East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rxjblUUfJ III.t. Werkly nd Seml-Wetkt;
at IVmlitMon. Oregon, tT the
Pally, one year, by mall
Daily, ix mouth, by mall
ally, tUree montlis. by mall
Il!y. one month, by mail
lfuly, one year, by carrier
I ai!.v, tlx months, by carrier ....
Iaily. ibree months, by carrier...
I'aKy. one month, by carrier
Rcmi-Wevkly. one year, by mall....
euu-W rtkiy. &U niomhft. by mail...
Semi Weekly, four mouths, by mall.
. 2.50
3 73
Tbe Daily Kast Pretfonlan l kept on sale
t the Orectm Ne-s I'o., 32St Morrison
tret, rortland. Oregon.
Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon.
Cfck-.v Hurean, iHy Security Ilulldlng.
Aej: 'ion, l. C, 11 urea a, SOI Four
t '.aih : "et. X. W.
Mcr-rer I'nlted Press Association.
Entered t the postofflre at Tendleton,
Oregon, as second class mall matter.
Telephone Main 1
OffVlal city and County Taper.
I will build n-e a hut by the
River of Time,
And will sing as the days
drift by.
Of the goodness of God, of his
love and the clime
Of that realm w here no shad-
ows lie.
For my spirit in bloom. Death
will build me no tomb,
Nor cease shall the seraphim
As I feast at the banquet of
glories that loom
And build Immortality's
I will build me a hut of the love
of the Lord,
And of all things my Lord
hath made
Of unspeakable joy, and trans-
porting accord
With rapture, that never shall
Revelations . sublime, by the
River of Time,
My hungering heart shall ln-
My soul all aqulver with love
on the river,
Its voyage of praise shall pur-
Philetus Smith.
It is fine news that the water com
missioners are going to hold an elec
tion to vote bonds for a gravity water
system as soon as the necessary legal
steps can be taken. It is good news
that the city administration is to ex
tend the sewer system, build a new
Main street bridge and prepare the
way for extensive street improvements.
It is fine to know that the people will
have an opportunity to vote for a new
high school March 23.
Ail of these improvements are
needed. They have been needed for
a long time. The work proposed
should really have been done regard
less of the branch asylum. But now
that such an "institution has been
placed here the work is made imper
ative. Pendleton cannot have the
branch asylum unless the city is will
ing to provide the institution with au
ample supply of pure water. The in
stitution will not be built unless the
sewer is extended so as to protect the
health of the inmates. The need of
a new bridge and of street work
further emphasized by the coming of
the branch hospital. It is up to the
city to provide decent thoroughfares
leading to the big institution.
With the location of the branch
asylum adjoining this city and with
the state board ready to commence
operations this place confronts a sit
uation. By the action of the water
beard and of the city administration
Pendleton has grasped the situation
firmly and with both hands, so as to
speak. This city is saying to the re
mainder of the state, "You have giv
en us a valuable institution and we
appreciate It We are going to do
what is right by the state and by the
branch hospital. We will not wait to
be 'muck raked" or driven to do our
duty. We will act quickly and of our
own accord."
Another feature that is satisfactory
Just now is the fact that the building
and construction work to be done
here soon will make things lively.
With a million dollars worth of local
work in Bight Pendleton'ans have a
right to cheer up and be glad. Get
Into the harness and pull for a bigger
and better Pendleton. Raus with the
scoffer and the peusimlst. It Is all off
with them.
You cannot keep a good town down.
It is up to the county court to give
the people of the county the very best
service possible In every way. The
county court is a business commission
not a political organization. The
members were not elected to play pol
itics or to work to further personal
ends. The taxpayers expect the judge
nd the commissioners to give them
an efficient yet economical adminis
tration. But tbe court will not be giving the
pecple the beat possible service for
the least possible expense if they re-
sort to the old plan of having mem
bers of the court supervise road
work in their respective sections. The
East Oregonlan Is confident of this
because it remembers the former ex
perience with that system. This pa
per remembers the complaints it
. 1 .. I . .4., I,.. .. . . . V. . ......
I .
. f Ihe court supervised the road work
. hilt .,,.Ata.) .I.-..- ... ,.1.1-
litis around on O. It. & N trains. It
as freely charged that they were
swelling their personal accounts but
loiwere doing the county but little good.
.50 I
iuere are reasons for believing that
the charges were largely justified.
In preference to that way of sup
ervising road work the plan of Judge
Maloney to have three roadmasters do
the work sounds businesslike. The
roadmasters would bo practical men
.and would be "right upon the job."
I They could drive the work through
land get it done when it should be
! i!one. That is half the battle when it
comes to road work in this country.
The roadmasters would be paid only
for such time as thev worked and if
they did not give good service the
court could discharge them any time.
What the commissioners are goiii;
tu do about this matter the East Ore-
gonlan does not know. But this pa
per does know that they will satisfy
the people better if they forego the
I lan of supervising the roads them
selves. The people dislike that sys-
Urn and are suspicious of it.
Returning from California W. E.
Brock declares he is more favorable
than ever to the plan for erecting a
new high school. He says the im
provement must be made if this city
' expects to be classed as a good town
jand as a place that does its duty by
its young people.
j Unquestionably Mr. Brock is right
j Pendleton cannot afford to be parsi-
monous with respects to its schools.
This Is a solid, substantial little city
and one of the wealthiest places of
its size in the west. But it has never
spent much money on school build
ings. The present high school has
been in use for many years and has
long been out of date and inadequate.
The three grade schools erected six
years ago were built at a total cost of
$60,000. There are many people who
now regret the city did not spend
$100,000 then Instead of $60,000. The
schools could have been better built
and the Lincoln school could have
been completed.
On March 23 the people of the city
will have an opportunity to vote for
a new high school and by so doing
make up for some past neglect along
this line.
The Oregonlan, unable to make
Governor West do things It would Ilk
to have him do, resorts to criticism
of that official and of Treasurer Kay.
It sneers at them because they are go
ing to build the branch asylum on
land purchased by the former acting
governor. However the present
board is not using the building site
proposed by Bowerman who expected
to have the building erected on the
hMl land. The buildings will go uson
the bottom land as recommended by
the legislative committee. There can
be no Just criticism of the state
board for what it is now doing. Es
pecially so since it seems the board
has no choice other than to use the
Oliver land.
The refusal of the senate to oust
Lorimer after it has been shown that
he was elected through bribery Indi
cates there may be other members
who are there under similar circum
stances. The weather may be moderat'ng
yet a slight chilliness is still notice
able of nights.
Towns are built; they dp not grow.
Walnfright Alberta, Can., Feb. 28.
(Editor East Oregonlan) About
two years ago In a letter to the E.
O. I called the attention of your read
ers to what a fine market they could
have If 'there was no tariff wall be
tween the U. S. and Canada in regard
to all kinds of fruit and early vege
tables here in Alberta and Saskatche
wan and the editor of the E. O. com
mended my letter to the readers for
consideration. But to my surprise
and disappointment I see by your pa
per that the Oregon legislature in
structed by an almost unanimous res
olution, the Oregon delegation In con
gress to oppose the Canadian recip
rocity agreement This would be con
sidered in this country a vote of want
of confidence In the government. Now
It Is my humble opinion that Mr. Taft
deserves better treatment from the
people of Oregon. It is only a few
months ago that Umatilla county and
Portland begged the president to not
turn the went Umatilla extension down
and Mr. Taft reconsidered and order
ed the U. 8. engineers .to make sur
veys and they are now actually on
the ground. But when Mr. Taft Is
looking for new markets In order that
the settlers on those projects may be
able to pay the government the mil
lions back you are trying to tie his
hands and your legislature Instructs
yonr congressmen to vote against the
most Important statesmanlike act of
his whole term of office. This lm-
portant agreement the people of both
countries have long called for. The
agreement when ratified, will go down
In the history of North America, as
one of the most beneficial for both
countries and will make Mr. Win. Taft
and Sir Willfred Laurier, the greatest
statesmen of the age. Where does
Oregon get hurt by this agreement.
Not by free wheat, for I get as much
for my wheat here as I could in Pen
dleton. Not by free lumber for we
have to pay here $30 per M. for R. C.
lumber and J2T for Washington lum
ber. Good farm laborers get higher
pay here $40 per month. I paid $2.50
for a 50 lb. box of apples and $1.25
for 10 p unds of prunes. There will
be 20 million people up here in 23
years in the two provinces, and you
mn have the chance to furnish them
with fruit and early vegetable;'and
if this reciprocity agreement falls
through you are locked out forever.
Your truly.
THE sn.!.KXGIRI.. m
The girl who thinks it a fine thing
tiucultivate a meloncholy or sullen
spirit is missing her way in life and
owes It to herself to try to find the
right pathway as quickly as possible.
ullenness is a distinctly unattrac
tive trait, and the girl who is dis
posed to acquire it should make every
effort to throw it off. it will bring
her no friends and it will drive those
she has from her. The girl who ex
pects to get on in the world should
cultivate a sunny disposition and an
attractive manner.
There is a certain type of girl who
thinks it Is a show of fine feeling to
pout at everything in which mother
opposes her and to make a showing
of sullen resentment every time she
is crossed In anything. If such girls
could only see themselves as others
see them what a change would come
over them, for no girl would want to L
appear as repellant as the actions or
this type of girl paint her.
The world always has a welcome
for the girl with the shining face and
the cheerful voice. It has no welcome
for the girl of beclouded brow and
doleful voice. It Is a rule of nature
that most things run away from the
gloomy and doleful.
The cheerful girl goes through life
winning friends by her good natu.e
and holding them because she Is
worth it. In winter time we love ne
fire for its glow and sparkle. In
this old world of ours we love the
sunshine, the bright flowers, the bril
liantly plumed and sweet-voiced birds
and w-e worship the girl who Is win
some and good natured. She has a
place in every heart and none can
displace her. She may pass out of
the range of our mortal vision, but
she becomes enshrined among our
sweetest memories, and so lives on
One must pity the girl who Is so
short-sighted as to barter her smiles
for frowns; her cheerfulness for trie
clouds of discontent, and the sweet
sympathy and love of others for her
own gloomy thoughts. It is as If one
gave up the sunshine and the beauty
of a great summer day to live in a
dark, damp cellar.
The world needs all the smiles Its
people can give it, al especially those
of its young people. It's a weary oifl
place, but the cheerfulness pf young
people keeps It youthful and happy
and bright. And it is fortunate that
for every girl who tries to be sullen
and melancholy there are a hundred
who are happy sprites, perpetuating
youth and sending its glow over all
the world.
So, little girl, make your own sun
shine and make the sunshine for oth
ers while you may. The stern reali
ties of mature life will soon enough
bring the thoughtful brow and tae
wearied brain. Enjoy life while you
may, so that if the latter portion of it
be not so care free the remembrance
of the other happy days will keep
your little corner bright and you from
becoming a crabbed and sour woman.
A lady of ebony complexion was be
ing tried before a South Carolina jus
tice of the peace, charged with exces
sive cruelty to a child. The evidence
was conclusively against her, but be
fore passing sentence, the judge asK-
ed her if she had anything to say!
"Kin Ah ask yo' honah a ques
tion?" she replied.
"Yes." replied the Judge, "go
"Well, then, yo honah," she asked
with the air of giving him a pover,
"Ah'd like to ask yo' whether yo' was
ever the parent of a pufflckly wutn
less culled chile "
There Is no room for sadness when
we see a cherry smile;
It always has the same good, look
It's never out of style.
t nerves us on to try again wnen
failure makes us blue,
The dimples of encouragement are
good for me and you;
It pays a higher Interest, for It is
merely lent
It's worth a million dollars and does
not cost a cent.
English Girl You American girls
have not such healthy complexions
as we have. I can not understand
why our nobleman take a fancy to
your white faces.
American Girl It Isn't our white
faces that attract them, my dear; tss
our greenbacks.
Household Remedy
Taken in the Spring for Years.
Ralph Rust. Willis, Mich., writes:
"Hood's Sarsaparilla has been a house
hold remedy In our home as long as I
can remember. I have taken It in the
spring for several years. It has no
equal for cleansing the blood and ex
pelling the humors that accumulate
during the winter. Being a farmer
and exposed to bad weather, my sys
tem Is often affected, and I often take
Hood's Sarsaparilla with good results.'
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is Peculiar to
Itself. There Is no "Just as good."
Get It today In usual liquid form or
tablets called Sarsatabs.
m hi hi. jpi. , i y mi iii ui in urn m n i a hi "j"''.'! " i.''
i 1 -i in. ipiiu.mi TiOTummi . ..; "'" ' if WJi'.'O' . 'ii'wpkwj V
j S-ii. !-,. .....I .. . , ", 1 1 , "'V i' 'I i i ' n inir't i i i H 1 i ' I r ' n 1 1 ill I i' ' , ft ,i ' ' " '
Makes Home Baldng Easy
Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to
produce at home, quickly and economically,
fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings,
ed layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers,
crusts and muffins, fresh, clean, tasty and
wholesome, with which the ready-made food
found at the shop or grocery does not com
pare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
Send Name and Addrest,
ttotu. ftAKiwa powdcm eo. new vokk.
An artist In Chicago tells of a lady
In that town, who, with her maid,
went to purchase a still-life picture
for her dining room.
She selected a canvas on which
were painted a bunch of flowers, a
pie cut In two, and a roll, and was
about to pay twenty-five dollars for
It when her maid approached to wis
per in her ear.
"Excuse me, ma'am," said the ser
vant, "but you are making a bad bar
gain. I saw a picture very much like
this sold the other day for fifteen dollars."
The woman who Is worthy of your wedding ring should be enUtl
ed to more than your name.
If there Is one thing In the world that will make woman content
ed, industrious, ambitious and happy it Is to have her own little
home; it need not be an expensive mansion so long as it is all her
And wise, indeed. Is the man who provides a home for his help
mate; he is repaid in happiness a thousand fold.
Yon don't have to have cash on hand. Whatever you can spare
from your monthly salary will be sufficient.
550 Main St
Your Doctor Is Honest
Honest in his knowledge of diagnosis and treatment.
Honest in his endeavors for his patients' benefit.
We put his medicines together in
the most scientific way, under
the best and safest conditions .
Your doctor and your druggist guard your health
"We . are in business
for your good health
"And was It as good as thlsT"
"Better, ma'am. There was a good
deal more pie In it" March Llppln
A negro died without medical at
tendance, and the coroner went to in
"Did Samuel Williams live here?"
he asked the weeping woman who op
ened the door.
"Yassuh," she replied between sobs.
"1 want to see the remains."
"I is de remains," she answered,
Phone M. S
trade from the choicest wh- that
erouo. Gao1 bread is aasureel when -BYERS'
BEST FLOUR is used. Bran,
Sherte, Steam Relied Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
FenJbien, Otoegem.
Hidauarters For
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Manufacturers a ad
Dtfftrltoiton of the Qntefcrataxl
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druf1su of Eaatsrr
. I
Successful Chinese
Doctors for Home
The world-known
Chinese doctors
with powerful and
wonderful Chinese
remedies, cure . all
chronic disease and
blood disorders suc
cessfully for both.
men and women. If you are suffering
and cannot be cured by other doctors
why not write us for a free book and
symptom blank, or describe your case
to us? Our doctors will diagnose
your case and tell you the exact re
sult All our Chinese medical advice
free to everyone.
210 W. Main St., Walla Walla. Wn.
Always purs aad dsUTered
promptly, tf yea phone tk
Central Uut thrkef
1SS B. Aita SL,
T&ItK Designs
rrrrti-" Copyrights Ac.
Anrnnmtln( tkth ind itrarrlMInn m
IntmitM rhblf ptttuit ililo Con mlr
ttoa.lriHlTro.,lHciiHil. HlflOllOM onl'almu
X'lil fro. UtdfWC ironr? for t.vurlllK llm.
rmoa' token tkrctirh Mi. mi tt Co, reclr
tVrtol notici, llhut chitruo, iu lh
Scientific fliwrican.
A huutaoniAlr I1lntntla wMklr. Imat rvr
iilln nf mnj ftrntit Joiraal, T-rn, a
vw ; t-ur month L Suit! bfall fwwKlcalan
Branca OIDoa. (26 F PL. Wutiloglua, life
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illustrated wnpn in
tke city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Next to French Itentaurant
Entire chango tlireo times
aph wwlt. Bo Miro and
ice thei next change.
Adults 10c Children
under 10 years, 5c
Housekeeping Rooms for Rent.
Unfurnished housekeeping rooms
In East' Oregonlan building. Steam
heat, gas range In kitchen, eleetrlo
lights, hot and cold water and bath.
Recently renovated. Enquire at EL O.
..' ':T-s
wn VF,-"" "WW