www PAGE THBiai B3GHT PAGES in KAr OlUtGONlAJf. rTCXDIJCTOH. ORJDQON. WEDNESDAY, MAltCIf 1, 1911. mbert AT HLOEPPEN ANNEX 0 HO SALE NOW ON! AIM MOVING PICTURE SHOWS Orjiheum. 1. -His 'Master's Son." Es.anay. The story .f a sluve's devotion. A powerful and Intensely Interostinc dramatic phblojilay by the Essanay eastern players. The proU gue pic tures the death of Colonel TenBrolk and .the vow of the faithful black servant to protect Ms "Yonr.g Mnrse," the colonel's :hll J of three. Later we see the boy grown to marhood and when Imperiled by th. loss )f his rwi tune on the board of trad!, through the Jealousy ot a rival in Icve, Is sav ed by the.i(l negro who gives his all to stein tie tide. Kith in Its set tings, artistic In Its photography, an'I excellently acted. 2. -A .Siiorle Hustle Taic." Kos mlk. 'The fanUles of two jural nelgn bors furi'sh the material for tnls beautiful ilmnia, the high xpots of which are i game of curds, a quar rel, parental objections to the woo ing rf the d.iughfcr by the son of the other neighbor, clandestine meef lngs of the tovrrs. a mother's strategy and a h.ippy reunion of all. Beau tifully 1-olnrtul. If you desire a rare treat be sure to see this film. 3. -Will It Ever Come b.i This?" Lubln. A roaring burlesque on the new woman. Its about Mrs. and Mr. Sarah iirown.nml their tamlly. One continuous ft rami. 4. "Easy Oiu." I,ubin. This llttlo story shows that a quick .wit Is bet ter than industry whin a. tired son uf reef has u simw shoveling Job. Also that it hiw its drawbacks wnen the vUlims "oatuh on." 6. ".Saved by ji Waif." .rathe. An Interesting (ir.iliia. Di.n't juIkh this picture. Xlic J 'ant line. "Her iirother'n Crum," KiUeni, 1000 feet. A Jove story with .Uie scene laid In Florida and Cuba. The brother of a girl falls in love with her collet chum. The scheming sister straightway begins a match in which she is successful. The scenery is exceptionally guild, both Florida and Cuba being represented In the picture. "The HatUe at JUdwood." .A west ern drama by the American I'athe company, graphically portraying the attack of the Indians upon some white settlers. The thriUs Include an onset of Indians, a burning wagon train and other features trplcally western . and wild enough to suit anyone. Not many films of recent production hnve i been more exciting or interesting. "Uncle's Birthday Gift," Edition. J0OO feet. An eccentric uncle sends his neice a birthday flgt of a rubber i plant In the pot of which Is concealed a valuable necklace. The messenger loses the plant, and buys a fern. The Uncle's note Indicates something eLse and there is a hurry and skurry to get something to take its place. Ultimate ly the difficulty Is settled and the IJlai o gets her necklace. "The Crlckett on the Hearth." Hlo graph. 1000 feet. All four reels Am erican productions. Every Article to go to FORCE OF LIGHTNING. An Ordinary Stroke Is About Equal to Fifty Thousand Horsepower. Frequently surprise is expressed at the effect of a stroke of lightning which splinters a large tree -or wrerku a tail chimney, bnt If the enormous power developed by nn ordinary stroke of lightning Is taki into considera tion the wonder will be that the ellect Is so smnll. Scientists estimate that mi "ordi nary" stroke of lightning is of 50,000 horsepower. That Is force stilliclent to drive the Inrsest battleship over built at top speed. The iit-'htnlr.g stroke, however, travels nt n speed of 18fi.(xn miles per second. We think we see n flauli of" lightning, but ns u mutter "? fact what we Fee Is only the memory of n flash. The eloctri.-nl current hp.R been absorbed by the enrtli lon before we are const ions of having seen the flash. A person struck by a direct flush would never see It. The average electromotive force of c bolt" of lightning is nbont S.oOO.OOft rolts. and the current is H.ooit.ooo nm peres. In such n "twit" there is energy equal to 2.4.V).0O0 volts, or 3.28-1.1S2 horsepower. Some day a wizard will arise who will capture and hind a "bolt" of lightning and with it turn all tl wheels of u grout city. The lime required for the discharge of a "liolt" of lightning Is about one twenty-thousandth of a second. Chi cago Tribune. Nothing to Do. The following bit. quote.! from Lord Cromer by II. ien I'.nrrett Montgomery in her "Western Women In Eastern I.mxK" presents a picture i f the im nolo'.iy im ! deprivation of the ll'e of !!:. ligyvtlKu Ir.dy that pttges of si: ;ls tics i. light f iil to convoy: The sei-ltj-s;-m cf v.-ovii-M c':er !ses a no-! Iuv f;:l li!l!'!e:i-e on i-.reru oc!ct.v. T!n Bo-Minion by -oiii:niig the s;here of woman's Interest to a very !!:-jl'e l .n rir.on rami's tho l'i'e!!e-t and wither." the mental developie'it of o n'-h ilf t'i popttiatloii of Mo:;!o:;i ciu'nr'es. An Knglishwctt'.an ome ast;el nn Egypllnn lady how sin- passed her lime. "I sit on this sofa," she replied, "and when I am tired I cross over nnd fcif on that." Wit Not Appreciated. . Stuhbs was feeling his way to the kitchen stove in the dark when he fell over the coal scuttle. "Oh, John," culled Mrs. Stubbs sweetly, "I know what you need. You should get what they have on battle ships." "What's that?" growled Stubbs an be rubbed his shins. "Why, n range finder." And what Stubbs said about wo man's wit was plenty. New York American. Women may possibly not know enough to vote, though we don't ad mit it; but she certainly knows enough not to sell her vote to the first bno er who may happen along. Sox-no from "Seven in n sm i, ; 'S't 1'i r. '"'vi"l 11 ' 111 ,rm "A V """V ' 't Jit, "k' tt'l ??7t, dtK vyi: vA;4 ' Commences: Afternoon 2 o'Clock, indigestion, t;.s on dvs pepsi a go ix five minutes lleiirlhnrn and Sourncus from Stom ach und Other Dlstn-ss Is Ended Forever A Little l)iaH'x-iii 'ow Will Certainly Make You I'col Fine Before Yon Knoy It. Why not get some now this mo ment, and forever rid yourself of stomach trouble and indigestion? A dieted stomach g"ts the blues and grumbles. (live it a good eat, then take I'Hpe't: Diapepsin to start the di gestive Juices working. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or eructutions of undigested food; no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach or heartburn, sick heeilaclv and dizziness, and your food will not ferment and poison your breath w'"i nauseous odors. I'ape's Diapepsin costs only sO cents for a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstinate case of indigestion and up set stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take Has from the stomach and cleanse tfie stomach and Intestines, and, besides, one single dose wil digest and pre pare f"r assimilation into the blood all oiir foo.l the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do it. When liiapepsin works, your stom ach rests gets itself in order, cleans up and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, ami what you ji t will do you good. Absolute relief from all stomach misery is waiting for you as s ion you decide to take a little Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want Tape's M.upepsin, because you want to become thoroughly cured this trne. Remember if y(,ur stomach feels out of order and uncomfortable m.jiv, ' u can get relief in five minutes. Curd of Tluuiks. t wish to extend our hmfelt :h:.rl s and lasting gratitude to our iniruis and neighbors, for their inar.v kl l.l acts of assistance rend ."o,; lis during the late illuejis and 1ea;h t.f our beloved son. Asa. Jill, AND lilts. L. A. DICKE.WSOX. A Swollen Jaw. is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether it's caused by neuralgia, toothache or accident, lialiard's fnnw Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds any and all aches and pains. A. C Kocpp n & Bros. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms In Kast Otegoman building. atcum . heat, gas ranue in kitchen eie ti it lights, hot and cold waur una uatn ! Hecsntly renovaten. EmtU'.re ; li. j u ml lev. ' Inys," nt the itos Thenlor, Sundny, the Highest Bidder The Force That Makes the Wheels Go 'Round i . A Ailvcrti-- -:iuz Das rnclliVxls of .he jia.st feneration to the sx'raphti.'p to keep company with the tallow dip and the horsecar. Founded on the most abstract of sciences, it concerns itself wiili the most concrete of facts. Wasteful and haphazard in its crude lein ninos, it has revolutionized business because in its later development it has proved the most economical and efficient method of selling goods. Trtil ay manufacturers split pennies to find profits and split hairs to find costs. The old idea tli f t an article i more expensive becase it is audvertis ed is exploded. As infallibly as wa ter s"cks the lowest possible level, modern business seeks the most eco nomical meiliod of marketing its 1'1'iilticts. An advertised article is cheaper than one which is sold to consumers by tallow-dip, horsecar methods. It will pay the public to read th.j advert isciutnts carefully to patron ize institutions that advertise, they represent the progressive element of todav. The store tliat advertises an ar ticle is the store that carries the roods tlmt will bear the closest scrutiny. Best by Newspaper Daily East Orejronina, by carrier, 15 centa per March 5. IDVERT1SIXG is to bus iness what electricity U lo the city liffht and power. It is at once pcntle force that makes I'liuas clear and an irre-s;-t;il!e f'rce that makes things 0. i . i 1 1 sent tne seliiii" Test, is Advertising Eve. 7:30 STACY ADAMS and ROYAL BLUE SHOES at A, EKLUND'S When Your Pipes Leak YOC'LIj MAKE TIIIXGS WORSE instead of better If you attempt to do your own plumotng.- Tou would n't expect us to be able to run your business. Don't think you can do ours. PLOIBIXG requires more than a few tools and a hunk of solder. It requires trained knowledge and skill. We have the equipment all right. So give us a chance to exercise it when you need a good Job. Beddow & Miller reixlleton's Only Exclusive Plumbers. 128 W. Court St. Phone Black 355 Our Improved Process is the One Safe Method. Pry Cleaning and Pressing Works. Mens Suits Sponged and Pressed Send for our booklet and price list on French Dry Cleaning. Phone Main -132. 120 V. Court Street. Unfurnished houaekaeplnc rooms for rent In the E&at Orvgonlan bond ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot sad oold water and bath. Receathr renovated. Enquire at Bast Ornco ntan offlc. 75c