EIGHT PAGES ATLT KAJlT OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCII 7, 1011. r acdb mi Second Great Embroidery Scale will be held Thursday when we will place on sale 1800 yards of the finest Swiss Flouncing, Corset Covers and all-over Embroideries . in widths from 1 8 -in to 45 in. Skirtings Values to Yd. PERSONAL MENTION Thursday Only 4?c'Yard Sale starts at promptly 9 o'clock. None laid away and none will be charged See Window F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store. HENRY HEADS COMMITTEE. (Continued from page one.) The new rules committee Is almost a complete transformation from the present one. Wholesale Indictments Expected. Chicago. 111., March 7. Assistant Attorney General Townsend and his .staff of speclnl agents arrived In Chi cago today from Detroit and will con tinue Investigations Into the gigantic Alaskan land and coal frauds, In which It Is said many Chfcago finan ciers are Involved. Wholesale In dictments are expected later. Approximately 48,000 acres of land vnlued at $50,000,000, are Involved In the alleged frauds conspiracy. Andrews Not Guilty, Chnrles Andrews, charged with as sault and battery by Walter Hanna, was adjudged not guilty by a Jury m the Justice court yesterday afternoon. Ho testified that the young man call ed him names and refused to retract them, which the Jury evidently con sidered Justification for the brutal mishandling- he administered. EGG EXPERIMENT SHOWS WOMEN READ ADS Those who believe that women don't read the advertisements In the newspapers might have had a con vincing object lesson of the fallacy of their views a few days ago. The pro prietor of a chain of New York gro cery stores determined to test te matter by Inserting in all the leading papers a coupon which, presented In person, would entitle the holder to one dozen eggs for ten cents. The ad vertisements appeaed In the evening papers, and on the following morn ing the streets In the neighborhood of all the stores were almost blocked with women. Special police had to be assigned to keep the anxious bar gain seekers from fighting each other in their anxiety to take advantage' of the great offer. Although the grocer lost money on the egg deal, he has gained hundreds of new customers and his business for the week follow ing "egg day" has been the biggest he has ever-had by thousands of dollars. Putplo will never be heavy If you put In two tablespoonfuls of corn starch with the flour. Haviland China, Cut Glass ? Hand Painted China, Etc. Still going at Auction Sale Prices If you diden't secure what you wanted during the Auction, come in and we will make you a satisfactory price on any article you select. KOEPPEN' The Drug Store That Serves You Best s Prior Shaw was In from his home at Echo yesterday. George W. Zent of Pasco, is a guest of the Hotel St. George. C. Frlcdley and wife of Echo, were Pendleton visitors yesterday. Mrs. Robert Dick returned to her home at Pilot Rock this morning. W. J. Stockman returned this mor ning from a visit to his ranch near Helix. J. H. Myrkk of Athena, is in the city today for the purpose of paying his taxes. John Durham went to Walla Walla this morning for the transaction of business. Miss Claire Sorenson of Stanfleld, was among the west enders In the city yesterday. J. L. Parker and wife were visitors In the city yesterday from their home at Stanfleld. Mrs. Roy Penland was among the Helix people who came In on the N. P. this morning. C. B. Maynard, representing the I. C. S.. is In the city from his Baker headquarters. Mrs. Art Grover came In on the Northern Pacific this morning from her home at Helix. Editor John P. McManus of the Pi lot Rock Record, came In from his home yesterday evening. Frank Sloan, the well known 'Stan field property holder, came In from that town last evening. Emmet Reese, one of the well known Helix farmers, came In on the N. P. this morning. C. P. Bishop, of the Pendleton woolen mills, - leaves this evening for Chicago upon a business trip. E. E. Hamlin and wife of Hermlaton were up from their home in the west end of the county yesterday. Brook Dickson, the popular young high school student, is confined to his home with an attack of la grippe. Mrs. Margaret Cannon, formerly a resident of this city but who now lives at Spokane, is visiting In the city. B. F. Beck, who has been 1U for some time at his home on Bureguard street, is now Improving In health. Attorney Homer I. Watts of Athena, came down on the local this morning and is transacting business In the city Pearl Russel, who Just recently re turned from a trip through Califor nia, went to Hermlston this morning. Rev. A. McKenzie Meldrum, pastor of the First Christian church at Athe na, came In this morning on the local. J a men Hill and wife came In from their home at Helix this morning and are visiting with relatives In the city. R. Raymond, well known retired farmer, returned on the N. P. this morning from a visit to his ranch near Helix. Lester Swaggart, a former "Pendle ton resident who is now living In Portland, is here to look after prop erty Interests. Ira Kemp, cashier of the bank at Weston and Incidentally treasurer of the Blue mountain league, is in the city today. Traveling Freight Agent W. B. Heath of the Northern Pacific Is over from his headquarters at Walla Wal la today. T. G. Montgomery, cashier of the American National bank, returned on the Northern Pacific train this morn ing from Helix. J. L. Parker, the Stanfleld mer chant who recently disposed of his store there, is transacting business in Pendleton today. Mrs. William Humphrey is ill from ptomaine poisoning and is reported to have been very ill last night, but Is Improving today. Miss Bertha Alexander has return ed from Hermlston where she spent two weeks as the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. P. Dodd. Miss Mabel McPherson went to Her mlston this morning to take a sten ographic position with the Inland Empire Lumber company. James H. Gwlnn, secretary of the local Credit Men's association and secretary of the Round-up association, Is In Portland on a business visit. A. J. Sturtevant and son, Mark A. turtevnnt, came in from their home at Pilot Rock yesterday afternoon and are transacting business in the city. E. M. Akers of Junction City, Ore gon, will arrive here in a few days to take a position as machinist at the Pendleton iron works. He Is a broth er of M. L. Akers, manager of the Iron works. F. A. Berlin and family of Athena, were in the city yesterday while en route homo from Shenandoah valley, Vlrlnla, where they visited after an absence of 24 years. Oregon Is tae only country for them. SPOKANE CAMPAIGN ENDS. Women Take Active Interest in Se lection of I'lrst live Commissioners. Spokane, Wash., March 7. Several big rallies last night marked the end of one of tho liveliest political cam paigns witnessed here In recent years. In the election In progress today five commissioners will be chosen to re place the present" mayor and council under the new form of government adopted by Spokane. There are 92 candidates for the five commission ershlps but It Is believed the possi bility of the election rests with not more than 20 of these. Women have taken a very active part In the campaign, the wives and daughters of many of the candidates having been particularly active. The ballots Incorporate first, Becond and third choice and in view of this fca turo and the long list of names It will probably be late before the result is known. The polls will close at 8 p. m. SALE EXTRAORDINARY OF LADIES' ress Skirts and Waists TAKE EARLY ADVANTAGE $7.00 to $10 Skirts at $4.95 These come in Serges, Panamas, Mohaira and fancy Worsteds, black and colors. Not a skirt in the lot worth less than $7.00 and many excellent $10.00 values on sale at $4.95 $12 to $16 Skirts for $8.45 These come in a wide range of desirable colors and plain, in fancy materials, some voiles. Black and navy predominate. All excellent $12 to $16 values, on sale at $8.45 A Splendid Saving Opportunity in Ladies' Waists l.S'O to $2.00 Waists at 98c Mostly white, plain tailored and lingerie waists, in full range of sizes. Xone worth less than $1.50 and $2.00, on sale at 98c $3.50 to $4.50 Waists at $2.35 Mostly fancy lingerie waista of fine lawn and batistes, lace trimmed and prettily tuck ed. A most phenomenal offering of the best $3.50 and $4.50 waists at $2.35 $4.50 and $5.00 Silk Waists S3.35 1 $7.50 and $10.00 Silk Waists $G.00 and $7.00 Silk Waists ?4.2o $2.25 to $3 Waists at $1.45 Plain and fancy tucked linen, Persian and French lawns, excellent values at $2.25-- to $3.00, all sizes, on sale at $1.45 $4.75 to $6 Waists at $3.25 Fancy linen embroidery tailored waista and fancy lingeries in all sizes. Your choice during this sale. $3.25 $5.25 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money I LOCALS See Lane & Son for signs. Pastime pictures please all. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra, Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane St Son. Phone Flatzoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 445. Lakb whltefish at the Cash Mar ket, phone Main 101. National cash register for sale, al most new. Sharon & Eddings. The king of all 6c cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan, sole agent. More moving pictures shown than any other theater in the city the pastime. Just recei.td Shipment of frjjti r'ums, a' Farmers' Meat Co., phoi-j Main 445. 120 acres timber, easy of access, 40 cords to the acre, J 9 per acre will buy it. E. T. Wade. Wanted Woman to do houseworic. No washing. Good wages to right party. Apply to this office. Ask your grocer for Royal bread then you get the best. If they don't keep it, phone Main 449. The regular meeting of the Civic club will be held tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock in the city hall. The best and brightest moving pictures and as many as any snow house in Pendleton, at the Orpheum. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 12. 17 room apartment house only 11500 $500 will handle It House could not be built today for $3000. Lee Teutsch. See Ebrel & Shaver for well drill ing. Estimates furnished on appli cation. Addres 118 Lincoln street, Pendleton. Mrs. Rose Campbell Is now showing a complete line of new spring hats for street wear. Call and see the beau tiful patterns. Save yourself a trip down town. Phone Main 101 for your meat and lard. They'll select it carefully at the Cash market. Phone Main 92 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street. Furniture New electric fan and general household goods, for sale at 413 Bush street. Phone Main 107. Must be sold within a few days. If you want fresh meat from a new, clean market, phone Main 445. Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Plat20eder, manager. 224 E. Court street Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phone Black 3391. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 647 Main st Just opened New sanitary plumb ing shop at 304 East Court street All work guaranteed. Estimates fur nished. Phone Main 443. Alex Burt Unfurnished housekeeping rooms m East Oregonlan buildng. Eteam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Re cently renovated. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try it Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes further. For sale Two hundred acres good timber grazing land, about 60 acres tillable, running water on place. This Is a snap if taken within next thirty days. Address W. B., Box 341, city. Pendleton's new paint store. Haie & McAtee, props., 815 Main street. Acme quality paints, enamels, stains, wall paper,' picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let us figure on 7our next Job. Phone Main 158. New Law Firm. Roscoe R. Johnson and Joseph M. Skrable announce that they have es tablished offices in the Despaln build ing, Pendleton, Oregon, and that they will hereafter engage in the general practice of law under the firm name of Johnson & Skrable. Notice to th Pnhllc. Having bought the Finch syraying machine, I expect to do any or all kinds of sprayln? this season. R, 3812, or see I. C. Snyder. Add a large onion o a pot of cook ing cabbage. It will take away the gas and any 111 effects of the cabbage. Save money by reading today's ads. m m Fresh and Wholesome Cakes, Pies, and Pastry Delicacies Daily Phone Main 449 for Prompt Delivery Royal Bakery RUDOLPH MARTIN, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Special orders given special attention Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Streets There is not a woman on earth who can stand to live "day in and day out." in a hall bedroom of a family hotel or hoarding house. They want a REAL home of their own their own little dressing table their own easy chair, and their own favorite pictures on the wall. Every woman would have a homo if their husbands only knew the real happiness it would bring. Lack of readv casli is no hindrance: $ 1 0.00, $ 1 5.00 Or $20.00 Monthly Payments will Secure a nice Place, See About it Today, LEE TEUTSCH n Home Rnd,