Qtiirr pages BAHiT KACT ORKGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911 PAGE SIX II OTHERS I "y- - Toe greatest crisis in a woman -i lire la wkea Erst she becomes a motner. All the physical strength of hex nature Is demanded at such times, and it Is necessary that ho system fee thoroughly prepared for the event, In order that her health e preserved for future years. Mother's Friend Is womurs safest reliance; it is a meaicme ir Mrun , -"'h and other Ingredients -which assist aatare In all necessary physical changes of the svsteai Its regular nse before the earning of baby prepares the muscles and tendoms for the unusual strain, aids In expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and rtrengUeas all the membranes and tissues. Mother's Friend lessens the pain and daajrer at the crisis, aad leaves a the metier la sack healthful eoa- VAl a m w w tt- -vrrv7 ditioa that her recevety Is always rapid and natural. Mother's Friend is fold at drug stores. Write for cur free book for expectant mothers. JJBJLB FIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. .OTHERS 'Trn "IT TCRsf ITvt 11 JKJUCrW POULTRY PAYS Oil HUSTON FARM ONE MAX HAS OUDEKS FOR 9000 DAY OLD CHICKS OUR POLICY We Pay Cash and Sell for Cash We save you from 10 to 25 per cent by trading with us F. J. DONALDSON, Reliable Druggist. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAX FRANCISCO. IX THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up $1,500,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year in cash. . . . Ja.002,233.99 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 302,629.38 Income "from other sources received during year 41.S13.91 F. M. Curtis ConiiK-lletl to Stop Ad vertisingOrders for 1913 Deliver ies Already Received Hens Fay S20 a Week Clear. (Speoiafcorrespondenee.) Hermiston, Ore., March' 7. That poultry raising is a profitable busi ness is shown by the number of peo ple who are going into the business on the project. Mr. Francis M. Curtis Is the oldest man in the poultry business here. Ho has two breeds of chickens, Barred Kocks and Columbian Wyandottes, The strain Is an exceptionally good ono and has gained a good reputa tion throughout this part of the coun try. Orders ure being received by Mr. Curtis from all parts of the Unit ed States for eggs and day. old chicks and he has found that it is necessary for him to discontinue advertising for the reason that he can not possibly fill the orders that are coming In all the time. This week he has reported that he has orders now for over nine thous and day-old chicks to be delivered yet this spring and orders have already been received for two thousand for 1912 delivery. Mr. Curtis has 500 hers at the pros ent time and during the winter months these have paid him never less than $20 per week clear of all ex pense. in addition to eggs for setting and day-old chicks Mr. Curtis has a market for all of his eggs that he can possibly Eupply and Is now complet ing arrangements to enlarge his yards and will increase his number of hens. He recently purchased 20 new incu bators. Xot long ago Mr. Curtis shipped sev eral crates of chickens to Alaska. Nearly every man who has taken a homestead here has some chickens. Mr. Curtis is trying his best to have them all try poultry, although he re fuses to sell any of his hens at any price. Total income ....$5,346,677.31 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $2,5S5,S77.64 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 225,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year.. 1.378.12S.90 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year... 132,324.89 Amount of all other expenditures 331,954.91 I CURES ROUTS ' OBSTINATE IHHrV STUBBORN COUGHS COLDS 'THE KING OF CURESV DR. KING'S ry MEW BflSCOVERYy Nv FOR ALL DISEASES OF TUROAT LUNGS zt: x QUICKEST WHOOPING COUGH CURE HEALS WEAK, SORE LUNGS 1 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY L PAPER IS AT SCRATCHED FOR 10 YEARS. Total expenditures J4.653.2S6.34 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned t 557.000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned 4.91S.115.29 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc; 1,033,425 00 Cash in banks and on hand 476,736.56 Premiums in course of collection and in trans mission 1,009,548.89 Interest and rents due and accrued 75,803.69 ADAMS NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS Total assets $8,070,629.43 Less special deposits in any State (if any there be) $ 70,000.00 Total assets admitted in Oregon $8,000,629.43 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 462,617.52 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 3,390,131.28 Due for commission and brokerage 180,000.00 All other liabilities 151,500.00 Total liabilities $4,184,248.80 Total insurance in force December 31, 1910 $506,314,351.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $9,418,935.00 Gross premiums received during the year 149,753.71 Premiums returned during the year 34,869.94 Losses paid during the year 69,880.26 Losses Incurred during the year 46,850.08 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 31. 1910 5,163,180.00 FIREMEN'S FCND INSURANCE COMPANY, By LOUIS WEIXMAXN, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: CHAS. R, THOMPSON, Sherlock Building, Portland. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE CITIZENS. INSVRANCE CO., OF MISSOURI OF ST. LOUIS, IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up $ 200,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year in cash.... J 569,401.86 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 30,532.97 Income from other sources received during year Toal Income 599,934.83 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $ 315,346.83 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 22,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year. 167,684.55 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. . . 26,184.51 Amount of all other expenditures 33,281.59 Total expenditures t ASSETS. Value of real estate owned Value of stocks and bonds owned $ 651,177.60 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 102,700.00 Cash In banks and on hand 118,273.86 Premiums In course of collection and In trans- mission 99,650.10 Interest arm rents due and accrued, $9,987.05 and other Items $249.19 10,236.24 664,497.48 Total assets $ 882,037.70 Less special deposits In any State (If any there be) $ 19,092.60 Total assets admitted In Oregon LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 51,756.28 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 458,811.38 Due for commission and brokerage All other liabilities 6,842.26 .$ 862,946.20 Total liabilities $ 617,608.81 Total Insurance In force December 31, 1910 $71,868,320.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR, Total risks written during the year t 869,116.00 Gross premiums received during the year 17,656.82 Premiums returned during the year 2,477.28 Losses paid during the year " 892.18 Losses Incurred durln the year 1,824.73 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 81, 1810 1,188,912 00 CITIZENS INSURANCE CO., OF MO. By J. H. CARR, Vice-President Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: , JAMES J. DENNIS, Portland, Oregon. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, March 7. Mrs. Lola Wood ward and Miss Stella Lieuallen visit ed friends in the city of Pendleton Saturday. Misses Lola and Gwendoline Rog ers came up from Pendleton Friday to spend Sunday at home. Miss Gladys ttahe accompanied them home. Miss Barnes went to Weston Friday to spend Sunday at home. Miss Beebee was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Haley and children left Saturday for Monmouth to visit friends and relatives ror two months. They will make Monmouth their fu ture home. F. Blake visited friends in Pendle ton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker went to Pendleton Monday to do some shop ping. T. C. Ried of the Adams hotel, bought a new Ivers & Pond piano at Walla Walla, which arrived Thurs day. Mrs. John Wilson of Pendleton Is the guest of Mrs. T, C. Bled this week Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward of Adams county, Washington, are ne guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen this week. Miss Abrams, teacher of the Fin school, leaves Saturday to take charge of a spring school near Salem. Pete Murray was a Pendleton vis itor on Saturday. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable. and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all dealers. FIRST COPY OF TOWN'S FIRST PAfER DISCOVERED Workmen Tearing Down Condemned Rrlok Wall Unearth Volume 1, Number 1 of Ccntervllllan (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., March 6. Consider able excitement was caused tmong the citizens of this community yes terday when the workmen who are tearing down the brick wall on the corner of Third and Main, found an Issue of "The Centervilllan" between the brick. On unfolding a small mar ble was also found wrapped In the paper, and on reading the paper Tt was found that the paper was No. 1, Vol. 1, consequently it is a copy of the first paper that was ever published in this city. The date was September 12, 18S5, and it took its name from Centerville which was the first name of this place. Along with the marble was found the card of H. N. Battler, who was the editor and publisher of the said sheet. Having been placed between the brick the mortar had proved de structive on the paper and parts were entirely eaten away so that It was impossible to read it. Among the advertising columns appears the name of C. A. Barrett, B. D. Clemens and E. R. Cox, the first two of which are still in business and Mr. Cox still re sides here, but he sold out his busi ness a few years ago. There were a great many other ad vertisements of business houses in thta city, but most of them are almost forgotten. Among the news items appears the name of the late deceased Thomas J. Kirk, who was postmaster at that time. Since the time he was post master Mr. Kirk made his fortune from wheat raising and when he died some two years ago, he left one of the largest estates of this whole country. Mr. Sattler stated in his paper that an old barn was being torn down to put up a brick building on the corner of Main and Center streets, which building was the one where the paper was found. This Is the only Issue of that number that Is known to be In existence and it is considered a great lellc. Used D. D. D. Six Months AH I ton ing Gone I This is the actual experience of Anne Croman, Santa Rosa, Cal., with the wonderful D. D. D. Prescription. D. D. D. Is the proven eczema cure, the mild wash that gives In stant relief In all forms of skin trou ble. Cleanses the skin of all Impurities washes away blotches and pimples, leaving the skin as Bmooth and heal thy as that of a child. Get a 25c trial bottle of this won derful eczema euro today and keep it in the house. We know that D. D. D. will do all that claimed for It. Tallman Drug Co. and delegates will be escorted to their place of entertainment. Judge J. H. Bowers, chairman of the entertain ment committee, announces that pre parations are being mado to care for all visitors. The delegates have been apportioned among tho denominations as follows: Presbyterian and Methodist, 250 each; Baptist and Congregational, 200 each; Christian, 150; United Presby terian, 50; Methodist South, United Brethren, Evangelical and others, 25 each. "Extensive preparations are being mado for the entertainment of our friends, us well as making the pro grams of the three-day convention the most Interesting and instructive In the history of the association," said Judge Bowers, "and we are looking forward t.i at least 1,200 delegates, though we are In position to tako care of several hundred more. "There will be prominent speakers from the northwestern and coast states, also from eastern centers, .and on the whole the program of the con vention will be arranged on such lines ns to give added interest to Sunday school work not only 'n the Inland Empire but throughout the Pacific slope country." ho and vestern Montana, aro expect ed to attend tho annual convention of the inland Empire Sunday school association In Spokane, April 25 to 27. They will be entertained on the Harvard plan, being provided with) rooms and breakfast in private homes. Rev. F. B. Foster, chairman of the reception committee, has arranged plans to meet every train coming in to the city on April 24 and during the time the convention Is In session. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY WINS ALL GAMES Last Defeats WaHliinirton State in Contest of tho Season. The Willamette University basket ball team closed the season Thursday afternoon, still undefeated, by taking the game with the Washington State College, 47 to 9- This is the largest score run up on this team thla sea son. McRea and Paul Homan were the stars for Willamette, McRea, get ting eight baskets, Homan six and al so making seven points on iree throws with nine chances. Mclntyre got four baskets, while Schramm and Gibson, guards, got one each. For W. S. C. Lowery, center, got three bas kets, and Bartlett one. Barnes made one point on free throws, having six chances. The games the Willamette team has played this season are aa follow: W. U. 38, Mt. Angel 13; W. U. 80, M. A. A. C. 18, W. U. 22, Mt. Angel 17, W. U. 25, O. A. C. 15, Corvallls; W. U. 22, O. AC. 18, Salem; W. U. 47, W. 8. C. . The line-up was: W. S. C: Barnes and Bartlett, forwards; Lowery, cen ter; Rltter and Buck, guards. Wil lamette: Mclntyre and P. Homan, forwards; McRae, center; Schramm and Gibson, guards. Zimmerman, referee; Kirk, umpire. MedldnM that aid natar are al ways moat successful. ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. A word to the wise Is sufficient, but a whole volume wouldn't con vince the otherwise. TWELVE HUNDRED DELEGATES NortliwcHt Sunday Schools to Send Representatives to SM)kanc. Twelve hundred delegates, repre senting all parts of eastern Washlng tcn and Oregon, north and central Ida. "I Suffered Years With My Back." Backache resulting from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per manent disability. "I suffered for years with my back, or kidney trouble, and hare tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a rear ago, one of our local druggists induced me to try Dr. Mites Anti-Pain Pills and after using them some three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys, and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. ALLEN, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As a remedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are unsur passed. 8old by all druggist under a guar antee assuring the return of the prloa of th tint box If no benefit results. MILES MEDICAL CO Elkhart, in. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or J chronic rheumatism, neither of which requires any Internal treatment All that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give it a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which tt affords. Sold by all dealers. . . .j j STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER WANTED The United States civil service com mission announces that a stenograph er and typewriter examination will be held at Pendleton, Oregon, on April 12, 1911, for all branches of the field service and also for the appor tioned service Washington, D. C. Persons who desire to compete should at once apply to the secretary of the eleventh civil service district, Seattle, Washington, for application and full information. This was the "trairedv in 12 words" turned in by an Ingenlus grammar school pupil: "Algy met a beaV; the bear was bulgy; the bulge was Alsrv." All the news all the time In the East Oregonlan. DANGER FOR PENDLETON PEOPLE APENDICrnS Many Pendleton people who have or gas In the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation and do not know that these are symptoms of chronic appendicitis which may any minute become acute. They should try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-t-ka, the new ' German appendicitis rem edyA SINGLE DOSE will bring re lief. Pendleton Drug Co, states that the QUICK action of Adler-l-ka Is a constant surprise to people. - Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wh- that grows. Good bread is assured wlii BYERS' BEST FLOUR is need. Bran. Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Pendleton, Oregon. ANHEUSER-BUSCH on draught at the- Columbia Bar 632-636 Main Sl FINE WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS We Serve to Please Herman Peters, Prp Bowman Bar One Block from Depot A Gentlemen's Resort Try Our CIGARSandLIQUORS They Please " Uartln Andersen. Prop Orpheum Theatre j. p. HKDVRjvAcn, HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES ForJMen, Women and Children 8KB PROGRAM Df TODAY'S PAPER. , Program Chsagre eat . TMsJafa aad fMiar.