East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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4 More Days
in which to get a
Genuine Oil Painting Free f
Saturday ends the picture deal, and until that time
we will give the 14x22 inch picture with purchases
of $5.00 and the 22x36 in. pictures with purchases
of $10.00. Don't wait till the last day -come and
select your picture while the assortment is good.
There Are
Many Reasons
why you should buy your new
prins; suit here.
You should see our new spring
lino of tmts.
Until yon do. you will not le
lieve it lwsible to pet such re
markably jrood style and fit at the
Lasting shaje and pood tailor
ins: mark nil of our suits
$15.00 to $40.00
j 1 : t
Ladies' New '
Spring Oxfords
and Pumps
We've just received a large
shipment of ladies' latest style
pumps and oxfords.
The latest style suede and pun
metal oxfords.
Xew 3 and 4 strap pumps. A
full range of sizes.
$3.00 to $4.50
In Grando Mcrcliant Is Jailed.
La tirande,. ore. W. V. Berry,
proprietor of a loal dry goods store,
was arrested this week charged with
beating his wife. In his Inability to
secure bond money he was Jailed.
Teacher Sues for Damages.
North Yakima, Wash. Etta Law
rence, a school teacher of Naehes city,
tiled suit against V. Ctoddsell for $523
damage lor injuries which she al
leges were inflicted by a vicious horse
belonging to Uoddsell.
Send $250 Without Name.
Moscow, Idaho. The Idaho Na
tional Harvester company received
through the mails $250 as a payment
in advance to guarantee the shipment
of a harvester to some farmer u
southern Idaho, but the letter accom
panying the cash was unsigned.
Power for Milton Districts.
Milton, ore. Milton Is supplying
power to the Irrigated districts north
and west of Frecwater, and building
two new power lines, one on the east
s;de of the Walla- Walla river, and the
other west of Sunnyside. The work
is in charge of City Klectrlcian L. K,
Pure Foods in Our Model of Cleanliness Basement
Groceries in Sanitary Packages is Our Hobby
Fancy Cod Fish, boneless, packages, and
tenderloins 10 P
.Smoked Halibut, bright, clean, good, the
Fancv Golden Bloaters, large 4 for..-
Salt Herring, G for
Blood Bed Salmon bellies, pound .-Op
Fat Mackerel W and 30
Herring in boullion, can "2
Haddies and Ivippered Herring cans
Minced Whole Clams, 3 cans .- 50
Green Turtle Meat. Prime Caviar, Sardel
lens, Sardines, Salmon and Oysters, in the
widest varieties. We carry only the lw-st
brands of the world's best products.
Shelled almonds 50
Pecans 45v
Put up in jars.
We receive Compressed yeait daily, 2 cakes
for .". JSp
Peanut Butter makes delicious sandwiches,
jars - 20, 35
Fancv Stuffed Olives, qt Economv jars
. 81.00
Fancy Green Olives, Economy jars SI. 10
Plain and mixed sweet pickles, pint 20
Dills, quart 20
Fancv sour pickle, quart 20p
Chow Chow, int 20
Prf-scrvM Ginger, jars 50 and 90
OBAXGES We will continue our special
sale on nice ripe juicy oranges for the bal
ance of this week, spwial price doz 25
More Teacher at l-Vrndalv.
Freewater, Ore. Feindale district
is contemplating adding more school
rooms. At a meeting of the school
hoard this week the teachers were
all reengaged for another year. The
tenth grade is to be added and an
other teacher employed for the high
s.hool work.
See Peril to Religious Papers.
llutte, Mont. The Silver Bow
County Sunday school association to
night wired a protest to Montana'i
congressional delegation against the
proposed increase in postage rate on
magazines on the ground that it
would raise the cost of religious per
flitting Ice ut Klgin.
Elgin, Ore. Elgin ice men have
nearly filled their houses from North
Powder, the ice shipped in being
about twelve Inches thick. Yester
day they commenced cutting six-Inch
ice here. This morning the Ice
eight inches thick and a car Is boing
loaded for Palmers Junction for tie
Urahatn packing plant.
when the Northern Paalflc was rerr
rylng trains across the Columbia. .
Snow Aids Ills' llend Wlieat,
Wilbur, Wash. The heaviest Bnow
of the year fell Saturday, about four
itches. With the snow came a mod
eratlon of the temperature. Condi
tions for a good wheat crop have not
been better in four years. Lack. of.
moisture in the ground before freez-
ng weather in l'JOD and unfavorablo
weather conditions in the spring of
lit 10, with strong winds that drew
what little moisture was left out of
the ground during sprouting, time,
was too much for growing wheat and
light crop was the consequence.
Tiny Man Gruba Hlg Trees.
hite Salmon, Wash. Weighing
87 pounds, four feet five inches ni
height and 32 years old, Anton
Schmidt is going Into the forest to
tackle the big trees of the eountry as
preliminary to setting out an or
chard. Anton came from. Germany.
where he was a landscape gardener t
and laid out grounds for tho arlsto-1
crats of that country. So small and
active is Anton Schmidt that he is
often followed around by tho Indi
ans, who regard him its an object of
curiosity, and Sallle Queamps. says,
"Me adopt little fello If he come o
round With Throat Cut.
Portland, Ore. Robert MacCar-
mack of Spokane, who was found on
the street with Ills throat cut at an
early hour Weduesday morning, died
tonight as a result of the self-inflict
ed wound. MacCarmack was 6 7
years old. Whicn MacCarmack w.u
first discovered he said an attempt
had been made to murder him, but
it aiterward was discovered that he
had inflicted the wound himself. De
tectives Aichenor and Howell wade
an investigation of the circumstances
of the alleged tragedy and It was
Teamed that MacCarmack had squan
dered money which he had borrowed
to send tils wife to Spokane.
Asjr tour arugglnt for u Fre Peru.
1111 jj oiiuiuiiv
State of Ohio, City of Tolodo, Lues
C'OUUly u
Frank J. Cheney ma -a oaU that ha la
eolur partner of the firm if K. J. Cbanrj
Co., doing aualneaa In the City of Toledo,
'ouaty and State aforesaid, and that acid
firm will pay the aura of ONB BUNDKBI)
IKH.LAK8 for each aad every caa of ca
tarrh that cannot ba cored by the uae ot
Malls Catarrh Car.
Hworn to before me aad subscribed la bj
pmence, tbla Otto day of December, A. D..
Notary Poalle.
Hall's Catarrh Cora la taken Internally
and acta directly on the blood aad aiacooa
urfarea of the system. Bead for tattk-
noniaia int.
Sold by All Drocftata. Tft,
Inknown Killed by Train,
Sprague. Wash. Coroner O. L. Ad
ams arrived last night and an inquest
was held over the body of the un
known man found by the Northern
Pacific tracks west of town Thursday
morning. Nothing was found on the
body by which It might be Identified
and it wa decided that ho met death
by be;n5 struck by the train.
A Crazy Spall.
Tho otters was "Trovatore."
Tlimigli I no moro may hold the.
Yet Is thy na:no a spell,
an,; t! e li:issn tu the prima donna.
Ai.il it w:is. Her imn:e was Sopbronla
f'zochlliiiiklw Icz. JuUsc's Library.
Save Your Coupons
Where it Pays to Trade
Story c
Hs:r:n'in's rlrst Purchasf
early eighties
Iiit- bis oiri -e aad
! :s waniins on
of bis tirst rail
One m .r.
without any ; -n
Bounced tbe I ur.-!
"WLt: .'. . l ; ' u;o;.ey for it?"
asliej Ui. ! '
"Never i . i , it." s;:l II: rri
man. The rvz.C the bdiis Hay vlz-1
Southern, running from Luke Ontario
to Stanley, N. Y. It was thirty-four
miles Ions uud owned two crippled lo
Conjotive.-. tv o iijiseiigtT cars n:i 1 s v
en freight cars.
"It isn't even a real good strcal: of
rust," said a man who looked over it
for him.
Harriin.ui pulled out his map. lie
was studying railroad maps even then.
"It's g t the best harlor on I':
lake." he said. "The f'ennsylva::;..
road has jrnt to fuy it."
He started to build a big craiti ele
vator and to improve the track. A fevr
months later he disappeared from his
office for several days and returned
with a chevk for SJtiO.OOO. lie hail
sold his road to tlie I'ennsylvania nil
"They had to have It." he said
"They saw it ns soon an I showed it to
"lint I saw it first." be added. lie
Clure's Magazine.
A Seventeenth Century Cookbook
Tells Why It Was Invented.
A val"t of Tuls XIV. published n
cooklxxik in lio In which he gives an
follows the reason for the Invention of
the hollow soup plate:
The plates of the guests will be hol
low In order that they may help tbem
elves to as much soup as they may
want without being obliged to take It
poonful by spoonful because of the
tffrgont tliej may hare for. one ajiothp-
on seeing the spoon go rrom tne moutn
to the tureen.
GuesU, It will be Been, used their
own spoons to All their plates, the
large spoon to be used for serving the
soup not being Invented till some time
Tet even a hundred years after the
Invention of tho sotip plate (1719) a
work on civility rflvistd that all the
dishes should be so placed on the table
that every one could reach them with
his spoon and that If the soup was
served In a dish (tureen) every one
should help himself with his own
spoon without seeming to be in a hurry.
A work ou manners that appeared
Just before the French revolution
deemed It best to advise Its renders
that It was Impolite to pass the spoon
back and forth between the mouth and
the tureen.
Difficult Horseback Feat
There are no better horsemen In the
world than the cavalry officers 6t the
Italian army, yet even among them
there are very few who could perform
the feat achieved by one of them. To
run an ordinary foot race Is easy
enough, but to run at full speed for
several hundred yards holding In one
bond a spoon on which rests an egg
and to reach the goal without dropping
the egg is a feat which must be prac
ticed carefully a long time before It
can be performed successfully, and as
a result there are not many who can
be sure of accomplishing It whenever
they try. Great, therefore, was the
surprise when an Italian officer mount
ed on horseback performed this diffi
cult feat. Moreover, he selected a
course In which tl;rc were two or
three high fences, and these he cleared
at full gallop without losing the egg.
Tims For Stillness,
Mrs. Macl-achlan was kind to her
American boarder, but she did not pro
pose to allow her to overstep the limits
of a boarder's privileges, and she made
u warv pUr cn Rnndnv the boarder
mmrninff TTotn a waik found Hi vis-
There la Only One
"Bromo Quinine"
That Is
Laxative Bromo Quinine
jD rue world oven to cure a cold m one day.
Always rcmembw the full name. Iook
far thii atfnatiiM on every box. 25c.
aows of her rooni, which she Una ten
wide open, tightly closed.
"Oh. Mrs. MucLnchlan, I don't like my
room to get stuffy," she said when she
went downstairs again. "I like plenty
of fresh air."
"Your room will na get stuffy In one
day." said her landlady firmly. " Twas
never our custom, miss, to hae fresh
air rooshln' about the house on the
Too Strong.
"My boy tells me you discharged
him." said the late office boy's mother
"Yon advertised for a strong boy, and
I certainly thought he was strong
"Madam," replied the merchant, "he
was too strenc. He bro!;e all the rules
of the office iMid some of the furniture
In the two days be was with us."
His Fichinj Trips.
"Pa, where do you go fishing?"
"My son. 1 never go fishing nowa
days." "Well. Mr. Snarler snld last night
you were alwnys throwing a sprat t"
catch a mackerel."
Courage that grows from constitu
tion often forsakes the man when he
has occasion for It; courage which
arises from a vens'- of duty acts in t
uniform manner. Addison.
MaHo L'p by Herself.
Sllllfiis We hear of ninny self made
men, but seldom of n se!, made wo
man. Cytil-tis How about the wo
man whose face U her fortune? Phil
adelphia Tiocord.
The man who owes everything to his
wife seldom pays it back. Life.
Do you use an atomizer in treating
Naflal Catarrh? If so you will appre
ciate Ey's Liquid Cream Balm, the
quickest and surest remedy for this
dicease, In all curative properties It
Is identical with the solid Cream
which is so famous and so successful
in overcoming Catarrh, Hay Fever
and Cold In the head. There Is relief
In the first dash of spray upon the
heated sensitive air-passages. All
druggists 76c, including spraying tub.
or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 War-en
-treet, New York.
Better buy one good book for toe
family than three or four cheap stoy
papers. Boys and girls acquainted
with great thinkers of great though'
will not seek the Forb'ty of loafers
r read the frothy, enervating nov ..
All the news all
i-last Oregonlan.
the time In the
High Mgxilo at I.a Grande.
jh. Grande, Ore. One solid piece
of timber hewn square, and measur
ing six inches suare at the base and
five at the apex, and grown In the
forest owned l' the George Palmer
Lumber Company, will be erected In
front of the company's main office
in this city as a flagpole. The piece
of timber is the 'longest of any trim
med as a flagpole in this county.
Iiiy Sidewalks at I'ttsoo.
Pasco, Wash. Frank Overton of
Overton Brothers, Corvallls, Ore.,
who have the contract for laying side
walks In Pasco, arrived here yester
day. The contract provides for 100,
000 feet of sidewalk and 10,000 feet
of curbing, all concrete. Excavating
of about 4000 yards will have to be
done before the work of laying tne
walks can be commenced. They are
bringing cix married employes with
their families to Pasco.
(Jb.ieot.-4 to I.onp Frog.
Everett, Wash. Rather than to
send his son, aged 10, to the public
schools at Langley, on Whldby Is
land, where little boys and girls play
ed leap frog together, the Rev. J. H.
Requa, pastor of the Friends' church
at Langley, submitted to arrest on
a charge of violating tho compulsory
education law. He was taken to
Coupeville Monday morning. Mr.
Requa criticizes the sanitary and
moral conditions at the school.
Condemn i:igin Opcni House.
Elgin, Ore. At an fidjourned
council meeting the opera house of
Robert LMumenstein was condemned,
leaving Elgin without a playhouse.
The dance hall of Henry Ruder was
discussed. A committee wus appoint
ed to investigate public buildings. Tho
city clerk was also commanded to no
tify the owners of property on the
east side of Front s'reet to obtain
deeds for land necessary to straight
en the street.
Drinks Liniment for Cough,
Cheueluh, Wash. Charles Kumry,
a rancher, Is In a serious condition as
a result of taking poison by mistake
for cough medicine. W'lth another
rancher he roomed at a local hotel
Thursdny night. Before retiring no
placed cough medicine on the dresser.
Later in tho night he Jumped from
his bed and drank of a bottle from
the dresser, believing It contained his
medicine. After taking a large swal
low he discovered he had drank por
sonous horse liniment.
Itldc 1000 MUCH, Itnya IjiihI.
Pasco, Wash To leave home one
day of the week and four days later
(after having traveled over 1000
miles) to have purchased a fruit
runch and begin its planting Is the
t ry of J. p. Anderson, who left his
'imt at Badger, Minn., Monday, and
ifter spending a day In Spokane
ached Pasco at 12:30 p. rn, today.
. y 3 o'clock p. m. Mr. Anderson had
Hiircriased a 10-acre tract from the
r.-isco Reclamation company and
darted Immediately to grub and lev
1 1 his land. Mr. Anderson passed
through this country 20 years ago,
"1 would like to exchange this live
1 uliir opera l::g for a five dollar c h:if
in:- dish."
".; -rry, mbs, but those opera bag..
;,-o bcr-.i ir..irked down lo J'l.C.' -IViishiiigton
The Rreipj.
Mrs. John I do wish I had a gooil
ivcl;e for falling hair. John -Most wo
men nowadays Just pick II up again
ami hang It ou the back of n chair. -Yotingstown
When you plar.i. this spring, sow
a few seeds of kindness-. Taey wul
flourish so and produce such an
abundant crop of. good cheer that you
will be encouraged to plant luxgely
of this crop uDother year. No. crop
pays better.
Tour oats vill nut be so apt to rust
if you get tltem in early.
The more, a man goes around, thf
less he Is apt to develop into a crank.
Don't complain If you lose some of
your grain sacks at the mill If you
have not marked them. Have every
bag plainly marked.
Don't be in too big a hurry. Ifa
unwise, to work soil when It Is soggy
and very wet. Walt until it dries In
to erumbly.workablQ condition.
Now mind this: Make two sowings
of clover seed, one now and one early
in April. I'se hntf red. other half
atslke. Do not miss the alslko.
Tho moro corn the more stock; the
more stock the richer the land; the
richer the land tho more corn and
there you have the secret of a rota
tion that Is sure to bring success.
Entirely too many people In this
world are making themselves cross
eyed looking for the street of easy
money? This is as vain and foolish
as hunting for the pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow.
Just us soon as the froBt Is out of
the ground it will do to sow onion
seed and peas. Beets, early potatoes,
spinach, radishes and lettuce may do
planted early, too. Tender vegeta
bles should wait until April or May.
It Is a mistake to plant the same
types of vegetables In the rame spot
year after year; keep them moving
to prevent insects and diseases from
getting a foothold, and It Is a mistake)
to forget that a garden needs plant
food In order to nourish vegetables
properly. Stable manure and a
sprinkle of boneme.il will do, nicely.
From March F'irm Journal.
If you would hit the mark you must
ilm a little above It. Every arrow
that (lies feels the attraction of the
Tho Kidneys and the Skin.. If the
kidneys are weak or torpid, the skin
will be pimply or blotchy. Hood's
Snrsaparilla strengthens and stimu
lates tho kidneys and clears the com
plexion. By thoroughly purifying the
blood It makes good health.
Tells How to Cure limn WlUi In
ternal Mellcln
Do you know the cause of piles?
Is It Internal or external?
Will salves, suppositories or cut
ting remove the cause?
How can one bo cured permanent
ly? Do you know how Dr. J. S. Leon
hnrdt found the cause and cure?
All these questions answered fully
In a hnnklet mailed free by Dr. Lcon
hardt Co., station B, Buffalo N. Y.,
or at Pendleton Drug Co. nnd drug
gists everywhere who will sell the
successful remedy, Ilem-Rold, under
guarantee nt Jl per large bottle.
A Week's Trip Through the Sunny
South Commencing Mon. Night Feb.
27th and Continuing all Week
Rose City Quintette
Songs of Dixie and Witty Monologues
George WILLIAMS & CLARK billie
The Allgator Duo, In "Who Said Sam?" '
armour GOFF & TEBOW rube
Soft Shoe dancers.
A Typical Old Darkle Comodian.
Another great feature on the bill is
Featuring the latest song hits,
Reading and Shakespearean Recitals.
Complete Change of Program Thurs,
Matinee every day except Monday.
Evening Admission, 15c and 25c. Matinee Admission, 10c and 20o