EIGHT PAGES v BAIL'S EAST ORJGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH , 1911. page rm PERSONAL MENTION N A Complete Stock of v 20 MORE BLACK Voile Skirts JUST IN Extra Good Quality Voile. Some Made Plain, Others Nicely Trim med With Braid and Satin $10.00, $12.50, $13.50, $14.50, $15.00 ana $16.50 F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store. I! j! LOCALS See Lane & Son for signs. Pastime pictures please all. Royal Bakery. Phone Main 449. ' Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra, "Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane & Son. I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R 3831 Fresh bread dairy at Royal Bak ery. Phone Platzoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 445. Lakb whltefiflh at the Cash Mar ket, phone Main 101 National cash register for sale, al most new. Sharon & Eddings. Furnished housekeeping. rooms for rent. Inquire 206 West Webb. The king of all Sc cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan, sole agent.. Wanted Housekeeper. Only two men to cook for. Enquire "D" at this office. 120 acres fine timber, 19 per aero. See about this tomorrow. E. T. Wade. More moving pictures shown than any other theater In the city tne pastime. Just recei.'td Shipment of trufl c'ums, at Farmers' Meat Co., phon Main 445. Wanted Woman to do houseworit. No washing. Good wages to right party. Apply to this office. The best and brightest moving pictures and as many as any show house In Pendleton, at the Orpheum. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Bnrn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 12. 17 room apartment house only 116001600 will handle It House could not ''6 built today for $3000. Lee Tcutsch. See Ebrel & Shaver for well drill ing. Estimates furnished on appli cation. Addres 118 Lincoln street, Pendleton. Save yourself a trip down town. Phone Main 101 for your meat and lard. They'll select It carefully at the Cash market. Cold weather Is coming. We have the best coal on the market. A ton Is 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lumber Tard. Phone Main O. Phone Main 92 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street. If you want fresh meat from a new, clean market, phone Main 445. Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder, manager. 224 E. Courfstreet. A good party with 1 to $3000 can find an opening In a clean and very profitable business by addressing John Walsh, Walla Walla, Wash. Pcnlnnd Bros. Transfer Co., phone Black 3391. Piano furniture and heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 647 Main st JuBt opened New sanitary plumb ing shop at 304 East Court street. All work guaranteed. Estimates fur nished. Phone Main 443. Alex Burt. For Sale Furnishings of Palace House, $1100. $500 cash, rest on tlms. Easy payments. Best location In town. Apply on premises. G. M. Howard. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms m East Oregonlan buildng. Steam heat, gas rangre m kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Re cently renovated. You can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 173, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut. It burns clean and goes further. Pendleton's new paint store. Haie & McAtee, props., 816 Main street. Acme quality paints, enamels, stains, wall paper, picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let us figure on your nest job. Phone Main 168. FAST BASKETBALL IS At the high school gymnasium to morrow night the P. H. S. basketball quintet will go against the team from the Walla Walla, high school for the second time this year. Early In the season the local team defeated the Walla Wallnns on their own ground by a score of 16 to 18. Tomorrow pie Garden City boys will take revenge If possible and a very close and ex citing Bcrlmmago Is looked for. How ever, the high school boys who hold tho basketball championship of east ern Oregon will be in the game to hold their present lead if possible to do so. The players for Pendleton tomor row will be Boylen and Chapman, forwards. Houser, center; and C. Jor dan and A. Jordan, guards. The game is to begin at 7:30. On March 10 the high school boys will play a game with a team from Umatilla and on the week following, March 17, an athletic carnival will be held at the high school. liretoiig to Play Seals. San Francisco, March 2. Baseball will have its Inaugural on the Pacific coapt this afternoon when the Boston American league team and the San Francisco nine of the Pacific Coast league will meet on the local dia mond. This will be the first of a long series between the Boston Red Sox and the Seals and other coast teams. The Seals have been In training tor two weeks past and are expected to give the buys from Beuntown a hard tussle. The outlook is good for a repetition of lust year's exciting pennant race nmong the Coast League teams. No other league in the country had such a close contest In 1910 as the coasters, and almost up to the finish four oi the six clubs had a chance at the rag. There will be plenty of new faces for tho fans to watch this year, and all of the clubs have apparently been strengthened. The circuit, as last year, will include San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Oakland, Sac ramento and Vernon. For "Bread Wagon," phone Main 449. Do you rad the East Oregonlan T Fresh and Wholesome Cakes, Pies, and Pastry Delicacies Daily Phone Main 449 for Prompt Delivery Royal Bakery RUDOLPH MARTIN, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Special orders given special attention Retail Bakery and Factory, State Big. Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Streets M. II. Church is here today from Kennewick, where he resides. E. J. Fisher of Forest Grove, Is a registered visitor In the city today. Otis Turner, well known resident of Wtston, Is here upon a short so journ. Hoy Hurst of Prescott, Wash., came down on the evening Spokane train luHt night. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Elgin left tho city this morning on the eastbound train No. 6. Charles Stanton of the Helix livery stables, was in Pendleton yesterday for the transaction of business. Ernest Knight was an incoming passenger from Helix tflt morning on the Northern Pacific train. C. S. Cheshire of the W. J. Clarke Hardware company, Is confined to his home by an attack of la grippe. Frank Fuglt formerly employed in the Koepptn Brothers pharmacy, Is now with the Gray Brothers grocery. E. P. Dodd of Hermiston Is here today upon a business trip. He is en gaged in the realty business In the west end town. John Bahr and wife who are now living in Portland, came In this morning from their ranch near Mc Cormmach station. Mrs. Charles Ceal of 300 Aura street, who his been suffering from a stroke of appoplexy, Is reported to be greatly improved, J. W. Campbell, prominent young resident of the west end is here today from Hermiston. He says there is much activity in and around Hermis ton and that some street work is plan ned for the near future. Rev. Ralph E. Storey left today for Helix to assist in a series of revival meetings. He will return for his reg ular services Sunday. Later Rev. M. M. Bledsoe of Tekoa, Washington, will take charge of the meeting. Joe Cox, former salesman in the Ingram Grocery store In this city and who accompanied his late t . ployer to Hood River, has returned to Pendleton and Is now employed in the Gray Brothers grocery store. AT THE MOVING ' PICTURE SHOWS Orpheum. Good program for Friday's change. 1. "By the King's Order." Kos mlk. A thrilling story of brother en emies. The one an outlaw, the other a marquis and a faithful servant of the king. After being robbed of all they pos sess, a band of travelers complain to the law-abiding brother. The son of the brigand chief aids a young la dy who has been thrown from tier horse, helps her home and learns mat she is his cousin. Now the marquis receives orders to capture his broth er's stronghold. With a comDanv of soldiers he moves upon the outlaw Dana. -His daughter warns the out laws. After stubborn resistance the castle Is captured. 2. "The Girl in the Film." Vila graph. A refined comedy of how a evry pretty girl got herself in the film of a camera fiend. How she got in the film, the picture tells in a very entertaining and amusing manner. Tho young fellow with the camera fell In love with her and wouldn't rest until he wooed and won her. 8. "The Marked Dollar." A west ern drama by the American Patua company. Through a marked dollar a little girl discovers the man who took a large sum of money trorr. ner father, traces It to the man's house and Induces his wife to give It up. Her father Is restored to is place on the ranch, after beln admonished to mend his ways and choose more desirable associates. 4. "The Rivals." A good drama by the Edison company. Th" acting Is up to the usual Edisun standard. A very interesting picture. Four full reels, four thousand rut of good pictures. Tho Pastime. The show of quality. Program for Friday and Saturday. , "Water Lilies," Vitograph, 1000 ft A love story among the water lilies. It tells how a girl showed her love for a man stricken blind, and how their love began before the affection, among the water lilies was afterwards continued then when she came de spite his refusal to allow it, to reclaim him. "Sea Birds In Their Haunts," Pa the, BOO ft. A series of photographs of shy sea birds obtained under ex treme difficulties in their almost in accessible haunts. One of the best pictures made. "A Englishman's Honor," Sellg, 1000 ft. Tells of an Englishman who, supposing he had money, drew liber ally, but when gambling debts over whelmed him, and the truth came out, he departed for America, made a for tune In the mines, and returned to England In time to prevent his sweet heart marrying an unscrupulous rival "Honeymoon to Niagara Falls," Ed ison, 1000 ft. "The Tables are Turned," Pathe, 500 ft. A Bcreemlng comedy. Americans Were KlriiinpixM. El Paso, Tex., March 2. Charging that Edward Blatt, and , Lawrence Converse; the American youths, ar rested by Mexicans as spies, hod been carried from American soil to Juares with their feet and hanM bound, their friends today took steps to have the captors arrested as kidnapers. An agent of the department of Justice has returned from Tornllla and says the youths', stories are true. If it can be established they will soon bo released. Mc Call's Perforated and Self Transferable Patterns Contained in our stock is a remarkable assortment of up-to-date and attractive designs for Shirt Waists, Skirt Pan els, Corset Covers, Braiding, Pillow Tops, Berean Scarfs, Center Pieces, Stencil and Brass Work, Etc Have your nev Spring Suit fitted over a Kabo Corset and thus avoid any possible chance of disapointment The Latest and Best Spring Styles are here Priced from $1.00 to $5.00 Women's Suits now for $20 to $35 It will be to your advantage to inspect these suifs and com pare styles, quality, make and prices with, others. Better val ues at such popular prices are not to be found elsewhere. They are up to the standard in every detail. Coats are shown in the popular short style, with shawl or notch collar. Skirts are made in several styles with high or regulation waist Shown in solid colors and novelty mix tures in all the newest fabrics. ' Our superior stock of Spring Oxfords and Pumps now here for your choosing. ' mm 'MM f 1! Long Coats now Selling for $15 to $30 A complete showing of wo men's and misses' Spring Coats. The superiority of these gar ments over others at the same price is almost unbelievable. Ask to see them, though you are not quite ready to buy. They are exceedingly stylish, with shawl collar, square or round effect, also plainly tailored, with notch collar. Our superior stock of Spring Oxfords and Pumps now here for your choosing. Specials for Friday and Saturday 15c Bergley Cambric at yard 12 20c English Long Cloth at yard 16 25c English Long Cloth at yard 19 50c Cream Albatross all wool at yard 39 20c White Indian Head at yard 14 65c White Irish Linen at per yard 48 $5 and S6 Satin Damask Napkins, per dozen $3.95 The best 10c and 12 l-2c Dress Ginghams in the best style .of patterns The Best Apron Checks at . 7 The Best Calicoes at, yard 5 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money 0 It has come to our attention that a report has been circulated to the effect that other parties are interested in the Walsh Grocery other ' than ourselves, therefore: This is to certify, that no other person or firm is in any manner interested in the Walsh Grocery except E. M. WALSH, as proprietor, and C. S. WALSH, as manager. Signed: o WALSH Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of Feb'y. 191 1 . C. H. MARSH, (SEAL) ' Notary Public for Oregon M u I 8 ft