East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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A iin (pifi a)Tin M cb
Every Article in KOEPPIN'S ANNEX goes to the Highest Bidder
SALE NOW ON! Commences: Afternoon 2 o'clock, Eve. 7:30
noiiCOXA wii-Ij mo
rciMlleton Men Intorvntod Prliii-lwHy
In Gruiit County Gold Producer
Work Stopimd by Wade Fulliire.
William Klnncar of Susanvllle,
Ore., announced In -Ppokane yester
day that work on pumping out tho
Colcona mine near Sumpter, Ore.,
will begin In a hort time, a syndi
cate of Spoknne men hag Joined him
In a Itfase and bond on the property,
which Ib owned by C. S. Jackson of
Portland. Mr. Klnnenr said ' among
other things In an Interview discuss
ing the property:
"The Golcona l developed by a
shaft of COO feet with drifts on five
levels. The property waa operated
actively during 1903 and 1904' and
produced aboutJSOO.OOO In bullion.
Practically all the production was
from sloped above the 300-foot level.
The lower workings are said to show
$15 ore. In shoots from two to 30 reet
"The closing down of the mine was
duo to the failure of its owner, a
Pendleton banker. The mine qurc -ly
filled with water and nothing has
been done on It since. It has tho rep
utation of having been profitable un
der good management, at all stages
of its operation.
"It is equipped with a 20-stump
mill nnd concentrator, to which we
shall add a cyanide plant, a hoist ca
pable of operating to a depth of 1000
feet, a slx-drlll compressor, and a
h:dro-eleetrlc plant of 100-horse-powtr."
. Aro you frequently hoarse? Do
you have thai annoying tickling In
your thrjat? Does your cough an
noy you at night nnd do you raise
mucus In the morning? Do you want
relief? If so, take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and you will be pleas
ed. Sold by all dealers.
Dairymen who have been selling
watered and creamless milk in Hous
ton have been brought up with a
round turn. The local medical asso
ciation under the leadership of the
city pathologist have put Into effect
stringent regulalons which are now
incorporated Into a city ordinance
that If violated will forfeit tho license
of the offending milkman. The new
rules govern all points of the dairies,
taking Into account all the conditions
which make for unhealthy milk, sue
as conditions of the stables, the per
sonal cleanliness of the persons do
ing the milking, the handling or the
milk and provide certain tests whrch
must be made to insure its being per
fectly pure.
.The watering and skimming or
separating of milk will have to cease
und the practice so common In many
cities of changing milk from largo
fans to bottles while the wagons are
out on their run has been ended es
no bottles can now be used until they
have been taken back to the dairy
and washed.
Fully nine out of every ten cases of
rheumatism is simply rheumatism of
the muscles due to cold or damp, or
chronic rheumatism, neither of which
requires any Internal treatment. All
that is needed to afford relief is the
fiee application of Chamberlain's
Liniment. Give it a trial. You arc
icrtuln to be pleased with the quick
relief which It affords. Sold by all
Texas poets wll have to cease their
odes to the cape Jessemlne and tno
state's pet flower stands In danger
of being ordered out of the boundar
ies by the agricultural department as
the state horticulturist has placed the
beautiful white flower and Its ever'
green bush under the ban because of
Its menace to the orange Industry.
Itecent orchardlst and government
expeVts have made a thorough exam
lnatlon In the endeavor to ascertain
fully just what was the result of tne
freeze so far as the white fly was
concerned, and they found that the
defoliation of -the orange trees annl
hilated all the white files on the or
ango trees, and that had It not been
for the harbor offered In the foliage
of the Jessamine trees every white ny
In the coast country would have been
The white fly Is housed in the foil
ago of the trees, both In the orange
and Jessamine. They do not infest
the wood of the trees, hence their
eradication from the orange frees
when the freeze caused dcfollatron;
also their preservation where they in
fest the Jessamine.
4 1
ST; BS - I
OrcIiardisU Planning to Increase
Acreages Approximately 1500
Trees Will lie Set Out Tills Spring.
(Special Correspondence.)
Stanfleld, Ore., March 1. The
school directors have been looking
over some new building sites that
have been offered, upon one of which
the new building may be erected, It
being the opinion of a good many that
a more sightly location than the one
on which the old building stands
should be selected.
Many of our orchardists are mak
ing preparations for the planting of
trees which are expected to arrive
vi ry shortly from the nursery, ani
on all sides may be seen men actively
ngsod in staking out the land and
digging tree holes. It does not require
much of an Imagination to see the ir
rigated district adjoining Stanfleld
flourishing as one great orchard aa
in the neighborhood of 15,000 trees
will be set out this spring, which in
addition to those already planted will
make a grand showing.
Frank Sloan and R. A. Holte were
in Pendleton Tuesday on business.
Dr. H. W. Coe went to Pendleton
Monday evening where he will spend
a few days before returning to Stan
field. E. J. .Summerville of Pendleton, waa
In town yesterday.
R. N. Stanfleld went to Hot Lake
yeRterday evening where he will re
main for a few days hoping to recup
erate from an attack of the la grippe.
John Towers returned yesterday
evening from Portland where he had
spent a few days on business and
Mayor Kyle was a motor passenger
this morning to Pendleton.
Attorney A. W. Gray visited Pen
dleton yesterday on business.
C. L. Hurd of Sacramento, Cal., ar
rived in Stanfield this morning very
much to the surprise of his son, pro
prietor of the Stanfield Standard,
vhom he had not seen for fourteen
Do you read the East Oregonian?
Have you ever tried an old paint
brush with which to blacken the
stove? If you haven't, you have a Joy
'never bc.'cro
crowded IjiV'
onila n tt'" b v
rests on -A-?n
r.'.irij thrills
r spacs of 360 sec
ul it they will for
tho 105-pound To-
claim to distinction
as an operator of tho
tiny Dcmoltfolle monoplane, wmit up at
3:!5 o'clock In an exhibition flight. Hi
rose to a height" of nearly 3500 feet an
VwepKout overt the suburban country
tor I lister -e of nearly two mlle. be
fore! Imlng back to earth. Garros, as
'case of-hls predecessor In the
llnmcnt, peratcd a
lis earlier rivals.
absoluto control of
marked the
kcrafL Garros
is and forty -
kbegan fo
In tU
t. t! ''Vitrtillstlc, answered bnek:
"7cs, r.'-.ii iv;'8 coing to land that hOi
slmfjIe.D-.Ji f.r.t tiio Chamber Com
mere; iyri;ng un for his succesafu
fllghr-Si,..;'H,froTt. around tho granc
taking their nvlauoi
2Z&$1 wcre h0',!a-' Ju3
tirGi sure that thej
IIng ct his levesi
?vi amotiK rta nvi.
fjnigs. ssomo over
WiW.-er must be It
at Intrr-
I Ar.l In Bnn.l
V"-'T .
i 4 T
V i , 0t Mi' s .' Ml
"Seven Days" at the OiVKtm Theater, Sunday Evenln-j, March 5.
is mMm
Kjtrsday, when tho crowd laurhed It
self hoarse. The yellow-planed Domol
Mile bounced and careened and rocked
nnd jumped and the- did It all over
ngaln. lAudemars stuck heroically to
Ida post; for It did take a hero to op
erate the dangerous invention of M.
Santo Dumont, and all .flying men
know It ,Around the courso bounc"d
the. Swiss and back to the point (
stattoK, .IUjta an acc.rQ.0t overj.otik
ho happens1
n the preset
, . Js as far
'"Resent mee
cd the.
lo, be
n It
f r- yal
a .... .
run i
c Biue n Ten
liwesJ VhorW'
Old, blBkv Jwns i.
his self-
H. R
one of tht
and whosi'
erncd, too
sscs am.
to b
p tlv
crowdliat n
ed-for dlriglbli
tho long-
It was with this Impression that Si
mon, who had been out of the runnlni
ror an nour or
long Interim for
flyer" by the
trusty Blerlot and
siock exnmit Dunuing oiVJ! a- o:
rrteno. Kimon went fniti '
two miles out. but could eeo" "ioflimg o;
tlie curioua obJc.t which had held tht
more-rM vmiii
tho w3k,fefo.j
waylrira hi:
heudAli fl tin
w t m r a.
She was the sort of a girl any fel
low would look at twice, even on
Broadway, where the crop of peach
es never suffers a blight, so when she
came out between the acts and asked
where she could find a telephone the
chap In charge broke a rule and con
ducted her to the one In the box of
fice. Then of course he withdrew
while she used the phone, but he
couldn't help overhearing some of
her talk.
There was the usual overture ui
"hello's" and "is that you " and
"I'm in New York yes O,, per
fectly fine! I'm at the matinee
Seven Days' at the Astor theater
hello hello central. please don't
disconnect hello yes, 'Seven Days'
Just dandy! Wish you were hero
with me to enjoy it; you'd love It.
Really, I've never laughed so in my
life. It's perfectly splendid, the best
I've ever seen. I've laughed till my
hair's come down. What? No, I'm
not presentable (the chap in
charge took mental exception to' this
Indictment) O, ehe's with mo and
as crazy about It as I am. You were?
O. you've seen it then. Isn't It the
best ever?"
A lot more, and then:
"I'll be up Saturday. Give my love
to Good bye, I must go In; the next
act will be starting nnd I simply
musn't miss any of It. Good bye
yes, Saturday good bye."
Her message sept, she thanked the
chap In charge sweetly, and he had
hardly recovered from his bow of ac
knowledgement when tho regular box
office fellow Interrupted with:
"Say, that was a long distance
phone and she didn't pay for It."
"That so?" returned the chap In
charge; "let's find out about It," and
he called up long distance.
"Newburg forty nnd ten seven
minutes eighty cents." was the In
formation. "Oh, well," said the chap In
charge "that boost for 'Seven Days'
was worth eighty cents. Charge " It
to extra advertising."
Go to the Oregon theater Sunday,
evening, March E, and sec If you
don't agree with the pretty girl that
"Seven Days" Is the best over. See
this tremendous comedy hit acted by
the brilliant Astor theater cast and
with the sumptuous production that
Messrs. Wagenhals & Kemper aro
sending here. "Seven Days" was so
big a hit In New York that it has
been there more thnn a year. Tnat
tells' the story and bears out tho pret
ty girl's enthusiasm.
The state department Is now en
gaged in an investigation of a deal
which a French syndicate proposes to
put through In Ecuador. For the
purpose of cleaning up the city of
Guayaquil, the bankrupt government
of Ei-nador now proposes to borrow
several millions from the French.
This news comes closely upon the
heels of the failure, through opposi
tion of the people, of the administra
tion's attempt to negotiate the lease
of the Galapagos Islands to the flitt
ed States for $15,000,000. This sum,
if the lease was negotiated, was to be
used to put Guayaquil In sanitary
condition, and, incidentally, it was
suspected, to enrich the administra
tion. The United States is particularly in
terested In the sanitation of Guaya
quil, on account of the proximity of
til's pi il to the Panama canal. Guay
aquil is tho last port of call in the
west coast before reaching the Pacific
terminus of the canal, where Uncle
- i s spout ( u rioous sums in
bringing about sanitation. With
(.iiirivMoii'l cleaned up. and under san
itary regulations, a great menace cO
the i- 'iial zone would be removed.
All the mus all tho time In the
East orcgonian.
Particularly the Ladies.
Not only pleasant and refreshing to
the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet
ening to the system, Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted
to ladies and children, and beneficial in
all cases in which a wholesome, strength
ening and effective laxative should be
used. It is perfectly safe at all times and
dispels colds, headaches and the pains
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively that it is the one
perfect family laxative which gives satis
faction to all and is recommended by
millions of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita
tions which act unsatisfactorily. There
fore, when buying, to get its beneficial
effects, always note the full name of the
Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
For sale by all leading druggists. Price
50 cents per bottle.
.o- a s r m
The hearing of children Is frequently
followed by poor health for tb
'Ato-ffjJ S y2T " Si '? moaner. supremo crisis oi uia
ej Cri'J findics her physical system unpra-
pare a tor ids acmanas oi nature,
leaves her with weakened resistive
powers and sometimes chronic ail
ments. This can ro avoided it
3 rriend is used htforo the coding cf baby, and the healthy woman can
r: ir .! a l.eaitfcy mother. It is the oaly rsraeuy t'.iat perfectly and thoroughly
jT?r-"'r"s t-i n?-t-?;u for hcalU:7 motherhood crA fcrfcsja about a natural and
t.-.ry co-s i-:r.:ntitn of tho tsmu Voiaea who Mother's Friend are always
tccu rv..'- ri'.rlsj v'i:-.j tUa UUIo one arrives, zm recover more quichly, and
vita r-a ill e-ec'.a, or clirculs tioufcles.
her Lc: I'h ry r.' .r.r Uo'tcsf's rriead,
tiuc pr-jf arly.3 Lor piiysicd conditio!;
for the hour of motherhood. This
medit-iuo is for sale at drug 'stores.
Writo for free booi for expectant
Atlanta, Oa.
: jeetjat mother should safeguard
tag" r & tTj? fc nr-nr
Known For Its Strength
The First National Bank
Tone Your Chickens Now
For Breeding
Don't feed meat and fresh bone or your opff3 will not
hatch. Our clerks nro willing to show you through a line
never before carried in Pendleton, come now and see them
and purchase later.
We take orders for
Incubators and Brooders,
I 1 V
" hV.
Have some on hand now; also wire
nests, e carriers, folding egg boxes,
collapsible coops, water fountains and
A. T. Matthews Co-
"The Chicken Doctor"
129 E. Alta St Thone Main 134.