ida
ho. Of course Portland profits as the
northwest prospers, but there Is no
attempt to build up that city at the
expense of the outside country.
The fund at the disposal of the
Commercial club promotion commit
tee Is subscribed by Portland's lead
ing business houses. These contribu
tions have been generous. Durrng
the past seven years, since the pro
motion work started, contributions
aggregating more than 3500 each, are
as follows:
Portland Ry. L. & P. Co....$ 18,425
Ladd ATllton bank 10.000
First National bank 10,000
United States National bank 4,200
Theodore B. Wilcox 8.430
Meier & Frank Co 2.50
Welnhard's Brewery 2,850
Warren Construction Co ... 2,100
Merchants' National bank .. 2,075
Olds. Wortman & King .... 2,025
Allen & Lewis 2,025
Fleischner, Mayer & Co.... 2.825
Honeyman Hardware Co. ... 2,025
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. ... 1,975
Closset &' Devers 1,640
Llpman, Wolfe & Co 1,620
Portland Trust Co 1,620
Mason, Erman & Co 1,4 45
Marshall Wells Hdw Co 1,425
Willamette I. & S. Co ...... 1,425
Security Savings & Trust Co. 1,875
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1,305
Pacific Paper Co 1,276
Hazlewood Cream Co 1,115
Hartman & Thompson 1.070
Eastern & Western Lmbr Co 1,050
Portland Lumber Co 1,000
Lang & Co 991
F. W. Leadbetter 950
Portland Gas & Coke Co. ... 330
union Meat Company 926
Pacific Bridge Co 840
Tull & Glbbs 900
F. C. Stettler 810
Dr. A. C. Smith 875
Tom Richardson 750
Sherman, Clay & Co 700
Canadian Bank of Commerce 676
Oregon Mortgage Co . 641
George, Lawrence Saddlery Co 630
Bank of California 625
Oregon Hotel 1 600
Macleay Estate 600
Rodney L. GUsan 580
Wadhams St Kerr Bros 575
crown-Col. Pulp A Paper Co. 675
M. L. Kline 575
Kerr, Glfford & Co 675
Blake-McFall Co 675
Portland Cordage Co 1, 660
Crane Company 530
Peninsula Lumber Co 323
Mitchell, Lewis A Staver Co, 620
Sale Extraordinary of Ladies
Dress Skirts and
. 98c
$? to $10 Skirts at .
l.iO to $2.00 Waists at
,$3.50 to $4.50 Waists at
$12 to $16 Skirts for .
$2.25 to $3 Waists at
$4.75 to $6 Waists at
$4.50 and $5.00 Silk Waists ?3.35
$7.50 and $10.00 Silk Waiets
$6.00 and $7.00 Silk Waists
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Pendleton's favorite picture theater
offers its patrons another big feature
film for Sunday's program.
71 Trovatore." An ambitious pro
duction, presenting one of the most
popular operas of past years. The
actors have performed their parts in
full sympathy with the piece and
with an appreciation of the opportu
nities that make the work exception
ally good. The staging has been done
with a sumptouous disregard for ex
pense that makes it notable.
'The Sheriff's Sister." Kalem. A
story exemplifying the strength of a
brother's love. Sheriff Bob, remem- j
berlng his promise to his dead mother.
forbids his sister Elsie, to see Enrico.
Mexican, who has been posing in
the neighborhood as a bachelor, and
who has apparently been very much
attracted toward her. One after-
noon, while Bob Is absent, the Mex
ican calls upon Elsie and on Bob's
unexpected return, an altercation
takes place and the Mexican is knock
ed down. In revenge on the sheriff
Ernlco persuades the Infatuated girl
to elope. He takes her to the house
of a minister In a nearby town. As
the ceremony of marriage Is about to
take place, the Mexican Is confront
ed by his deserted wife, who fortu
nately Sot Elsie had been taken In and
protected by the kindly old minister
and his wife. The wedding Is stop
ped and Enrico confronted with his
guilt. Elsie, dumfounded and ar-
most prostrated on the exposure of
the Mexican's despicable conduct.
rushes from the house and makes her
way on foot back home, back to tne
protection of her brother's strong
Featuring Gene Gauntler as Elsie.
"Bumptious As Romeo." Edison.
Presumptuous Bumptious in a benev
olent and sympathetic state of mind,
with the assistance of his dramatic
club, determines to demonstrate to
the world the ideal manner of act-'
Ing. A screamingly funny film fro.n
start to finish.
Lured by a Phantom, or the King
of the Thulo. Gaumont. The hero
of this story was king of that legend
ary country of Thule which Is men
tioned by several of the old historians
and probably Is the Elkney or Shet
land Islands of today.
Nancy's Wedding Trip. Kosmik. A
comedy which keeps an a'udlence in
good humor throughout Its length.
man at her wedding. The dressmak
er's pretty daughter meets the Bon
of her mother's patron. The son, at
tracted by the girl's beauty, proposes
marriage which she, greatly flattered,
accepts. The boy's mother strongly
objects to the marriage, but decides
to make the beat of It and receives the
girl In her home as her daughter-in-law.
The girl coming from her hum
ble surroundings Is dazzled by her
new experience and being attractive
elicits the attentions of many of the
male acquaintances of her husband's
family. One in particular loses no
time to place himself in her way.
"How Mary Met the Cow Punch
ers." Melles. A Western drama,
with cowboys and a girl from Boston
who rather looks over their heads un
til they rescue herself and a com
panion from a ticklish position with
a band of Indians.
"The Escape from the Tullerles."
American Pathe. A scene from Frencn
history made thrilling and real by
the work of the excellent Pathe com
pany. The staging Is upon an elabo
rate scale and the actors perform their
parts with fidelity. The costuming
alone Is well worth aeelng.
"Micro Cematography Recur
rent Fever." Educational. A sclen
uric rum, representing the progress
of a case of recurrent fever, which
sometimes causes serious epidemics
In Russia and elsewhere. The action
of the growth of germs in the blood
of an Inoculated monkey is clearty
"Max In a Dilemma." Comedy. A
big show of four-thousand feet of pictures.
So pleased is Fire Commissioner
Waldo of New York City with the new
self-propelled water truck, he has de
termined to motorize the entire fire
department's equipment.
When Your
Pipes Leak
Instead of better If you attempt to
do your own plumctng. Tou would
n't expect us to be able to run your
business. Don't think you can do
requires more than a few tools and a
hunk of solder. It requires trained
knowledge and skill. We have the
equipment all right So give us a
chance to exercise it when you need
a gooA job.
Beddow & Miller
Pendleton's Only Exclusive Plumbers.
12 W. Court St. Phono Blaok S&S
Orpheum Theatre
1. P. 4smACM.
ForMen, Women and Children
tya. Ti ulia's mmd Priiart,
Is maie from the choicest wh. that
?rtvw8. GW bread is assured whtea
BYERS' BEST FLOUR is need. Bran,
Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley alway cm
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon.
The Pastime.
Offers you for Sunday's change
the cleanest, newest and most satis
fying program.
"A wreath of Orange Blossoms.'.'
Blograph. " The plot of this story
turns upon the sight of a young wo
Fresk aac Whelesone Cakes, Pies, and Pastry
iencacws vauy
Phone Main 449 for Prompt Delivery
Royal Bakery
Wholesale and Retail
Special orders given special attention
Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor. Webb and
:i i .. Cottonwood Streets