PAGE TURKS EIGHT PAGES AHiT EAST ORBSONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 19 It Good Clothes Points 44 VTA. ftwll Coprrfht Hrt Schlatter Be Mm AZ7 WW Tasteful, Distinctive Style Good Fit Unbreakable Coat Front Perfectly Draped Back Shapely Shoulders Close Fitting Collar Smoothly-lying Lapels Perfectly Poised Sleeves Thin Edges - " Perfect Button Holes Buttons Accurately Sewed On A Positive Guar antee Covering All These Points of Qjality t These are all you can exepe in clothes at any price.' You can get all in OUR clothes at $15.00 to $30.00 i NEWS OF TIE NORTHWEST Auto Fire Engine at Ynklina. Aorth Yakima, Wash. The new $5000 fire engine is awaiting the ex pert for the official test. It is "the first automobile fire engine purchas- ea in this territory. Woman Director ut llatton. ATTHEr.lI PICTURE SHOWS l-"iviuii Rills 19 Cougars. llatton, Wash. Mrs. Laura Fields was elected school director here Sat urday. Mm. Fields is the first wo man to hold a public office in this district. Masons to Lay Cornerstone. North Yakima, Wash. A commit tee has been appointed to arrange for the laying of the cornerstone of tne new Masonic temple about April 1. The grand master and members of the grand lodge will be present. Kcsunio 0K'rulloii8 at Portlilll. Porthill, Idaho. The Y'ale Colum bia Lumber company will resume op erations for the summer with tne railroad as soon as the engine Is re paired. Two more cars of rails have been received for an extension. Latest Spring Style Hats Hats of quality and individu ality that will give you service and style at the same time. r The kind that gives you the stylish appearance that all the fellows like so well. A full showing. All sizes, all the latest shades, all the newest styles. $3.00 to $4.50 Patents Auto Gear Device. Moscow, Idaho. An invention has been perfected by J. H. Michaieson to improve transmission gear of an auto. Instead of disengaging the en S'ne clutch and throwing the cogs out as a present, this method will shift the shaft Instead of the gear. Clarkatou Fruit Prospects Good. Clarkston, Wash. The fruit grow' pis of the Clarkston district are elat ed over the prospect for a large fruit crop this season. The cool nights have kept the buds back. The First Na tional bank of Clarkston ordered a car of crude oil for the growers. Sell Wnllu Walla Wheat. Walla Walla, Wash. Some wheat was sold Monday after a period of practical stagnation for several aays. The formers union sold several thou sand bushels for ranchers at Helix, Ore., and L. W. Estes sold 6000 bus els at 71 1-2 and the bluestem about 2 cents higher. Orplieiun. Pendleton's favorite picture the ater. Interesting program for Tues day's change, 1. "Mike the Miser." Edison. "Mike the Miser" is a little district telegraph messenger boy who has won the soubriquet by his closeness, and the story deals with the reason for this closeness and also with the trials which the title bestowed upon him forces into his young life. It Is one of the most appealing of child stories arm full of unconscious humor of bovhood. none of which is lost by tho youthful participants. "A Robust Patient." Seilg. Jones is sick and a friend tells him he should go to a sanitarium and recommends Dr. Crow's Retreat." Accordingly Jones bids his wife good bye and Is off for his health arrives and Is ro ceived by Dr. Crow, who promises great things. He is assured that he is In a very serious condition nna must diet and train down Is shown to his room, is dlsguested and writes his wife as follows: Dr. Crow's Bug House. Dear Wife. This Is no plnce for me, this Is a dippy factory. I tried to leave but they won't let me out. I am to diet and train down. I can see my finish now. Farewell. Willie. Watching his chance he makes his escape. Arriving at the quiet peaceful homo of the Jones' he writes the Doctor the following touch ing testimonial. Dear Dr. Crow: Your institution is a wonderful benefit to mankind. If I ever have an enemy who Is seek ing health, I will take great pleasure in recommending him to try your nut college. Affectionately, Jones. 3. "It Did Look Suspicious." Vita graph. A case of circumstantial evi dence in which a man's carelessness leads him to accuse an Innocent par ty of committing a crime which Is purely his own doing and for which ha has to take tho blame and ack nowledge his faults. 4. "The Firemen's Parade." Vita- graph. The fire tighten are a fin bodv of men and do some tint work In their exhibition of the way they do things. There la a whole lot of good tuff In this picture that la worth see ing. 6. The Musical Ranch. Lubin. A comedy representing a variety of mu sical geniuses upon a western ranch. The honors go to the man that oourd not play anything yet succeeded in winning Ills lady's favor by the Intro duction of a phonograph. "Tho Pastime. The show of quality." Excellent program for Tuesday's change. "Fate's Turning." Bloaraoh. 1000 feet. A young; man on a visit to a summer resort meets a pretty wait ress. Impulstvelv he becomes engag- . ed to her. Later his father dies and the boy having to take hla fathers place, reasons that an alliance with the waitress Is Impossible. He la about to marrv a ladv of hla own ' sphere when the poor, unfortunate girl with her baby appears and the young man makes reparation by mar rying her Instead of the heiress, for he finds that Is not only duty but he really loves the little girl. 2. "The Border Ranger... Essan 1000 feet. Bud. a ranger, cap tures tho leader of a band of Mexi can smugglers. The smugglerss re taliate bv caDturlnir Joe's sweetheart. They declare they will never give her up untly Bud gives up Joe. Bud re fuses and goes after her, but Is cap tured himself, and subjected tP tor ture to make him give up. The girl escapes, Informs a posse where the smugglers rendezvous, and they ar rive Just In time to save Bud's lire. "Father Makes Himself Useful." Lubln. Often mother-in-law has been called in to settle dlsagrcable or ran clflcd differences between fond cou ples, but probably this Is the first time father-in-law has been called upon to make the son good. The fath er arrives and makes love to the lng angry cmfwy cmfwypWhcu daughter-in-law and the son becomes very angry. But father brings them together and all ends happy with a laugh every second. 000 feet. "The Adventuress." Gaumont 1, Four reels. 4000 feet of latest mo tion pictures. Honey in Granger Hall. Granger, Wash. A large quantity of honey was taken from the walls of the Odd Fellows hall near the roof. The honey was deposited there by a swarm of bees, which for three years has made its home between the sid ing of the building and the Inside wall. New Boys' Clothing Just received, a large ship ment of Boys' Hercules Suits, ages 2 1-2 to 20 years. The niftiest, most stylish line we have shown all wool, shower proof. $3.75 to $10. New Manhattan Shirts We are now showing new spring styles in Manhattan Shirts. These shirts are ab solutely guaranteed not to fade. They a. e made the very best possible. They fit perfect ly. It you ever wear a Man hattan, you'll never wear any other kind. $2.00 to $3.50 ea THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE I Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade sis' When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warn weather. Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements,! Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better andjasts longer. than .stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Deiore you build your home. I will furnish your estimates for any class of worK on application. D. M. MHY Contractor mm Cor. RcZrood antd WDow Ss. PtaCctsM. Or Howard for Convict Lester. Walla Walla, Wash. Walla Walla. Wash. The state penitentiary Is of fering a reward of $50 for the recap ture of Oscar Lester, a convict, Who escaped from the road camp at Car- rolton, Jan. 27. Lester was a sol dier charged with robbing a man In the Idle Hour. Rural Branches of Yakima "Y." North Yakima, Wash. The first step In a country-wide movement for the installation of rural branches of the local Young Men's Christian asso ciation will be taken Wednesday night when four officers of the association will go into the Cowichee valley to meet prospective members. Legislature Aids Normal. Lewiston, Idaho. President Geo, H. Black of the Lewiston state normal school arrived Sunday from Boise. He is satisfied with the action of the leg islature in providing for the mainten ance of the school in the passage of the three-fifths mill tax levy, which will provide an annual fund of ap proximately JIO.UUU. Toppenish Booze at Auction. Toppenlsh, Wash. Following the announcement by the city council that all saloon licenses will be revoked on April 30 and that some will not be renewed, Henderson & Lamson held an auction this afternoon at their nt tie Brick saloon in which they dis posed of hundreds of dollars' worth of liquor, the sale being conducted because of the council's orders. Saloon Owner Faces Court. Walla Walla, Wash. John Krem- er proprietor of a saloon and re3 taurant, will be given a hearing in court because Henry Laufer, a pro bated man to Whom liquor must not be sold, appeared before Judge T. H. Brents a few days ago carrying a bot tle of whisky. The judge confiscat ed the bottle and obtained from the man a confession that he had bought It at Kremer's place. Stltes, Idaho. Nineteen cougars and four lynx comprise the winter's catch of C. B. French, an old trap per of the Clearwater country, who reached Stites last night after being isolated In the mountain fastnesses between Indian Lake creek and Run nlng creek, In Idaho county, since last October. After shooting one female cougar French took her three kittens alive, but subsequently killed them al so. Ho also came upon an eagle on a frozen lake tearing at the carcass of a deer previously slain by a cou gar. There is $15 bounty on each cougar killed and the skins are worth 15 to $25 apiece. A Swollen Jaw. is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether it's caused by neuralgia, toothache or accident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains, A. C, Koeppen 8c Bros. JUVENILE JOKET.ETS. "Tommy," asked the teacher "what is the feminine noun corres ponding to the masculine 'stag?' " Tommy, whose father Inclines to ward occasional gayety of disposition and whose mother also goes out gen erously: "Tea party. 1 uess." Auction Sale of Horses There will Ik sold at Public Auction SAT,, MARCH 11, 1;30 P. M. AT THE DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD SEVEX HEAD OF WORK HORSES. These Horn's are all Good Work Animala and Will bo Sold Without Iteservo. J. M. Bentley, Auctioneer Job Printing, Tel. Main i jj SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE UNITED STATES BRANCH OF THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION OF LONDON, IN THE KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital deposited f 630,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during tho year In cash. .. .32.661,091.24 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 120,283.41 Income from other sources received during year 213,888.27 Total Income $2,896,262.92 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during tho year 1,261,730.37 Dividends paid during the year on capital Btock Nil Commissions and salaries pnid during the year. 727,674.78 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during tho year.. 66,484.64 Amount of all other expenditures 134,426.17 Remitted to home office 385,412.69 Total expenditures $2,576,628 65 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned Nil Value of stocks and bonds owned ..$3,015,145.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc Nil Cash in banks and on hand 176,768.38 Premiums In course of collection and In trans mission' .. ... 427,843.26 Due from other companies for reinsurance on losses paid 8,626.11 Interest and rents due and accrued 37,430.41 Total assets $3,666,813.16 Less special deposits In any State (If any there be) Total assets admitted In Oregon $3,665,813.1$ LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 299,768.14 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 2,049,888.05 Due for commission and brokerage ,, 11,496.10 All other liabilities 109,585.19 Surplus , .. 1,195,075.68 Total liabilities . . . . . 1 . . $3,65,$lJ.i4 Total Insurance in force December 81, 1910 $323,092,562.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $5,717,932.00 Gross premiums received during the year 104,274.58 Premiums returned during the year .'..." 29,206.59 Losses paid during the year , 187,668.10 Losses Incurred during the year , 186,111.10 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Deo. 31, 1910 4,642,786.00 LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. By EDWIN PARRISH, Joint Manager. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: ROD. E. SMITH, Portland. Bentley St Lefflnjrwell, Resident Agents, Pendleton, Ore.