PACT AILT atAOT OBlflOMIAS, PENVLEriOIf, ORBQOIC, WEDNESDAY, MARCTI 1, 1911. EIGHT FAODB UNSIGHTLY ERUPTION ON FACEAND HEAD Afflicted for Months Burned and Itched Used Cuticura and He was Cured in Three Weeks Not Even a Scar Left. L LAWS IMPORTANT SlTEItlXTEXDEXT WELLES REVIEWS NEW STATVTES "Ai a imtofiil mother, I feel It my duty to thank you tor the cure of mv littla on who u amioiea lor about tight months with torts all over his head, bark of hts nock and nearly all his face. We tried all kinds of remedies without any reiki. We , even employed a food rhysk-Un and I am rure he tried his very best to cure my poor suffering Utile boy. Put, alasl Instead of Retting better be went for the worse. His head wni literally covered with acabs and ugly tores and his cries Went us awake throughout the long nlcht. I had to keep his hands la gloves to pretent bis scratching his bead, as h Wai doubtless tuffebie from a burning and itchlnj ilailori, and teas con stantly trvir? to put bis bands where it hurt. "At lsA when he s about three yesrs old. we saw an advertisement of Cuticura and I decided to try the virtues of the Cuticura Remedies. I bought one ctke of Cuticura 8oap, a box of Cuticura Ointment and a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent. I ued them according to directions and I am flippy to tell you the lime sum-rer was curea in less man tnree weeks. This was over a year ago and now bis head is covered with a fine growth of luxuriant hair. Strange to say, all those unsightlv sores did not even leave a scar, sirs. O. O. CVmviilon, Plaucheville. La., Feb. rui-j afl.i8io." ? The suffering which Cutlrara Boap and Cuticura Ointment have alleviated among aktn-tortured, disfigured Infants, children and adults have led to their adoption In countless homes as the purest, sweetest and most eco aomical treatment for eczemas, and other Itching, burning humors of the skin and scalp. A tingle et Is often sufficient. Cuticura Remedies are told throughout the elvu krd world. Potter Drug Chera. Corp.. Sole Props, Bovoa. Br-Mslled tree, SJ-pa; Cuttcurm Book. -Hon to Can lor and Treat U Skin and Scalp." CliaiiRes in Manner nikl Method of Certification lo ' Xot Invalidate Certificates Already Issued. The New Edison Records for March now on Sale HERE ARE A FEW OF THE LIST: A Dream (Bartlett) Ormsby. Barcarole Metropolitan Quar. tette. Where the River Shannon Flows Will Oakland. Lo! Hear the Gentle Lark Flute and Clarinet Those Songs My Mother Used .to Sin? Elizabeth Spencer. Down on the Mississippi Pre-' mier Quartette. I Feel Religion Comin On Arthur Collins. Gee, But It Is Great to Meet a Friend From Tour Home Town Billy Murray. I Hope I Don't Intrude Charles Daab. Let Me Call You Sweetheart Arthur C. Clough. The Jingle of Jungle Joe Pre mier Quartette. Meet Me Tonight in Dream Land Band. Come tn and Hear Them. Snyder Music Company 813 Main Street. RIDING THE BUZZARD.' COLONIST FARES From the Middle and Eastern portion of the United State and Canada to OREGON. WASHINGTON AND THE NORTHWEST will prevail DAILY flarch I Oth to April 1 0 th OVer th Oregen-Washlndon Railroad & Navigation Co, and connections, the OREGON' SHORT LINE. UNION PACIFIC and CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN From Chicago at $33.00 St. Louis 32.00 Omaha 25.00 Kansas City 25.00 St. Paul 25.00 ml from other cities correspondingly low. Vou can PREPAY Fares The Colonist fares are Westbound only, but if you have relatives or friends or employees In the East whom you desire to bring to this state you can deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent, and an order for a ticket will be tele graphed to any address desired. Let the VORLD Know Of our vast resources and splendid opportunities for HOME BC1LDLVG Call on the undersigned for good Instructive printed matter to send East, or give him addresses of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent. VM. McMURHAY General Pawtenger Agent PORTLAVD, OREGON. The following resume of the new school laws has been prepared oy Frank K. Welles, county school su perintendent: Several important changes have been made In the laws governing trio certification of teachers. Hereafter all certificates will be state papers, and will entitle the holders to teach In any county in Oregon, after hav ing registered their certificates In the county where they intend to teach. The new laws do not invalidate any certificates that have already been issued. Persons who have partially completed their examinations for state certificates or life diplomas, may com plete their examinations under the old laws. The next regular teachers' exami nation will be held on June 21, 22, 23 and 24. There will be no exami nation in August, hence all persons whose certificates expire in August, or who wish to take teachers' exami nations in order to teach next year, should write at the June examlna- ton. The new law does away with the issuing of any more county cer tificates, except that county superin tendents will have authority to issue county certificates on state grades un til May 20. Under the present law applicants must complete the subjects for a state certificate within three succes sive examinations. The new law pro vides that such persons may com plete their examinations under the laws now in force. All persons, therefore, who are writing for state certificates should appear at the June examination. Applicants for a one-year state cer tificate must make a general aver age of not less than 75 per cent and shall not fall below 60 per cent In any one of the following subjects: Writing, orthography, arithmetic, physiology, grammar, civil govern ment, school law, psychology, Ameri can literature, algebra, physical ge ography and composition. Twelve months' teaching experience is re quired for this paper. Applicants for a Hfe state certifi cate must make a general average of not less than 85 per cent and snail not fall below 70 per cent in any one of the following subjects: Arith metic, writing, orthography, reading, physiology, school law, civil govern ment, grammar, geography, theory and practice of teaching, U. S. his tory.lpsychology, American literature, English literature, algebra, physical geography, plane geometry, botany, physics, bookkeeping, composition, general history, geology and history of education. Thirty months' teach ing experience is required for this paper. Applicants for primary five-year state certificate must make a gener al average of not less than 85 per cent and shall not fall below 70 per cent In any one of the following sub jects: Methods in reading, methods in arithmetic, methods in language, methods in geography, theory and practice of teaching, writing, orthog raphy, physiology, physchology, and in addition thereto shall write a the sis on an educational subject selected froma list prepared by the superin tendent of public instruction. Twelve months' teaching experience is re quired for this paper which gives the applicant authority to teach only In the first, second and third grades. No examination in English classics will be required iin the June exami nation on account of the lack of time for announcements and preparation. All examinations will be based upon the text-books adopted by the state text-book commission. The Rioebird Uses His Bulky Enemy at an Aeroplane. People generally associate size and brute strength with victory, especially anion; the lower anltunls. Many times,' however, this Is far from being the case, especially iu the bird kingdom. Among the rice tints of the Carolluas there abound at some seasons of the year tiny rlceblrds, birds so small that It takes two dozen for a good meal, though bones and nil are eaten. The great buzzard Is found circling over the flats nt nil seasons. He dreads the time for the rioebird to come, for be Is then nearly pestered to death. It Is a common sight to see one of these little birds fly up to a buzzard and, after dodging this way and that round the awkward bulk, finally alight well forward between the buzzurd's wings on the back. Here the tiny passengei grabs n few feathers In his beak nntl holds on for grim life. After enJo . a ride for ns long as he desires the little fellow hops off and Is gone before Mr. Buzzard Is well aware of it The peculiar part of the whole thing fs that apparently the only purpose the rioebird hns In getting on the back of the buzzard Is to take n free ride. It puzzles every one who chances to see the little drama to find nny other rea son, yet the fact remains that It is n frequent occurrence, and the Uttle birds seem to enjoy it Immensely. New York Tribune. INDIAN DEATH CUSTOMS. Graves of the Hop! and the Hogana of the Navajo. The Hopl Indian believes that the souls of all deceased adults go to the Grand canyon. When a man dies a grave Is dug. The nearest relative of the deceased carries the body to the grave, places It in a sitting posture facing the Grand canyon, erects a long (pole between the legs, locks the dead man's fingers around It and fills the grave. To the top or tne poie, pro truding above the ground, he ties one end of a string and leads the other end In the direction of the Grand can yon. At the end of four days It to believed the soul leaves the body, climbs the pole and with the string to guide it goes to its eternal home in the canyon. The Navajos, on the contrary, are very superstitious about handling dead bodies. They believe that the evil spirit that kills the person hovers around the hogan, ns they call their lodge, awaiting other victims, and a hogan In which a death occurs Is never occupied again. Navajo hogans are always built with the entrance facing the east When a death occurs in one of them an opening is Invariably made In the north side. Therefore when one sees a hogan with the north side knocked out he may be certain some one has died In it Dillon Wallace in Outing. Antiquity of the Dog. It la Impossible to say ,-when dogs were first domesticated, but some of the earliest traces are found on Egyp tian monuments,, with figures of dogs, somewhat of the greyhound type, which date back to at least 3500 B. C. Even In those remote days the dog was highly esteemed. Coming down little later, we read that Ulysses 3.000 years ago was recognized by his dog Argus after his swineherd bad failed to do so. Plutarch speaks of Alclbades, who cut off the tall of his dog, and Myron, the sculptor, immortalized the animal by chiseling his Image In marble. The Romans valued their dogs and kept them from the chase and also as pets. Alexander the Great owned a veteran fit to tackle a lion. A Fi!roe Night Alarm. Is the hoarse, startling cought of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblln of Manchester, O., (R. R. No. 2) for their four children were greatly sub ject to croup. "Sometimes in severe attacks," he wrote "we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on It for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you. Asthma, hay fever, la grippe, whooping cough, hf-morrhages flv before It. 50e and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by Koepperis. When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks rerore you build your home. 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of worK on application. D. H. MHY Contractor 'and Builder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sis. Pendleton. Ore SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OP THE UNITED STATES BRANCH f London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company OP LIVERPOOL, IN ENGLAND, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of deposit in U. S t 200,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year in cash. .. .$2,476,584.81 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 147,175.26 Income from other sources received during year 309,233.27 TNOP!l Or THfl A HHP At. UINT or TBI RATS Total Income 12,932,993.34 DISBURSEMENTS. Lossaa paid during the year $1,069,428.89 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock Commissions and salaries paid during the year.. 665,582.43 Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the year.. 78,198.93 Amount of all other expenditures 853,712.54 Total expenditures ' 2, 666,922.79 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned .- $ 350,000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned 2,548,695.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc Cash In banks and on hand 685,439.91 Premiums In course of collection and in trans mission 464.334.14 Interest and rents due ond accrued 39,348.42 Other assets 14,219.10 Total assets $4,102,036.67 Less special deposits In other States $ 20,498.02 Total assets admitted In Oregon ....$4,081,538.55 LUBILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 198,882 51 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstand ing risks 2,365,206.47 Due for commission and brokerage .... All other liabilities 99,827.39 Aetna Life Insurance Co. Of HartforO. In th But of OonnMttcot. an th Slit day ef DeramlMr. 1B10. m(3. lo th. Inauranc Comi.tstoDr c Um Hal of Orofoft purovut to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid op. ..9 1,000. 00. 0 Lacoma, Premium retvM ourlng tb yaar I lt.Wo.DTn.4t onwlenda. and fast received durlai th. year... 4,MT.tW5.M locom. frcm other eoure ro- caKod ourlnc Um year .... tta-Qat-M Total Income I al.oOObO.K3 DtabanrnMnt. VhiO for loeaaa. n4nwnient. anniltla .nd surrender al- . dm t ll.IM.n9U Dlvidenila paid to policy beta- an during th yoar MMLTtl.M 'DwldanJa paid on oapltal stock during tba year tOO.OOaOt) Conunlnlona and aalaraat paid during th. yoar , .IH.1.1 Tm. lic.naiia. and ftoo paid njrlng lit. yaar MVSaM.ST An-ount ol all oltaar anpandl- ...... lurca 1.H1I14.14 Total MpondlturM t IT.WI.T14.St Am. -Market yalii of raal nun. rjniirj I WT.CXn.M Market lu of Moeka and bond, ownad H.MA..1 Loana on m.rtgagaa aad col- lateral, ale. tO.8t.Tl 4T Premium note and pollo ......... loan. MM.MtSt Caili In bank! aad en hand.. t.oe.77.M Net uncollactad aad dXaTTod ...... premium i.T" Oil" aaanta lt) ,To.l.U Total umU ., I101.018.H4 Lr apcll d.poau 1n any 6tat WC.TOI0O " , 1 aaaAt. .rimlltM 111 Origoo . j wo . blUtlra. Total liabilities $2,663,916.37 Total Insurance in force December 31. 1910 $472,125,013.00 nV'SINESS IN OREGON FOB THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year $3,771,370.00 Gross premiums received during the year 60,732.02 Premiums returned during the year 9,654.6 4 Losses paid during the year 27,616.88 Losses incurred during the year 27,616.88 Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon Dec. 31. 1910 2,875,426.00 LONDON & LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, By JAS. WYPER, Manager Statutory resident general agent and attorney for sen-Ice: SAM B. PTOY, Portland, Ore. Murk, Apent, Pendleton, Ore. LUb a. Inriolio apaclal Nat rwrni. rnrva ana unaarnoa K'e mluma I tT.rH.lfATj Total policy e'alma 4S1.V. Ll All other liablllile 1.17I.P10 41 Total llabUllle t tO,l.14J. 19 Total tnaurano In fore De- nmbar 31. IMI0 .'. IMT.lM.SW.dt maliM In Orevoa for tba Yaar. Tal!t rlak. during lto year I 4.U47.80.U Groe premluma raclej our Ing tba year Premium retaniad during th r-nr Lokkmi paid during he year Uxa Incurred during lb year Tolal amount of l1 out standing In Oragon lotmber 11. ItlJ aft a urn rymtr: no. (8lgiwx1 V. It. liimKKT. ,4Trry. McCAIUiAR. BATKH- IJVELY. nrai Agent a. II Palling UolicUng, I'ortland, Or ASter ktarcb L llL Yeoa BoUrUng. I BS M 1 715 St yv4.07S 14 110.170 4 N Every Mother Is or should be worried wh'-n the lit tie ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneu monia thon to something more se rious. Iiallard's Horthound Syrup will cure the trouble at once and pre vent any complication. A. C. Koep- P-n & Eros. "California Orange Country," Beautifully illustrated In four col ors. "The Spell," an unusual roman tic -rif:l, by C. N. and A. M. Wil liamson. "What Women Are Doing in the West." Jiarch Sunset now o- i ale 15 cents. A Bibulout Oooao, Geese will live to a great age, and some few years ago I came across a very venerable goose (male or female t cannot now say) in Westmoreland in inexpe-ted circumstances. I was walk ing from MUnthorpe to Arnslde and at Ganaslde found an acquaintance sit ting on a seashore bench feeding a pet goose with biscuits steeped in ale. lie told me that this goose had been In his family for over forty years and was partial to beer, stout and even gin. Rev. James Hall, M. A., told or a goose in Stirungsnire, bcouiuiu, tuai had been killed by accident after liv ing at the same place for "above eighty years." London Field. Skating on a Tennit Court. When one Is building a tennis court provision may easily be made for a rink by excavating from six Inches to one foot deeper than the surround ing ground and making this depress ed nren ns much grenter than his ?ourt as his purse or surroundings will permit Twenty-five foot In the clear outside the lines of the court will give in area of over 11,000 square feet an imple space for a number of people to occupy without crowding. The court may be flooded by means of a hose at tached to the house faucet, first sat urating the ground and then when It has frozen flooding the court Subur ban Life. ' IIoD8ekerilDg Room for Rol. rrnrnrnfaheA housekeeping roomt Raat Orea-onltn building 8tem v.... mmm ran are) In kltchtn, electric i w.'. . mw,A jaM witar and batA. Ilguw, aw - n Recently renovatad. Bnqulrt at O, effloa. . PARISIAN SAGE. Puis Hair on Your Head nnd Keeps It There. ' Man or woman, no matter how old you are, Parisian sage, tne unequaieu hair tonic, will make you look, young-er. Why not go to Tallinan & Co. and get a generous sized bottle today, it only costs 50 cents and your money back if it does not cure dandruff; stop falling hair, or Itching scalp. It will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it Is the most re freshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. The girl with the auburn hair on every bottle. beafneta of Blua Eyed Whila Cat. All white cats nro not deaf, but most blue eyed white cuts tire. It has never been discovered why the blue eyed cats should have the tendency to denf qoss. but it is n fact, while there has never been a ease known of a yellow lyed or preen eyed white eat belli? leaf unless by accident St Nicholas. I Duty. Duty stands for the rnont part cl-me at hand, ttnoliscured. simple. Immedi ate. If any man tins the will to hear her voice, to him Is she willing to en ter and be tils ready gueat-FrancU Peabody. UNFURNISHED ....HOUSE-KEEPING.... ROOMS A freckled person always peckt. Old you notice that wear In Suites of 2 Rooms Each Steam Heat Electric Lights Gas and Gas Range Hot and Cold Water Bath Good Ventilation Plenty oi Daylight INCLUDED IN EACH SUITE East LOCATED IN Oregcnian Building Enquire at East Oregonian Office